Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 247: Behemoth Passage


After Zhao Zhi's test ended, this second assessment was completely completed.

A total of sixty-eight people finally passed the assessment.

This amount is actually not too small.

It's just that Elder Bai didn't announce his scoring ranking, so no one knows their specific ranking yet.

But in Ling Xiao's opinion, those at the front were just those few people.

Zhao Zhi, Xu Ying, Leng Mei, and Zhao Ci are definitely indispensable. With him, the ranking is probably not low.

"Dai Yuling, follow this senior brother to Yaoshan. The rest of you, follow me to the next level."

Elder Bai stood up and ordered a female disciple of the Yuehua Sect to take Dai Yuling to the Medicine Mountain.

It's probably a peak on Yuehua Mountain.

"Master, what is the cultivation level of the Golden Light Heavenly Lord who just took Leng Hao away? How is it compared to the Demon Flame Heavenly Lord?"

On the way, Ling Xiao finally couldn't help but ask.

"Golden Light Tianzun is a high-level powerhouse in the Heavenly Realm. Demon Flame Tianzun has just been promoted to the Heavenly Realm. There is a huge difference. Once he reaches the Heavenly Realm, he will almost completely get rid of the body of an ordinary person. From his soul to his body, he will be brand new. Yes, it can fly through the air without any external force!"

Master Baiyun explained.

Having said this, he couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly, "As a teacher, I will never be able to advance to the realm of heaven and human beings in my lifetime."

Below the realm of heaven and man, there is the realm of transcendence.

The Transcendent Realm, like the Martial Meridian Realm, is the ninth level.

However, unlike the martial arts realm where a martial vein is opened at each level, the body will undergo a change before crossing the first level of the transcendent realm, until it is completely freed from the shackles of the mortal body and achieves the realm of heaven and man.

In a sense, the Celestial Realm can be said to be a higher level of human beings. They can do things that ordinary people cannot do.

Things that ordinary people regard as magical are commonplace to them.

It's a pity that Master Baiyun has never reached this level, so when he was asked to explain, he really couldn't explain it clearly. He had to wait for Ling Xiao to explore.

"Don't talk anymore. There are two more assessments. One is the 'Behemoth of the Machine' and the other is the 'Illustrated Book of the Gods.' You'd better pay attention, because even if you can't pass these two assessments, maybe you can pass them. There are still some benefits to be gained.”

Elder Bai's voice sounded.

However, he only mentioned the names of the next two assessments, but did not announce the specific contents, which left people a little bit extravagant.

Ling Xiao's plan was that if he encountered a combat or wisdom test, he would simply get full marks.

Because there is no need to hide this. He was able to injure Heisuo that day, which had already proved his outstanding fighting skills.

It is estimated that Demon Flame Tianzun also knows this.

It's just that among the sects, there is a view that the so-called combat skills in the extraordinary realm are of little use.

It can only save lives.

Therefore, the proportion in the assessment is not large, only 10 points.

Even if Ling Xiao gets full marks, he probably won't be looked down upon by the Demon Flame Heavenly Lord.

What's more, it would be too embarrassing to hide one's strength and hide one's strength too much and be eliminated in the end.

Elder Bai opened the mountain gate, and everyone followed him to a narrow passage.

From this side, the passage is pitch black. It is impossible to know how long the passage is, let alone what exists on the other side of the passage.

Ling Xiao could actually see that at the end of the passage, there was a dark shadow with a very dangerous aura.

The oppressive force of this black shadow is almost equivalent to that of a master at the ninth level of martial arts.

"The content of the third assessment is very simple. Rush from here to the other side of the passage. You will encounter some troubles during the process. You must either avoid it or choose to attack. The score is calculated based on the distance you can reach."

Elder Bai said calmly, "The passage is ten feet long in total. Each foot forward will be worth 1 point. If anyone can finally kill the giant machine beast at the end, an additional 10 points will be added."

This rule is so simple and clear that there is no need to say anything at all.

"Okay, let's get started. Who goes first? This time we don't have to follow the order of numbers."

"I come!"

As soon as Elder Bai finished speaking, a young man with a peak martial arts level of seventh level jumped into the dark passage.

His potential is not bad, reaching two stars, which is a high-quality treasure body.

However, the strength is really not that good.

As soon as the young man entered the passage, a white light suddenly shot from the front. He had no time to identify it and was directly blasted out.

"By the way, if your cultivation level is below the eighth level of martial arts, unless you have special abilities, it is normal for you to get zero points in this assessment."

The boy who was blasted out was not injured, but looked very disappointed.

Sure enough, unless your potential is as extreme as Leng Hao's, strength is also very important.

"It's my turn!"

The person who rushed in this time was a young man with an early stage cultivation of the eighth level of martial arts.

His strength is stronger and his reactions are more alert.

However, when he jumped into the passage, the expected white light did not appear. Instead, a blade of light appeared from the darkness.


The young man responded hastily, took three or four steps back, and almost exited the passage.

Everyone could vaguely see a figure appearing in the passage, but this figure's body was made of steel and he was waving a long knife in his hand.

It's clearly a mechanical puppet.

The strength of this mechanical puppet is stronger than the peak of the seventh level of martial arts, but slightly weaker than the early stage of the eighth level of martial arts.

This is in line with what Elder Bai said -

If a warrior below the eighth level of martial arts does not have special abilities, it is really difficult to get a point.

After experiencing the initial danger, the young man quickly calmed down. After a battle, he defeated the mechanical puppet and then advanced one foot.

Suddenly, two rays of light came out of the darkness very quickly.

It was clearly flying from the opposite end of the passage, but the speed was too fast, and it was in front of the young man in an instant.

Flying sword

This was all the boy thought about before his body was pierced, and then he passed out.

"You won't die if you are injured in the passage. At most, you will be comatose. You can rest assured that we are recruiting disciples, not killing people."

Elder Bai explained that their Yuehua Sect was not a demon sect, so it was not that bloody.

"Advance one foot, score 1!"

The talented young man who was in the early stage of the eighth level of martial arts had only advanced one foot, which was really disappointing.

After that, many people successively accepted this level of assessment.

Every crisis is different, so whether you go in early or late has no reference significance.

Of course, this is for others.

For Ling Xiao, going in later was a huge benefit.

Because he found that the frequency of mechanical puppets and strange attacks was fixed. As long as he could find this pattern, he could easily get the full score in this level with almost no fighting and just relying on movement skills.

"Sir, I'm going!"

Before Leng Mei, Zhao Ci scored the most points in this level, but he only got 5 points, and he couldn't go any further.

"Wait a minute!"

Ling Xiao called Leng Mei to stop and said something in her ear. </div>