Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 296: Make money by making alchemy


The requirements for flames of Wumai Body Shaping Pill are quite different from those of Pinzhenyuan Pill.

The former requires refining by fire, but during the process, the flame must be suddenly turned off.

If you use wavy lines to describe it, the flame waves of this Wumai Body Shaping Pill are like big ups and downs, showing a sharp shape without any curvature.

The high-grade True Essence Pill basically has a very smooth arc, and whether the flame rises or falls, it is relatively stable.

It's really not easy to master two completely different fire control methods.

But this is only for others. For Ling Xiao, this is really not a problem.

In the soul state, the flame is like his arm, which can be completely controlled, whether it is size or temperature, it can be optimal.

If there is no problem with fire control, the rest will be simple.

All that's needed next is waiting.

About a quarter of an hour later, Ling Xiao opened the lid of the alchemy furnace.

If it had been anyone else, this time would have taken at least an hour.

This is his advantage.

But after all, it was his first time to refine the Martial Meridian Body Shaping Pill, so he was still a little nervous, as you could tell just by looking at the beads of sweat on his forehead.

The moment the pill furnace was opened, ten rays of golden light shot out of the air, and ten Martial Vein Body Shaping Pills emitting golden light appeared in front of him.

When each elixir is formed, strange lines will appear on it.

And this pattern is the best way to judge the type of elixir.

This cannot be faked, and even the best alchemist does not understand the reason for the formation of the lines, and can only regard it as some kind of opportunity between heaven and earth.

The first time I refined the Martial Veins Body Shaping Pill, the success rate was still 100%, but the perfection was slightly lower than the high-grade Zhenyuan Pill.

Five of them are 100% perfect, four are 90% perfect, and one is only 80% perfect.

If it had been anyone else, I would have jumped to the point of cheering.

But Ling Xiao was not satisfied.

He sat there and carefully recalled the things he had done during the process of refining the alchemy, hoping to find out the problem, so that he could correct these problems the next time he refining.

As a result, he found that the key to the problem was that because of nervousness, his hands shook slightly when opening the furnace, which caused the furnace to be opened a little late.

Just such a little problem caused flaws in the originally perfect elixir.

Even an inferior elixir cannot be perfect once, so how dare you think of an upper-grade elixir

Ling Xiao constantly reflects on himself and beats himself, and his requirements for himself are almost terrifyingly strict.

Because he knows very well that he is different from others. He is a person with a mountain and river martial spirit, so he should be better than others in everything he does.

If he is not as good as others in any aspect, then it is a waste of the powerful existence of Shanhe Martial Spirit.

Thirty high-grade True Essence Pills that are 100% perfect, one can be sold for a thousand low-grade spiritual stones! However, the general high-grade True Yuan Pill can only be sold for 100 yuan of low-grade spirit stones. This is the gap!

The more skilled you are, the more you will earn. This is a truth that alchemists understand very well.

The other five Martial Veins Body Shaping Pills, which are 100% perfect, are also worth a thousand low-grade spiritual stones each. The remaining five can only be sold for 900 low-grade spiritual stones and 800 low-grade spiritual stones each.

If you calculate it this way, he really made a lot of money this time.

A total of three hundred low-grade spiritual stones, plus the silver exchanged for less than one hundred low-grade spiritual stones, was all his costs.

The refined elixirs are worth nearly 40,000 low-grade spiritual stones!

It's so cool. You can go to the trading market to buy four lower-level yellow-grade extraordinary body shaping pills.

This is an alchemist. As long as his skills are good, he will never be short of spiritual stones.

When the two elixirs were refined, he took back the two clones.

The content of the "Eternal Divine Alchemy Sutra" has been completely integrated into his soul, and he understands the simpler parts.

However, this book is a bit too esoteric, and many of the contents are obscure and difficult to understand. It is really impossible for him to figure it out in a short time by himself.

But this kind of thing cannot be rushed. He can slowly understand and comprehend it.

Refining alchemy is a lifelong process, and this kind of thing cannot be accomplished overnight.

In addition, he also memorized all the basic books about magic formations and formations given by Yuan Zun. These are the basics and are relatively easy to understand. There is no need to read them a second time or ask others.

While reading these books about magic formations and formations, Ling Xiao realized something.

He found that his understanding of the "Bronze Scroll of Sword Controlling" seemed to have become more refined.

This time, I had no chance to practice, but I actually realized the ninth level of Dzogchen.

the reason is simple.

The last three levels of the "Bronze Scroll of Sword Controlling" are basically related to formations. He couldn't understand them before simply because he didn't know anything about formations and formations.

Now that he has read the books Yuan Zun gave him, it is completely clear in his mind.

After you have mastered this set of swordsmanship to a perfect level, you will automatically learn a set of sword formations called "Tiangang Sword Formation".

But it requires at least thirty-six flying swords.

His Qingfeng Sword has long been out of use, and now he has another goal, which is to get at least thirty-six flying swords of the treasure level.

It’s also possible to build your own.

However, he currently does not have that level. The blacksmiths in the world of mountains and rivers can only create high-quality weapons at the level of treasures. No matter how high the level is, they really can't do it.

So his idea was to make thirty-six high-quality flying swords first, and then use the smelting stone to smelt the remaining treasures after he obtained them.

Anyway, the smelting stone can be bought in the trading market. The price is one smelting stone and one thousand low-grade spiritual stones. It is a bit expensive, but it seems to be nothing to him, an alchemist.

After this idea came up, he began to ask the martial soul clone to help forge the flying sword. This process probably took a while.

Ling Xiao looked at the sky and saw that it was still early, so he simply calmed down and took out the "Illustration of the Gods" to study it.

He has always felt that the Illustrated Book of the Gods is very powerful. It covers everything, including alchemy, weapon refining, formations, formations, martial arts, magical powers, etc.

Although he can only understand some low-level mysteries because his cultivation level is too low, even so, he can gain a lot by understanding it once a day.

Some things may not be useful today, but they may not be useful in the future.

In the Catalog of the Gods, there are so many secrets about body skills that ancient warriors could do almost anything by flying into the sky and escaping from the earth.

Ling Xiao was unable to comprehend those abilities, but through comprehending the secrets of these movements, his Yunlong Divine Walk finally entered the "Transformation Realm" after a period of stagnation.

Both speed and floating time have made great progress compared to the past.

In addition, the mysteries of sword control in the Catalog of Conferred Gods are even more diverse. </div>