Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 345: Shadow Transformation Sword Technique


"Don't worry, she can't escape. You will never be alone on the road to hell."

Ling Xiao said indifferently, then turned around and stabbed the female disciple with his sword.

"Do not kill me!"

The extremely arrogant woman just now collapsed instantly.

Although this girl is charming, her pear blossoms bring rain.

It's a pity that she is already on Ling Xiao's death list.

From the moment she said she wanted to treat Ling Xiao as a slave, she was destined not to survive.

She paid a heavy price for her arrogance.


Looking at the three Sword King Sect disciples lying in a pool of blood, Ling Xiao let out a sigh of relief.

Killing people doesn't feel good.

If he wasn't forced to do so, he really wouldn't be willing to do this cruel thing.

The martial souls of the three people were sent into the world of mountains and rivers by him, and they were still used to strengthen the souls of the ancient golden dragon.

The key is that Ling Xiao has a higher standard now. He really doesn't look down on ordinary martial spirits. If there is a special martial spirit, he doesn't mind taking it as his own.

Before burning the three corpses, Ling Xiao took off the storage rings of the three people and used his soul power to explore them, with a look of surprise on his face.

Because he was worried about long nights and dreams, he threw the three storage rings into the world of mountains and rivers, immediately burned the three corpses, and then returned to the Divine Sword Gate.

Hand over a large amount of martial arts, silver, low-grade spiritual stones, spiritual elixirs and other things to the Queen of the Divine Sword Sect.

He returned to Yuehua with most of the gold, a large number of low-grade spiritual stones, a small amount of mid-grade spiritual stones and high-grade spiritual stones obtained from the disciples of the Sword King Sect, and a martial arts secret book collected from the female disciple. Zong.

God is unaware of it.

No one would care that he, an outer disciple, suddenly disappeared for a few days.

Anyway, he has set up a small formation in his cave, which will continuously emit his aura. In this way, others will mistakenly think that he has been practicing in the cave.

After returning to the Yuehua Sect, Ling Xiao calmed down and took out the martial arts secret book he got from the female disciple of the Sword King Sect—

"Shadow Sword Technique".

This martial arts secret book is simply a combination of "The Secret Technique of Shadow Cultivation" and "The Thirteen Swords of Transformation", but the grade is much higher. It is actually a gold-level top martial arts.

"A female disciple actually has such martial arts secrets on her body? Could it be that this guy is really the daughter or granddaughter of an elder from the Sword King Sect?"

Ling Xiao couldn't help but stick out his tongue. This time he really stabbed the sky.

Fortunately, those people were cooperating with Wan Ben without authorization to deal with the Divine Sword Sect. Even if the Sword King Sect wanted to investigate the Divine Sword Sect and then investigate him, it would probably take a long time.

During this period of time, he must improve his cultivation to a higher level.

When the time comes and the soldiers come to cover up the water and earth, he will have no one to fear.

As mentioned earlier, secular martial arts are basically castrated or simplified versions of martial arts.

This is the case with the "Thirteen Swords of Transformation", which is a quasi-gold martial arts.

It is actually a simplified version of the "Shadow Sword Technique", discarding many unnecessary things and turning it into pure sword moves.

However, the truly complete "Shadow Sword Technique" is not just sword moves, but also secret cultivation methods.

The introduction to the secret book states that this sword technique is a top-level gold-grade martial art, but the practitioner's cultivation level and potential are not limited.

It's just that the practice of this martial arts secret book is divided into two stages, one stage is "transformation" and the other stage is "sword technique".

Only after completing the first phase can you proceed to the second phase.

The first stage is very similar to "The Secret Technique of Shadow Cultivation", and the requirement is to refine the sword soul clone.

Then the sword soul clones are used to assist the cultivation. Warriors below the heavenly realm can refine up to thirteen sword soul clones.

However, there are only a maximum of two that can help with cultivation. If the number is exceeded, the cultivation effect will continue to decline. On average, two are obviously the most suitable and the most efficient.

Refining the sword soul clone is also more troublesome.

First, you must have a sword soul.

Secondly, you must know how to refine the formation.

Finally, you have to have a martial soul clone.

Only when all three are in place can the sword soul clone be refined.

Once refined successfully, it can be owned permanently.

After completing the first stage and having thirteen sword soul clones, you can proceed to the second stage of "Sword Art" training.

That is martial arts!

Although this process is very troublesome, Ling Xiao has seen many martial arts requirements and they are not put forward randomly. They must have their reasons.

Perhaps only by refining thirteen sword soul clones can one be able to practice sword techniques.

Anyway, Ling Xiao now has "Snow Lotus Sword Technique" and "Divine Prison King Fist", which combined with "Twelve Golden Lotus Techniques" are already very scary.

Therefore, he is not in a hurry about martial arts. The most important thing now is to refine two sword soul clones first, and then practice them instead of "Shadow Cultivation Secret Technique". This way, the training speed will definitely be much faster than before.

It's a pity that he got this martial arts secret book a little late. Ling Xiao used all the sword martial arts souls he obtained before to strengthen the ancient golden dragon's soul.

But that’s okay.

Isn't it the sword spirit? He believed he could get it soon.

Thinking of this, he rushed to the Yuehua Sect Trading Market.

In the trading market, you can buy almost anything, and Wuhun is no exception.

With the development of martial arts today, martial arts can actually be implanted from one person's body into another person's body through transplantation.

It's just that the martial soul obtained through this method requires a long period of adaptation. If possible, no one would like this.

However, although some people have excellent martial arts qualifications, they are still unable to awaken their martial souls. At this time, it is necessary to do so.

There are also some people who feel that their martial arts skills are not good, so they will resort to this method.

Martial spirits can be implanted, but experts who study martial arts have made many attempts, but they have never been able to make a warrior possess more than two martial spirits through implantation.

They came to a conclusion.

Only people who are born with two or three martial spirits can do this kind of implantation, but that is meaningless.

Ling Xiao's situation is naturally a bit special. He possesses mountains and rivers martial souls, and it is not a problem to swallow multiple martial souls at the same time.

However, at this stage, no more than three spirits can be used at the same time.

Of course, using them in rotation is another matter.

Ling Xiao was already familiar with the sect's trading market, and he quickly found a stall selling martial arts spirits.

"Oh, isn't this Junior Brother Ling, who is number one in the outer sect? What's wrong, you want to buy a martial spirit from me?"

The stall owner was a little contemptuous.

That's because although Ling Xiao became number one in the outer sect very early, among the same batch of disciples, Leng Hao, Zhao Zhi, Zhao Ci, and Dai Yuling were all promoted to the inner sect.

He is still an outer disciple.

Therefore, there are rumors that Ling Xiao's pinnacle is the number one in the outer sect. No matter how powerful he is among the outer sect, what does it mean? Not the same ants

Ling Xiao dismissed his contempt.

How can a sparrow know the ambition of a swan

What he thinks in his heart cannot be preached to the whole world. </div>