Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 242: Prince Zhao Zhi


"I know, Dad."

Xu Ying nodded, and then looked at Ling Xiao, with a look of resentment and coldness in her eyes.

Ling Xiao just glanced at her lightly and didn't say anything.

He and Zuo Leng fought openly and honestly, with no sneak attacks or plots. It was a life-and-death battle on the cliff of life and death, and they even signed a life-and-death contract.

The other party wanted to kill him, but he killed him instead. He would not feel the slightest guilt, let alone any sympathy.

"I will definitely kill you!"

Xu Ying's words were very direct and did not mince words at all.

"Zuo Leng also said so, but it's him who's lying in the coffin, not me."

Ling Xiao said tit for tat.

His current goals are no longer so-called geniuses like Ming Tian, Xu Ying, and Zhao Zhi.

But the geniuses of the previous generation, such as Heisuo and Demon Flame Tianzun.

To put it bluntly, he really didn't take his peers seriously. If he couldn't surpass these people, how could he surpass the senior masters

"That's such a big statement. I wonder how much potential this little brother has?"

Xu Ling asked with a smile.

"Five stars."

Ling Xiao said lightly.

Regarding the potential, he planned to hide it a little bit. Anyway, he could control this potential.

As long as he does not use the Shanhe Martial Spirit, his potential is five stars, and he has just passed the Yuehua Sect's potential assessment, which is enough.

"Hmph, a mere five-star talent actually dares to speak so brazenly. It's a joke."

Xu Ying's face showed strong disdain.

Ling Xiao didn't say anything else. He was too lazy to argue. He had encountered this kind of thing so often that he gradually got used to it.

There are too many people, and the waiting time for identity verification is also long.

After all, Yuehua Sect doesn't want spies from other sects to sneak in.

During this long waiting time, something unexpected always happens.

"Assassin! Catch the assassin quickly!"

Suddenly, a cry of surprise sounded.

Ling Xiao looked at the place where the sound came from.

It is exactly where the four princes and one princess of the Northern Han Dynasty are located.

At this time, a dazzling wound was seen in the eldest prince's throat, which had cut his throat.

It looked like it was no longer possible.

Even Ling Xiao would definitely not survive if his throat ruptured.

The eldest prince's strength was not low, he was at the peak of the eighth level of martial arts, but he was assassinated so easily.

Among the crowd, a black shadow quickly moved towards the distance.

Ling Xiao could stop this man, but he didn't move.

The royal family of the Northern Han Dynasty was too far away from him, so he really didn't need to meddle in this nosy matter.

But he really didn't expect that at the foot of the Yuehua Sect Mountain, someone would dare to assassinate the prince of the Northern Han Dynasty. It was just as Heisuo said, as long as he didn't join the Yuehua Sect, he would dare to kill him.

The royal family of the Northern Han Dynasty must have many enemies. It is a pity that a prince was lost like this, and he was also a master with great potential.

"Where to escape!"

The third prince Zhao Zhi also discovered the assassin, which was really rare.

Because the assassin used a special concealment method, although it is not as powerful as the shadow martial spirit, it is difficult for ordinary warriors to detect it.

After all, so many warriors present were dazzled.

This Zhao Zhi is really quite capable.

Zhao Zhi flashed, as fast as the wind, and was near the assassin in an instant.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, the assassin simply turned around and attacked.

Zhao Zhi is sixteen years old and his cultivation is at the late ninth level of martial arts. He is almost exactly the same as Mingtian a month ago.

The assassin was also at the late stage of the ninth level of martial arts, and his strength was absolutely impressive.

However, the battle between the two only lasted three rendezvous.

Zhao Zhi kicked out with a terrifying kick, which directly set the assassin's body on fire. In an instant, only the bones were left.

"It's scary. This guy is simply the second Mingtian. No, he might have even more terrifying potential than Mingtian!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. This is really true.

It's just that Zhao Zhi is obviously not as lucky as Ming Tian.

Mingtian has been cultivated by Demon Flame Tianzun. In one month, he still doesn't know how much progress he has made.

"Is that the strength of the third prince of the Northern Han Dynasty, Zhao Zhi? In this Yuehua Sect's assessment, I'm afraid he will definitely take the first place!"

"Yes, this person is good at kicking, and his kicking is very domineering. Among all the princes and princesses, he is also the strongest."

"You are truly worthy of being a prince, you are so awesome."

Discussions continued one after another, which greatly benefited the third prince Zhao Zhi.

And he has also successfully become a thorn in the side of geniuses from all walks of life.

But I guess people like him are not afraid of being hostile. The more hostile others are to him, the happier he will be.

Speaking of this time's enrollment expansion assessment, it is actually not complicated.

The assessment is divided into four items in total.

Each item will be scored, and qualified disciples will be selected based on the scores.

Potential is only one of them, but it accounts for a relatively large proportion.

Of the four assessments, the remaining three have a full score of ten points, and only the potential one has a full score of thirty points.

The proportion of potential accounts for a full 50%!

In other words, geniuses with good potential have great natural advantages.

It's not yet clear how many disciples the Yuehua Sect will recruit, so Ling Xiao doesn't dare to hide his clumsiness too much. As for potential, he plans to have it just about right, not too high, but not too low, otherwise the final total score will reach If you don't meet the admission requirements, you are asking for trouble.

If the Yuehua Sect wants to recruit a hundred disciples, then he only needs to have a total score within a hundred. But if he only recruits ten disciples, his total score must be in the top ten.

However, the total number of recruitment should be announced before the assessment begins, so he is not in a hurry.

These things were naturally told to them by Master Baiyun. Before the enrollment expansion, the Yuehua Sect generally only admitted ten disciples for the assessment. Now that the enrollment has been expanded, it is estimated that it will be at least larger than this number.

As time passed, it was finally Ling Xiao's turn and others to enter the mountain gate.

Only then did Ling Xiao notice that the Hua Zong disciples who had been responsible for reviewing the geniuses for the past few months were all extraordinary warriors.

If he saw this situation in the outside world, Ling Xiao would really think that he was hallucinating.

How come the extraordinary warrior who used to be like a treasure now feels like a cabbage on the street

The sectarian power is really desirable!

He noticed that in the past few months, the potential of Huazong disciples was basically between five and six stars, not as good as Leng Mei, let alone him.

This gives people very high expectations.

As long as you keep working hard, there will definitely be a day when you will be promoted to the extraordinary realm, and it will be very soon.

His wealth is clean.

Dai Yuling and Leng Mei's net worths were also very clear. Although Leng Mei had been a slave, the Yuehua Sect obviously didn't care much about this.

Therefore, all three of them successfully passed the first threshold. Otherwise, they would not even be able to participate in the assessment.

"Master, why don't you see any buildings in the Yuehua Sect?"

Entering the mountain gate, you can only see those steps, but you can't see any buildings on the mountainside or on the top of the mountain. This makes Dai Yuling very strange.

In fact, Leng Mei was also quite surprised.

Only Ling Xiao could vaguely see some shadows, and the main hall of Yuehua Sect should be located on the top of the mountain. </div>