Heavenly Monarch

Chapter 98: [privilege? ]


The journey of six blocks is neither too far nor too close. For a monster like Chen Xiao who possesses powers of the power system, this expenditure of physical strength is not worth mentioning at all.

But... the same cannot be said for champagne. This female inn owner has been pampered since she was a child. In her words, there are so many servants in the inn, and she has lived a life of opening her mouth for food and stretching her hands for clothes.

After walking for less than half an hour, she frowned and complained that her feet hurt.

"Carry me."

"… What?"

"You carry me, my feet hurt." Champagne showed a pitiful expression - but Chen Xiao knew very well that this curious baby was not a good, innocent girl like her family. This female inn owner just lacks understanding of the outside world, but she is actually very thoughtful. This pitiful look now is 90% fake.

"It's not clear what men and women are taught!" Chen Xiao refused.

"Bah! Then you kissed me just now?"

"How can it be said the other way around? It's obviously you..." Chen Xiao rolled his eyes.

At this time, the two of them passed by a street with relatively few pedestrians, and two figures suddenly emerged from an alley on the left!

A figure quickly pulled the champagne into the alley, and Chen Xiao was pushed by another person. Unfortunately, Chen Xiao didn't move. The guy who pushed him fell out and flew in simply. In a large square trash can next to it.


Chen Xiao turned around and saw a white young man holding a gun in his hand and pointing the gun at Chen Xiao. He strangled Champagne's neck with one hand and pressed her against the wall.

The white young man seemed to be frightened, watching Chen Xiao throw his accomplice into the trash can. His expression looked as if he had seen a ghost, the hand holding the gun was trembling, and his voice was a little shrill and distorted.

"Quick! Come here! Otherwise I..." The guy turned his gun and pointed it at the champagne.

Chen Xiao immediately raised his hand and quickly walked into the alley, but still had a personal smile on his face: "I heard that the security in Sydney is getting worse and worse. It is true. There are people robberies in broad daylight."

"Wallet! I want your wallet! Give it to me!" The white young man's expression was very nervous and a little panicked. Although he tried his best to look vicious, he could not hide his fierce appearance.

"Sorry, I don't have what you said." Chen Xiao shook his head and pointed at his shriveled pocket: "Can't you see?"

"Hell!" The white young man gritted his teeth: "What about you!" He stared at the champagne, but suddenly saw the PRADA keychain held in the champagne's hand.

This thing is probably worth a little money!

Chen Xiao had already walked over slowly.

"Stop! Don't come over!" The white young man quickly turned his gun to Chen Xiao and shouted: "Me! I will shoot! I swear I will shoot! If you don't want to die, just..."

He doesn't look very old - but anyone with experience knows that it is precisely this kind of young man who robs, but often does unexpected and cruel things. Because when such young people get hot-headed, they will lack rationality and can do anything. On the contrary, it is the kind of habitual criminals who will not do anything extraordinary easily because they know the consequences of their actions.

This young man was obviously so excited that he was about to collapse, and his nervousness reached the breaking point.

His finger was on the trigger, trembling slightly, ready to press it at any moment...

"Can I ask a question?" Chen Xiao still opened his arms: "Do you have any money?"

"Uh... uh?" The white young man seemed stunned.

Then his eyes showed a mixture of timidity and nervousness, and he finally gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger...


The trigger seemed to be stuck. He pulled it twice, only to find that he couldn't move his finger even half a minute!

At this time, he raised his head and looked at Chen Xiao, and saw a fist flying towards his face...


The young white man flew out and was already unconscious when he landed on the ground.

Chen Xiao walked over and carefully searched the two guys for a while.

"Twenty-six yuan." Chen Xiao sighed: "It seems that these thieves are also very poor. But... the money should be enough for us to take the subway back to the hotel."

After a pause, Chen Xiao smiled: "It would be great if we encounter a few more thieves on the road. Maybe we can make back the money we spent on this keychain."

Champagne rolled her eyes, then she rubbed her delicate neck, but jumped over, raised her foot and stamped hard on the white young man on the ground.

"I'm so open and no one dares to be rough with me!"

I step, I step, I step, step, step!

Chen Xiao sighed... Fortunately, Champagne didn't wear high heels...

He put the banknotes found on the robbers into his pockets, picked up the pistol from the ground, and looked at it...

Suddenly, I heard the sound of a car stopping at the entrance of the alley, and then the sound of two car doors opening.


Chen Xiao heard that this was the sound of the gun's safety being turned on!

Then, a loud shout came from behind!

"Don't move! Police!!!"

Chen Xiao immediately turned around and saw a police car parked at the entrance of the alley. Two policemen stood vigilantly beside the car, pointing guns at himself and the champagne.

"Put down the weapon in your hand! Put it down quickly!"

Chen Xiao didn't hesitate at all and immediately threw away the gun. He knows very well that foreign police are different from domestic police. These police really dare to shoot! !

Moreover, he did not want to attack the police.

"Come here! Hands up! So we can see your hands! Come here slowly! And you, girl! Come here!"

"We were robbed!" Chen Xiao quickly defended: "We were robbed! This guy on the ground is a criminal! We were just self-defense."

But the police didn't listen at all. At this moment, the police couldn't tell what was going on. According to professional rules, they could only follow the procedures first.

"Come here! Lie in the car! Hurry!"

Chen Xiao sighed, walked to the car, raised his hands: "My ID is in my hip pocket."

A policeman came over, first pushed Chen Xiao down and lay on the hood of the car, and then took out Chen Xiao's ID from Chen Xiao's butt pocket. After looking at it, he breathed a sigh of relief and became a little more polite to Chen Xiao: "Okay, come back with us and we'll be fine if you find out."

Then he stared at the champagne: "Your ID, miss!"

Chen Xiao's heart sank: We're in trouble.

There is no doubt that the champagne without any documents had to be taken back to the police station, and Chen Xiao was also taken back as a suspect.

Champagne does not have any legal identification, passport, visa, or documents as an Australian national... She is completely a "black account".

I'm afraid, this girl doesn't have the nationality of any country on this planet...

Plus...the two of them have yellow skin, black hair, and speak Chinese. By the way, Australia is not a very friendly country towards Chinese people...

After struggling in the police station for about half an hour, the two boys who robbed Chen Xiao and Champagne woke up and accused Chen Xiao and Champagne of robbing them...

This statement is bullshit.

But... those two guys are local natives. The funny thing is, they also have legal gun licenses.

Although this statement is funny, the obvious problem is: Champagne has no legal status!

Chen Xiao was able to see the police interrogation model under the Western judicial system—it was basically the same as what she saw in the movies.

Finally, an hour later, Lao Tian arrived at the police station and brought a companion, a white man wearing a dark suit and carrying a black suitcase - he looked like he was dressed as a lawyer, right

After Lao Tian and this guy came to the interrogation room and met Chen Xiao and Champagne respectively, he went directly to the police chief's office.

The police chief was naturally very disdainful of this Chinese who came to visit rashly. After Lao Tian explained his purpose, the police chief sneered: "Sir, my people caught them according to legal procedures! Law, do you understand? Law! Huh, For yellow-skinned monkeys like you, I'm afraid you don't have this kind of understanding at all! That girl, we now suspect that she is a stowaway... Release her? They will find out when the people from the immigration office come! Now... please Get out! Get out of my office!"

Lao Tian was not angry and sat down opposite him slowly, even crossing his legs.

"Mr. Director, in ten seconds, the phone on your desk will ring, and then you will receive a call... from someone high up that you must look up to... Then after you put down the phone, you will put on a smiling face for me. , I apologize for your impolite words and deeds just now." Lao Tian said calmly: "Of course, I am a tolerant person, so I accept your apology."

"Apologise? Damn you, you crazy..."

Before the director finished speaking, the phone on the table suddenly rang!

His face changed slightly, and he hesitated to pick up the phone. After listening for less than twenty seconds, his face changed...

After putting down the phone, the police chief's forehead was already covered with cold sweat.

"Yes...I'm sorry..."

"Look, I was right. I never lie to the police - this is a good habit." Lao Tian smiled happily: "Can I let him go now?"

When Chen Xiao and Champagne walked out of the police station, Lao Tian waved goodbye to the lawyer beside him.

"How did you do it?" Chen Xiao couldn't help but ask.

"Privilege." Lao Tian said calmly: "The service agency has the ability to carve out a small island from Australia's territorial waters. Do you think this little thing can't be handled? Although I am no longer a member of the service agency, as a retiree , and still enjoy certain special treatment.”

He turned to look at Champagne: "The bad news is... Champagne, what happened today will soon spread to the island, and people in your family will soon know that you are with us..."

"I'm not afraid." Champagne grinned broadly: "My mother won't leave the island. If she doesn't come, I won't be afraid of anyone else!"

"No, what I mean is..." Lao Tian smiled bitterly: "Although your mother will not leave the island, your family is very rich, and there are many mercenaries on the island who have nothing to do. She can just throw some money out, Send someone to take you back by force."

Champagne's face immediately fell.

"You have two choices: first, stay in Sydney, wait for the people on the island to arrive, and then go back with them obediently." Lao Tian sighed: "Second... we will leave here immediately tonight!"

Champagne looked at Lao Tian with some suspicion: "Why did you suddenly change your attitude?"

Lao Tian smiled very generously: "Haha, of course it's for the compensation you promised me for the two barrels of cell repair solution! And..."

He seemed to sigh, his tone a little gloomy.

"I... I met your father back then, and we were very good friends. He never left the island in his life. In fact, I know that he longed for it in his heart, so... "

"Uncle Tian, you are a good person." Champagne was a little moved.

"No, don't say it too early." Lao Tian chuckled: "It's okay to follow us, but... you have to pay for the air tickets, your meals, and your accommodation! Don't think about living and eating for free!"

After a pause, he looked at Chen Xiao: "You are the owner of the coffee shop, right now... There is a cook in the coffee shop, and the fat man is doing a good job. However, it seems that there is a shortage of a waiter, right?"

Chen Xiao pursed his lips and snickered.