Heavenly Monarch

Chapter 84: [Kill! ]


The cellar door was banged loudly, and the noise became louder and louder. People couldn't help but worry about how long the door could hold on.

Chen Xiao and Xiao Qing were both a little nervous, and they couldn't help but feel that they were being overestimated.

Especially Chen Xiao, the data fed back from the detector surprised him even more!

Biochemical beast? Ability? hostility?

According to the teachings of the Bad Street Trio, Chen Xiao already knows a standard: according to the standard that D level is the level of normal people, if the ability reaches C level or above, it can be judged as entering the superpower level! !

A supernatural...animal? Biochemical beast

Moreover, the data displayed in the detector also has a hint of meaning: known classes in the database! In other words, this kind of thing has data stored in the service agency’s detector database!

While Xiao Qing was nervous, she had long been curious about the headset and monocular lenses that Chen Xiao wore on her face. At this moment, Chen Xiao was staring at the dying monster in the corner in a daze, with an expression as if he had seen a ghost - when the monster was alive Chen Xiao was not even that nervous, but now that he had knocked him down, Chen Xiao became so uneasy...

"Do you know something?" Xiao Qing guessed very accurately!

Chen Xiao glanced at Xiao Qing: "This thing... I'm afraid it's not an ordinary beast."

"Of course!" Xiao Qing shook her head: "I have never heard of an animal that looks like this."

At the same time, the wooden door next to it was still banging loudly. Chen Xiao had already come to his senses and rushed to the cellar first to check it carefully.

Obviously, most of the food stored here, such as dry goods and the wine stored in the cellar, were destroyed. The food probably entered the monster's belly, and the wine bottles were smashed to pieces.

Beyond that, there was nothing of value in the cellar.

"What should we do? We are trapped." Chen Xiao frowned. Judging from the fighting power of the monster just now, one monster is already so fierce, so if a group of monsters rush in from outside...

Xiao Qing shook her sword, gritted her teeth and said, "What else can I do, rush out!"

Chen Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up and he stared at Xiao Qing up and down a few times: "Xiao Qing, how many kilograms do you weigh?"

"???" Xiao Qing was stunned by this question, then her face turned slightly red and she said angrily: "You! It's already this time, you still have the heart to ask such a question!"

Weight is one of the biggest secrets for girls...

"I'm serious! How much do you weigh?" Chen Xiao grabbed Xiao Qing's shoulders with a serious look in his eyes: "Tell me quickly! You're not kidding!"

Xiao Qing blushed: "Five... fifty-two kilograms."

Fifty-two kilograms... Judging from Xiao Qing's height of about 170 centimeters, this weight is considered very standard. But Xiao Qing blushed, as if she was unwilling to accept it, and quickly added: "I... I was only 48 kilograms, but recently... I have gained some weight recently... "

Chen Xiao was dumbfounded by Xiao Qing's sudden shy look: "Okay, you're not fat at all... Well, fifty-two kilograms... fifty-two..."

He roughly calculated it.

My weight is seventy kilograms... then...

At this time, a flash of decision flashed in Chen Xiao's eyes, and then he suddenly hugged Xiao Qing's shoulders: "It's an emergency, don't mind!"

After saying that, he hugged Xiao Qing! Xiao Qing had never been hugged by a man at this age. At this moment, Chen Xiao put one arm around her shoulders and the other around her waist. She felt as if she was electrocuted. She subconsciously exclaimed, then raised her hand and punched him like a conditioned reflex. Chen Xiao waved over.

But when Chen Xiao's hand touched her waist, Xiao Qing suddenly felt that her body was a little soft, and her whole body was soft. The strength in her fist suddenly lost 90% of the strength, and she punched Chen Xiao. But where is the strength left in his chest? It's almost like a massage. Her pretty face was even more vividly red, her eyes were filled with fear and nervousness, but she was speechless: "Ah! You, you, you..."

"I don't mean any harm." Chen Xiao hugged Xiao Qing and then quickly pressed twice on his leather boots...

Teng Teng Teng! In a few long steps, Chen Xiao quickly strode up the cellar wall!

The bottom of the magnetic boots immediately produced a strong adsorption force, firmly "grabbing" him to the wall! Walking like this obviously completely violates the laws of physics. But under the attraction of the magnetic shoes, Chen Xiao hugged Xiao Qing and walked up the wall, her body almost parallel to the ground!

Xiao Qing was hugged by Chen Xiao, feeling excited and nervous at the same time, but she couldn't help it. The fist that originally hit Chen Xiao's chest had unknowingly turned into a hook around Chen Xiao's neck.

Such a beautiful woman was held in his arms, with her soft body pressed tightly against his own. Even through her clothes, Chen Xiao could feel the uneven softness of Xiao Qing in her arms... and the gentle movement of her body. Trembling.

"You..." Xiao Qing blushed. At this moment, their bodies were pressed together tightly. Her heart was pounding like a deer. Their faces were so close that they were almost touching each other. Xiao Qing His face and breathing became rapid involuntarily.

My heart was almost full of fear at this moment, and there was only one thought left: He, he hugged me, he hugged me, he hugged me!

Chen Xiao didn't notice that his arm was wrapped around Xiao Qing's waist, and his palm had accidentally pressed on the girl's elastic buttocks. In his haste at this moment, he didn't pay attention, but it fell on Xiao Qing's There was an unknown feeling in my heart. The secret part of my body was pressed by this boy. I couldn't help but let out a soft "hmm". I was shy in my heart, but a subtle emotion was aroused. , involuntarily, his head gently pressed against Chen Xiao's neck.

Standing on the wall, Chen Xiao quickly freed up a hand and pulled out the latch on the door panel...


Without the latch, the door was quickly knocked open! Chen Xiao was holding Xiao Qing with her head down, standing in the corner between the wall and the roof of the cellar, looking down helplessly. After the door opened, several black shadows rushed in with a huff!

If you look closely, you will see that they are all "owls" with the exact same shape as that monster! It's just that they vary in size, and the largest one is more than twice the size of the owl in the cellar just now!

one two three…

Chen Xiao and Xiao Qing both held their breaths, and he counted rapidly in his mind.

Five in total!

After the five owls rushed in, there seemed to be no more outside.

At this moment, the five owls that rushed into the cellar immediately started biting each other crazily in the cellar. Some even found their dying owls in the corner and quickly rushed over... Just because Chen Xiao and Xiao Qing Hiding overhead but not being discovered for a while!

Seeing the opportunity, Chen Xiao immediately kicked his legs hard! His body tumbled down, stood on the ground, and then rushed out of the cellar door in two quick steps!

At this moment, the owl behind finally discovered the two humans and immediately howled and rushed over. Chen Xiao had already kicked up and kicked the wooden door closed again!


After the door closed, there was a banging sound inside! One after another, the owls rushed too fast and hit their heads on the door, making a dull sound, followed by an angry and sharp howl.

Chen Xiao quickly hung up the outer bolt of the cellar door, and let the door be banged with a loud bang... But judging from the thickness of the door, the monsters inside wanted to break out, but they couldn't do it for a while!


Chen Xiao let out a long breath, his forehead already covered with cold sweat.

Xiao Qing also raised her head, but her eyes seemed to be a little blurred as she stared at Chen Xiao. After a while, she said in a soft and thin voice: "You... can let me down..."

"Ah!" Chen Xiao finally realized that he was still holding Xiao Qing and quickly let go. It's just that this female master, who usually reaches out vigorously, seemed to be a little unsteady after landing. She was breathing rapidly as if she had just undergone strenuous exercise. Her pretty face was flushed, and her eyes were watery, as if It's like water dripping out.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward. Chen Xiao calmed down at this moment. Thinking back to the two of them hugging each other, the warm and soft words in their arms, the girl's shy and rapid breathing... she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

After a while, Xiao Qing spoke in a low voice, as if pretending to be calm: "Hey, you... are your shoes weird? Can you stand on the wall like that?"

Chen Xiao forced a smile and pretended to be calm: "Well, it's a small tool."

"You said... how many monsters are there on the island? Are they all locked in by us?" Xiao Qing thought for a moment: "It would be great if that's the case."

"I don't think so." Chen Xiao shook his head: "I think when I was in the villa just now, there seemed to be more than that. And... these things have wings and can fly, maybe they came from other islands. ,Hard to say."

After a pause, his expression became solemn again: "It's a pity that the missing person is still not found... Alas, these things are so ferocious, I don't know Xiao Jin and Lu Xiaoxiao..."

According to the map in my hand, the only possible place to hide people is this cellar. Apart from that, there is really no place on the island where people can be hidden. Moreover... these monsters seem to be very ferocious in nature, and they seem to eat human flesh...

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but look towards the cellar door that was banging loudly...


His eyes suddenly lit up! At the same time, his face changed!

Xiao Qing noticed the change in Chen Xiao's expression, and saw Chen Xiao's eyes pointed directly at the wooden door! There seemed to be a hint of shock in his eyes!

"What’s wrong with you?"

Chen Xiao did not answer, but suddenly clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "How could I not have thought of this! How could I have ignored this just now!"

He walked to the door and pressed his hand on the door bolt...

Xiao Qing didn't know what happened to Chen Xiao, so she had no choice but to follow him.

"Xiao Qing, when we came to the cellar just now, this door was closed, right? The door bolt was also placed on it!"

"Yes, that's right." Xiao Qing replied subconsciously, but after all, she was also very smart. She quickly understood what Chen Xiao meant and exclaimed "Ah"! !

The problem is the door bolt! !

When the two came just now, the door was locked! But there is a monster in the cellar!

How did that monster get in? Could the monster open the door by itself? Will you know how to pull out the door bolt? !

"Maybe... the door bolt was knocked off when the monster hit me, and then I went in..." Although Xiao Qing said this, she quickly shut up. She felt that this guess was too outrageous and she couldn't justify it!

That's right! If the monster collides hard, there may be a small possibility that when the door panel shakes, the door bolt on it may be knocked to the ground!

But... after the monster entered, who rehung the door bolt? Monsters don't have this kind of intelligence. They know how to lock doors! !

"There is someone on the island!" Chen Xiao gritted his teeth and said this. Although this sentence was a bit confusing, Xiao Qing immediately understood what Chen Xiao meant!

Yes, there are people on the island! Someone is causing trouble secretly! Not just these monsters! Besides these monsters, there are people! ! !

When Chen Xiao thought of this, his expression changed even more! At the same time, Xiao Qing looked at Chen Xiao nervously, and both of them exclaimed at the same time:

"Oops! Tool Room!!"

As if to confirm their suspicions, a huge roar came from far away from the direction of the villa!

boom! ! !

I saw a ball of fire shooting out of the sky! It’s particularly shocking in the night sky!


Chen Xiao exclaimed!

That's when the villa was burning! !

Without any hesitation, the two of them quickly ran in that direction.

There are a total of six villas on the island, arranged in a parallel row. The reason why it was designed according to this model is that Xu Company had already targeted the wealthy class as a customer base after developing this resort.

Although building two or three rows of villas can make better use of the land area, it is inevitable that the villas in the back row will be blocked by the front row and cannot see the lake view - for many picky wealthy people, they would rather spend more Some money will also buy higher-end enjoyment. In response to this mentality of most wealthy people, the Xu Group simply built a row of villas on the island, ensuring that every room has a full lake view.

Of course... the price tag is also extremely expensive.

The fire burned a villa on the far right side. Although the cause of the burning was unknown, the explosion before the fire started was heard by everyone on the island! It's possible that the generator set in the basement exploded!

When Chen Xiao and Xiao Qing saw the fire coming, a group of people hiding in the tool room were in crisis!

The sudden explosion caused people who were already in extreme panic to have their last vestiges of sanity finally collapse! !

"Fire! Fire!"

"It exploded! It exploded!"

"We're going to be burned!"

"The fire is coming! Run quickly!!"

"Wow! I don't want to stay in this damn place! I want to leave! Leave!!"

It started with two girls yelling loudly, and then two male staff members joined in.

Although Xu Ershao tried his best to appease everyone, it was obvious that the effect was not good!

In such a crisis, it is important to save one's own life. Who would take the son of the company boss seriously? The worst possible outcome is that I no longer have a job, but I only have one life!

The villa in the distance was burning with flames, almost turning the night sky red! The smoke was billowing and the situation was very scary!

Soon, the two staff members fell into a frenzy. Regardless of Xu Ershao's obstruction, they rushed towards the door. Although Xu Ershao tried to stop him, the crazy people could not care about so much. , actually got into a fight with Mr. Xu, and Baicai, a weak woman, couldn't stop several staff members from escaping at the same time!

The door was pushed open, and several people rushed out. Their goals are clear:

pier! !

People who have been almost collapsed by fear have only one last hope left in their hearts, which is also the only channel to the outside world on the island: the pier! Boat! !

"Don't go! It's dangerous! You can't go out!"

Xu Ershao was punched in the face by an employee of the company. Several people pinned him down before rushing out. Soon only Xu Ershao, Baicai and Yao were left in the room. Some of the rest of the employees were waiting and watching, but seeing most of them running away, they all rushed out blindly...

Human nature is blindly obedient at this moment. Even if some people don’t want to run away, but seeing fewer and fewer people staying in the room and more and more people leaving, they will always choose to follow the majority of people.

"don't want!!"

Cabbage is still screaming. But Xu Ershao had already climbed up from the ground. His expression was ugly, and the original shovel in his hand was snatched away by a staff member... If he hadn't let go immediately, I'm afraid those people who were already red-eyed for escape would not do anything. He hesitated and hit his head with the shovel.

At this moment, through the window, the three of them could clearly see that the people rushing out were already running towards the pier in a swarm...

And then, sharp howls suddenly rang out from all around!

On the edge of the woods near the dock, suddenly, several black shadows emerged from the woods!

These predators have waited patiently for too long! At this moment, seeing the prey being sent out by themselves, how could there be any hesitation

One by one, black shadows swarmed up in the night!

monster! So many monsters! !

Baicai's legs were already weakened by the sight, and Xu Ershao, who originally wanted to rush out to chase people, suddenly saw two monsters turning towards the tool room, and he immediately gave up the idea of going out.

"Close the door! Close the door quickly!"

The moment the door was closed, there was a heavy collision sound from outside! The metal safety door actually groaned when it was hit!

Then the monster outside roared anxiously, and the two monsters circled back and forth around the small tool room.

Wow! The monster finally found the window, and soon it was smashed! Under the powerful force, the iron fence as thick as a finger was bent in an instant! Fortunately, compared to the size of the monster, the gap is still too narrow. But looking at a monster lying on the iron fence, its head full of fangs roared while trying to get in. From its mouth, drops of sticky saliva dripped on the window sill, and there were sharp claws. On the iron fence, making the iron fence creak and twist...

Xu Ershao jumped up quickly, shouted, picked up the shovel that those people had dropped from the ground, went up and hit the half of the monster's head with the shovel hard!

boom! In his excitement, he used all his strength. This time, the monster was suddenly hit dizzy, and a bloody wound was made on his forehead by the edge of the hard shovel. After the monster was in pain, it quickly retreated out, but it bared its teeth and claws at the people inside outside the window for a while.

Finally, amidst Baicai's screams, the monster turned around and ran away...

However, outside, it has turned into a killing field! !

This is a real killing field! !

A total of eight staff members rushed out, but more than half of them had no chance to run to the dock!

The short distance of 100 meters between the tool room and the dock turned into a bloody scene!

Those monsters are only slightly smaller than humans, but they use their wings to pounce from mid-air with frighteningly high accuracy! Anyone who is hit by the monster will fall to the ground immediately! Then the monster's sharp claws will easily tear apart the fragile throat or chest and abdomen of humans!

The blood sprayed and the monsters roared, mixed with people's painful wails and desperate screams! Everyone is running hard. At this time, everyone has fallen into a completely unconscious state, and the only thought in their hearts is: escape!

Escape to the dock! !

There were six monsters in total, and six people fell down in the first attack. Some of them were men and women. Some men tried to resist, but in the face of the monster's powerful power and claws that could even tear metal, the human's The flesh and blood body is too fragile! The monster can bite off a human's throat with just one bite, and then its sharp claws will tear open the skin and flesh in the abdominal cavity. The monster rushes to eat and pull. Soon, everyone who is jumped is dead, even after death. There is no way to escape the miserable fate:

Almost every dead person was disemboweled! These monsters are ferocious and cunning, as if they know that the meat in the internal organs is the most tender. Under the horrified eyes of Baicai and others, they saw with their own eyes that some humans had their intestines ripped out by the monsters, dragging the elders to the ground. long…

In the pools of blood, there are broken flesh and blood everywhere...

There are even more monsters that completely decompose human limbs under crazy tearing. Occasionally, they raise their heads. On their heads covered with blood, the bulging eyes still have a faint green light, staring at the ones still hiding. The people in the tool room…

Baicai felt that her legs were weak and she could no longer stand. With a cry, she started to vomit desperately.

Only two people finally ran to the dock and jumped on the yacht. In the panic, the yacht was actually started, but they seemed to have forgotten to untie the cable. As a result, the more anxious they became, the yacht could only spin in place at the dock.

Finally, some monsters began to approach the pier step by step. The people on the boat were roaring crazily and finally hurriedly untied the cable...

When the yacht left the shore, the two people on it let out a wild cheer, thinking that they were finally safe.

The monster on the shore stood on the dock, watching the yacht leave the shore with disdain, gradually getting further away... five meters, ten meters...

The people on the boat haven't had time to celebrate their survival, and they haven't had time yet...

Something is not right...

Four monsters had gathered on the shore. Some monsters even gave up their killed prey and ran to the dock. The four monsters just looked at the yacht leaving the island coldly.


When the yacht was more than twenty meters away from the shore...

A monster suddenly spread its wings and kicked hard on the ground with its powerful hind legs! Then its strong body suddenly rushed out towards the lake! In mid-air, his wings flapped twice, and his body began to fly keenly! Finally, with a bang, it landed in front of the yacht!

The human standing in the driver's seat still had excitement and joy on his face, and then he saw the monster landing on the ground, less than two meters away from him, with its wings retracted and its mouth full of blood and fangs opened. To myself…


This shrill scream seemed to have been made with all the strength of the body before death!

From a distance, people in the room could vaguely see the monster that landed on the bow of the ship and knocked down the person in the driver's seat! Then there was a frenzy of tearing and gnawing!

The human fell to the ground before he had time to resist, and after two struggles there was no movement!

The other person on the boat was completely stunned.

But then, shadows appeared one by one in the sky... One by one, the monsters flapped their wings and flew up, landing on the ship. Several monsters surrounded the last remaining human in the middle...

"Gugu, gugu..."

The monsters swallowed their saliva and looked at the last prey...

"Stop looking!" Xu Ershao suddenly hugged Baicai from behind, covered her eyes with one hand, and hugged her waist tightly with the other hand. At the same time, he whispered softly in her ear: "Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid. !do not look!"

The thick sounds made Baicai's stiff body soften.

Xu Ershao's eyes were swollen and there was blood at the corner of his mouth. But the people who injured him have now turned into corpses outside.

Yaya seemed to be stunned, looking straight outside. The girl's expression was full of sadness and intolerance.

"Why? Why do these things eat people?" Yaya's eyes began to show a trace of anger!

As if subconsciously, she approached the window step by step. In her originally pure eyes, a trace of natural anger gradually emerged!


Suddenly, a monster rushed to the window again, and the powerful collision force immediately knocked down half of the unsupported fence! This time its whole head got in! We were almost just a little bit away from meeting Yaya standing not far from the window!