Heavenly Monarch

Chapter 95: [Suppression - Purification]


Chen Xiao hesitated for a moment, and finally walked over silently and sat on the "dragon chair".

It seems to be quite soft under the buttocks. Although I don't want to admit it, this chair is quite comfortable to sit on.

Soon, Chen Xiao suddenly felt something sharp stabbing his neck on the back of his head. It felt a little numb, a little painful, and a little itchy.

Shi Gaofei gently pressed another key. Soon, the ceiling above the head opened, and a huge transparent screen lowered. It flashed quickly, and a set of cylindrical data tables appeared.

"Oh, let me see... interesting blood sample."

Chen Xiao subconsciously wanted to stand up, but as soon as he thought about it, two strong leather straps suddenly popped out of the armrests of the dragon chair to secure his wrists! Two belts also popped out from under his feet, binding him firmly.

Then, a circular metal ring was wrapped around the waist.

The dragon chair beneath him instantly lost its disguise and turned into something like a round metal armchair. Then, from behind the backrest, something like a crystal ball slowly poked out, with flashing lights on it. Looking at the flowing luster of the liquid crystal, it felt like a huge eye staring at Chen Xiao.

"Sit still and don't move." After Shi Gaofei left a word, he turned around. A translucent helmet-like thing popped out of his wheelchair and covered his head... It seemed like some kind of glasses. His eyes were fixed on the data displayed on the huge screen above.

"DNA profile analysis, blood sample component analysis, brain wave analysis, ECG analysis... I need cell sampling, hair, skin, muscle tissue, everything."

As he murmured coldly to himself, Chen Xiao immediately saw that under the metal platform where he was sitting, mechanical arms flashing with cold golden light stretched out one after another, holding various small and small objects on them. tool.

Some quickly removed a few hairs from themselves, some used needles to pierce the skin of their arms, and some used a small blade to carefully cut the skin of their arms and take samples...

During the whole process, even if his arm was cut, Chen Xiao could not feel the slightest pain.

"Body linear body analysis, particle analysis..." Shi Gaofei quickly issued instructions one by one in his voice.

Chen Xiao really felt as if he had turned into a humanoid guinea pig...

Finally, more than ten minutes later, after Shi Gaofei got all the samples he wanted, his eyes were full of excitement and excitement, and he turned around: "Sampling is over, data storage, sample storage."

He pointed at Chen Xiao: "You can come down now."

The straps on his arms and feet fell off at the same time, and Chen Xiao jumped up immediately.

The wound on his arm also healed automatically.

This made him very strange—didn't it mean that his body had developed antibodies to the cell repair solution

Shi Gaofei pointed to a screen next to the hall: "Stand over."

Chen Xiao did as he was told.


Chen Xiao was stunned for a moment and then did as he was told.

"Take off your underwear too." Shi Gaofei looked at Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao hesitated for a moment, then heard Shi Gaofei say angrily: "Don't waste my time, kid! Every minute of my time is precious! It's so expensive that you can't afford it even if you bankrupt your family! Hurry!"

Just when Chen Xiao stood naked in front of Shi Gaofei, the screen behind him also lost its holographic virtual disguise. It was a metal plate, but with the flash of light, Chen Xiao's body was reflected on the metal plate. …But it’s a skeleton diagram.

"Okay, all the information has been obtained." Shi Gaofei glanced at Chen Xiao and pressed the button. Soon, a mechanical arm delivered a black robe.

"Get dressed, I don't like seeing men with bare buttocks in front of me." Shi Gaofei said coldly.

Chen Xiao muttered in his heart: It was obviously you who asked me to take off my clothes...

"I must admit, you surprised me." Shi Gaofei's wheelchair slowly slid in front of Chen Xiao: "In fact, I have a copy of your blood sample here, but it was sent some time ago. But now... you There are new changes in the blood samples.”

"Is it a good change? Or a bad change?"

Shi Gaofei frowned and glanced at Chen Xiao with an idiot look: "Good? Bad? Who taught you this stupid way of defining? No! There is no good or bad! There is only progress in life. It’s a different direction! There’s no such thing as good or bad!”

"But..." Chen Xiao wanted to say something else, but Shi Gaofei had already turned around and sat on the wheelchair and moved forward.

"Follow up, don't stand there stupidly, we still have a lot to do."

We returned to the corridor again, and this time we walked all the way to the end of the corridor. In front of us was a vermilion door. Shi Gaofei said coldly: "Now, you can go out from here."

"Get out? Is it over yet?" Chen Xiao was a little confused.

"End?" Shi Gaofei snorted: "What do you think testing is? I can see all your secrets at a glance? I don't have time to care about you now. If you go out from here, someone will take you to do the next one." As for the stage of examination, as for me, I have to hurry up and study the samples taken from your body."

The vermilion door opened automatically, and behind the door was a large circular room. What made Chen Xiao feel a little more at ease was that he finally saw someone behind the door.

"Mr. Shi Gaofei?" Behind the door, a middle-aged woman wearing a black leather coat and the standard outfit of a service agency employee stood behind the door.

"Take him for a capability assessment." After Shi Gaofei finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Chen Xiao walked out of the vermilion door in a daze. After the door closed, he looked back and saw that the wall was smooth and there was no gap at all!

"He is a weird person." The middle-aged woman next to him smiled calmly: "As long as you don't offend him, he is actually quite easy to get along with."

"...Uh, thank you." Chen Xiao looked around.

This is a closed space, a circular room and even the ceiling is in the shape of a dome. There is a circle of long round shelves placed around it.

"Now I will take you to take the ability test." The middle-aged woman smiled and said: "People here call me a waiter - in fact, I am indeed a waiter, dedicated to serving Mr. Shi Gaofei."

Waiter...another weird name.

"The first test, the gravity chamber." Chen Xiao walked to a metal door and slowly opened the door... This was something like a cosmic chamber in a movie.

"We will do a gravity test on your body. Don't worry, it won't hurt you." The waiter pointed inside: "You just need to go in, and then the test will start. It will be a little uncomfortable. Just try to stay as natural as possible. Condition, do some actions that you can do, squat, stand, walk, trot, etc.”

After Chen Xiao walked in and closed the door, he couldn't help but take a deep breath... Soon, his body suddenly felt stiff. Then he accidentally fell down and almost fell down!

It was as if every hair on my body became heavier instantly! The strong gravity "pressed" him down! Chen Xiao's body reacted immediately, and he tried hard to stand up straight.

Then, several thin metal tubes quickly protruded from the surrounding walls, with some kind of thin patch attached to one end. They quickly came into contact with Chen Xiao's body and stuck to his temple. Wrists and other parts.

As Chen Xiao made various movements, his respiratory rate, pulse, blood pressure and other data were transmitted quickly.

After a few minutes, Chen Xiao felt that the pressure was getting heavier and heavier. He struggled to move at first, but as the pressure got bigger and bigger, he finally began to feel a little weak, his breathing began to become heavy, and finally he couldn't even stay standing. Do it…

Just when he was about to kneel down, even the bones in his body felt overwhelmed... Suddenly, the ubiquitous pressure suddenly disappeared!

Because his whole body was struggling to fight, this external pressure suddenly disappeared. Under the action of inertia, Chen Xiao actually "jumped" high on the spot, and his back hit the ceiling heavily.

When he fell to the ground, the door in front of him opened, and the "waiter" stood in front of him, smiling and saying: "Okay, let's proceed to the next stage of testing."

Chen Xiao was a little dizzy from being hit, and struggled to stand up: "What was the result of the gravity test just now?"

"Well... I'm sorry, I can't disclose any data without Mr. Shi Gaofei's consent." The waiter smiled politely, but his eyes were very indifferent.

Chen Xiao sighed: "What are you testing next?"

"It's very simple." The waiter said lightly: "According to the data in my hand, your powers are displayed in several aspects: strength, toxins, metal molecule explosion, primary simulation, and a certain amount of mental power, as well as the current Blood’s ability to evolve autonomously…”

After about a few hours, Chen Xiao, accompanied by the waiter, entered one weird room after another and conducted various strange tests.

For example, the toxin test did not draw his blood, but directly threw him into a room full of poison gas for fumigation like a "sauna".

According to the waiter's explanation: Because Chen Xiao's body fluids are poisonous, he will be born with certain toxin antibodies.

As for the metal burst test, he was put into a room full of metal particles. The air was filled with various suspended metal particles. Chen Xiao had to detonate them one by one, from small to large.

There are also imitation ability tests and mental strength tests.

The strangest thing is the "autonomous evolution of blood".

Chen Xiao guessed that he obtained this ability from swallowing the owlbear's ability.

This is the so-called "blood-eating evolution".

Before doing this test, Chen Xiao wondered if the other party would take out a bottle of blood of a superhuman and let him drink it... But fortunately, the test was not as abnormal as imagined.

Chen Xiao's blood was injected into a white mouse, and then he watched the white mouse in the glass box suddenly turn into a "Super Saiyan mouse". The little mouse violently broke the glass plate of the glass box. !

Then, the waiter injected a drop of other blood into the mouse, which was said to be a blood sample from another person with super powers. The mouse soon mutated again and actually floated in the glass chamber!

"The blood injected for the second time was the blood sample of a supernatural being with the ability to fly." The waiter explained.

This white mouse will be used as Chen Xiao's substitute to stay here to continue various tests.

When the time came in the afternoon, Chen Xiao finally finished all the tests.

And finally, Shi Gaofei showed up again.

He was still sitting in the wheelchair, but his expression was very strange. He couldn't tell whether he was happy or sad, but his eyes were very solemn. When Chen Xiao returned to the circular hall, Shi Gaofei was already waiting there.

"I have never seen a person with superpowers like you." Shi Gaofei said coldly: "Actually, in my opinion, your existence is very similar to a strange creature... which acquires self-evolution by devouring the energy of the same kind. , and at the same time capture the energy of the same kind... In this way of life, there is something... called a virus!"

Chen Xiao's expression did not change, and he listened quietly to Shi Gaofei's continued words.

"Many viruses also strengthen themselves by devouring their own kind. However, your power originally has a flaw, that is, your total energy remains unchanged. As the number of power items increases, your ability will be evenly distributed weaker. However, you are lucky, your ability to devour the blood-eating evolution of an owlbear has made up for this 'weakness' of yours to some extent."

Chen Xiao still didn't speak.

"Now, your overall strength has reached B level! According to all your tests, each of your abilities has reached B level, and the lowest one is C+ level. Moreover, your potential is still very strong. In theory, as long as Once you obtain the blood of a new superpower, you can evolve indefinitely... However, I cannot predict the form after evolution, that is to say... "

"That is to say, I might turn into a monster who doesn't know what it looks like?" Chen Xiao smiled bitterly.

"It can be understood that way." Shi Gaofei said with a straight face: "Even if one day suddenly your life form breaks away from the human form and turns into a stick insect with high intelligence, it is possible - theoretically possible. "

Chen Xiao thought for a while: "That's not what I'm concerned about... Mr. Shi Gaofei, can you answer me a question: Was my initial state an ordinary human being? Or was I originally a person with powers?"

Shi Gaofei smiled, and this time he smiled very strangely.

"This is my biggest discovery!" Shi Gaofei became excited: "Chen Xiao, I can answer you clearly, you were born with superpowers! This genetic change comes from evolution! You were born with superpowers Yes! But what makes me very excited is that there is a substance left in your body. I suspect that this substance has some kind of repressive and binding effect, and it directly acts on your DNA, causing a change. It's like a shackle, restricting the changes in your DNA and causing the superpowers in your body to fall into a long-term dormant state, making you resemble ordinary people to the greatest extent!"

There was a hint of admiration in his voice: "I'm very curious. Anyone who can create that kind of depressing substance is simply a genius!"

Could it be... could they be my parents

Chen Xiao's heart moved.

"Second discovery: You carefully analyzed the depressive substance remaining in your body, and found that it is very similar to the purification potion you later inhaled!"

Shi Gaofei smiled and said: "I made a guess, and the result of the guess is that at some time when you were young, your body was injected with that repressive substance, which restricted your genetic changes and locked the evolution of your abilities. And after careful analysis, I found that this depressive substance is 80% similar to the purifying potion!"

After a pause, Shi Gaofei sighed: "In other words, the later purification potions were probably developed on the basis of this depressive substance!"

Chen Xiao's expression began to change.

Shi Gaofei continued: "According to what we know, the purification potion was developed by your parents, so my personal inference is that when you were young, your parents had already created a depressive substance. This substance It was the preliminary product of the later purification potion. Although it was not complete, it already had the function of suppressing changes in human DNA. It just did not have the swallowing function of the later purification potion. Later, your parents used this method to suppress you. The body's superpowers were improved on the basis of this repressive substance, and after many years, the final product was formed - the purification potion!"

Chen Xiao's voice was trembling: "In other words, are you sure that I was born... to be a person with powers?!"

"Yes, I'm sure!"