Heavenly Monarch

Chapter 71: [I'm not human? ]


"Test, strength, first level activation, start!"

Lao Tian held something like a controller in his hand and stood two meters away from Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao took a deep breath. He was naked from the waist up, and no scars could be seen on his strong body. The cell repair fluid was indeed magical. After nodding towards Lao Tian, he saw Lao Tian press a button on the controller...


Suddenly a skylight opened automatically on the ceiling above his head, and a wooden table from the coffee shop fell down. Chen Xiao raised his arms to catch it.

"Huh..." He gently put the table down and said with a wry smile, "Why did you drop such a thing?"

"Save money." Lao Tian sighed: "Professional weighing instruments for superpowers are too expensive. It's not easy for us old bones to earn some pension funds. Hmm..." He lowered his head and glanced at a form next to him. : "The weight of this table is approximately thirty kilograms. Continue to the next step."

Chen Xiao moved the joints of his arms and did a few stretching postures, and then he felt refreshed and said, "Come again!"

"Prepare! Strength test, level 2 activation... begin!"


On the ceiling, a white object fell from the sky, but it turned out to be a freezer in a coffee shop!

Bang! Chen Xiao almost didn't get hit to death. He could only raise his arms and catch it with all his strength. However, his feet were unavoidably shaking. If he hadn't twisted his waist to stop in time, he would have almost been hit and climbed down.

Putting down the freezer gently, wiping his sweat, Chen Xiao exhaled, panting slightly: "Old Tian... this... freezer..."

Lao Tian still smiled without any anger: "Haha, funding, funding is a problem."

After a pause, he frowned and continued: "The weight of the freezer plus the contents inside is about ninety kilograms."

His eyes were a little worried: "Chen Xiao, can you still persist?"

Chen Xiao also frowned a little and looked at his arm: "It seems... I feel a little weaker than before."

"Try again." Lao Tian cheered up and pressed the last button: "Strength test, level three!"

This time, almost half of the entire ceiling was open!

With a bang, a huge object fell from the sky! But it was the nearly meter-long marble counter in the lobby of the coffee shop upstairs! ! !

Although Chen Xiao struggled to open his arms this time, the counter fell from the sky and knocked him down. Fortunately, Lao Tian had quick eyesight and quick hands, and he flew up with a kick...

I saw a ghost coming over, Lao Tian tapped his toes on the counter, and with a whoosh, the huge counter flew out and hit the wall of the secret room!


Dust flew up and the counter suddenly fell apart.

But Chen Xiao stood on the spot with a horrified look on his face, his arm almost dislocated.

"It seems... there is something really wrong." Lao Tian put down his legs and rubbed his temples: "Chen Xiao, your strength level was tested before and it was level B. That is beyond the limit of ordinary people. You can bear a maximum weight of about 10 tons. . But now... your strength seems to have declined too much."

Chen Xiao frowned: "What's going on?"

Lao Tian shook his head: "I don't know. I have tested you with a detector before. On the detector, your power level has dropped to C level. I still have some doubts about whether there is something wrong with the detector - now it seems that it is indeed There's something wrong with your body."

"Have there been any cases of superpower degradation among superpowers?" Chen Xiao asked.

"Very few...almost none." Lao Tian's face was very ugly: "Let's not talk about this first, let's test others."

Then, he took out some of Chen Xiao's blood, put it in a test tube, and pushed it into the pedestal detector in the secret room. Soon, the data display appeared on the screen...

Lao Tian looked at it and smiled bitterly: "Your blood is indeed poisonous. You have become a person with powers similar to Alice. But... Judging from the current feedback data, your poison ability is far greater than Alice's. Much weaker."

As he said this, he roughly explained:

The toxins in Chen Xiao's blood contained a substance called "biochemical phosphorus" - this kind of substance is not found in the blood of ordinary people. This substance appeared in Chen Xiao's blood. This biochemical phosphorus fused with ATP (referred to as adenosine triphosphate) in the mitochondria of body cells, resulting in a chemical reaction. A new substance was derived called AQP (adenosine tetraphosphate). This AQP is a special venom-like ingredient. According to its currently known effects, it can cause coma, paralysis, muscle stiffness, and even death in severe cases...

What Lao Tian introduced is based on the information they have about Alice's abilities. Judging from Chen Xiao's body reaction, the AQP content in his body fluids is much lower than that of the poisonous female Alice. It is only about one-fifth of Alice's, so the toxicity of the toxin is much weaker.

"According to your current body fluid toxins, you can at most make people coma and paralyze, but you cannot cause death." Lao Tian frowned and thought for a while: "However, we had many dealings with Alice in the early years. Service The agency also conducted some intelligence analysis on this woman and concluded that the toxicity of Toxin Woman's blood toxin AQP is additive. In other words, although your AQP content is lower than hers, if you consume a large amount Bleeding can also be achieved by using quantity to make up for the lack of quality."

"In other words, if Alice can kill someone with one milliliter of blood, I will use five milliliters..." Chen Xiao couldn't laugh or cry.

"Just laugh, kid." Lao Tian curled his lips: "The toxins in the blood are thin, so the toxins in your saliva are even thinner, and the harm to the human body can almost be ignored... So, if you are young, if you become A venomous person... Hehe, you look like a pretty boy. If your whole body is poisonous, how can you be intimate with a girl in the future? A kiss on the mouth can make people faint... And, ahem, don't forget, semen is also a bodily fluid. A sort of… "

Chen Xiao blushed, watching the seemingly loyal Uncle Tian say such disrespectful words.

Next, Lao Tian asked Chen Xiao to demonstrate Alice's simulated abilities.

The official name of simulated abilities in the world of abilities is "Taking Master"

Low-level simulations can only change part of their own form, and are very limited—even to use a certain metaphor, the popular Indian Yoga and Bone Shrinking Kung Fu can barely be regarded as a type of simulated superpower. The characteristic of this kind of superpower is to change the body's shape, appearance, etc...

It is said that advanced imitation master skills can achieve a very magical effect: the body muscles have their own ability to learn and imitate. Let’s give a simple example: For example, if you see acrobats or gymnasts on TV performing difficult movements, after you watch them, your body can imitate them very easily! And it’s done meticulously!

"The so-called imitation master function is that your body is not limited by the brain and has a very strong learning function. Generally speaking, the most troublesome thing when encountering a person with abilities who imitate a master is that, first, the opponent's The appearance can be ever-changing, and a man can even pretend to be a woman... Even if he takes off his clothes, you don't think you can tell whether it is real or fake! Secondly... This kind of superpowers are often very powerful, because their ability to imitate allows them to learn various skills. It’s very fast when practicing fighting skills! You can easily reproduce them just by watching them once!”

Chen Xiao followed Lao Tian's request and showed off his simulated powers.

As a result of the test, Chen Xiao can change his appearance to someone else's - but it is only limited to the face, or in other words, only to an area of the body as large as the face. It was impossible to change the whole body - when dealing with Qiu Yun, he pretended to be Xu Ershao. That was because the two had similar figures, but their faces had changed.

"According to our data, Alice's ability to imitate barely reaches level B. In other words, she can only change her body shape and disguise herself as someone else. But it still doesn't reach the kind of highly terrifying body imitation I mentioned. Function. And your simulation ability is a little weaker than Alice. You can change the outline of your face for about ten minutes... This is already the limit. At this level, I infer that your simulation ability is about Just barely reach C level."

Lao Tian said, scratching his scalp and looking at the contents recorded on the form next to him.

"Power, imitation, toxin..." He said with a wry smile: "Boy, you are really a freak. In the international superpower world, 90% of people only have one superpower and can have two superpowers at the same time. Those who can, are all famous masters. Those who can possess two or more are considered first-class characters! You have so many kinds of abilities at once... However, the level of each ability is too low."

He thought for a moment: "I personally made a guess, that is... your original body's superpower energy was a fixed total value. Originally, you only had a single superpower, which was pure power. But now, you will There are more and more superpowers. But the total value of your body’s superpower energy has not increased. Allocate this total energy value to each different superpower item. This makes the single ability of each of your superpowers. Being diluted. That's probably... that's what it means."

Sighing: "Finally, let's try the ability you got from Qiu Yun... metal molecules burst! Hehe, this power is a rare breed. Qiu Yun said that he has been popular for many years with this unique skill."

After saying that, he made a splash and took out a handful of metal objects from his pocket...

Chen Xiao glanced at it: "..."

It’s all coffee shop items.

The largest ones are metal cups, saucers, and coffee pots. The smallest one is a tiny spoon for drinking coffee...it even has two small screws!

"Try them one by one." Lao Tian suddenly pulled out a riot shield similar to that used by the police from behind to block it in front of him like a magic trick. He took two steps back and said, "Start! Take the coffee pot first."

Chen Xiao complied, holding it in his hand and concentrating...

Ten seconds passed, no response...

"..." Lao Tian sighed: "Change to a smaller cup."

Ten seconds passed, no response...

"One day younger! Spoon!"

Still... no response...

"Screws..." Lao Tian was a little frustrated.

Chen Xiao pinched a screw and stared at it nervously...

finally! He suddenly had a wonderful feeling! It seemed as if what he was holding in his hand was not a screw, but a limb that seemed to be connected with his own flesh and blood! It's as if this screw has become an extra part of the body besides his fingers!

The feeling of being connected by flesh and blood gave Chen Xiao the urge to completely control this screw to make any changes...


He roared silently in his heart.


It's very embarrassing. The screw really "exploded", but the explosion was no louder than a small firecracker. It just exploded a group of small sparks, and then fine iron filings flew around, covering it. Chen Xiao’s face…

Uncle Tian smiled dryly and glanced at Chen Xiao: "This..."

He quickly put down the riot shield, then picked up a pen and paper and wrote down a sentence on the form: "Metal bursting power... entry level."

There are four powers, but unfortunately each one is only a little higher than the entry level.

If we must define Chen Xiao's current status, then the words "expert but not expert" would be the most accurate evaluation.

"That's why I said you are in trouble." Lao Tian's expression became serious.

Chen Xiao smiled lightly: "It doesn't matter to me. Whether you have super powers or not is not important to me."

"This is not a question of ability." Lao Tian sighed, he hesitated, and said slowly: "Boy, based on the existing research results, the international superpower community has reached a general consensus that all of us superpowers, Abilities all come from genes, which are some changes in DNA that are beyond ordinary people. However, the study of DNA has always been a high-end subject. Even in the world of superpowers, what we know is very limited. However, I can tell you something Words are very popular in the international supernatural community."


"The more items there are, the more abnormal they are." Lao Tian said with a wry smile.

Chen Xiao shook his head: "I don't understand... isn't it a good thing to have more types of powers?"

"The more you know, the greater the difference between your genes and normal humans! The problem is that in the field of genes, our research results are still too limited... As you know, the genetic difference between men and women is only It’s just one chromosome. Such a subtle difference causes the difference between men and women! And the genes of chimpanzees and humans are only less than three thousandths different!”

After a pause, Lao Tian's expression became even weirder: "When you are a person with superpowers, the more types of abilities you master, the greater the difference between your genes and humans... Think about it, chimpanzees are only slightly different. Three thousandths. How far behind are you? If the difference is too much... God knows whether you are still a human... From a genetic point of view, I am afraid that chimpanzees are closer to humans than you!"

"That means... I'm not a human anymore?" Chen Xiao pointed to his nose.

"That's not the key yet." Lao Tian sighed: "The key is... we don't know if there are too many mutations, it will have any adverse effects on you. When your genes change too much, God knows what will happen to your body. Abnormal state. Even if you start growing horns on your head tomorrow, or start growing gills on your face, it is very likely to happen... "

In the lobby of the coffee shop, the fat man was wearing a waiter's apron. He was holding a broom in one hand and a linen cloth in the other. His fat face was full of tears.

"I won't do it anymore! I won't do it anymore! I won't do it anymore!" The fat man shouted in grievance: "I can't let anyone live anymore! I just clean, wipe tables, mop the floor, pour tea and deliver water... This place is still full of people. Are you waiting? I wiped the table, and a hole appeared on the ground. The table fell directly through the big hole in the ground! I wiped the freezer, and a hole appeared on the ground. The freezer fell through the big hole in the ground... Now even the counter has fallen - want It's not that I'm as light as a swallow and can dodge so fast, I almost fell in... 55555555! I don't want to be such a fool! It's too bullying, it's too bullying!!"