Heavenly Monarch

Chapter 89: [Innate superpower? ]


Fortunately, there are some medical supplies in the villas on the island. At least some necessary medicines and first aid kits are definitely in stock. Although Xu Ershao doesn't know how to treat injuries, after rescuing Xiao Qing, people who have practiced martial arts for a long time still have some experience in treating trauma...

Well, this so-called experience is: Chen Xiao was directly wrapped into a rice dumpling with a hemostatic bandage.

In addition, there is another surprise:

In the top floor room of a villa on the far side, Xu Ershao found three people in the bathtub of the bathroom...

Three and a half people to be exact!

Lu Xiaoxiao, Xiao Jin, and the two security guards who disappeared on the island. Fortunately, Lu Xiaoxiao, Xiao Jin and a security guard named Wang were alive, but they were knocked unconscious.

The other person was unlucky... He died, and only half of his body was left. It was probably used by Monica to feed those "owls"!

It is conceivable if Chen Xiao and others could not kill Monica. Lu Xiaoxiao, Xiao Jin and others will become the food of "Xiao" sooner or later.

Of course, those "owls" will become food for owl bears sooner or later.

Chen Xiao was seriously injured this time, but fortunately Xu Ershao was very smart. When someone came to the island the next day, he immediately contacted the outside world. The first person Xu Ershao contacted was not the police, but... the unfinished street!

In less than an hour, Lao Tian came!

What surprised Chen Xiao was... this place is a full hundred kilometers away from K City!

And Lao Tian didn’t come by car! He seems to have come... on foot

One hundred kilometers! Just an hour! !

After Lao Tian glanced at Chen Xiao, his tense expression immediately relaxed: "Well, it's okay, just take a breath... Also, the limbs cannot be damaged too seriously, otherwise..."

At this point, Lao Tian suddenly screamed, and his originally relaxed expression turned into intense physical pain!

"Damn! How much cell repair fluid will be used for such a serious injury!! This kind of thing is simply more expensive than gold! All the coffins of us old guys have been spent on this thing! This boy has not done any business A few strokes! The cell repair solution alone has almost bankrupted us!"

Afterwards, Second Young Master Xu stared at Lao Tian with his mouth open, carried Chen Xiao on his back, and left quickly...

Uh... He's not planning to run back to K City like this, is he? More than a hundred kilometers! Carrying someone on your back? !

The most frightening thing is that Lao Tian ran away all the way, and a few minutes later, he actually ran back again!

"Boy from the Xu family, take care of things on the island. If you don't understand, let me handle it. He knows how to do it... Also, the owlbear is not dead, right? Take it back secretly and send it to us! Remember! Stay!"

Then he waved his hand and ran away with a person. Xu Ershao made a visual inspection and found that Lao Tian's running speed did not seem to be much slower than his new sports car that he had just ordered from Italy...

Chen Xiao himself didn't even remember how many times he crawled out of the bathtub full of green viscous liquid.

However, this time, his body was severely damaged, and even with cell repair fluid, it took him five days to wake up.

The first thing I saw when I woke up was Lao Tian.

Lao Tian was actually sitting next to the bathtub, holding a burning cigarette in his hand and looking at Chen Xiao in the bathtub with a strange expression.

After Chen Xiao woke up, the two looked at each other for a long time. Chen Xiao's first words were: "Old Tian, I remember you said you had quit smoking several times."

Lao Tian snorted and sneered twice, and threw the cigarette butt into the bathtub unscrupulously.

"Boy, the first good news is that you are still alive." Lao Tian sighed helplessly.

"You are sighing, so it seems there is still bad news?" Chen Xiao soaked in the viscous green liquid, adjusted a comfortable position, and looked up at Lao Tian as if he was actually taking a bath.

"Three messages." Lao Tian held out three fingers: "There are good ones and bad ones. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"Let's start with the bad." Chen Xiao's expression was very calm, as if he wasn't worried at all: "I always like to be mentally prepared first, bear the bad first, and then listen to the good, so that I can maintain a good mood. "

"Bad?" Lao Tian rolled his eyes and smiled as if he were a harmless person: "The first bad news is that your body has undergone further changes. According to my observation... probably your body will change itself. Mutations, and antibodies have been produced. Therefore, it seems that the cell repair solution is becoming more and more difficult to have an effect on your body! For example, this time, your injury may not be more severe than the last time, but it consumes almost more than the last time. Double the amount of cell repair solution! Moreover, it takes a full day longer to wake up! In other words, your body has begun to reject the cell repair solution! If you suffer this kind of injury again in the future... it will not be so easy to recover. !”

Chen Xiao was still lying in the bathtub. Although he was naked, he didn't look embarrassed at all. He even touched his nose and said with a wry smile: "This is indeed bad news... It seems that ever since I met you people, I have always been It hurts. Well, you said 'the first bad news', does that mean there is more than one bad news?"

"The second bad news is... because you were injured too much and consumed a lot of cell repair fluid, so... just to treat your injuries, the cost is already astronomical! You should also understand that we are open for business, Although you are one of us and you are injured, you can receive "public medical care". But even if the company is actually more generous, the "public medical care" for employees cannot be unlimited, right? Besides, you When I was injured this time, I was not performing official duties."

Lao Tian smiled with a "generous" look: "So, we roughly calculated that the cell repair fluid you consumed this time can only be deducted from your salary. I roughly calculated it. If we follow our calculations, we can only deduct it from your salary. Calculate one business per month, based on our turnover in the past few years, and then estimate the income you may earn as an agent... "

He seemed to sigh: "The final calculation is that if this fee is deducted from your income, you will have to work for us for at least forty-two years to pay it off."

Chen Xiao was stunned: "Forty-two years... Doesn't that mean that by the time I pay it off, I will be sixty years old?"

Lao Tian said with a straight face: "That's it."

Chen Xiao made a plop and shrank into the green liquid. After soaking for a while, he came out of his head: "Then the third piece of news should be good news, right?"

"Yes, it's good news." Lao Tian smiled and said to Chen Xiao: "The good news is: for the next forty-two years, for such a long time, you can get along with three hidden masters like us... Is such a good thing considered good news to you?"

Chen Xiao glared and looked at Lao Tian: "I didn't expect... that you would actually make such a joke."

Lao Tian shook his head and smiled: "Okay, no more joking, the real third news..." When he said this, his expression became serious: "I don't even know whether this news is good or bad for you. Because... people from the service agency came and asked me to take you for a thorough test! Then... "

"Then what?"

"Then, according to the organization, your recent performance has been too outstanding, so based on your test results, they will hope that you can join the service club!"

Chen Xiao was silent for a while: "What if I refuse? What will happen?"

This time Lao Tian didn't speak anymore, just looked at Chen Xiao silently.


But Chen Xiao read something unusual in his eyes...


Chen Xiao stood up from the bathtub, walked to the shower room next to him and rinsed his body with water. Then he grabbed the bathrobe hanging on the wall and slowly put it on.

During the whole process, Lao Tian didn't speak, and Chen Xiao didn't say a word either.

After watching Chen Xiao dry his hair and comb it with a comb, Lao Tian suddenly said in a dull voice:

"Chen Xiao, I personally suggest you... it's best to accept it!"

Seeing Chen Xiao's shining eyes, Lao Tian sighed: "Oh, I mean this thorough test! As for whether you join the service club or not, I believe that according to the service club's consistent rules, it should not be forced on you. But this test, I think, is also very urgent for you now!"


"Yes." Lao Tian said seriously: "I tested you when you were unconscious... You have undergone some very magical changes. I am afraid that the existing instruments we have here cannot examine you thoroughly. In order to find out , the only choice is to go to the service club headquarters!”

"Why, is there something wrong with me now? I just absorbed two more powers..."

Chen Xiao wanted to say something else, but Lao Tian suddenly stood up, and then pulled open his shirt in front of Chen Xiao! !

Above the chest, there are strong pectoral muscles, and under the ribs on the right side, there is a shocking scar! !

The scars seemed to have been scratched purely by hand! Although it has healed, the red flesh and blood are still left! !

Moreover, this injury seems to have been caused recently! !

"You were injured? When? What happened?" Chen Xiao was a little surprised! With Lao Tian's strength, how could anyone actually hurt him? !

Lao Tian silently re-buttoned his clothes, then raised his head and looked into Chen Xiao's eyes.

His expression was a little strange, then he smiled softly and said:

"You don't remember at all. This injury was caused by you! Just the day before yesterday, I was checking your body, and you suddenly went crazy and attacked me while you were in a coma! If I hadn't reacted quickly, you would have almost killed me My internal organs were all pulled out! Boy, did you know? Your physical reaction and strength at that time was actually... A level!"

Grade A? ! A-level power? !

No, no... I actually, I actually took action against Lao Tian

Chen Xiao was stunned! !

The first reaction was: "How is that possible?!"

"Aha! Boy! Do you want to deny that you hurt me?" Lao Tian laughed and patted Chen Xiao on the shoulder: "Don't worry, your boy's strength is still far away. If I hadn't been thinking about it at that time, While checking your injuries... Humph, you can hurt me even with just a few blows?!"

But then, his tone became serious: "Your reaction was very strange at that time, as if you were completely unconscious. No, or in other words, you didn't seem to remember anything! It was as if you had become another person! If I hadn't hit I fainted you, I’m afraid you were about to run away at that time.”

As he spoke, Lao Tian pointed at the back of Chen Xiao's head.

Chen Xiao touched it, and sure enough, there was a faint healed wound on the back of his head - but he remembered that he didn't hurt the back of his head when he was on the island!

"Actually, haven't you found it strange all this time?" Lao Tian took out another cigarette from his arms, lit it and took a deep breath.

"What's weird?"

"You!" Lao Tian pointed at Chen Xiao's nose: "You were just an ordinary person. Later, you gained superpowers because of the 'purification' potion! But your superpowers were obtained by 'devouring' Hei Qi's ability. ! But the strange thing is... Hei Qi's ability is to control air flow! Not power! Hei Qi itself is not a power user! Logically speaking, since you swallowed her, your initial power should also be to control air flow ! But why did it become power?"

Chen Xiao couldn't answer this question! He was also speechless!

"At the beginning, I made a setup... Perhaps it is because the purification potion caused your genetic changes. This change is unpredictable, so it is obviously the ability to control the air flow, but when it comes to you, it directly becomes Power. But then you absorbed Qiu Yun and Poison Girl Alice... But the abilities they passed on to you did not change in type. That's why I have always been worried. And now... "

Lao Tian touched the location of the wound on his body: "I have reason to suspect that there is still something unknown to us in your body!"


Lao Tian sighed: "To put it simply... I personally suspect that it is very likely that you are originally a superpower! You have always been one before! It's just that there is some kind of substance in your body that forcibly suppresses this characteristic! As a result, you have behaved no differently from ordinary people for more than ten years. However, after inhaling the 'purification' that time, the purification potion produced some kind of chemical reaction that we don't know about with your blood, and then it originally bound you The shackles of your initial abilities have been broken! Then, your original abilities are revealed... "

When Lao Tian said this, he stared into Chen Xiao's eyes: "The most likely truth is: Chen Xiao, you were originally a superpower! You were originally our kind! It did not become like this because of the purification and absorption of Black Seven. ! You have been a person with superpowers since you were born!! Although this is just my personal guess, I think it is very possible!"

Chen Xiao was stunned!


Was he originally a person with superpowers

He wanted to laugh and retort absurdly: How is this possible!

But Chen Xiao looked at Lao Tian's serious eyes and couldn't laugh.

"I'm sorry... Chen Xiao, I did some research on you and didn't tell you before... I'm sorry, I didn't want to pry into your privacy. I just did some simple research." Lao Tian looked into Chen Xiao's eyes: "I My suspicion is well-founded. The most obvious point is: Chen Xiao, I checked some of your hospital records and your medical card records. It seems..."

"What..." Chen Xiao's expression changed slightly.

"From the time you were born to now, you seem to rarely get sick... No, in other words, I can hardly find your illness record! The record on your medical card is simply - 'perfect'!! You are eighteen years old! Never! I’ve been to the dentist and I’ve never had any serious illnesses. I even searched all your medical records and found that you’ve only had three colds in eighteen years! Eighteen years! Three colds!!”

Eighteen years, three colds...

Originally, Chen Xiao had never felt anything unusual about his performance in this area. He simply felt that he had been in better shape than others since he was a child.

But now that I think about it carefully, it seems that I have rarely gone to the hospital since I was a child!

Of course, if you encounter some trauma, such as falling or fighting, you will go to the hospital.

But getting sick... seems to be really rare! !

"This is a very obvious feature. As a person with superpowers, your genes are different from ordinary people, so many viruses and germs are ineffective against people with superpowers. This is a significant feature of people with superpowers... "

Chen Xiao could no longer hear what Lao Tian said clearly.

There was only one thought left in his mind:

I? Born with superpowers? !

Am I? !