Heavenly Monarch

Chapter 87: [Swallow] (1)


Beside the woods, the owls were restlessly lying on the ground, as if they felt the breath of powerful creatures. These low-level biological beasts were struggling to dig the soil on the ground with their claws, and some were even under extreme fear. He simply buried his head deeply in the soil... just like an ostrich.

Finally, the powerful creature from the woods showed up!

Judging from the body shape, it seems to be an enlarged version of an owl, but it is somewhat different because it uses its hind legs to walk like a human! Compared with low-level owls, this guy's hind limbs are thicker and more powerful!

Moreover, its whole body is not covered with those soft long feathers, but is covered with snow-like white fluff. It has no wings... Its wings seem to have degenerated, no, or rather evolved! Originally, an ordinary owl had claw-like forelimbs at the end of its wings, but this guy's wings have basically no visible shape. The thick forelimbs have human-like arms... or more like some kind of mammal...

Bear? !

On the inside of its arms on both sides, there is still a thin film of flesh that seems to be left after the wings evolved. The flesh film is brown... This is the only dark color on its body.

Standing upright, it is nearly two meters tall. From a physical point of view, it is more like a bear, thick and full of strength - this can be seen from the bulging muscles under its fur.

Its head is still triangular, but the shape is no longer so obvious, and the edges and corners are slightly rounded - this is probably a symbol of more advanced evolution.

The most important thing is... this monster has two sharp bone spurs protruding from the elbows of its upper limbs! The bone spur is nearly one meter long, thin and sharp! It seemed like two natural bone knives protruded from the elbows of its upper limbs!

Owlbear...is this what it looks like? !

It strode out of the woods, with a fierce look in its eyes, and looked around viciously. When it saw those lower-level species lying on the ground shivering around it, the owlbear roared as if in demonstration! When it roared on its back, its upper limbs beat its chest vigorously, and the resonance of the parapet made the roaring sound louder and louder.

It walked step by step, and the owls on both sides seemed to be extremely frightened, trembling and lowering their heads, not even daring to look at it - just like humble slaves welcoming their king. Then, step back bit by bit to make way for it.

But the owlbear didn't seem to be satisfied. In addition to ferocity, its eyes actually showed a trace of greed!

This is true greed! Chen Xiao was a little confused at first, but soon he confirmed that he was not wrong! That is indeed greed... Those eyes actually reveal emotions that can only be possessed by advanced intelligent creatures in the future!

Finally, the owlbear suddenly strode in front of an owl, and the poor owl bent its head on the ground desperately, wailing. The owlbear suddenly straightened its huge body, then raised a giant palm and slapped the owl's head on the ground hard!

With a snap, the poor owl's head was slapped away like a rotten watermelon! The brain and flesh burst out, killing him instantly! The owlbear roared, pounced on it, opened its mouth and bit down hard!

It gnawed crazily, biting off half of the owl's head in one bite. The bones and flesh made a creepy "crunching" sound in its mouth!

As if the flesh and blood made it very happy, it almost greedily put its mouth against the wound of the owl's body, stretched out its bright red tongue, and quickly licked the blood flowing out!

The other owls seemed to be stunned, but even so, they had no intention of resisting at all. They just tried to move their bodies away as much as possible, as if they were afraid of getting close to this huge guy, but they still shivered and just kept their heads in front of them. It's buried deeper in the ground!

Chen Xiao and others were stunned. Such a scene made Baicai almost faint. Even Xiao Qing, after all, is a girl. Seeing such a bloody scene, her face turned pale.

Chen Xiao stared closely at the owlbear because the detector's alarm had started to turn on red since it walked out of the woods!

"Alert, extreme danger! Entering extremely dangerous area!"

Chen Xiao had already narrowed his eyes, and then he suddenly made an unexpected move: he raised his hand, gently pressed on the headset, and turned off the detector!

"What's wrong? Can't you stand it anymore?" Monica folded her arms in front of her chest and sneered softly. This posture of hers caused a pair of big breasts that were almost bursting to be squeezed out under her arms...

"Why don't they resist?" Chen Xiao seemed to smile softly.

"Resist?" Monica's tone was a bit profound: "This is the fate determined by the great genes! These poor guys dare not resist."

Chen Xiao stared closely at the owlbear that was eating - it seemed to be only interested in the blood, but did not eat much of the muscles of the owl corpse. Chen Xiao saw that it only deliberately used its sharp claws to The teeth pierced the corpse, allowing as much blood to flow out of the wound as possible.

"You mean genes?" Chen Xiao thought for a while: "Could it be that these owls and this owlbear...them?"

Monica smiled softly: "What a child with a strong desire for knowledge. You are very smart and your guesses are accurate. Yes... these owlbears are all genetically modified with the owlbear's own genes."

As she said that, she actually looked at the owlbear with the gentle eyes of a lover: "My baby, it is the most perfect creature I have ever seen! The most perfect biological beast... No, it should be said to be the most perfect autonomous evolution. Creature! Hahahaha! It can be said that the person who created this creature is simply a genius among geniuses!"

After a pause, she looked at Chen Xiao proudly: "As smart as you are, can you guess how this baby evolved?"

"What's so hard to guess, blood!" Chen Xiao snorted.

"No, no, no, if it is just a simple blood-eating evolution, it cannot reflect its perfection... The most perfect thing about my baby is... it can 'make' food for itself!"

Making... food? manufacture? !

"Owlbears only eat blood with genetic changes... that is, the blood of people with superpowers! Of course, the blood of other creatures with superpowers, such as the blood of biochemical beasts, is also a good meal for owlbears. But this In this world, there are only a few creatures with superpowers. Even biological beasts with genetic mutations are difficult to find. But this is not a problem for my baby... Hahahahaha!" Monica watched the owlbear eating, His eyes became more and more excited, and he even couldn't help but lick his lips gently, with a fiery gaze that seemed to be filled with crazy love!

The scary thing is that this kind of loving look is not directed towards others, but towards that terrible monster!

Chen Xiao thought quickly.

Making food...that is, making supernatural beings and supernatural beings

"Its genetic makeup is mostly bats, one-third canines, and a small part bears." Monica said softly: "In other words, bats are its close relatives. When it needs it, It can capture bats, and then... transform the bats into owls through blood or body fluids!"

"Change? How?"

"It's very simple, bite... and bleed! Of course, there is another wonderful way, which is... mating!" When Monica talked about mating, a hint of mockery appeared on her pale face, and she even gasped. It was also a bit hurried.

-This woman is perverted! Chen Xiao made an accurate definition in his mind.

"It can turn ordinary bats into owls, and then it creates a lot of 'delicious food' for itself! And then through eating, it makes itself stronger and more advanced! Hahahaha! You say, it is Not perfect! Not perfect?!”

really! At this moment, the blood of the corpse was almost drained. Less than half went into the owlbear's belly, but most of it flowed in the soil - this approach seemed to be a bit of a "waste of food".

But that’s okay… there’s still a lot of food here!

The owlbear staggered up to the other owl, but this time he leaned down and bit the other owl's neck! The owl was wailing desperately and its body was shaking, but it didn't dare to make the slightest move of resistance! Even its claws could only dig hard at the soil, but it didn't dare to swing at the owlbear.

Soon, the owl was also killed. Then the third one…

When the third owl was also buried in the owlbear's mouth, Monica finally snapped her fingers.

"Okay, honey, that's the end of the appetizers, but don't overeat! There's still a delicious main meal waiting for you!"

At this moment, this owlbear's body has undergone some changes...

Chen Xiao didn't know if it was his imagination, but this guy's figure seemed to have become much taller and stronger in just a short period of time. The white fluff on the surface of its body becomes whiter and shinier! The two bone spurs on the elbow seem to have become sharper, the texture seems to be harder, and the lines of the bone knife are more dense...

"So, which one of you will be my baby's main course first?" Monica took a step back.

"Last question." Chen Xiao looked at Monica: "What about you? Who are you? A breeder? I feel that your powers should be very powerful, but you used a shielding tool... Dear Teacher, guess what if I attack you first?"

With that said, Chen Xiao took a step towards Monica.

Monica smiled coldly: "Little guy, you don't have to waste your time thinking about this. Just rely on your pitiful powers? Oh, by the way, little guy, you are the one who surprised me the most. I I have never seen any superpower who can possess multiple superpowers at the same time like you, but...it seems that the level of each of your superpowers is too low! It can be said that if your superpower level is even one higher than it is now, Level, I will never mess with you! But now... you in front of me are like an owl in front of an owlbear! I can kill you and your companions with just a stretch of my fingers."

Chen Xiao suddenly turned his head and glanced at Xiao Qing. His expression was very serious: "Cover me! It's very fast. Fight with it!"

After saying that, Chen Xiao quickly rushed towards Monica!

"It's a useless struggle."

Monica seemed to sigh and stood there without moving. She just stretched out her little finger and flicked it!

Roar! !

On both sides, the two owls that were still lying on the ground in fear suddenly regained their ferocious appearance and rushed toward Chen Xiao from the left to the right! Right in front of Monica!

Chen Xiao had already rushed over, suddenly twisted around quickly, forced his body to lie down, and then rolled on the spot! The two owls failed to make a pounce, but their strong physical fitness allowed them to still change their postures in mid-air, and their hind legs fiercely grabbed Chen Xiao!

Chen Xiaoren was on the ground, shouted loudly, and quickly hugged an owl's hind legs! The powerful force kicked Chen Xiao hard on the chest! It was as if he had been hit hard on the chest with a hammer, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth! But with his arms wrapped around the owl's hind limbs, he twisted with all his strength!

Click! !

Although the strength ability has degraded by one level, the C-level power still allows Chen Xiao to burst out with more than twice his body weight in an instant! Although the owl is a biological beast, it is still made of flesh and blood! After being twisted by Chen Xiao, he let out a wail and his hind limbs were immediately broken!

At this moment, another owl had bitten Chen Xiao hard on the shoulder! The sharp fangs pierced the muscles of Chen Xiao's shoulders, and he didn't even frown! Even though the blood instantly soaked his clothes, he suddenly grabbed something from his pocket and stuffed it into the owl's mouth!

Gulu... As if it was a subconscious swallowing movement, Xiao swallowed what Chen Xiao put into his mouth in one gulp...



Chen Xiao suddenly narrowed his eyes and shouted!


A ball of fire suddenly burst out from the owl's mouth. Even though its body was very strong, the mouth was soft. The explosion in the throat deep inside the mouth made the owl suddenly roar in pain. With a sound, his body tilted and fell to the ground. He rolled hard and tried to grab his throat with his upper limbs, but the severed upper limbs couldn't reach him anyway. He rolled a few times and blood continued to flow from his mouth, but finally I no longer have the strength to stand up!

Chen Xiaocai got up from the ground and heard Xiao Qing's shout from behind!

Looking back, Xiao Qing's sword flashed, and she had already stabbed the owl bear several times with all her strength!

However, that owlbear's body is actually extremely powerful! The sword light in Xiao Qing's hand was flying like snowflakes, but it only cut off a few pieces of white fluff on its body. When the sword edge pierced its body, it was like stabbing a stone, unable to penetrate at all. Not a cent!

The owlbear seemed to have no intention of dodge. His eyes were fierce and he looked at Xiao Qing coldly. He only turned his head when the sword in Xiao Qing's hand was about to stab his eyes.

Xiao Qing was already jumping and dodging back and forth quickly, dancing a set of sword skills that were airtight, but this owlbear stood there like a rock...

Let you cut it! Let you stomp! Let you sting!

Finally, Xiao Qing probably angered this guy. The owl bear suddenly roared. Its first move was beyond Xiao Qing's expectation!

This guy has been moving slowly since it appeared. Coupled with its huge body, it can easily give people the illusion of being "heavy".

But its first attack was surprisingly fast!

Xiao Qing only saw a white shadow coming towards her! With her eyesight, which she had practiced swatting flies with a hidden weapon since she was a child, she didn't even notice the owlbear's movements clearly!

In her busy schedule, she could only draw her sword horizontally, and then quickly dodge to one side...


The owlbear swung his claws down, and with just one blow, the sword in Xiao Qing's hand broke into two pieces!

Then Xiao Qing rolled out.

Chen Xiao could only give up on Monica in front of him and rushed towards the owl bear!


He punched the owlbear on the back with all his strength, but the owlbear's huge body didn't even sway! He turned around and swept his claws across Chen Xiao's body. Chen Xiao immediately flew out and hit a tree. With a few clicks, he broke several branches!

"Poor boy." Monica stood aside leisurely. From the beginning to the end, she didn't have the slightest panic: "The owlbear's body can withstand B-level strength! With your current strength, don't even think about damaging it even a little bit. !”

The owl bear roared, but was not in a hurry. He just grinned and walked towards Chen Xiao step by step.

At this moment, Xiao Qing had already stood up. Seeing Chen Xiao lying under the tree struggling, she turned around and ran to a small tree nearby, took a deep breath, and suddenly screamed: "Break!!"

Xiao Qing flew up and struck the tree with her kick. The tree, which was about the width of a bowl, was broken by her kick!

Xiao Qing picked her up and rushed towards the owl bear!

"Stay away from him!!"


The tree trunk hit the owlbear's back hard. The owlbear only shook slightly this time, and then slowly turned around...

"Oh, interesting girl. Xiao Qing... you actually have hidden strength! Your strength just now reached C level!" Monica laughed: "This is the so-called martial arts, right?"

The owl bear turned around and faced Xiao Qing in front of him. Xiao Qing was a little frightened by the fierce eyes, but he gritted his teeth and still raised the tree trunk and fiercely pointed at the owl bear. Scanned it!


This time the owlbear raised one of its forelimbs and pinched the tree trunk with one paw!

Then, I saw the giant palm swaying down...

Xiao Qing snorted, the tree trunk in her hand suddenly broke, and the person was thrown up far away, landing heavily ten meters away!

Looking at Xiao Qing again, blood flowed from her mouth. She reluctantly got up, but suddenly she trembled, screamed, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The owlbear looked at Chen Xiao in front of him, and then at Xiao Qing in the distance behind him. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, whether to eat what was in front of him first, or to go back and enjoy the flesh and blood of the girl...


A stone hit the owl bear's head from a distance. Second Young Master Xu stood in the distance, holding a pile of broken stones in his hands, and shouted quickly: "Hey! Monster! Come on! Come on! Come and eat." Me! You fat, stupid thing! Come on!"

Bang bang! Two more rocks were thrown at him. Xu Ershao's accuracy was actually very good, and he hit the target several times. But the owlbear only glanced at him, as if he had no interest in Second Young Master Xu, and turned away directly. Even though Second Young Master Xu was screaming and jumping behind him, the owlbear didn't even bother to pay attention to him.

"Hahahaha... What a deep friendship!" Monica laughed: "My lovely Master Xu, don't waste your efforts. The owl bear is only interested in people with superpowers, and its sense of smell can identify whose blood is more powerful. Delicious! Don’t worry, it won’t hurt you for the time being.”

Second Young Master Xu cursed: "Bitch!" The stone in his hand was thrown towards Monica.

Monique sneered, looked at the flying rocks, and just raised his hand to fly a little higher. With a ripple, the stone bounced away!

"Oh! There's another one who wants to do some tricks." Monica suddenly sneered and stretched out her hand to her left side!


On the ground, Baicai's figure appeared out of thin air. She knelt on the ground in pain and struggled twice, but she couldn't move at all.

"Cute little kid, do you want to sneak up on me with your invisibility power?" Monica said "tsk tsk" a few times and looked at Baicai with regret: "Actually, among the few of you, you are the most worthless. . Invisibility ability... And it is still a low-level invisibility ability. In the world of abilities, this ability is the most useless. Even if you are not a person with abilities, as long as you carry a detector, you guys who can become invisible will not be able to do it anymore. Hiding your traces! Poor child, just wait patiently. When my baby finishes enjoying the main course, I will let it slowly enjoy you as a dessert."

Baicai felt as if her body was tied up by countless invisible ropes. No matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't even lift her arms.

The owl bear hesitated for a moment, and finally slowly walked towards Chen Xiao.

It seemed that the bloody smell of the blood flowing from the wounds on Chen Xiao's body attracted it even more!

Chen Xiao struggled, leaning against the big tree and panting, staring at the owlbear walking slowly, gritting his teeth and sneering: "Hmph, do you want to eat me? Really? Do you want to eat me!"

He put his hands into his pockets again, took out a handful of something, and threw it at the owlbear!

This time I finally saw it clearly. In Chen Xiao's pocket, there was a handful of tiny pieces of metal!

These things were all picked up before he left the tool room, such as iron filings falling from the broken iron fence, or bearing steel balls from the electric lawnmower in the tool room, and a few small keys and other small items. Metal objects.

He spilled these things, and some sharp iron pieces immediately hooked on the owlbear's white fur...

"Give me... blast!"

Chen Xiao yelled at the owl bear!

Thump thump thump thump thump…

A series of explosion sounds came from the owlbear's body, and small balls of fire suddenly burst out from its body! Although each fire is not big, but it is so dense, it is like lighting a string of firecrackers...

After a series of explosions, the owlbear roared angrily in a black smoke!

The white fur on its body had been scorched, and finally, wounds appeared on its body during the explosion!

Although the wound was very small, and even just a little blood flowed out, compared to its huge body, such a small wound can be completely ignored.

But, after all, it hurt!

The owlbear's roar showed that it was finally angry!

Probably out of annoyance at having its body soiled, it yelled and rushed towards Chen Xiao crazily! It runs extremely fast! Chen Xiao only had time to get out of the way when he heard the tree trunk behind him snap!

Then the owl bear swung its claws at Chen Xiao's waist. Chen Xiao screamed, and a deep blood mark was found on his waist! Even a large piece of flesh was caught!

His body flew out and landed a few meters away, but he still struggled to sit up. Although his brows were twisted in pain, he still shouted loudly: "Okay! Do you really want to eat me? Come on! Come and eat." Me!!"

His eyes quickly darted left and right. At this moment, Chen Xiao had rolled to the wall of the villa next to him. He struggled to climb over, climbed to the window sill with great effort, and stood on it...

Then, he made a move that made Monica unexpected!

laugh! !

Chen Xiao held a shard of glass and stabbed it into his thigh without hesitation!

Then with a sneer, the glass fragments were pulled down hard, and a strip of flesh and blood was pulled out!

His face was obviously shaking with pain, but his eyes were still so determined!

Then, Chen Xiao pulled out the piece of flesh and blood from his thigh with his own hands and threw it towards the owl bear from a distance!

"Eat! Come and eat! Don't you like the flesh and blood of superpowers very much? Eat it!!"

Monica was stunned by Chen Xiao's actions. She seemed stunned before shaking her head: "I have to say, I have been feeding owl bears for so long, and I have never seen anyone who was as good as you before being eaten. crazy."

Chen Xiao had no strength left, and the severe pain began to swallow up his consciousness. He lay staggering on the window sill, looking at the owlbear, and shouted crazily in his heart: Eat! Eat it quickly! !

Fortunately, the owlbear... is still a beast after all!

It does not seem to have evolved higher intelligence. It seemed to hesitate for a moment, but actually leaned over and picked up the piece of flesh and blood, put it in front of its nose, sniffed it, screamed happily, and stuffed it into its mouth...

Chen Xiao smiled.

Eat it! You damn beast! Eat it!

You will evolve, right

I will purify you! !

The owlbear who swallowed a piece of Chen Xiao's flesh and blood seemed to taste the delicious food. He seemed to be very satisfied with the taste of the flesh and blood. He roared in a low voice, then increased his speed and rushed towards Chen Xiao!

About ten meters apart.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Chen Xiao's eyes were full of anxiety, and he knew that he had no ability to resist. This is his last chance! The last glimmer of hope!

But the owlbear took five steps and was almost in front of Chen Xiao, but there seemed to be nothing wrong with it—could it be that its body was too big and the toxins in its blood were ineffective against it? Even if the toxin capacity is too low, what about the "purification" of the blood

You know, when we knocked over the Tyrannosaurus Rex in Black Knight... the Tyrannosaurus Rex was bigger than an owlbear!


When the owlbear took the sixth step, his huge body suddenly staggered! At such a close distance, Chen Xiao suddenly felt that the owl bear's body seemed to soften! It took the last step and finally arrived in front of Chen Xiao. This guy seemed to feel something abnormal in his body. He roared, waved his giant palm and slapped Chen Xiao hard on the window sill...

Snapped! !

Under the eyes of everyone, Chen Xiao was photographed from the front!

At this moment, Xiao Qing was still lying on the ground struggling. When she saw this scene, her vision went dark, she screamed, and she fainted!

That monster! It, it, it can break a big tree with one palm! With such a slap on Chen Xiao's body, would he still be alive? !

Xu Ershao and Baicai both screamed at the same time. Xu Ershao's eyes were red, and he roared and tried to rush over, but Monica just raised her hand and pointed... Bang! His body immediately flew backwards and rolled several times. His head was cut by the glass debris on the ground, and he got up with his face covered in blood.

"Xiao Wu!! Xiao Wu!!" Xu Ershao's face didn't know whether it was tears or blood, it was all mixed together. Cabbage has even bitten her lips to draw blood...

But Monica, as if she sensed something, turned around suddenly and her expression changed drastically: "How could this happen!!!"

Chen Xiao, who was obviously knocked down by the giant palm, actually shook his body twice and struggled to turn over!

But the owlbear seemed to have exhausted all his strength at once! Its huge body lay weakly on the window sill. Although it was still roaring angrily, the sound clearly contained a signal of weakness!

The owlbear was still struggling, but this weak state made it more and more angry. It could no longer wave its thick upper limbs, but it looked at Chen Xiao so close at hand - the "delicious food" so close at hand!

The blood-eating nature once again occupied its consciousness, almost instinctively. It opened its mouth and bit down hard on Chen Xiao's thigh!

Although he has lost the strength of a monster, he is still a beast after all, and his fangs still pierced Chen Xiao's thigh! Chen Xiao was in great pain, but he regained consciousness!

The owlbear bit through the muscles on Chen Xiao's thigh, but he had no energy to chew. Even though his teeth pierced the opponent's flesh, he was unable to bite off even a piece of flesh. He could only whimper weakly and roar helplessly...

"Eat! You feel good about eating, don't you! Eat more!" Chen Xiao struggled to sit up and pushed the owl bear hard, but his strength was too weak, and the force he pushed out was as soft as cotton. .

Suddenly, a strange thought came into his mind...

You can eat me! Can't I eat you? !

You can bite, can't I? !

Immediately, he turned over suddenly. Regardless of the place where his thigh was pierced by the opponent's fangs, he struggled to knock his head on the owlbear's upper limb. The furry upper limb in front of him seemed to Chen Xiao at this moment. It was like fragrant ham. He opened his mouth and took a hard bite...


Monica let out a scream, and she jumped up and landed beside Chen Xiao quickly. She raised her hand and tried to lift Chen Xiao up, but Chen Xiao bit her so hard! Monica picked it up and pulled it, and Chen Xiao ripped off a bloody piece of flesh from the owlbear's upper limb!

After being infected by "Purification", the owlbear lost his ability. Not only was his powerful strange power gone, but his strong body that was almost as weak as a weapon became softer. Otherwise, Chen Xiao's teeth might really not be able to penetrate the opponent's body. Flesh.

Blood flowed from the corner of Chen Xiao's mouth, and he didn't know whether it was his own blood or Owl Bear's. He sneered, his Adam's apple moving up and down, as if he was swallowing something.

"Oh my God! You little boy! What did you do to my baby!!!"

Monica's expression was distorted and she threw Chen Xiao out! He turned around and threw himself on the owlbear, screaming with infinite sorrow: "My baby! My baby!!!"

The owlbear gasped feebly.

Subsequently, its body underwent tremendous changes! !

The huge body that was originally over two meters suddenly shrank rapidly! It's like a deflated balloon! The bulging muscles seemed to become as soft as cotton and quickly shriveled up.

Its body is getting smaller and smaller, and even the two bone knives on its elbows are broken into pieces...

In less than ten seconds, its size was reduced to only two-thirds of its original size!

Twenty seconds later, its body size was only less than one meter at most! !

Looking at the owlbear now, there is no trace of ferociousness at all!

The shrunken body is like a round flesh ball, and the whole body is covered with a layer of long fluff... The fluff will not shorten, but compared to its current body shape of less than one meter tall, such long fluff makes it It looks...

Like an enlarged long-haired rabbit! !

The mouth was still open, as if he wanted to roar, but the sound he made seemed to be "babbling", without any dignity at all. Moreover, all the fangs in the mouth have fallen off, and the only ones left that are still threatening are two "canine teeth" that look like puppies.

The owlbear at this moment... looks exactly like a white, furry little white bear!

"You! What on earth did you do to it!!!"

Monica roared crazily, turned around and threw herself in front of Chen Xiao, and then stepped hard on Chen Xiao's chest!

There were two clicks, and Chen Xiao felt that more than one of his ribs must have been broken. This woman seemed to be very strong, and she almost died from the pressure.

But Chen Xiao still sneered: "You, guess what!"

"Me! I'll kill you! Kill you!!"

With a ferocious expression, Monica grabbed Chen Xiao's neck and lifted him up!

"Tell me what's going on!!!"

Monica's eyes turned red: "I know there are toxins in your blood! But your toxin ability is only C-level!! Low-level C-level!! It is impossible for C-level toxins to poison my baby! Moreover, It doesn’t look like it was poisoned!! What on earth did you do to it!!!”

Chen Xiao's throat was strangled and he reluctantly opened his mouth, his face flushed from the suffocation. His arms were waving feebly, as if trying to pull Monica's hand, but he couldn't.

"Say!!! Speak quickly!!!"

Monica finally threw Chen Xiao to the ground again. She raised a finger and pointed at Chen Xiao's eyebrows: "If you don't say anything, I will blow your head off!!"

Chen Xiao panted desperately. The lack of oxygen just now almost killed him. Now his lungs can breathe air again. This refreshing feeling makes him breathe almost greedily.

"Say it!" Monica's teeth chattered.

Chen Xiao's breathing finally became calmer, but he weakly raised his hand and pointed at Monica.

Then he was laughing.

He was indeed smiling, as if he was very happy, as if he had seen the happiest thing in the world.

The way he smiled irritated Monica: "What else is so funny about you! Tell me! How did you do it! I can detect that my baby suddenly degenerated just now! It suddenly degenerated!! How did you do that!!!”

Chen Xiao laughed so hard that he seemed to be out of breath, but finally said intermittently: "You, look at your hands and arms. Your arms..."

Monica was stunned for a moment, looked down, and saw only her arm... The hand she had just strangled Chen Xiao, on her forearm, a thin steel needle pierced her arm.

This needle is very thin, and when he strangled Chen Xiao's neck just now, the boy was waving his arms and struggling, trying to pull his hand away... At that time, his hand touched him, but he didn't know when he put such a Something stuck in your arm? !

This needle was long and thin, and it looked very short. It actually didn't hurt when it was stuck on my body - it was just that I was too angry and excited just now, and ignored the slight pain on my arm.

Chen Xiao was smiling, his smile was weak, and his voice was equally weak.

"I, I don't know what kind of detector you are using. But... I think your detector cannot detect one of my special 'powers', or in other words, this ability of mine, It's not a superpower, but an unknown mutation." Chen Xiao gasped: "Don't you like watching your baby evolve? I purified it."

Monica didn't understand: "What did you say!!"

"No need to explain." Chen Xiao laughed dryly, but nothing happened.