Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 156: Great Sword Heroic Spirit


"That's good. When the time comes, of the two martial artists, Senior Sister Yi Xue will entangle one of them, and I will deal with the other one. However, the remaining warriors will have to work for you two. {苏}{梦} {][} "

Ling Xiao revealed his plan.

"It's possible, but it doesn't have a good chance of winning."

Yinran frowned.

"Brother Yin, you heard me right. These twenty warriors are located in three places in the factory. That is to say, as long as we plan well, we will never face more than ten warriors at a time, and it may even be until we kill them. Kill the others, those two martial arts masters haven’t reacted yet.”

Ling Xiao explained.

After hearing this, Yinran gradually calmed down.

That's right, the four of them haven't been discovered yet, and now that it's night again, they can definitely be defeated individually.

Even if an accident occurs, as long as you act quickly, there will not be a situation where four people face twenty people.

So this battle can still be fought.

At this time, voices came from the factory.

"Boss, something is wrong. The person sent to change the shift has not returned yet. It must have been an accident."

One of the tall and powerful warriors with green eyes said.

This person is probably from the blue-eyed tribe.

Because people in the Biyan tribe all have green eyes and are taller.

The ninja clan has ninja spirits that are similar to martial spirits.

The Biyan clan has heroic spirits similar to martial spirits.

In fact, they all come from the same origin, except that the warriors of the Ninja clan and the Biyan clan have ninja spirits and heroic spirits far more than the warriors of the human race have martial spirits.

Of course, not all of them are available. After all, Ninja Spirits and Heroic Spirits are not so easy to awaken or obtain.

The warrior from the Blue Eyes tribe who spoke was one of the warriors. He should have a heroic spirit or a broken heroic spirit.

And the boss, the boss of the Dream Pill Factory, is another martial artist, also a member of the Blue Eyes tribe, and he probably also has heroic spirits or broken heroic spirits.

"Meng, you are right. Recently, Lin Ze has been trying to destroy Dream Pill and capture Dream Pill merchants in Baiyun Province. We should be careful."

People of the Biyan tribe generally do not have surnames, and most of their names only have one character.

"What should we do, boss?"

"In this way, you take a few people over to take a look. Be careful. Once you find danger, don't act rashly."

"Got it, boss!"

He nodded fiercely, and then picked five people to go out with him to check the situation.

And this scene was completely seen and heard by Ling Xiao and others.

"Let's go, kill those five people first!"

Ling Xiao immediately made up his mind.

Although one of the five people is a martial artist, the other four are only sixth-level martial arts warriors, not the sixth-level peak, so it is relatively easy to deal with them.

No one will object to this decision because it is the most reasonable.

The other three nodded and followed Ling Xiao cautiously.

The place here is very large and the environment is relatively complex. On the one hand, it is convenient for these fantasy pill dealers to hide, but at the same time, it also makes it easier for people coming in from the outside to hide.

Not to mention that the four Ling Xiaos are all warriors with a martial arts level of six or above. Even if they are warriors of the fourth level, they will be difficult to detect as long as they are careful.

"Brother Meng, there's something going on here!"

After a while, the Dream Pill dealers discovered signs that the warriors who came to change shifts were killed.

Although the body had been disposed of by Ling Xiao, these people were not stupid, and they observed the traces very carefully, which really allowed them to find clues.

"We can't wait any longer, Yin Ran, Leng Mei, you two take action first! But remember, just avoid that martial artist and deal with the other sixth level martial arts warriors!"

When Ling Xiao saw the situation, he knew he couldn't delay it any longer, so he immediately issued the order.


Yin Ran and Leng Mei both nodded.

Even if you have doubts about Ling Xiao's order at this time, you must not rebel, otherwise all four of them may be dead by then.

Leng Mei would definitely not question Ling Xiao, because Ling Xiao could become an enemy of Murong Shao for her.

You can surround her and break the rules of Qianlong Camp.

Although Yin Ran was a little hesitant, he was a smart man and knew what to do at this time.

"Senior sister, you are responsible for entangling the martial artist named Meng. The two of us join forces to kill him quickly, otherwise it will be very detrimental to us if we delay."


Ling Yixue nodded.

The task has been assigned here.

Yin Ran and Leng Mei rushed forward first.

Because it was a sudden attack, the two of them killed two sixth-level martial arts warriors as soon as they went up.

At this point, five people became three people.

One martial artist and two sixth-level martial arts warriors.

Yin Ran and Leng Mei happened to be dealing with a sixth-level warrior alone.

"Send the signal quickly!"

Although Na Meng looked tall and powerful, he was not stupid. He knew that he encountered an ambush, so he immediately thought of sending a distress signal.

Without understanding the enemy's strength, his approach was absolutely correct.

Since the enemy is ambushing them, it means they are not strong enough to kill them all, otherwise they would directly choose to attack by force.

However, the two sixth level warriors were entangled by Yin Ran and Leng Mei and had no chance to send a signal.

Of course Ling Xiao would not give them this chance, otherwise the four of them would be in danger as soon as reinforcements arrived.

Taking a quick look at the situation, I knew something was wrong, so I decided to send a signal for help myself.

But in the darkness, a white shadow suddenly struck.

I felt a huge crisis.

At that moment, he stopped sending the signal, because if he continued, even if he sent the signal, the person would die.

He wouldn't do such a thing.

Even if it's subconscious, I won't do it.

He punched out with both fists, blocking Bai Ying's palm.

However, one is passive defense and the other is active attack.

Meng suffered a small loss this time, as layers of ice formed on his fists.

"Whoever is coming, please tell me your name!"

Naturally, Ling Yixue would not sign up. If one move failed, she would continue to attack, trying to maintain her advantage and suppress the blue-eyed tribe.

"You bastards, do you think I don't know if you don't say anything? You must be Lin Ze's people. Damn it, if I survive, I will definitely finish off that old man Lin Ze!"

Although he is not as strong as Lin Ze, the Biyan clan has been domineering in the human territory for many years. There are people who work for them among the high-ranking officials of the Human clan Holy Dynasty and Northern Han Dynasty.

When Lin Ze wanted to destroy Dream Pill, they used these powers to try to kill Lin Ze, but they failed.

So what this guy said was just to vent his anger. If Lin Ze died so easily, he would have died long ago.


There was a loud noise, and a figure appeared behind Meng.

The figure was dressed in black steel armor, holding a huge two-handed sword in his hand. He was about four meters tall, and the armor almost completely covered his head.

Only through the gap can one see a pair of green eyes.

"The Great Sword Heroic Spirit! Huh? It seems to be a broken heroic spirit, but it has actually reached the level of a 50% remnant soul."

Among the Biyan tribe, there are many similar heroic spirits. Generally, such nameless heroic spirits are considered to be of a lower grade.

Of course, through practice, the level of a heroic spirit can be improved, and it is absolutely possible to eventually obtain a heroic spirit with a name.

After the appearance of the giant sword hero, Meng's aura became more powerful, and Ling Yixue gradually began to fall behind.

After all, Ling Yixue is a warrior without a martial spirit. She is also a martial artist in the early stage of the seventh level of martial arts, so she still does not take advantage. </div>