Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 319: The power of celestial phenomena


The strong winds raged, triggering tsunamis and destroying towns. The terrifying power was frightening;

The thunder rumbled, and every time it sounded, the mountain exploded;

The heavy rain filled the rivers and flooded the mountains, rivers and cities;

Lightning strikes and the towering ridge is instantly destroyed;

Snowflakes were flying, and the snowflakes all over the sky froze the whole world;

Hailstorms raged, and many living things in the world were easily killed;

The fog is thick and the dangers hidden within are completely unpredictable;

The sun scorched thousands of miles away, and the terrifying heat caused countless creatures to dry up and die;

Darkness fell, and the world lost its light;

When a volcano erupts, the hot magma easily melts steel, and living creatures are in danger;

The earth was cracked and scarred by the earthquake;

Flying stars in the sky are signs of the end!

Wind, rain, thunder, lightning, snow, hail, fog, sun, darkness, volcano, earthquake, meteorite!

Exactly twelve celestial phenomena represent twelve lotus flowers!

Each refining flower has extremely terrifying power. If it is added to the "Snow Lotus Sword Art", it will be simply terrifying!

Of course, such a terrifying scene could only be caused by ancient warriors, and with Ling Xiao's strength, it would definitely not be possible.

However, even so, once the "Twelve Golden Lotus Technique" condenses the twelve golden lotuses, it will greatly enhance his strength. There is no doubt about this.

After the figure completely evolved the Twelve Golden Lotuses, the contents of the "Twelve Golden Lotuses" began to be integrated into Ling Xiao's soul.

Ling Xiao could feel that the figure in the secret book was very solid and almost perfect when performing the first nine celestial phenomena.

However, when it comes to the final volcanoes, earthquakes and meteorites, it is obvious that there are too many flaws. They are purely theoretical attempts and have not been corrected through actual combat.

It's no wonder that even the person who created the "Twelve Golden Lotus Techniques" did not cultivate the last three lotuses.

This guy is really a lunatic. He actually dares to pass down this kind of martial arts and is not afraid of harming many talented warriors.

After fully integrating the contents of "Twelve Golden Lotus Techniques" into the memory of his soul, Ling Xiao temporarily put the book away.

Don't worry about studying soul power. For now, it's still about cultivation. He believes that the faster his cultivation improves, the more comprehensive he will be in studying soul power.

And according to Ling Xiao's judgment, the use of soul power probably has some special connection with the formation method. He has just started to learn the formation method, so it is not a problem to study soul power in a hurry.

It may even be extremely dangerous.

Anyway, he has obtained the original copy of "Twelve Golden Lotus Techniques". The relationship between the formation method and soul power will be clarified sooner or later.

And maybe the formations and formations in Yuehua Tower are also related to soul power. Now he can't see the relationship. Maybe in the future, others can only choose one book, and he can directly use all the things in it. Copied.

Very curious!

The more difficult something is, the more interested Ling Xiao is and the more he will work tirelessly.

This is his character.

"Ling Xiao, remember, although the "Twelve Golden Lotus Techniques" does not count as a martial art that is not taught by the Yuehua Sect, if you teach it to others without authorization, it will still be considered a violation of the rules and you will still be punished!"

"Disciple knows."

Ling Xiao replied like this, but he was worried but a little indifferent. This set of "Twelve Golden Lotus Techniques" has such high requirements, how can ordinary people learn it.

What's more, once he completes the "Twelve Golden Lotus Techniques" and develops twelve lotuses, his attainments will be higher than the creator's.

This martial arts can be regarded as a patent owned by him, and the sect has no right to care about who he teaches it to.

"No wonder that old man Yang Danlin thinks so highly of this boy. This boy is extremely talented, but he is not proud. He treats his seniors with great respect. It is really rare to find such a young man these days."

Ling Xiao didn't know that by doing things according to his nature, he was praised by the owner of Yuehua Tower, the inner sect.

"Hahaha, old guy, are you greedy? It's a pity that this boy is already the disciple of Old Hall Master Yang, and you have no chance."

The person staying with the owner of Yuehua Tower in the inner gate was none other than the owner of the Fugitive Tower who was wearing a ghost mask.

"It's greed, but this kid is still a little too confident. I'm worried that the "Twelve Golden Lotus Techniques" he chose will not only bring him no benefits, but may actually harm him and make it difficult for him to make progress from now on."

The words he warned Ling Xiao before were not just random threats, but things that really happened.

The older generation of Yuehua Sect disciples all know that the "Twelve Golden Lotus Techniques" used to be the Yuehua Sect's nightmare.

"Don't worry, you will gain wisdom after a hard time. Old Hall Master Yang will not let anything happen to him."

The owner of the Fugitive Building actually didn't believe that Ling Xiao could master the "Twelve Golden Lotus Techniques".

In his opinion, Ling Xiao will definitely learn a painful lesson this time, but as long as he can save his life, he will still have a long future.

Ling Xiao didn't know what happened in the inner Yuehua Building after leaving.

He is now fully focused on the "Twelve Golden Lotus Techniques".

This set of internal skills and mental techniques can not only help increase true energy and improve cultivation, but also have a special amplifying effect on "Snow Lotus Sword Art". He doesn't know to what extent it can be enhanced. He really wants to know earlier.

Martial arts secret books can actually be divided into two categories. One category belongs to ancient martial arts, which are martial arts created by warriors in the ancient times.

The martial arts at that time were all used in conjunction with martial arts.

The same is obviously true for "Twelve Golden Lotus Techniques".

Combined with the twelve celestial spirits, the effect will be increased several times.

The other category belongs to modern martial arts, which are mainly created by the new generation of warriors. It does not include the use of martial arts in conjunction with spirits.

Generally speaking, modern martial arts is more suitable for the new generation of warriors. The requirements are relatively low, training is relatively simple, and promotion is relatively fast, but the upper limit is relatively low.

It is difficult to practice ancient martial arts, promotion is very slow, and you must have a suitable martial spirit to exert its maximum power.

However, the scary thing about ancient martial arts is that once you have a suitable martial spirit, the upper limit will become very high, far exceeding the power of modern martial arts of the same level.

After returning to the cave, Ling Xiao sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

Then, a figure immediately appeared in his mind, practicing the practice method of "Twelve Golden Lotus Techniques" over and over again.

Each move after the "Snow Lotus Sword Art" was also practiced repeatedly.

It arouses twelve kinds of celestial phenomena and exerts terrifying destructive power, just like the arrival of gods.

Gold rare martial arts

Ling Xiao secretly shook his head. This "Twelve Golden Lotus Techniques" definitely couldn't be just a gold-grade rare martial arts. He even felt that the grade of this martial arts should be higher than the "Tianlong Golden Body".

"Tianlong Golden Body" is a martial arts of the highest gold level. How could this be just a rare martial arts? </div>