Heavenly Monarch

Chapter 94: [Wheelchair Freak]


Hei Qi's resentment seemed to form a powerful aura, making Chen Xiao very uncomfortable. Lao Tian walked over, patted Hei Qi on the shoulder, and said softly: "Hei Qi, I know how you feel, but he..."

"Uncle Tian." Hei Qi said coldly: "You don't need to say more, bridges lead to bridges, roads lead to roads. This matter has nothing to do with you, and..." After a pause, there was a bit of bitterness in her voice: "And , I am no longer 'Black Seven'. Do you think it is possible for me to keep my code name now?"

There was finally a hint of weakness in her eyes, but she bit her lip harshly: "You'd better call me by my name, Suosuo."

"Maybe... you don't have to be so pessimistic. I heard that the organization has achieved a breakthrough in the research and development of induction drugs... "

"You don't need to comfort me." Suosuo glanced at Lao Tian and said calmly: "I have been staying on the island. I know these things better than you."

When this antique-like old-fashioned steam engine car started driving, the sound of the engine was like that of an old asthma patient. The power of the car was naturally pitiful, and it drove all the way out of the town and toward the center of the island.

The roads along the way have been artificially paved, high-quality cement roads, and the surrounding green vegetation of the South Pacific is lush. Chen Xiao did not dare to talk to Suo Suo while sitting in the car. He could only pretend to be calm and look around, while Suo Suo stretched his eyebrows. A face looks ahead, driving a car.

After driving for about an hour, we arrived under the volcano in the center of the island. This is an extinct volcano. It is said that there has been no activity for many centuries, and a winding mountain road has been built under the mountain. The road is wide enough for two cars to drive side by side.

Just when driving on the winding mountain road, Chen Xiao couldn't help but feel a little uneasy: This woman named Suosuo had a deep hatred for him. What if she died with him for revenge... All he had to do was turn the steering wheel hard on purpose on the winding mountain road. , everyone fell down the cliff next to them, including people and cars...

Fortunately, Suosuo had no such intention. When the car reached the middle of the volcano, it stopped at a huge platform that was obviously man-made.

"This is entrance No. 4." Suosuo stopped the car and jumped out of the car: "Old Tian, I can only send you here." After saying that, he glared at Chen Xiao: "Boy, I will keep it tight Remember yours!”

"Actually..." Chen Xiao hesitated for a moment, and tried his best to speak in a candid tone: "I didn't know what happened between us at the beginning, and it was an accident..."

"No need to waste your breath." Suosuo said coldly.

After saying that, she stretched out her hand to Lao Tian: "Please pay the fare."

Lao Tian gave a wry smile, took out the strange stack of banknotes from his pocket, and handed over one with a face value of five hundred. Suosuo quickly took it, dug out a stack of small-denomination banknotes from a box under the driver's seat and gave it to Lao Tian. Finally, he took out something that looked like a magnetic card and strode to the rocky mountain wall. Press lightly on a raised rock, and soon the rock will automatically move away, revealing a metal sensor screen.

She swung the magnetic card in front of her, then leaned over and pressed her eyes against the metal sensor screen.

Soon, Chen Xiao heard a clicking sound of mechanical operation coming from the mountain wall. The rocky mountain wall in front of him, which was about hundreds of meters high, suddenly separated from the left and right automatically! A metal wall was exposed under the rock. After it slowly separated, a passage appeared.

"Go in. My mission is accomplished." Suosuo snorted. After Chen Xiao and Lao Tian got out of the car, she jumped into the car and drove away without looking back.

"She... seems to hate me very much." Chen Xiao smiled bitterly and touched his nose.

"Of course." Lao Tian patted Chen Xiao on the head: "I watched this girl grow up. She joined the field team, and then relied on her strength to improve and became the leader of the seventh team... Alas, with her age and Due to the malleable potential of her powers, she is actually very hopeful that she can become a flower card within twenty years. Unfortunately... "

Flower cards... Chen Xiao sighed: "It's just the cards above J in poker."

In the passage is a pressure chamber, which is only about three times the size of an elevator room in an ordinary building.

After the two of them walked in, the rock wall behind them quickly closed automatically, and then a circular 360-degree detection light slowly fell from above their heads, spewing out a ball of green light, covering the two of them. shrouded.

"Don't be nervous, this is an identity scan, part of the procedure for entering the headquarters." Lao Tian hugged his arms and looked very relaxed.

After the green light enveloped the two people, as if it had some kind of X-ray-like perspective effect, Chen Xiao clearly saw Lao Tian standing next to him, who seemed to have turned into a transparent skeleton, and the body's In the outline, there is something strange and strange like water flowing...

"Identity confirmed, entry allowed."

He didn't know where the speaker was, but Chen Xiao heard a metallic sound. After he was stunned for a moment, he suddenly felt a tremor under his feet...

call! ! !

This kind of citrus made his heart suddenly twist! Then there seemed to be a strong feeling of the body sinking - it was like taking a high-speed elevator upwards...

Could this pressure chamber be an elevator

Sure enough, when the elevator rose rapidly, Chen Xiao saw the surrounding walls flipping quickly like a Rubik's Cube. Finally, all the mountain rocks flipped over, exposing the flat and smooth metal walls.


With a crisp ringtone, the rising feeling came to an abrupt end. But there is no door open in front of me...

The door is at your feet!

The ground beneath their feet slowly moved away, revealing a step going down.

"We're here." Lao Tian walked at the front and smiled: "Welcome to the headquarters!"

Walking down the steps, you soon came to a spacious place...

What surprised Chen Xiao was: he originally thought that after taking such a high-tech elevator, he would come to a place that looked like a science fiction movie, but in front of him...

Long corridors, huge black stone walls, square, quiet roads, and circular windows... Through the windows, you can also see outside the window...

The sunshine outside the window is bright, and in the distance, you can see the distant scenery: valleys, rivers, and ancient European medieval castles? !


We are obviously on an island, right? !

Next to him, Lao Tian looked as usual, as if he was no longer surprised.

But... this is the headquarters

Why is it so empty, not a soul in sight

Chen Xiao couldn't help but turn his head and look around. There were long corridors in front and behind, and the windows on the side had beautiful scenery outside. He couldn't help but take two steps and tried to reach out the window.

"I wouldn't do this if I were you."

A voice sounded from behind at the right time.

Chen Xiao suddenly turned around and saw a man appearing behind him.

He was sitting in a wheelchair. The wheelchair looked very strange, with a completely metal structure, and the armrests on both sides were covered with a row of tiny buttons.

This man has white hair and a thin and pale face. He is very handsome, but his face is too pale, but he looks like a vampire in a movie. He looked to be in his thirties. He was sitting in a wheelchair with his head raised. Under the messy hair on his forehead, a pair of eyes stared at Chen Xiao like an eagle.

He was wearing a white coat, but Chen Xiao noticed that his legs...

He has no legs anymore, and there are two metal prostheses below the knees!

Lao Tian sighed, looked at the man in the wheelchair, and smiled: "We meet again. I didn't expect you to come to greet us in person."

"Don't be sentimental." The wheelchair weirdo said calmly: "I'm not interested in you at all. If it were just you, I wouldn't even bother to say half a word to you. What I'm interested in is this little one you brought. Guy."

Then, he pressed a button on the armrest of the wheelchair. Soon, on the right side of Lao Tian, the wall cracked again, revealing another place like an elevator.

"You can leave." The wheelchair weirdo's tone was very cold and blunt: "Don't waste my time. This kid is left to me, and I will return him to you intact in forty-eight hours."

Lao Tian actually didn't refuse. He laughed, gave Chen Xiao a comforting look, strode into the elevator, closed the wall, and disappeared.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"Your heartbeat has started to accelerate." A sneer appeared on the corner of the wheelchair weirdo's mouth: "The holographic scanner can sense that your heartbeat has accelerated and your blood pressure has also increased... Are you afraid of something?"

"I'm just worried that you will turn me into a guinea pig." Chen Xiao replied.

"Don't worry. I won't do it." The wheelchair weirdo shook his head, but his eyes when looking at Chen Xiao were full of weirdness: "First, you are not a guinea pig. Second, in my eyes, you are worth more than a guinea pig. There are so many, even if all the rats in the world were added together, they would not be as valuable as you alone.”

Uh... Is this last sentence considered a compliment

The wheelchair weirdo yawned and said lazily: "I know that from a human nature, anyone who comes here for the first time will feel novel about this place. Even if I stop you, you will still have questions. So... You see, I am a very open-minded person. I will give you three minutes. You can ask your questions and I will answer them. For three minutes, I will satisfy your curiosity. After three minutes, no gossip will be allowed. Understand. Yet?"

He snorted and sneered twice: "Start counting now."

"..." Chen Xiao hesitated: "Who are you?"

"People from the service agency." The wheelchair geek smiled disdainfully: "Your first question is very untechnical, but I don't mind."

"So...are we still on the island now?"

"Of course." The wheelchair weirdo sneered: "I don't know the space transfer magic... so you, me, and us are still on the island. Ah, you mean to be surprised by the scenery outside the window."

He actually smiled a little politely: "Sorry, I almost forgot. You are a guest from the East, and I should receive you in an Oriental style."

After speaking, he raised a finger again and pressed a certain button on the armrest...

Silently, while Chen Xiao was stunned, all the surrounding walls, floors, ceilings, and even windows, up, down, left, and right, quickly turned over!

Just like a Rubik's Cube.

Ten seconds later, Chen Xiao found that the place he was in had completely changed!

Just now, I seemed to be in a medieval European castle, but now...

Looking around, there are pavilions, carved balustrades and jade buildings on the left and right! Antique screens, brick and wood structure finishes... completely in the architectural style of ancient Chinese palaces!

There are still windows next to it, but looking out, the valleys, rivers and castles in the distance are gone!

Outside is an empty square, and in the distance is the majestic ancient Chinese palace, with flying dragon sculptures, red walls and green tiles...

Chen Xiao was shocked! He couldn't help but reach out and try to touch a relief sculpture with a dragon head next to him.

"I said, if I were you I wouldn't do this - reach out and touch." After the wheelchair weirdo finished speaking, the wheelchair had turned around and then slid gently towards the far side of the corridor.

Chen Xiao quickly followed.

"how did you do it?"

"Technology, kid, everything is the result of technology." The wheelchair weirdo said calmly without looking back: "It's very simple, everything you see in your eyes is an illusion... It's a set of holographic three-dimensional virtual projection scenes, everything is It’s fake, the palace, the castle, the scenery outside the window, the sculptures… everything is fake.”

"Holographic three-dimensional virtual scene..." Chen Xiao muttered a few words.

"It's very simple. If you stay in this place all year round, if you are enclosed in this kind of place, everyone will go crazy. So these landscapes must be created... to make people feel happier. I have designed dozens of these views outside the windows. Set of different views, Chinese, Western, ancient, modern... Oh, I also made some interesting modifications. If I want, I can move the view of Manhattan, New York, outside my window."

Chen Xiao swallowed and spat.

"There are two sets of this equipment in the world. I have one here, and NASA has one - theirs is specially used to train astronauts on the space station. In order to eliminate the need for astronauts to work in the space station for a long time, The problem of mental depression. But...their set is a semi-finished product that I made twenty years ago."

Chen Xiao: “…”

Chen Xiao once thought that his parents were a pair of Frankensteins.

But now I see this guy in a wheelchair... He is the real Frankenstein!

"Do you have any more questions? Just gossip."

"The last one... may I ask your name?"

"Another non-technical question." The wheelchair geek yawned again: "Human curiosity is always in low taste... Okay, I'll satisfy you once and for all. My name is SCOTFEILD. Research from the Service Agency Headquarters Chief member of the institution.”

He then sneered: "Now, come with me, my humanoid guinea pig."

Chen Xiao followed Shi Gaofei with some anxiety, and soon the two of them turned around the corridor and came to the door of a Chinese classical palace - no need to ask, these are all fake.

After the door opened, Chen Xiao was surprised that in the middle of the door was a dragon chair that seemed to be reserved for ancient Chinese emperors!

Shi Gaofei pointed to the dragon chair and "sit on it."

"Ah?" Chen Xiao couldn't help but ask.

"Fake, boy, remember my words, fake!" Shi Gaofei was a little impatient: "It looks like a wheelchair now. As long as I want, I can always change its appearance in your eyes to look like someone sitting on death row." The electric chair! But its true face is an instrument that measures data about your whole body. Do you understand? Now, sit on this damn chair, and from this second on, you are not allowed to speak! Unless I Ask you, otherwise if you say a word, I guarantee you will regret it. Here, you do what I say. Got it?"

He seemed very irritated: "Now, sit down! Shut your mouth."