Heavenly Monarch

Chapter 82: [Horror Island]


Upon hearing the sound, Chen Xiao immediately pushed away the people in front of him and rushed into the office. When he walked in, he was also shocked by the scene in front of him!

The first reaction was that he immediately turned his head, held his hands on the wall, and started vomiting.

At night, the lights were dim, one window of the office was wide open, and the evening breeze kept blowing, causing the curtains to flutter. Maybe someone forgot to close the window.

But the room had turned into a nightmare-like scene!

Blood! There's blood everywhere!

The bright red blood seemed to be sprayed on every corner of the room, on the walls, windows, curtains, desks, chairs, and the floor...

Chen Xiao finally saw the manager, the resort manager who ran back to look for the map - he had turned into a corpse.

In other words, it is an incomplete corpse.

He was lying miserably on the windowsill, his body bent at an incredible angle - there was no doubt that Chen Xiao immediately judged that his spine had been broken. Otherwise, except for gymnasts or dance acrobats, normal people would It is impossible for the body to lean back and bend more than ninety degrees.

The most terrifying thing is that his body can no longer be found even remotely intact...

His abdominal cavity had been torn apart by something sharp, and the fresh internal organs, liver, spleen, and intestines were completely pulled out, as if they had been eaten by something! It turned into a disgusting pile of rotten meat!

One of his arms was torn off at the elbow, but Chen Xiao couldn't find where his severed arm was in the room!

What's even more terrifying is his face... The cheek muscles on his cheeks have been pecked open, and the flesh and blood are blurred, especially a pair of eyes. The two eyeballs have disappeared, leaving only two huge bloody holes...

A lot of muscle tissue on his thighs, chest and abdomen had been torn off, as if eaten by some ferocious beast, exposing the dense white bones...

Chen Xiao has never seen such a scene... He had only seen similar scenes occasionally in the TV show "Animal World", but that scene was the body of an antelope that had been bitten and devoured by a pride of lions. !

His first reaction was to punch the first female waiter who rushed in on the back of the neck. After knocking her unconscious, she stopped screaming. Then Chen Xiao quickly knocked her out. Dragging him out, he blocked the doorway to block the people behind him who were trying to squeeze into the office.

He first blocked Baicai's sight with his body, then protected Yaya, and reached out to cover Yaya's eyes.

"Get out! Everyone, get out! Don't enter this room! Quick!!"

Chen Xiao tried his best to sound stern - even though he was also scared, he had never seen such a bloody scene in his life, and he felt his legs were a little weak at the moment, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted. Try hard to spread your calmness to everyone.

"Everyone get out! Get out!!"


Chen Xiao kicked the door shut, finally closing the bloody scene behind him.

Only Mr. Xu, who rushed behind Chen Xiao after hearing the scream and saw the scene inside, was already lying on the side holding the wall and vomiting.

He vomited out all the barbecue, champagne and other food left in his stomach that he had eaten at night. However, looking at the remnants of the barbecue and thinking of the bloody corpse in the office, Xu Ershao couldn't help but vomit. More fierce.

At this time, Chen Xiao saw Xiao Qing's eyes. Xiao Qing's eyes were a little weak, and her face was as pale as paper—it was obvious that she had also seen the bloody scene inside.

"Everyone be quiet! Be quiet!!"

Faced with everyone's panic, Chen Xiao first handed over the waitress who was knocked unconscious by him to others, and then gently held Yaya's shoulders...

At this moment, everyone is standing in the hall of this luxurious villa.

There are thirteen people left in total. Chen Xiao himself, Xu Ershao, Yaya, Xiao Qing, Baicai, and eight other staff here (originally eleven staff, minus the two missing and the dead manager).

"We are in trouble." Chen Xiao's first words were unabashed: "Now I can tell everyone that the communication on the island has been cut off! We need to calm down now! We need everyone to calm down! There may be some kind of attack on the island. We didn't find any huge aggressive beasts. I don't know what they are, maybe some kind of larger raptor, maybe something like a wild liger or wolf... "

"This is impossible." Someone immediately exclaimed, this was a staff member on the island: "This island is so big. When we developed it, every inch of land on the island was surveyed. There cannot be any large beasts."

Others were also skeptical.

"The reality cannot be denied." Chen Xiao gritted his teeth: "Your manager is dead! His body is inside! Who is brave enough, go and see for yourself, and then doubt what I said! Also, we still have five people Missing! Three of my friends, as well as two staff here, are still alive or dead!"

At this moment, Chen Xiao paused for a moment. Before he could continue, a horrifying sound came from outside...


That shrill voice seemed to be the howl of some kind of wild beast. From the sound, it sounded a bit like a wolf, but it was sharper and shriller than the howl of a wolf! Moreover, when the first howl came, it seemed that the sound was still far away from here. Judging from the direction, it seemed to be from the top of the mountain a little further away.

But then, after the first howl, I heard the same howl coming from all around the villa area! Some are long, some are short, some are sad, some are fierce...

Howls sounded all around, some were light and some were heavy, some were far away and some were near! !

When the first howl came, everyone was stunned. But when howls sounded from behind, soon the scene was in chaos! Some women immediately cried in fear, while others screamed.

"Quiet! Quiet!!"

Chen Xiao ran to the door first and slammed the door leading to the outside of the villa lobby with a kick!

Then he quickly turned on all the lights in the lobby.

When all the lights are turned on, under the bright lights, under the comfort of light, human nature still yearns for light after all, and everyone's mood becomes a little calmer!

"Everyone, be quiet!" Chen Xiao kicked a male waiter who was yelling crazily, and then grabbed him: "Shut the hell up! You are a man! Nowadays, women are in darkness, night, and fear of the unknown. , these are factors that can torture people's psychology. However, under Chen Xiao's efforts, the male staff member finally calmed down a little."

"Now, I ask everyone present to listen to my command!" Chen Xiao tried his best to keep a straight face and shouted viciously: "Does anyone object!"

Naturally, there were objections - Chen Xiao looked like a young man of only eighteen or nineteen years old, and many of the staff were older than him. Let such a young boy take command?

Without saying a word, Chen Xiao walked directly to a coffee table placed in the hall, raised his fist and smashed it down with a punch! He punched a big hole in the thick solid wood coffee table!

Although his strength abilities have deteriorated, Chen Xiao can still do such a punch.

"Is there anyone who objects?" Chen Xiao tried his best to make his expression look ferocious.

Seeing that a big hole was made in the coffee table, anyone who wanted to object immediately shut their mouths.

"Everyone listen to my orders!" Chen Xiao pointed to a staff member in front of him: "You, I need you to answer a few questions."

Although this guy was a little trembling, Chen Xiao still got satisfactory answers to several of his questions.

First of all, there are indeed no weapons on this island. After all, this is a resort, not a military base. There are electric batons used by security guards. Second, the communication on the island has been cut off, but fortunately there is no need to worry about the electricity - there is a designed generator set and batteries in the basement of the villa to ensure normal power supply in the villa. At least, lighting, TV and air conditioning are enough. Chen Xiao has repeatedly confirmed that the generator is installed in the basement of the villa. It is a sealed basement and should not be damaged.

Third, communication is lost, and the only way to contact the outside world is to send people out by boat to make contact. But in the current situation, Chen Xiao really didn't dare to take the risk of letting everyone get on the small yacht and leave... Once they leave the land, once they encounter danger on the lake, the situation will be out of control.

According to the staff, every day, local staff from the outside bring some fresh food by boat. The time is noon every day - that is to say, in about ten hours, someone will take a boat to the island.

The most important question: maps.

Chen Xiao later suppressed his fear and nausea, returned to the office that was like a killing field, and finally found a map in a drawer.

This is the topographic map of the surveyed buildings on the island at that time.

No matter what... Chen Xiao has not given up on trying to rescue his missing companions. Whether it's Lu Xiaoxiao, Jin Buhuan, Teacher Monica, or the two missing staff members...

After a quick analysis, Chen Xiao made a judgment: temporarily rejecting everyone's idea of leaving overnight by boat!

Because that yacht is too small, and it’s... open! There is no sealed cabin, and you can only sit on the deck... Since it is speculated that there are flying birds of prey here, then this is too risky.

The vast lake, once attacked on the water...

The only way left is to hold on!

But this villa is too fragile to hold on to.

For no other reason than because these villas were originally built for leisure and recuperation. Each room has a huge floor-to-ceiling bay window... Moreover, because the scenery here is beautiful and there is no noise pollution around, all the windows have no glass. Use special double-layer hollow, just ordinary glass...

The most depressing thing is that even the toilet has a window to the outside! The design concept at that time was: full brightness! Deluxe room with full unobstructed lake view…

Such a window, let alone a large beast, can be opened by a normal person with just a hard bump!

"Is there a sealed room with higher safety performance?" Chen Xiao frowned.

"Then there's only the basement." The staff member's answer made Chen Xiao feel helpless.

"Not in the basement." Chen Xiao immediately objected. Although the basement is fully enclosed, but... it is a dead place! If there is really any danger, there is no way out even if you want to run away.

"Then... our staff's tool room." A staff member thought about it: "It's right next to the villa, going out from the left corridor of the lobby. Although the tool room also has windows, the windows are not big and have very thick walls. Iron fence. Some of the tools needed here are stored inside, such as vacuum cleaners, cleaning tools, gardening tools for trimming vegetation, etc. You can also directly see the dock from that window."

"From now on, everyone cannot disperse and no one is allowed to move alone." Chen Xiao sighed: "Now, everyone goes to the tool storage room together!! The windows and doors here are all made of glass, it is too unsafe!! "

As he said that, he walked to the coffee table that he had punched through first, pulled off two legs of the coffee table that were as thick as his arms, waved them twice in his hand, managed to catch the weight, and threw it to the two male staff. .

"We need some weapons to defend ourselves."

"There are two electric batons in the security room." A security guard hesitated: "But... the security room is outside... about fifty meters to the right of the yard."


Listening to the distant howling outside... At this time, who dares to leave the house and run outside