Heavenly Wife

Chapter 40: Meet the original


The meaning of Ban Yu's words was already obvious. After being single for more than three hundred years, he would no longer be able to stick if he had a boyfriend. He wants to enjoy the treatment of having a boyfriend and have a more intimate relationship!

But what Feng thought of was, who are the dragons who have been single for more than three hundred years.

The dragon and phoenix clans belong to the four gods and beast clans. Although there are not many contacts in normal times, the dragon clan, as the head of the four clans, will organize a clan council every five or six years to discuss the common development of the four clans, and formulate some clan plans. regulations and the like. At this time, the kings of the four clans will gather together, and they will also bring outstanding members of the clan.

He was young at that time, and he only participated once in total, and that was when his queen mother was around. Later, when there was a clan council, Feng Yuyan always took the pheasant step-wife and Feng Xi with him, so he actually didn't know as much about the Dragon Clan as Feng Xi did.

He had only heard from others before that there are many "old" dragons in the dragon clan who are over a hundred years old, and each of them has an outstanding appearance. Who is Ban Yu

But is it more than three hundred years old? A dead old man, he looks so young, he looks like a college student, he thought he was less than 30 years old, and he doubled it by a dozen times!

"Why don't you talk, baby?" Ban Yu was still lying on the table, looking lazy, "Are you touched by me? There are not many dragons who are as clean as I am." Hmph, what a bargain you have taken !

"Impressed? An old thing, you can still be good when you get it cheap." Feng Yang sat down opposite Ban Yu, lying on the table like Ban Yu, and poked Ban Yu's eyebrows: "If I had known that you are more than three hundred I don't agree to fall in love with you."

"Why? How many people want to ask but still can't get it." An old guy like him who is over 300 years old has a very low level of cultivation, and he is one of the best! How many people wanted to double cultivate with him, but he refused, and they were actually rejected? !

"You are older than my queen mother." Feng Yang thought for a long time, and thought of such a reason.

In fact, the gods are all old and have lived for a long time. Some fairy couples are thousands of years old, which is normal. But it's a bit strange that Feng Yang couldn't tell. He's not talking nonsense, Ban Yu is really older than his mother. If his mother was alive, she would only be more than a hundred years old, and Feng Yuyan would not be more than two hundred years old. Fortunately, Ban Yu is over three hundred years old!

In terms of seniority, this must be at the level of grandpa, right

Ban Yu also poked like Feng Yang did, but lightly on the tip of his nose. He laughed and said, "Then what should I do? I just want to eat your mouthful of tender grass, will you give me it?"

Feng Yang turned away uncomfortably. He is really not a very reserved person. If he was reserved, he and Ban Yu would not develop so fast, but this old lewd dragon is really...

cough! I can't bear it!

Feng Yang couldn't help but asked again: "Are you really over three hundred years old?"

Ban Yu said, "Yes."

Feng Yang looked up and down for a while: "Then who are you?"

Ban Yu didn't want to answer this question anymore, but he still told Feng Yang patiently: "Mo Ting. Immortal Mo Ting's leg hair is also a part of Immortal Mo Ting. You can call me Mo Ting."

Feng Yang asked with a smile: "Why don't you call you 'leg hair'?"

Ban Yu said: "If you're happy, that's fine, anyway, you're the only one calling it. But you have to think about it, don't just call me 'leg hair' in the future, and then someone asks you, who is this? You say this is 'my boyfriend'... I always feel that it will be you who will be embarrassed by then?"

Feng Yang stared.

Ban Yu added: "Actually, no matter what you call me now, in the end you will only have one name for me."

Feng Yang raised his eyebrows: "What?"

Ban Yu: "Guess?"

Feng Yang said with a smile: "...you want me to call out right now? You are so beautiful!"

Ban Yu sighed in disappointment: "Why are you so smart? Even if you call me 'Husband' now, can Husband still lose money to you?"

Feng Yang shook his head.

In fact, although Ban Yu was really angry sometimes, he was so angry that he wanted to ascend to heaven, but when he was kind to him, it was really kind. Fry the cicadas for him, heat the milk with your own hands, give him dragon scale powder, and heal the spirit root yourself. No matter how easy or difficult these are, they are all things that need to be taken care of, but Ban Yu persists.

This person really didn't do anything wrong to him, even if he did it before, it was unconscious, otherwise, with his temper like a firecracker, how could he get along well with him.

Without warning, Feng Yang leaned forward and kissed Ban Yu's forehead. Obviously the person in front of him looks different from Ban Yu's face, but the familiar feeling is still there, which he likes.

Ban Yu took advantage of the situation to grab him and brought him into his arms, wishing he could rub him into his bones and kiss him. After a while, he let go and murmured, "Go and take your body out, let me heal you?"

Feng Yang stared into Ban Yu's eyes for a while, then nodded.

Ban Yu asked, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Feng Yang didn't want Ban Yu to see what was going on inside, so he said with a smile, "No, I'll come as soon as I go."

He stretched out his right hand, and some light blue light spots gradually appeared on the palm of his hand, and those light spots gathered together little by little, forming a mountain-shaped thing like an ornament, which was the Xuanbing Prison.

Ban Yu recognized this thing, but he didn't expect Feng Yang to hide it in the void, no wonder he never felt it.

Feng Yang didn't want to feel the coldness in the Xuanbing Prison anymore, but he felt that he might not have enough concentration to resist the temptation of the old lewd dragon. He opened the cell door with his mind, and after entering, he instinctively sensed whether there was any danger around him—Xuanbing Prison can open the door with his mind, and can also use his mind to divide the cell. He separated his body from Feng Yuyan's three bastards in a hundred and eight thousand cells. They definitely couldn't find his body, but he could hear their voices.

Oddly there is no sound.

Are you all freezing? Still too cold to even speak.

The time in the Xuanbing Prison was synchronized with the mortal world, so Feng Yang didn't have to worry about Ban Yu getting anxious, so he stood beside his body and listened for a while. He can sense that the bodies of these people are still there, as for the spirit bodies...

Feng Yang suddenly closed his eyes and settled down, only to find that there was someone missing! It was Feng Yuyan, his spirit body was not there!

"Mother, queen mother..." Feng Xi's voice trembled, "You said at this moment, father, father, father, king, has he returned to the clan, has he returned to the clan?"

"Big big, probably." Chang Siwan was already extremely cold, her beautiful face was covered with frost. Eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair are all white. Every day she wondered if she would freeze to death, but she would open her eyes every day and continue to suffer from the cold.

"We, we still hope, hope that father, father, father, king, will return to the mortal world... Otherwise, when he saves us, rescues us, we don't know what, what, when." Feng Xi leaned close to Chang Siwan, and Feng Yang's heart was really torn right now.

"My son, don't don't don't, don't worry, wait until your father finds and finds Fengyang's damn thing, and he will save us and save us. When you inherit the king, king, and throne, we will live , Skinned him alive!"

Feng Yang sneered: "It's not certain who peeled whose skin. You two should take it easy. When he gets you out, I don't think you two will be far away from dying on the spot."

Chang Siwan's eyes widened in shock: "Feng, Feng Yang?!"

Feng Xi shouted: "Feng Yang! Let us go out, out, out!"

Feng Yang said: "Go out and fuck! Chickens should be kept in cages, just bear it!"

After speaking, he took his own body and went out without waiting for the two to push.

Ban Yu saw Feng Yang's body appearing in Xuanbing Prison, so he hurried to hug him and put him on the toffee chair - there was no room on the bed. He had heard from Feng Yang that he was injured so badly that he didn't bring his body out, but he didn't expect it to be like this. There is no good place on the whole body, especially the whip wound on the face, which is so deep that the blood has dried up on it, a thick layer. There is also Feng Yang's fiery red long hair, which is so beautiful, but the body is all knotted.

Feng Yang said: "I'll go wash it up first, it's disgusting, don't look at it yet."

Ban Yu frowned: "Who did it? Feng Yuyan?"

Feng Yang nodded lightly: "His spirit body has left the ice prison. It should be that the patriarchs used the summoning technique."

Ban Yu said, "That's fine, so I won't have anywhere to propose marriage."

Feng Yang glared: "I don't recognize him as my father, so what kind of marriage are you asking him for?!"

Ban Yu said: "It's reasonable. But he beat you up like this, I always want to see him." After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand, gathered aura, and covered Feng Yang's face with a whole cloud of pale golden aura.

The aura quickly enveloped Feng Yang's body as if it was alive, allowing all the wounds to heal quickly, in less than a minute.

Feng Yang was stunned: "So fast?!"

Ban Yu: "Hmm, I'm Xianjun's leg hair, can't you please!"

Feng Yang choked for a moment: "Be careful, do you still hold grudges?"

Ban Yu said: "When I give you all my savings of more than three hundred years, I won't remember."

Feng Yang looked at Ban Yu suspiciously for a while, and didn't quite understand what the three hundred years of savings he was talking about, anyway, he thought that he was not short of money, so he asked, "Are you really Mo Ting?" Xianjun?"

Ban Yu said, "No, I'm his leg hair!"

Feng Yang turned around and floated into his body, going to the bathroom to take a shower.

There's nothing to say about Ban Yu!

And Ban Yu should not be the Immortal Lord Mo Ting. If it was the Immortal Mo Ting, it would take only a blink of an eye to recover his spiritual root. Also, it is absolutely impossible to fail the tribulation. You must know that he is a rare genius in ten thousand years . And that one hasn't reached the time to cross the catastrophe again, right

But is it necessary for Ban Yu to lie to him all the time

With messy thoughts, Feng Yang carefully washed his body from top to bottom. Ban Yu didn't have time to be idle outside, he reshaped a body that was exactly the same as the original one, and then walked inside - the original body had been hacked to pieces during Dai Jie.

Ban Yu looked in the mirror, then knocked on the bathroom door: "Honey, can I come in?"

Feng Yang said without thinking, "No way!"

Ban Yu is an old dragon spirit of more than three hundred years, how could he listen to Feng Yang. They said no, so he opened the door and went in, completely naked.

Feng Yang saw the white body in front of him, and his face turned red: "You! You..."

Ban Yu didn't care about the splash of water from above, and hugged Feng Yang: "What me? I came to see my fiancée, this matter is justified by any definition."

Feng Yang didn't push it away for a long time, so he stopped pushing: "How can I wash if you don't let go!"

Ban Yu said, "Then don't wash it first, I'll hug it for a while."

Feng Yang's head was pressed on Ban Yu's shoulder, and he stared at the ceiling speechlessly, but he didn't know that somewhere in the mortal world, the elders of the Four Great Phoenix Clan, together with Feng Yuyan, were about to use summoning skills on him...

The author has something to say: Ban Yu: Who dares to look at my little fiancee! Kill him, hum!