Heavenly Wife

Chapter 18: Hush, huh, huh


In the end, Ban Yu was taken to the police station. Because he refused to hand in the "Dinghaishenzhen", and the owner of the "Dinghaishenzhen" also refused to keep it private, so when Feng Yang saw Ban Yu, Ban Yu sat on a small bench at the Hema Road police station and was criticized. He was still holding the so-called Dinghaishen needle in his arms, no one would want to take it.

"Young Madam, you are here." When Master Liu saw Feng Yang, he was closer than seeing his own mother, "Tell me about Young Master, he is really going to worry me to death."

"Ban Yu, you, return the crutch quickly." Feng Yang knew what was going on at a glance, and didn't bother to talk nonsense.

"No! This is my Dinghaishenzhen of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. If there is no him, the waters of the East China Sea will dump, and if the villagers on the land are flooded, who will bear the responsibility?"

"Are you fucking sick?! Where did you get the East China Sea Dragon Palace?" A man who looked about thirty-five or sixteen years old pointed at Ban Yu and said, "Hurry up and return the crutches to my dad." I'm telling you, if you get mad at him, I'll kill you!"

"That is, if something happens to my dad, can you afford it?" The woman hugging the man also said, "He looks like a human, how can he talk like a lunatic?"

"Hey, how do you talk?" Master Liu said, "I said that the crutches will be returned to you, why are you still scolding?" He has said in private that his young master is in a special situation, let them understand After a while, these people are still scolding endlessly!

"Why did we talk? He was sick! Rent a house and rent a house well, saying that our house is not as big as his bathroom, oh, his bathroom is on the main road, right?! Dare to say that my dad's crutch is his Yes, what is he not sick?! Mental illness must be added with a poor illness! Everything looks like his family!"


"What are you arguing about? Talk about it if you have something to say!" The police comrade couldn't stand it anymore, glared at the group of people, and asked Feng Yang: "This classmate, do you know him? Can you persuade him? Hurry up and let him Returned the crutches, you said that it was worth it to quarrel for a long time because of such a small matter?"

Feng Yang wants to say that it's not worth it, he really wants to turn his head and go out now, but if he dares to ignore Ban Yu like this, his merits will continue to decrease, and this is why he will come here after answering Master Liu's call one of the reasons.

Of course, the most important thing is because of the pile of snacks and the bottle of hot milk. How about taking advantage of short hands and eating short mouths

Seeing that Ban Yu was still clinging to his crutches, Feng Yang sighed: "Ban Yu, return this thing to them. Don't even think about it, they are mere mortals, can they afford the Dinghaishen needle? The one in your hand is obviously a fake .”

Upon hearing this, Ban Yu lowered his head and looked at his crutches: "Fake?"

Feng Yang said: "Yes. Otherwise, do you think it can be so light? Besides, if you make it bigger, will it change? It's just a piece of broken wood, and it costs tens of dollars a piece. You like to let Master Liu go tomorrow I’ll buy you a hundred sticks, break them if you want, burn them if you want, and let you have as much fun as you want.”

The son of Mr. Crutches scoffed when he heard the words: "How the hell can you brag about B."

Feng Yang turned his head and took a look, but before he said anything, Ban Yu stood up with a "bass!" and grabbed the man's collar: "Who the hell are you talking about?"

Comrade police: "Let go, let go! What are you doing!"

The son of Mr. Crutches said: "Whoever is bragging B I will say who! What's the matter? How dare you beat someone in the police station?"

"You were the one who hit it! Dare you say my fiancee?" Ban Yu raised his hand and fired an electric gun...it missed. He was about to bump into each other, but Feng Yang grabbed his wrist in time.

"He owes a lot of debt, and he's about to sell the house secretly. I wish you could beat him and pay him back." Feng Yang said, "Pay back the crutches, let's go."

"You, what are you..." The man who was very arrogant just now looked at Feng Yang in astonishment. How did this kid know that he owed a lot of money and wanted to sell the house secretly? !

"Honey, you, you won't bet again!" The woman with her arms around the man froze.

"No, no, I don't!" The man waved his hands in a panic, "Don't listen to his nonsense!"

"Put away your crutches." Feng Yang took the crutches from Ban Yu's hand and threw them to him, "Also, you better keep your mouth shut and say one more word, I promise you will be scratched by your wife tonight You have to be full of flowers!"

The man quickly covered his mouth, and Master Liu suppressed his smile: "Comrade policeman, can we go then?"

The policeman looked at Feng Yang suspiciously: "Sign it before leaving."

&&& &&&

After Ban Yu went out, seeing Feng Yang following him all the time, he felt much better and stopped doing it. But when he looked back and saw that the couple followed, he felt it was an eyesore: "What are you two doing! Didn't all the crutches be returned to you?"

The man didn't dare to speak, but the woman was quite fierce: "What's the matter? Is this road driven by your family? If not, someone else will go? Besides, my family lives in this direction, so I don't want to go here!"

Master Liu reminded at the right time: "Master, isn't the place where we go to pick up the car is the community."

Ban Yu then closed his mouth. But his steps have obviously increased. He pulled Feng Yang and swished forward. Poor Master Liu was not as fast as the two of them, and he couldn't keep up for a while.

Feng Yang didn't know until he got to the place that this was still a teacher's family building, but no matter how you look at it, the couple didn't seem to be examples of teachers, and they probably moved here later.

Ban Yu had already walked to the car at this time, and his black Rolls Royce was parked in the parking space of the community. Ban Yu said: "Since the crutch is not the Dinghaishenzhen, I'll go up and apologize to the old man, you wait here for me."

Feng Yang nodded: "Yes."

Ban Yu walked two steps and came back: "Forget it, you'd better stay with me, I'm afraid you will run away."

Feng Yang took Ban Yu's hand away: "Don't worry, I won't run away, you go, I'll help you block those couples when they come, so that they don't see you apologizing, then how embarrassing are you?"

After thinking about it, Ban Yu was right, and said with a smile, "Yangyang still cares about me the most."

Feng Yang looks at the sky: What a fart you care! If it weren't for your profound merits, I would beat you like a dog backhand!

When Ban Yu went upstairs, Hua Cheng fell on Feng Yang's shoulder and whispered, "Prince, your merits have increased."

Feng Yang: "Are you sure?"

Hua Chengfei took a closer look, and then fell back on Fengyang's shoulder: "I'm sure. It seems that this uncle is really not to be messed with, you have to stroke him."

Feng Yang: "Call him uncle again and I'll pluck your hair off!"

Hua Cheng flew up with a "Gah!" and hurried after Ban Yu. He had a premonition that he would try to please Ban Yu more in the future, and he would be able to reap the benefits of such a great merit by following him! I always feel that although this familiar "uncle" is crazy, he is really powerful when he is powerful. Maybe others couldn't see it, but he saw it at the police station today. My uncle used all his strength to hit someone, but his master used all his strength to barely stop the punch. This gap is simply too terrifying.

But then again, the fact that the master followed here may have something to do with it.

Feng Yang really wanted to find out Ban Yu's identity. General Wan Xiang said that Ban Yu was dead, but his soul was not in the underworld, and it was impossible for Ban Yu to be a mortal now. So what is he? It can't be a ghost, because he dares to walk in the sun; it can't be a demon, because it has a thick light of merit that can never appear on a demon; it can't be a demon, because it doesn't have any evil spirit on it. .

Is it really a dragon

Feng Yang was thinking about it when Ban Yu came down. When Feng Yang saw Ban Yu, he subconsciously asked, "Hey, Ban Yu, will it rain for you?"

Ban Yu said without thinking, "Of course! What? Yangyang wants to see the rain?"

Feng Yang nodded.

Ban Yu said, "Go, I'll take you to watch the rain!"

It so happened that Master Liu came over at this time, followed by the couple who seemed to be arguing about something. Ban Yu said, "Old Liu, come and drive!"

Master Liu said: "Come here!"

Ban Yu opened the car door for Feng Yang, and Feng Yang sat in. The couple saw the flying goddess in front of the car, and immediately closed their mouths. No wonder his house is not as big as a toilet...

Master Liu asked, "Master, where are we going now?"

I couldn't find the house, and I couldn't live in the school. I'm not sure if the young master wants to send the young lady back first, or just take him home.

Ban Yu said, "Go home first. Yangyang wants to see the rain, so I'll go home and make it rain for him."

Master Liu was stunned.

Feng Yang wondered if Shi Yu needed any other tools? He had heard from the elders of the clan that the Feng clan did not need any tools to make fire, just like the dragon clan used rain. This Ban Yu, don't you be a donkey, right

But besides being a dragon, he couldn't think of anything else that Ban Yu might be. After all, Ban Yu himself always said he was a dragon.

Master Liu drove the car to the old house of Ban's family. Feng Yang asked Master Liu: "Master Liu, why didn't you contact Mrs. Ban and the others about today's matter, instead you asked me an outsider?"

Ban Yu hurriedly said, "You are not an outsider!"

Master Liu laughed: "This is the young lady. The young master spent most of his time studying abroad, so there are very few people who know him in China. The media don't know much about him, so things rarely come to the fore. Come up. But if the old man and the others intervene, it will be different. Maybe some small things will be spread a lot, so there are some things that we can solve by ourselves, so we can solve them ourselves. Of course, if there is any big trouble, the old man and Master and Madam, they will not sit idly by."

Feng Yang nodded to express his understanding. As for the gaze on the right that seemed to stare right through him, forget it, he was afraid that he would not be allowed to diminish his merits.

There was not much traffic jam in the city at this time, Master Liu quickly drove the car back to Ban's house. As soon as the car stopped, Ban Yu said, "Go, let it rain for you!"

Feng Yang always felt that what he said didn't sound right, and he was curious, so he followed Ban Yu.

Ban Yu said: "Old Liu, you go back, I'm going to take the young lady outside to watch the rain."

Lao Liu was also very curious, but he felt that he could not be the light bulb, so he said he would go back and explain to the old man, and then walked towards the villa.

Ban Yu led Feng Yang all the way to the garden. Feng Yang found a small bungalow there, but he didn't know what it was for. Ban Yu took him about ten meters away from the bungalow, and told him: "You just stand here and wait for me, the rain will come soon."

Feng Yang: "Okay."

Believe you once.

Ban Yu hurriedly ran to the small house, then lightly lifted the water valve, boom, boom, boom...

Hundreds of sprinkler heads spraying the lawn sprayed cold water out together, which immediately cooled Feng Yang's heart! ! !