Heavenly Monarch

Chapter 93: [Enemies meet on a narrow road]


"What?" Chen Xiao blushed.

"I know what you are thinking... I can guess it just by looking at your eyes." Lao Tian sighed: "The service club has set a strict island rule for our home! In order to protect the historical features of our home, sales and sales are prohibited here. Anything from outside society! Anything! Have you seen any cars on the island? Did you see those staff using computers at the liaison office just now?”

"Why... why?" Chen Xiao frowned.

"This town is the home of the last superpower on the planet! It has always retained the style it had when it was built more than two hundred years ago! Look here, kerosene lamps, old houses, old furniture, no TV, There are no computers... everything is original! This is to protect the special cultural atmosphere here.”

Lao Tian smiled and said: "Of course, there are many advanced instruments in the headquarters... But in this small town! Any products from outside civilization are absolutely not allowed."

As he said that, he pointed downstairs: "Even if the accounts are calculated behind the counter, the abacus is used here now."

Calculate, abacus

"But... why does this girl pay such a price..."

"I understand what you mean." Lao Tian sighed: "After leaving the island, you can do whatever you want, but the problem is... this girl has never left this island in her life. Therefore, she has stayed on the island, facing the outside world. The world is very longing for it, but you can’t buy these things on the island... So... Haha, I let you take advantage of this."

Can't leave the island


"Her name is 'Champagne', a very interesting name, right?" Lao Tian winked at Chen Xiao: "She is recognized as the most beautiful woman in the town. This inn was run by her family many years ago. , it was also called another name, named after her father, but after her father passed away and she became the boss, it was changed to her name."

"I mean, why can't she leave the island? Could it be that she was imprisoned by people from the service agency?" Chen Xiao couldn't help but feel a little indignant.

"Of course not." Lao Tian smiled: "The service club will not do such a thing. You have to remember that there are many, many strange people on this island. These strange people often have many strange rules. These are their own secrets or privacy, and we will not inquire too much. But what I know is that Champagne and her father, her grandfather, her great-grandfather... have never left this island! Never ! This is the family rule in their family. As for why, no one knows."


Strange girl, strange rules.

The night at the inn passed quickly.

For dinner, we had two ounces of Lao Baigan, two stacks of side dishes, and a plate of braised pork. Typical ancient Chinese inn food.

After enjoying such a dinner, Chen Xiao couldn't help but think of someone.

The girl who likes to joke and call herself "Sajia", the funny girl who walks into the coffee shop, bangs the table, yells "waiter" and asks for beef cuts.

Well, Phoenix...if she came here, she would definitely find it interesting.

In addition to being the first time, the guest room of this small inn also filled Chen Xiao with a sense of freshness. At night, a waiter will come into the room with a bucket of hot water for guests to freshen up...

Well, just think of it as a way to experience the retro feeling.

Early the next morning, Chen Xiao and Lao Tian were awakened by a knock on the door. He got up and opened the door, stunned for a moment.

Champagne, the female owner of this inn, stood at the door. What makes Chen Xiao a little funny is that a very beautiful girl, standing indoors in the early morning when there is no sunshine, has the sunglasses she bought from her yesterday on the bridge of her nose.

These Ray-Ban sunglasses are for men, and they look a little weird on a girl’s face—and her outfit is really a bit incongruous: a Chinese-style floral skirt, braided braids...

"Are you awake?" Champagne smiled friendly at Chen Xiao, probably because he was very satisfied with the pair of sunglasses he bought.

"... I'm awake." Chen Xiao rubbed his eyes: "Excuse me..."

"Someone wants to see you, the contact person from the service agency headquarters." Champagne smiled: "Get ready, he is waiting at the door downstairs."

"...Thank you." Chen Xiao opened his mouth, not knowing what to say. He really wanted to laugh, but he just had to hold it back.

"By the way..." Champagne was about to turn around and leave, but suddenly turned back and hesitated: "Is this your first time on the island?"


"That's it, I've never seen you before. I know everyone on the island." Champagne took off his sunglasses, with a strange smile on his face: "Are you a person with supernatural powers?"

"That's right." Chen Xiao nodded and glanced at the room. Lao Tian must have gotten up.

"You were born outside and lived outside... Is the outside world interesting?" Champagne sighed, with a trace of regret in his beautiful eyes: "I have never been outside... The only knowledge I have about the outside is a few magazines. …By the way, do you have a TV at home? Where’s the refrigerator? Do you have a sports car?”

"...I've had it all." Chen Xiao smiled bitterly.

The girl's eyes immediately lit up, full of yearning.

Chen Xiao looked at the girl named Champagne, and suddenly felt a trace of sympathy in his heart: "Actually... why don't you go out and have a look?"

"I can't go." Champagne shrugged: "My family doesn't allow it. Even my fashion magazines were obtained secretly - you must already know that selling these things is not allowed in the town."

Her eyes seemed a little sad, and she soon showed a bright smile again: "Okay! Get ready quickly, don't keep the contact person at the service agency headquarters waiting... Oh, this contact person seems to have a bad temper. Woolen cloth."

After saying that, she skipped towards the stairs. After taking a few steps, she turned back and asked, "You are planning to leave by boat in two or three days, right?"

"...Yes." Chen Xiao nodded.

Of course we leave by boat. If not by boat, how about by plane? I didn’t see any airport on the island.

But Champagne was already humming all the way downstairs.

"What did she say to you?" Lao Tian didn't know when he had dressed up and walked out.

"Nothing, he asked me some strange questions...about the outside world."

"Oh, poor little girl." Lao Tian shook his head: "Everyone who comes from outside for the first time, she will ask them for a while."

Ten minutes later, Chen Xiao and Lao Tian left the room and went downstairs. When passing by the hall, they saw the champagne sitting behind the counter. They made a face at Chen Xiao and stuck out their tongue cutely - of course, she was still wearing it. Those sunglasses.

Chen Xiao and Lao Tian walked out of the inn door, but when they saw what was at the door - he was stunned.

There was actually a car parked at the door!


To be precise... this is a steam engine car!

It's open-top and has a large body.

Chen Xiao had only seen this kind of car in some movies. This kind of thing should probably be classified as an antique!

However, this is indeed a car.

"Didn't you say that there is no allowed on the island..." Chen Xiao turned around and asked Lao Tian.

"This rule in the town was set a hundred years ago." Lao Tian replied with a smile: "So, steam cars existed before this rule was set. So it is not a violation."

Chen Xiao can also drive, and his family used to have his own car, and his best friend Xu Ershao is a rich man and has several sports cars of his own.

But Chen Xiao has never ridden in this kind of steam engine car... let alone ridden in it, and has never even watched it (not counting the movie).

However, when a person walked out from behind the car, who was the contact person at the service agency headquarters, Chen Xiao was stunned.

This is a woman with short hair, a black leather suit, a cold face, and a hint of hostility and displeasure in her eyes when she looks at Chen Xiao.

"You, you, is it you?" Chen Xiao couldn't help but lost his voice.

"Huh, it's me!" The woman stared at Chen Xiao for a long time before she said something through her teeth: "If it weren't for you, how could I be here acting as a liaison person? character of!"

This woman turned out to be an old acquaintance of Chen Xiao.

The guy who once broke into Chen Xiao's house and tried to snatch the "purification" potion, and was the first to be devoured by Chen Xiao with his superpowers.

Black seven!

"Don't worry, I won't retaliate against you...at least not on the island!" Hei Qi gritted his teeth and stared at Chen Xiao: "But I won't forget you, kid! It was you who made me lose my powers and lose my Field position! At the same time, I also lost my number! The leader of the seven groups of my dignified field team is now reduced to the role of a low-level liaison!"

Her eyes were as cold as ice. She opened the car door and snorted: "Get in the car, kid."