Heavenly Monarch

Chapter 67: [Swallowing and purifying]



Old Man Xu stood up as he slapped the case. His originally elegant face was suddenly full of anger. He glared at the frightened men in front of him and roared: "What are you doing for food! Dozens of people are watching, and Yifan was taken away!!! You please Are all the bodyguards useless?!"

One of the men in front of him was covered in sweat and he was speechless.

This was an ordinary room in a seemingly inconspicuous three-star hotel in K city. The ashtray in front of Old Man Xu was full of cigarette butts, and it fell to the ground immediately after he slapped it.

At this moment, there were three other people in black uniforms in the room, and their expressions were serious. They were standing by the door and the window respectively. Their postures were upright and filled with a capable temperament. One of the people standing close to Mr. Xu frowned when he heard this and said: "Mr. Xu, now is not the time to be anxious. Your Majesty." If the young master is kidnapped, the other party will definitely contact us, and we will also... "

Old Man Xu was filled with anger, glanced at this man, and finally took a deep breath and sat down. After all, the three men in black uniforms around him were all special service personnel specially assigned to protect him. With different identities, he could not easily refute. He just said in a deep voice: "You protected me, but now my son has been arrested. They I don’t care what demands you make, all I care about is my son’s life!”

The leader of the three men in black uniforms pondered for a moment and said slowly: "We will investigate this matter. Now a team of people has gone to your home. Please be patient."

"Can I go home and have a look?" Old Man Xu frowned.

The man immediately shook his head: "No! The current situation is unknown, and the other party's methods are very arrogant. We can't take the risk of letting you show up." The secret service officer also showed an angry look on his face: "These people's methods of committing crimes are so blatant, hum!"

"Then I want to make a call." Old man Xu looked unhappy.

"This... we have to monitor."

"Monitor!" Old Man Xu was angry: "Are you here to protect me or to imprison me?"

The special service officer was also a little dissatisfied, but after all, Old Man Xu had a special status, so he still suppressed his anger and said slowly: "Mr. Xu, please believe in our ability. There is already a team of colleagues working - as for you, your safety and Whether it will have a great social impact, we cannot take risks..."

Old Man Xu snorted and sat down slowly, with a bitter look on his face: "I thought I was the target, but I didn't expect that the other party actually attacked Yifan directly."

After saying that, he glared at the men standing in front of him: "Why are you still standing there! Find it! Use all your power and means! I will dig up the ground in K City and find out the whereabouts of those guys!"

After walking out of the room, the leader of the special service team had a gloomy face. A colleague came over behind him: "Boss, this person named Xu has gone too far. We are here to protect him, not his servants! Call and drink. …”

"Shut up." The leader of the special service team glared at his subordinates: "Remember your identity! Mr. Xu is a socialite, and protecting his safety is of great significance to the financial order of the region! Besides, his son was kidnapped. Anyone would get angry."

After speaking, he took out a cigarette, lit it, took a puff, and his eyes were full of energy: "Pay attention to sending people to patrol the stairs, elevators, and rooftops. Brothers, please cheer up. This time the criminal is no small matter, and his methods are very sophisticated." Fierce. Didn't you listen to what was said on the phone? They raided the Xu family's mansion, probably using heavy weapons, and the entire Xu family's house was demolished to the ground!"

The subordinate gave a bitter smile, looked around, and lowered his voice: "Boss, I'm afraid it's not a heavy weapon. I just called the brothers at the scene and heard what the Xu family's bodyguards said about it. The giant... is worse than a sword or a gun, and bullets can't even penetrate it. Damn it... could it be some kind of humanoid mecha?"

The leader glared at him: "I think you have watched too many science fiction movies! Humanoid mechas? Where can you find such a thing! If it is such a high-tech thing, which criminal gang in the world can develop it? Even if it is If it is developed, will it be used against a real estate developer with a net worth of less than one billion? What a joke!"

"But at the scene..." The colleague wanted to say something more, but a sharp look suddenly flashed in the leader's eyes: "Watch your mouth! Don't think about what you shouldn't think about, and don't ask what you shouldn't ask! I think you need to learn again. It’s time to discipline yourself!”

The subordinates shrank their heads in fear.

The special service team leader sighed and glanced at his subordinates, his eyes a little complicated: "You are still young, there are many things that you should not know... Stay on guard while I go around to see if there are any abnormalities with my colleagues in other groups."

When he reached the stairs, he threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out. At this time, several policemen in police uniforms came up from the stairs. The leader was Officer Xu. Officer Xu and the special service team leader looked at each other. Both of them were stunned for a moment, and then a bitter smile appeared on their faces. Come.

"You're here." The special service team leader said, his voice seemed a little embarrassed.

"Well... I'll cooperate with you in your work." Officer Xu glanced at the other party's black suit uniform as if subconsciously: "Hmm... New uniform? It's very beautiful, much better than the one back then."

Then Officer Xu said to the police behind him: "You go ahead, I will be here in a moment."

When there were only two people left in the corridor, the special service team leader finally sighed and asked dullly: "How is it in the police force?"

"What else can I do?" Officer Xu's tone seemed to be very relaxed: "I sit in the office every day, go to work when there is a case, catch gangs of gangsters, prostitutes and gamblers, burglaries and robberies... I really encounter big cases, such as bank robberies. Or something like that, we just stand aside and let the armed police dispatch. Speaking of which, the biggest case I have handled in recent years was a gang fight two years ago. As for other things... my life is pretty peaceful. Compared with those in the team It’s been a lot easier.”

Although he said "relaxed", there was clearly a hint of unwillingness in his eyes.

"Old Xu..." the special service team leader shouted, his voice a little hoarse, and he subconsciously touched the cigarette in his pocket.

"Smoke mine." Officer Xu seemed to smile and took out a box of high-end Chinese cigarettes from his wallet. The special service team leader took a look and frowned: "You also smoke such high-end cigarettes?"

Officer Xu heard what the other party meant and smiled lightly: "Don't worry, I have never forgotten the regulations of the team. It's just that I am in this position now. Being a policeman is different from being a special agent. People like me have to do all kinds of things. Don't worry, I won't do corruption or bribery. But... On weekdays, socializing with food and drinks is always inevitable. This is how today's society is. Look at my current figure, I have a beer belly, which is different from what I did back then. It’s different when you’re on the SWAT team.”

"Actually..." The special service team leader did not go to pick up the cigarettes, but suddenly said: "What happened back then, I wronged you. I know that you are not responsible for what happened that time."

"So what." Officer Xu smiled self-deprecatingly, and when the other party refused to accept the cigarette, he lit one for himself, took a deep puff, and said seriously: "Someone has to take the blame. I understand this, I don’t need you to enlighten me.”

"Actually... I have been promoted over the years and sat in my current position, and I only vaguely know a little bit about what happened back then... The higher-ups also knew that the people who were doing the case that time were unusual. But in this field, the people above It has always been kept secret. So the situation will not be announced casually. You wrote such a report rashly and you were naturally assigned. But... the team has not treated you badly. Your current position can be considered a good job. Worse. In fact, that was nine years ago, when confidentiality was tighter, but now it is much looser. If your matter were placed now, it would not be so serious. "

Officer Xu listened noncommittally, remained silent for a while, and asked: "Old Xiao, there are no outsiders here. Tell me the truth. What are you going to do about this matter? Huh, I just came back from the Xu family mansion. This time You can't just find an excuse to get rid of the matter, right? The person who handled this case is not an ordinary person, and I know you will definitely keep your mouth shut. But... The bodyguard of the Xu family at the scene said that there was only one person on the other side, hum, one person demolished it with his bare hands. A house? Even bullets can't kill it... Do you believe it?"

"Believe it or not, you can only keep it in your heart. Always, when it is announced to the outside world, someone will naturally come up with an excuse." The special service team leader glanced at Officer Xu: "We just have to do our part. That’s all.”

"The case is over, let's have a meal together one day." Officer Xu adjusted his hat and threw away the cigarette butt: "It's been a long time since we had dinner together. Let's just get together as old friends and not talk about work."

After saying that, he turned to leave, but the special service team leader shouted from behind: "Old Xu."


"If..." The special service team leader hesitated: "If I find a way to transfer you back..."

"Haha, forget it." Officer Xu shook his head and patted his bulging belly mockingly: "Did you see it? Back then, my waist was two feet two, and now it is two feet eight. When I was in the special service team, , I am the best in the team in hand-to-hand combat. I can climb up four or five floors without tools. Now... Hehe, it’s useless. I’m not afraid of your jokes. Now if I compete with drinking, I’m afraid the whole team is no match for me. With other abilities Well...I almost forgot about it."

The special service team leader sighed with regret: "The higher ups... I'm afraid they will send a newly established department to assist this time. Once those people come to take over, I will be fine and I will meet you for a drink then."

"The newly established department..." A strange look flashed in Officer Xu's eyes, but he sneered: "Huh, the newly established department. I don't think it is newly established, it has been there for a long time. It's just that we didn't do it before. I just know. Hmph... There have been more and more difficult things like this in recent years, and the higher-ups can no longer cover them up, so they are exposed. If this had happened earlier, I would not have left the special service team... "

After saying that, he shook his head and turned to leave.

The special service team leader also walked back to the corridor and saw his men face to face.

"Boss, I've seen it all. Everything is normal." The subordinate glanced at the back of Officer Xu who was walking towards the other end of the corridor: "Yi? Who are you talking to? The local police force?" After a pause, He smiled, with a somewhat disapproving tone: "For this kind of case, what's the use of these policemen? We have enough people in the team."

"Shut up. You just can't control your mouth!" The team leader suddenly became angry. He looked back at Officer Xu's back and sneered: "You look down on this person? Let me tell you, back then, he was a capable person. Beat three like me! Who do you think set the record of forty-six consecutive wins in hand-to-hand combat and first place in firearms rapid fire in our team! A young boy like you has probably never heard of his name! Back then... Speaking of the 'hot-shot Xu' in our team, hum..."

Officer Xu took the elevator downstairs and left the hotel lobby. He took out his mobile phone and found a number...

"Chen Xiao...this boy, you are always there no matter what happens."

Officer Xu smiled bitterly. He had already visited the Xu family and learned about the situation. He knew that there were three people kidnapped together. In addition to the second young master of the Xu family, there was also a man and a woman, both students of Kidd College.

The police have already sent people to notify Baicai's house. And Chen Xiao…

"There should be no one at home." Officer Xu smiled bitterly, but decided to go and take a look.

He got into a police car and drove all the way to Chen Xiao's neighborhood. After going upstairs, he rang the doorbell.

Ding dong…

The doorbell rang several times in succession, and Officer Xu frowned: It seemed that no one was really there. Just as he turned to leave, there were footsteps in the door, and then the door opened, and a girl's head emerged from the crack in the door.

With big blue eyes, slightly naturally curly light blond hair, delicate white skin, exquisite facial features, and a fresh and pleasant aura, she is a perfect underage beauty. It is foreseeable that the future will In three or four years, she will grow into a beauty that will conquer the entire country.

Officer Xu was stunned for a while. For a middle-aged man like him, although he was amazed by the other party's appearance, what was even more strange was the color of his eyes and hair... Foreigner

Did you find the wrong address? I took a look at the door number, yes. Why are there foreigners living in Chen Xiao’s house

Yaya looked at the man standing in front of him - the clothes he was wearing. Yaya had seen it on TV. He seemed to be a kind of person called a "police". Chen Xiao had said that the police specialize in catching bad people. .

"Excuse me, you..." Yaya hesitated for a moment before speaking. Chen Xiao once warned her not to open the door to strangers casually, for fear that there would be bad guys, but she saw through the peephole that the other party was a "policeman" - the police should not be bad guys.

"Is this Chen Xiao's home?" After all, he was an experienced police officer. Officer Xu quickly calmed down.

"Chen Xiao... yes, this is Chen Xiao's home." Yaya's big blue eyes flashed: "But, he is not at home."

"Can I come in?" Officer Xu smiled: "I am his friend."

Although there was some hesitation, Yaya began to open the door obediently... What a simple little girl.

Entering the door, I took a look at the layout of the house.

It can be seen that it is very simple. There are no extravagant furnishings in the house. Everything is very simple, but it is kept very clean. The tables, chairs and sofas in the living room seem to be new.

Yayao thought for a moment, turned around and ran into the kitchen. After a while, she brought out a cup of tea and put it on the table. She smiled sweetly: "I'm sorry, it seems that when guests come to the house, you should pour tea." - Well, I also saw this from TV and books, so it should be correct.

Officer Xu sat down and looked at the shy Yao standing in front of him.

"Excuse me, what is your relationship with Chen Xiao? Who are you?"

Yaya was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't know how to answer. After thinking for a while, he said: "Uh... me? I... I can be considered his person."


I don’t know whether it was because the tea was too hot or because he was shocked by these words. Officer Xu just took a sip of tea and it spurted out from his mouth!

Today's young people... are so bold in what they say!

Yaya looked at the "policeman" in front of him with some curiosity.

Officer Xu coughed: "Um, are you his... uh, his girlfriend?"

Yaya thought for a moment... Girlfriend, I seem to have seen this word in a book. Although I don't know what it means specifically, but in books and TV content, all "girlfriends" refer to boys who are very close. , a very familiar girl. The most prominent characteristics that Yaya remembers are: cooking for each other, and sleeping with each other...

It seems that I have these two points...

So Yayao nodded and answered happily: "Well, I am Chen Xiao's girlfriend."

Officer Xu sighed and couldn't help but take another look at this pretty and cute little blond girl - well, she seems to be very young, Chen Xiao, this kid, doesn't know how to seduce underage girls.

But the purpose of my trip is not these messy things after all.

Then, Officer Xu took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Little girl, please sit down, uh... I brought you some not-so-good news. Well, don't be excited or too excited after hearing this." Be anxious. Our police have gone all out to deal with this case. So... you must not get angry in a hurry, do you understand?"

Yayao said "Oh" very obediently, and continued to blink her big eyes, curiously looking at the "policeman" in front of her - it was so fun, except for what she saw on TV, this policeman was actually alive now. .

"Uh... here's the thing, classmate Chen Xiao, unfortunately, he was... um, kidnapped by a group of people!"

After saying this in a sad tone, Officer Xu immediately looked at Yaya nervously, waiting for the other party's reaction.

Previously, a colleague went to the home of the girl named Baicai to inform her parents. It is said that the parents immediately screamed and screamed after hearing this, and the mother of the classmate Baicai fainted immediately.

Looking at Yaya nervously, waiting for the girl's excitement... Will she cry? Will you faint with excitement

Officer Xu even had a pack of tissues ready in his pocket.


Five seconds passed... Ten seconds passed... Twenty seconds passed...

Yaya didn't respond, still looking at Officer Xu innocently, her expression unchanged.

Uh... Could it be that the blow was too severe and she lost her reaction

Finally, Yaya spoke, and after just one sentence... Yaya was not the one who fainted, but Officer Xu almost fainted!

"Uh... Mr. Police, may I ask... what is 'kidnapping'?"

"Hey, let me tell you, it's almost dawn, can you get some food?"

Xu Ershao seemed not nervous at all. He knocked on the wooden box with his hand and held a cigarette and lighter in his other hand - the cigarette lighter was given to him by Qiu Yun. Qiu Yun seemed to really treat the three meat tickets preferentially. When Xu Ershao asked to smoke, Qiu Yun actually threw a pack of cigarettes and a lighter to him - Qiu Yun seemed to have a lot of lighters anyway.

"We are starving to death... After all, we are also meat. If we starve to death, how can you blackmail my father." Xu Ershao puffed out his cigarette leisurely.

Baicai next to him stared at Xu Ershao speechlessly.

However, Chen Xiao kept his head lowered and stretched out his hands in front of him. He stared at his hands motionlessly, as if there was something particularly interesting on his hands. He sat on a wooden box and leaned his back against the wall. , has been sitting like this for a whole night, with his head lowered, and others can't see his face clearly.

During this period, Baicai and Xu Ershao talked to Chen Xiao, but Chen Xiao was indifferent. They were even a little worried that Chen Xiao might have been brain-damaged when he fought with the monster Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"Oh, little brother, are you hungry?" Alice twisted her waist and walked over gracefully, holding two buckets of instant noodles in her hands: "This is the only one, will you eat it?"

Chen Xiao suddenly raised his head: "Who dares to eat something from the poisonous snake's hand?"

Alice's eyes flashed with anger, but she still had a charming smile on her face: "Children, are you so afraid of me poisoning you? Don't worry, I can't bear it for you, such a cute little kid. Besides, if I want to poison you, Poison, can you prevent it just by not eating?"

Chen Xiao smiled. His smile was a little painful and tired. After all, he suffered a lot of injuries in the fierce fight with the Tyrannosaurus Rex last night. At this moment, just smiling, the muscles on his face were a little aching.

"Excuse me, what are your methods of poisoning?" Chen Xiao thought for a moment: "Miss Alice, I have read your information and am very curious about you. I know that you were born with toxins in your body, and you poisoned your body." The method of poisoning is even more subtle. For example, at the banquet a few days ago, you poisoned Mr. Xu and three others. Now I can’t figure out what method you used."

Alice smiled, a little proud, and glanced at Chen Xiao: "You can't figure it out? Huh, but do you think I will tell you if you ask?"

Chen Xiao smiled slightly: "Actually, I have guessed something, but I just want to confirm it." After a pause, he tilted his head and said slowly while thinking: "Your superpower is poison, and another superpower is Imitation. I thought about what happened that day. Only three people were poisoned. If you poisoned the wine, then many guests in the room were poisoned. I thought about it again and came to a guess: you may be First, you put on makeup to look like a certain guest, and then... You take your own cup and take a sip, and then the edge of the wine cup is stained with the poison of your saliva! Then you hold the cup and talk to Mr. Xu and Mr. Lu, In that kind of situation, such social conversation is normal. As long as you deliberately clink the wine glasses with them and toast them, then the highly toxic saliva on the edge of your glass will be contaminated by their wine glasses! Then Mr. Lu, Mr. Xu, and the guy from the European consortium, as the three main VIP guests, will definitely clink glasses to each other. As a result... the edges of the three glasses will be stained with your saliva, even if they are very heavy. Small, but enough, right?”

Alice's eyes lit up: "Boy, you are quite smart."

Chen Xiao smiled calmly: "Ashamed. I'm really curious. Is the toxin in your blood the same as saliva? It seems that at least it can make people comatose or make the whole body stiff, and at worst... it can kill people, right? Right? It’s just the degree of poisoning. How is it usually controlled?”

Alice sneered: "Boy, do you want to know the details about me? Huh, a rookie is a rookie. Many people in the supernatural world know this, so it doesn't hurt to tell you! It's anger! The more excited I Alice becomes, the angrier she gets. As time goes by, the toxin becomes stronger! So everyone who knows me knows that it is best not to anger me!"

After saying that, he glanced at Chen Xiao threateningly.

"So... I'm curious. You talk every day. It stands to reason that even when you breathe, the saliva in your mouth will inevitably dry in the airflow and be carried out of your mouth by the airflow. Then the person who talks to you face to face , wouldn’t it also lead to poisoning? Well, wouldn’t it be very miserable for you? I’m afraid you don’t even have friends, because no one dares to talk to you for a long time.”

Chen Xiao seemed to not care about the other party's anger at all, and still asked slowly.

Alice's face suddenly became furious! She threw the instant noodles in her hand to the ground.


Alice roared, and at the door of the factory, a three-meter-tall Tyrannosaurus rex strode in. The ground seemed to tremble with every step he took.

"What's the matter?" Tyrannosaurus rex looked at Alice condescendingly and dissatisfied.

"It's up to you to keep an eye on these three guys while I go out on patrol." Alice gritted her teeth: "Otherwise, I really can't help but kill this little rookie!"

After saying that, she strode out of the factory.

"Hmph, boy, don't anger this woman, although I don't like her either." The Tyrannosaurus rex grinned, turned around and sat on the ground - even when he was sitting on the ground, his head was higher than the height of the three young people.

"Where is Qiu Yun?" Chen Xiao asked.

"Boss, he's out." Tyrannosaurus Rex smiled: "He went to negotiate terms. If the terms are negotiated, you will be able to go back soon... Otherwise..." When Tyrannosaurus Rex said this, a trace of ferocity flashed in his eyes. : "Hmph!" After the Tyrannosaurus rex finished speaking, he sat down with his back to the three of them, but gently clenched his huge fists, seemingly bored.

Chen Xiao nodded slightly, and then leaned against the wall again.

After a while, Baicai was suddenly touched lightly by Chen Xiao. He turned around and saw Chen Xiao making a silent gesture towards him, then winked, and looked down following Chen Xiao's eyes. , Baicai immediately widened her eyes and opened her mouth. Fortunately, with Chen Xiao’s reminder, she didn’t scream!

Chen Xiao's wrist was hidden behind the wooden box, and he cut his wrist without knowing what happened! The blood on the wrist was slowly flowing down and fell on the wooden box below!

Chen Xiao's face remained as usual, as if he was not in any pain. He coughed on purpose, smiled at Xu Ershao and said, "Xiao Xu, I want to smoke, give me the lighter."

Second Young Master Xu was also stunned by Chen Xiao's "self-mutilation". After being pinched gently by Chen Xiao, he covered his mouth with force: "Oh... Oh, ah, here you go."

Chen Xiao took the lighter and lit the flame, then quietly put it under his hand, brought it to his bleeding wrist, and gently grilled the pool of blood that had gathered on the wooden box...

While Chen Xiao was roasting the blood with a lighter, he quickly made a few gestures to the two of them. After all, Xu Ershao had a tacit understanding with him, so he understood immediately, carefully pulled out a piece of cloth from his clothes, and used spit to After getting it wet, he stuffed it into his nostrils. Without any explanation, he also took a piece and stuffed it into the cabbage's nostrils.

Baicai's nostrils were stuffed with wet strips of cloth. Thinking that it was Xu Ershao's spit, her expression changed, but under Chen Xiao's awe-inspiring eyes, she did not dare to speak.

The blood was quickly dried by the flames, and a strange smell began to appear in the air. The smell was very weak at first, but as more and more blood flowed out of Chen Xiao, Chen Xiao even Set the boxes on fire...

Tyrannosaurus Rex was originally sitting with his back to the three of them. After a while, he finally smelled the smell in the air. He shrugged his nose, turned around, and frowned: "Yi? What does it smell like? Something is burning." Already?"

He stood up and saw the movements in Chen Xiao's hands. Tyrannosaurus Rex was stunned for a moment: "Little rookie, what are you doing? Are you burning yourself?"

After saying that, he frowned and stretched out his big hand to grab Chen Xiao.

But as soon as he took a step, he suddenly felt dizzy, his feet went weak, and with a bang, his huge body fell down, and his head hit a wooden box, smashing the box to pieces.

The Tyrannosaurus rex struggled for a while, but found that its body gradually stiffened, and it could not regain its strength. Its head was dizzy, and it shouted: "What the hell! What's going on..."

Then he shouted: "Alice! Did you, this guy, poison you randomly?"

But he watched helplessly as Chen Xiao jumped off the box.

"Hey! Little rookie, do you want to run away! Damn, don't move, or I'll blow you up, blow up your... your..."

At this point, the Tyrannosaurus rex couldn't hold on any longer. He closed his eyes and fainted.

Chen Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Baicai and Xu Ershao - both guys were stunned!

Xu Ershao was stunned for a moment, jumped down from the wooden box, and lightly kicked the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Seeing that the monster was motionless and unresponsive, he couldn't help but whisper: "You! What did you do? Arrived?!"

When Chen Xiao saw Second Young Master Xu trying to remove the cloth from his nostrils, Chen Xiao quickly stopped him: "No! I don't want you to faint too."

After all, Baicai is a girl and has a more delicate mind. She immediately remembered Chen Xiao using a lighter to roast blood: "You, is it your blood? How did you do that?!"

"I don't know. Just when I was resting at night, I could feel that my body was a little weird... I just asked Alice on purpose to confirm that the venom decomposed into the air may also poison people..." Chen Xiao His face changed, his eyes were a little hard, but he gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay! Now is not the time to talk, let's leave quickly! Before that Qiu Yun comes back... I'm not worried about that woman named Alice, but If Qiu Yun comes back, I am no match for him!"

After saying that, Chen Xiao grabbed Baicai and Xu Ershao's hands and ran towards the door quickly.

Although he was injured, he had recovered some strength after resting for a night, but even though he was in pain when running, he couldn't care less about it at the moment.

"Be careful, don't touch my wounds, don't touch my blood." Chen Xiao said in a bitter tone as he and his companions ran out quickly: "I don't know what happened, but... it seems, I Now he has become a 'poisonous person'."

Poisonous person? !

The expressions of the two companions changed, but Chen Xiao's heart became increasingly bitter.

Suddenly I remembered the first time I met Hei Qi, and how my body changed after that...

Could it be... was it really that Thunder Fox who said that I... After being infected by "Purification", I developed some strange abilities

Could it be...copying? Or devour

Was Heiqi's superpower swallowed up by me? Now it’s Toxin Girl Alice’s turn? But Alice's ability was not swallowed by me, she still has the ability to poison.

Maybe... it was that kiss! Is it saliva

Chen Xiao's mind was spinning rapidly...

Blood, saliva…

Could it be... DNA! Gene! !

The three of them rushed out of the factory, and finally saw that they were surrounded by shabby, rusty warehouses or factories. Many roofs had collapsed. It was obviously an uninhabited area. The surrounding trees were sparse, but the weeds were very strong.

"What is this place?" Baicai asked.

"Maybe it's the old industrial area in the east of the city." Xu Ershao is the son of a real estate developer after all, and he quickly judged it: "This factory is an abandoned old factory... Heck, it's far away from the city. We don't have a car. , how to leave?"

On a dilapidated path outside, looking from a distance, there was not a single decent building for hundreds of meters.

At this time, there were footsteps in the distance, and Alice's voice was heard: "Damn it! Tyrannosaurus rex! Why doesn't this guy turn on the walkie-talkie! You brainless idiot!"

Then Qiu Yun's voice came, saying coldly: "Humph, who asked you to run out!"

As soon as the three people heard the voices of these two people, they were all shocked!

Especially Chen Xiao! He is seriously injured now, how much fighting power does he have? Although I suddenly found that I had gained a new poison ability - the poison girl is not afraid of poison! Besides, there is still Qiu Yun!

The voice seemed to be not far away from here. Chen Xiao gritted his teeth and suddenly pulled Xu Ershao over. Without any explanation, he took off the white nightgown he had been wearing since last night. Xu Ershao He let out a low cry, but before the sound came out, Chen Xiao forcefully covered his mouth.

Seeing Xu Ershao's naked body, he quickly covered his crotch with his hands. The cabbage next to him suddenly blushed and closed his eyes quickly.

Chen Xiao had already taken off his coat, covered him with Second Young Master Xu, and then put Second Young Master Xu's hand into Baicai's hand.

"Baicai! Invisible! Take Xiao Xu and leave! Hurry!!"

What else was Baicai going to say, but Chen Xiao had already shouted: "Their target is Xiao Xu! And your power can't bring two people invisibility at the same time for too long! If you only bring one person, you can be invisible for a longer time." , enough for you to run far away! Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly!"

Second Young Master Xu was still going to speak, but Chen Xiao had already said angrily: "Xiao Xu! Stop talking nonsense! If you run out, you can still ask your father to bring people to rescue me! It's better than three people trapped here together!" After a pause, He continued: "I'm different from you! I'm...a monster!"

A complicated smile flashed across his face, but he suddenly put Xu Ershao's nightgown on his body, then strode out, shouting in the direction of Alice from a distance: "That poisonous The woman is here, everyone split up and run! Run quickly!!"

After saying that, he rushed towards Alice and Qiu Yun...

Xu Ershao's eyes were red, and he was about to rush forward, but Baicai held him tightly. There were tears in Baicai's eyes: "It's no use if you go! Find a way to find someone to save Chen Xiao! You can only mobilize him after he goes out." People from your family come and save him!”

I saw the two people's figures flashing and quickly disappearing into the air.

Chen Xiao was wearing Xu Ershao's nightgown and ran a few steps, when suddenly something happened in his heart...

Since the saliva gives her the ability to poison, what about the other ability of Toxin Girl... imitation

He touched his face, and the face of Mr. Xu flashed in his mind, and then he rubbed his face vigorously with both hands...

It's a pity that there is no mirror in front of him at this moment, otherwise, Chen Xiao will be "surprised" to find that his face and facial features suddenly look like Second Young Master Xu!

From a distance, Qiu Yun and Alice saw a man in a white nightgown running over in a panic. After running for two steps, they saw the two of them from a distance. They exclaimed and turned to one side. Flee away.

That look, that figure, and especially that face! It is the most important meat ticket, "Second Young Master Xu"! !

"Three imps ran away!" Alice was surprised.

Qiu Yun's face immediately became extremely ugly, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes: "How are you doing things!"

Alice didn't dare to refute, but looked around: "Where are the other two brats?"

"What nonsense! It's important to capture the son of the Xu family first! Don't worry about the others!" Qiu Yun snorted, dodged, and quickly jumped towards "Second Young Master Xu"...