Heavenly Wife

Chapter 36: Defeat the dragon


The first experiment is the city's key point, and the usual management is quite strict. Although mobile phones are not mandatory, there are not many people who dare to play games in school. When Feng Yang was in school, he didn't pay attention to others, so he didn't meet them very much. He only heard Wang Wei and the others say it a few times once or twice, about eating chicken? At first he thought it was eating chicken, but it turned out that he was talking about playing games.

He was not interested in this thing, and he didn't ask in detail at the time, but listening to their words, he felt that eating chicken should be a very exciting game, not something like Ban Yu's, emmmmm... It's simply childish.

Ban Yu felt bored after playing for a while, probably because Feng Yang showed a lack of interest, so he put his phone aside: "Baby, aren't you going to sleep?"

Feng Yang sat on the branch of the sycamore tree, and asked an unexpected question: "Do you still remember why you descended to the mortal world?"

Feng Yang hadn't asked Ban Yu much about this before, because Ban Yu was so stupid that he couldn't understand even if he asked Ban Yu at that time. But now, I feel like I should know.

"It can be regarded as a failure to cross the tribulation." Ban Yu said, "What about you?"

"Me?" Feng Yang said, "Because of the Immortal Grass."

"Xianjuecao?" Ban Yu looked at Feng Yang in surprise, "What does it have to do with Xianjuecao?" Didn't Yanliu say that the eldest prince of the Feng clan was imprisoned in the Xuanbing Prison because he disrespected his stepmother? Why is it not because of this? If it really has something to do with the Immortal Jue Grass, doesn't that mean it has something to do with him? After all, Fengyang's Xianjue grass became Xianjue grass because of him.

"Anyway, it's because of it." Feng Yang leaned against the tree branch, pillowing his arm, "You can sleep in the guest room, I'll sleep here tonight."

"Sleeping tree branch?"

"En." Feng Yang responded, turned around, lay on his side on the branch of a tree and closed his eyes.

Obviously it doesn't look like a very comfortable posture, but he made it feel very comfortable.

Ban Yu went into the guest room and took out a small thin blanket, and lightly covered Feng Yang's body.

Feng Yang opened his eyes to look, and it took a long time to look. He didn't speak, just looked at it like that, until he saw Ban Yu to the point of getting hairy. He suddenly smiled, and then closed his eyes again: "Good night."

Ban Yu stood by the tree and watched until Feng Yang's breathing became soft and steady, then he left.

At this time, Hua Cheng moved to Ban Yu's side cheaply, and asked in a low voice, "My lord, can I play the chicken eating game for a while?"

Ban Yu said, "Yes, yes, but can your beak act as a touch screen?"

When Hua Cheng thought about his sharp beak, he suddenly became a little upset. In order not to be a light bulb, he deliberately endured so long without making a sound. Seeing that his prince fell asleep, he only spoke, but he actually forgot that he has no human form now.

Five minutes later, Ban Yu made a bread ball for Hua Cheng, which was very real. Hua Cheng pointed at the phone and poked it with a bread ball. But its speed was not so fast, and the chick failed to pass the level after a while. He wanted to play with it a little longer, but the ball of bread cracked.

He went to Ban Yu's place to talk about it, and Ban Yu pinched him new bread balls while saying, "Go to the guest room to play and let Yang Yang sleep well."

Hua Cheng naturally had no objection, but as soon as the door of the guest room was closed, Ban Yu snatched the phone and set up a barrier.

Hua Cheng: "Gah?!"

Ban Yu: "I'll play with you after answering two questions."

Hua Cheng cowardly moved to the corner: "Wh, what's the problem?" Why are you carrying his prince behind your back

Ban Yu asked: "Do you know what happened to the Xianjue grass that your master said? Why did he go down to earth because of the Xianjue grass?"

Why does Hua Cheng still think of it as a big problem, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "This is a long story."

Ban Yu said, "Let's make a long story short. I've agreed that I'll give you the rest of the crickets all at once."

When Hua Cheng heard it, he was immediately happy, thinking that this could be done, so he said it like a bean, as if he was afraid that Ban Yu would regret it.

"The juicy grass was raised when our Queen Feng was here. After the Queen Feng failed to cross the catastrophe, she was struck by lightning and was knocked out of her wits. I went to get it back in no time." Hua Cheng became angry when he said that, and his hair was about to explode, "Because of this thing, my prince was seriously injured, but King Feng came after hearing the news, instead of helping my prince heal On the contrary, when he was seriously injured, he wanted to snatch Xianjuecao to improve his stepmother's cultivation. The prince resisted fiercely in a rage, but he was seriously injured and could not beat Fengwang. In the end, not only Her spiritual root was cut off by King Feng, and she was, and was also expelled from the divine book."

"Except for the divine book?" Ban Yu was only angry when he heard the previous content, but he was a little shocked when he heard the latter.

Except for the divine book, that means that you can no longer stay in the God Realm.

"Yes. He was imprisoned in the Xuanbing Prison for more than 180 days. If it weren't for the strong spiritual consciousness of Xianjuecao, which kept absorbing the spiritual energy in the Xuanbing Prison, my prince might have died a long time ago. It's inside." Hua Cheng felt sad when he thought of the situation at that time, and said with his head down, "They cut off the prince's spiritual root and didn't give him food. The prince himself is afraid of the cold. They won’t let him stutter.”

"So you were actually forced to come to the mortal world?"

"Yes. If you are not in the mortal world, you can only go to the underworld. After being expelled from the divine book, the prince can no longer open the gate of the realm, and there is no way to continue to stay in the realm of the gods. I have already cultivated a human form, but I was beaten back to my original form. If the prince hadn't protected me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to live today, let alone tell you these things here."

"Do you know who brought the news of the Immortal Jue Grass to Fengtai Mountain?"

"I don't know. The prince didn't say anything." Hua Cheng didn't know what to think, and suddenly raised his little head: "Uncle, will you treat my prince well?"

Ban Yu didn't say anything. When he closed and stretched his hands, a small sack appeared on top. Inside was a live cricket.

Hua Cheng was a little sour: "Why is there still only one?"

Ban Yu said, "When you finish eating, there will be another one."

Hua Cheng put the sack aside, and after eating one, the next one jumped out of the sack. He hurriedly flew up to catch him, and didn't say anything to Ban Yu.

Ban Yu removed the barrier at the right time, making Feng Yang's appearance clear in his vision again. When Feng Yang was awake, his eyes were more or less distant and cold, giving people a feeling that he was not very close, as if nothing could touch his inner world. But when she is asleep, she looks very shy and cute, which actually makes people want to protect.

I have to say that fate is too mysterious. In the past three hundred years, he has been urged countless times by the old guy, but he has never had any strange feelings for anyone, and he does not want anyone to intervene in his idle life. But a robbery on behalf of the father inadvertently changed this.

When Ban Yu thought of Feng Yang's smile when he was covered with a thin blanket, he couldn't explain why, and suddenly felt a little distressed. It was obviously just a trivial matter, but he saw a trace of emotion in Feng Yang's eyes.

It's a pity that he hasn't fully recovered yet, and some of his primordial spirit is scattered elsewhere, and he needs to find them all to return to the peak state, otherwise he can take Feng Yang back to the fairyland without any scruples.

Ban Yu decided to increase the healing speed a bit.

The next day, Feng Yang woke up on the branch of a tree and heard the sound of water running in the kitchen. He went to have a look, only to find that Ban Yu was making breakfast.

"Where did you get the lettuce?" Feng Yang saw lettuce in the vegetable washing basket. If it wasn't for Xiao Fengyang's memory, he wouldn't even know it was lettuce.

"I went out in the morning and saw Wei Dongyu bought it, so I asked him for some." Ban Yu said, "There are no other vegetables here, so I'll put some lettuce in the cicada sandwich for you today. It's more nutritious Balanced. How about a cup of hot milk?"

"Okay, thank you." Feng Yang didn't leave after finishing speaking, and stood still and looked at Ban Yu for a while.

"What's the matter?" Ban Yu asked, "Aren't you going to wash up?"

"Go." After Feng Yang finished speaking, he turned and went to the bathroom.

When I was washing up, for some reason, I always saw Ban Yu cooking food when I was lying on the tree in my mind. He had never seen anyone prepare breakfast for him. Speaking of which, when Ban Yu isn't going crazy, he's actually pretty good.

Feng Yang didn't realize it himself, he was looking at the kitchen during the whole process of brushing his teeth.

Hua Cheng flew over and wanted to comb the feathers with water. Seeing this, he smiled and said, "Prince, are you feeling springy? Hee hee."

Feng Yang glared at the silly servant, turned around to wash his face, and never looked at Ban Yu again until he came out.

In the past, Ban Yu brought Fengyang vegetable porridge, but I know that he actually asked Fengyang to make snacks before breakfast, so as not to be hungry before eating. But today he did enough, Feng Yang ate a lot, and felt that he didn't even need to go to the cafeteria in the morning.

Ban Yu said, "Shall I get you some snacks later?"

Just as Feng Yang was about to say no, the doorbell rang, followed by Bai Chen's voice: "Feng Yang, Ban Yu, are you there?"

Ban Yu said, "You continue to eat, I'll open the door."

When Bai Chen saw Ban Yu, he took out two movie tickets: "It's a gift from my colleagues in the work unit. There are two extra tickets. You two can go see them if you have time. This is valid until the middle of next month."

Ban Yu thanked her, took the movie ticket, and asked Feng Yang when she came back, "Do you want to go to the movies?"

Feng Yang held a milk glass in one hand and a cicada burger in the other: "Are you sure you want to see it?"

Ban Yu said, "Go, it looks like a romance movie." The hero and heroine on the movie ticket are quite attractive, although they are not as handsome as him and Feng Yang, but they are still okay. And what attracted him the most was that there were phoenixes and dragons in the publicity picture! Isn't this movie just for him and Feng Yang

Feng Yang: "...Then don't get angry when you remember to watch it."

Ban Yu: "Why are you angry?"

Feng Yang turned the movie ticket in the other direction and showed Ban Yu the slogan on the back: Defeat the evil dragon! Marry Xianfeng!

Snapped! Ban Yu hummed angrily: "Don't watch it! What kind of crap movie is this!"