Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 336: The mysterious world is shaken


For the Yutian Dynasty, it was definitely not a good thing for the palace's location to be exposed.

"Queen, what do you think?"

The emperor asked his wife.

Although the auspicious clouds of light continued to gather, the terrifying power did not dissipate. The howling sound continued, forcing the auspicious clouds of color to collapse again.

"There was a roar just now from the Tianlong Continent. I'm afraid it was a warning from a strong man in the Cave Heaven Realm. A giant beast from the wild has resurrected."

The woman frowned slightly and said softly.

"Tianlong Continent?"

When the emperor mentioned this continent, he couldn't help but frown. He would not forget the teachings of his ancestors. No matter what, he should not take advantage of that continent.

That was the continent where the human race arose, and it was also the continent where the human king was born.

Although it is now in a state of decline, no one dares to set foot there easily.

"Queen, it seems that the prophecy has come true. This is the ninth great beast that has been revived recently! Do you think the Nine Supreme Beasts should send someone to the Tianlong Continent? This great beast must not be in the hands of the enemy. ?”

the emperor asked.

The woman didn't say anything, she just took off her hairpin and suddenly made a stroke towards the sky.

In the sky where the sea of clouds was originally rolling, there was actually a long silver river.

The long river turned into a dragon, sweeping towards the looming shadow in the sky.


The long river suddenly burst open, and was completely wiped out before it could even get close to the phantom.


The woman finally said, "Every great beast from the wild is as powerful as a human king. Once it revives, it will definitely not be controlled by anyone. Forcibly controlling it will only cause endless disasters."

"Forget it! Huh? The sound is gone!"

The roar of the dragon finally disappeared, and the shadow in the sky completely disappeared.

The auspicious clouds and colorful light once again enveloped the entire palace of the Yutian Dynasty.

In Jiuyou Continent, darkness shrouds this land all year round.

There is no sunlight, only darkness.

Everything here seems to be evil and uneasy.

In the sky, a black shadow flew across the sky.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be a huge bat.

The bat's wings stretch out for ten miles.

And that huge bat actually had three heads, each one more ferocious than the other.

There was a person sitting on the back of the giant bat. In the darkness, his appearance was completely unclear.

The creatures on the ground hurriedly knelt on the ground and prayed sincerely.


The huge bat's mouth came out with an almost beast-like roar.

With this roar, the souls of countless creatures flew out of their bodies and flew into the mouth of the giant bat.

"Little guy, you are really greedy."

The man on the back of the bat chuckled softly.


Suddenly, a dragon roar sounded in the sky, and a shadow with golden light appeared in the sky.

The huge bat screamed and fell to the ground.

The souls that were originally absorbed also flew back.

The black figure sitting on the back of the bat remained calm. With a slight raise of his right hand, the huge bat regained its balance and flew into the air again.

"An ancient golden dragon? I didn't expect this guy to actually revive. Logically speaking, this is impossible, unless someone has a mountain and river martial spirit!"

The black shadow looked at the shadow on the horizon, his eyes flashing with madness and viciousness.

"Martial spirit of mountains and rivers! The martial spirit once owned by the human king! Hehe, I am very interested in it."

How much impact did the roar of the ancient golden dragon have

Ling Xiao didn't know.

He just saw that the ancient golden dragon lay down again after this roar, then closed his eyes and began to sleep soundly.

Ling Xiao knew very well that the terrifying power of this ancient golden dragon was beyond his ability to fully grasp.

However, through the Shanhe Martial Spirit, he could draw out even a tiny bit of power and use it.

Whether it is training or fighting, it can be of great help.

"The giant beast of the ancient times is just a part of the eternity. Even though it is powerful, it still cannot escape the master of the mountains and rivers. The martial spirit of mountains and rivers is a martial spirit that dominates the sky and is unparalleled throughout the ages. Since it has chosen you to be its master, then Treat it well and it will reward you!"

At a certain moment, this paragraph suddenly appeared in Ling Xiao's mind.

I don’t know who said it, it seems to appear suddenly and then disappear suddenly.

Ling Xiao exhaled a breath of thick air.

He now gradually understands that the original awakening of the Mountain and River Martial Spirit was just a trial by the original owner of the Mountain and River Martial Spirit.

There were many people before him who had awakened the Shanhe Martial Spirit, but in the end they were not able to fully integrate with their own souls, so they were always someone else's property.

Therefore, it is normal for them to be snatched away.

But now Ling Xiao's mountain and river martial spirit is different. It has completely become Ling Xiao's own thing.

Connected with him by flesh and blood and dependent on soul.

The power of the ancient giant beast, the ancient golden dragon, is terrifying enough, and it can actually break the laws of the mysterious world.

So how powerful is the mountain and river martial spirit that is more terrifying than the ancient golden dragon

Ling Xiao was really looking forward to it.

But now, it is not that he has gained nothing at all. As long as he activates the Mountain and River Martial Spirit, he can clearly feel the terrifying power of the ancient golden dragon.

It's just that this power is too terrifying and he can't control it yet. It can't be used in large quantities unless it is absolutely necessary. Just absorbing it little by little, like peeling off cocoons, is already very good.

Even though he lost five complete martial arts spirits, he gained more powerful power.

This transaction is not a loss.

The most interesting thing is that when he absorbs the power of the ancient golden dragon, his body will undergo special changes.

His eyes will turn golden and his hair will turn white.

In this state, his combat effectiveness will also soar.

And there are two forms.

One is the human-dragon form, which maintains the appearance of a human, but can use some of the power of the ancient golden dragon. In this state, the quality and speed of the true energy will be greatly improved, making it easier to use human martial arts.

One is the golden dragon form. The body completely transforms into an ancient golden dragon. The defense and strength are greatly improved, but the speed will be relatively slow. It cannot use any martial arts of the human race, but can use the martial arts of the dragon clan.

Regarding dragon martial arts, you should be able to find it in the ancient golden dragon's sacred text. He is not in a hurry now. He needs to eat slowly and slowly. He should wait until he has fully mastered the power of the ancient golden dragon before considering practicing dragon martial arts.

In addition, no matter what form it is in, it is impossible to use the "Nine Demons Divine Art", and the two powers seem to be repellent.

Although I don't know what the reason is, it shouldn't have much impact.

After checking his physical condition and confirming that there was no problem, Ling Xiao began to try what the new mountain and river martial arts brought to him.

There is no doubt that after being promoted to the Transcendent Realm, Shanhe's martial soul was alienated, and all aspects of his body's functions have made great progress. </div>