Heavenly Wife

Chapter 46: place of birth 2


As soon as Zhou Xuan's long-distance running results came out, Feng Yang went to ask Lin Jingyun for leave. Although Lin Jingyun was very sorry that Feng Yang could not participate in the final awards ceremony, Feng Yang performed so well in the sports meeting this time and won so many honors for the class. Lin Jingyun couldn't say no to him, so she didn't wait for the sports meeting to end. He let Feng Yang go back.

Feng Yang and Ban Yu went home to exchange their bodies, and Ban Yu didn't do anything special to Feng Yang. He asked Yan Liu to stay and look at the physical bodies of Xiao Fengyang and the mortal Ban Yu, and then opened the gate to the God Realm—all the birthplaces of the four clans were in the God Realm.

People without divine books enter the gate of the realm, and nine out of ten will be torn to pieces by the spiritual power of the gate. Feng Yang looked at Ban Yu, and it would be a lie to say that he is not nervous at all, but before he asks anything , Ban Yu picked him up and walked into the gate...

Open your eyes again, the clouds and mist are lingering, the clear pool waterfall, the singing of birds and insects, the fragrance of plants and flowers wafts in the air. On the huge black jade stone directly opposite, there are three large white characters carved in relief: Panlong Mountain

"Are you there?" Feng Yang asked Ban Yu.

"Yeah." Ban Yu put Feng Yang down and took his hand. He looked at the black jade stone, with a faint smile on his mouth.

Feng Yang was just about to say how the words on the stone looked a little weird, but the "word" suddenly seemed to come alive, and fell from the stone with a "squeak!"! Still twisting on the ground! Feng Yang took a closer look, and it turned out that only an adult can fully hug such a thick white dragon!

Bailong writhed for a long time before he transformed into a human form. He was a boy about 1.7 centimeters. He stared wide-eyed and looked Ban Yu and Feng Yang up and down. After a while, he suddenly ran like crazy and shouted: "Grandma! Grandma! Oh my God, my great-uncle is back! Ah! He also brought back a beautiful little brother!"

Feng Yang was dumbfounded: "... He, is he talking about us? Uncle and grandpa?"

Ban Yu smiled: "Well, he is my second sister's grandson, he should be twenty-five years old this year."

Feng Yang: "!!!"

Can your family be more insane in this generation!

The Shenlong clan is the most populous of the four clans, just the opposite of the Shenfeng clan. There are four sub-districts within the Shenlong clan, and each sub-district will be closer and closer, so the kinship relationship is also more complicated. In fact, if Ban Yu was in his thirties like other members of the dragon clan, and got married when he was no more than fifty, then he must be full of children and grandchildren now, but he has never been married, so what is his name? have it all.

Feng Yang was convinced, but he soon discovered that this was not a problem, what was even more frightening was the old Dragon King and Dragon Queen!

The old couple were fighting there, but when they heard that their son was back, and brought along a beautiful little brother, the united front floated over from somewhere, and a group of clansmen watching the excitement behind them, mighty and mighty.

Feng Yang roughly counted, there must be forty or fifty people here.

"Mo Ting, good son, it's really you!" The Dragon Queen wearing a golden brocade robe was overjoyed when she saw Ban Yu, and she flicked her long sleeves to the ground, showing a kind smile: "I miss you so much !"

"Is the queen mother all right?" Ban Yu laughed.

"Okay, okay. Is this the child Yan Liu said you liked?" When the old dragon saw Feng Yang, he couldn't help but look up, his noble face was full of curiosity.

"Yes. His name is Feng Yang." Ban Yu said, "Yang Yang, this is my mother's queen, and this is my father, the emperor."

"Feng Yang has met the Dragon King and Dragon Queen." After Feng Yang finished speaking neither humble nor overbearing, he subconsciously moved closer to Ban Yu.

He is not very good at communicating with elders. In the past, they either fought or quarreled with Feng Yuyan, and the patriarchs were stuck in the middle, and they didn't talk much. Although Ban Yu was more than three hundred years older than him, they started off as peers, so there was no pressure. But the two in front of me are different. If he remembered correctly, the old Dragon King and the Dragon Queen are almost two thousand years old together. Although they look young and kind, there is a strong sense of oppression in the invisible.

Ban Yu put his arms around Feng Yang's shoulders calmly, and stroked his back.

The old Dragon King had been observing for a long time now, and said with a smile: "Good boy. Let's go, don't stand here, go to Yanming Garden."

Ban Yu whispered in Feng Yang's ear, "Don't be nervous, I'm in charge of everything."

Feng Yang thought, can I not be nervous? ! You have dozens of dragons, but I am a bird! Oh no! two! Didn't you see Huacheng trembling in my sleeve? !

Hua Cheng could feel the dense aura even though he was hiding in his sleeves, and behind those auras was the coercion that only the strong had. The same is the beast clan, the gap is too big!

Feng Yang almost had the same idea as Hua Cheng. He noticed along the way that Panlong Mountain has much more aura than Fengtai Mountain, and although he didn't know much about it, his first feeling is that the people here are very harmonious. So many people came out to watch the fun, but none of them gave him a strange look because of his identity. They were all very kind, and even if they hadn't spoken, they made him feel kind.

The young man who called Ban Yu's uncle and grandpa came together again at this time: "Uncle and grandpa, this is my future uncle and grandpa... Uh, what should I call him? He is so young."

Ban Yu said, "Just call... Grandpa Yangyang." Ban Yu asked Feng Yang, "Is that okay baby?"

Feng Yang: "... yes." I, who was just about to turn twenty, asked someone five years older than me to call me grandpa...

The young man smiled and said, "Grandpa Yangyang, my name is Ling Duo. My mother is Princess Jinyang of the East China Sea, and my father is Ling Xiao, the third prince of the West Sea."

Feng Yang said, "Hello."

When the big troops who were walking next to him heard that Ling Duo had come to inquire about first-hand information, they all came over curiously. But they didn't dare to get too close. First, they were in awe of Ban Yu, and second, they didn't want to scare Feng Yang. If they were scared away, they would not be able to pay for it if they sold it. After all, it was the Crown Princess who had waited for more than three hundred years. If nothing unexpected happens, this is the next Dragon Queen.

Well, although he should not be a dragon.

There were also younger ones among the companions, but no matter how young they were, they were not much different from Ling Duo. Although they were born with less spiritual power than Ban Yu, they still had the ability to tell Feng Yang was not a dragon at a glance.

"It should be a little phoenix, it looks really good-looking." A girl whispered to her companion with a little curiosity, "Don't they all say that males of the dragon clan are considered masculine and handsome? ? He is really the most beautiful boy I have ever seen, Cousin Mo Ting is really, old dragon eats young Phoenix!"

"Shh! Keep your voice down, in case someone hears you, be careful and your mother will tell you later." The companion hurriedly made a silent gesture, "My mother said it three times on the way I just came, and once you hear it, you must use the most enthusiastic attitude." Go to meet my future cousin (?), and don’t say anything else that shouldn’t be said, or she will drive me to the mortal world to herd sheep if I scare people away.”

"Ah, but I'm really curious. I heard that the former Phoenix Queen had red hair. Could he be the child of the former Phoenix Queen? Yanliu didn't tell us, so he insisted on telling his cousin to come back Say, really."

"They're all too curious about you, don't mind." Ban Yu heard the murmuring voices of the cousins behind him, and said to Feng Yang with a smile: "Panlong Mountain is also lively on weekdays, but it's rarely like today. Maybe it's true I have been single for too long, when you come, these people will come to watch. I used to come back from the fairyland every three to five years and never saw so many people come to welcome me."

"Actually, it's pretty good. Fengtai Mountain has never had such a time. Originally, there were only a few members of the Shenfeng clan, and the internal harmony was not harmonious enough, and there was little movement between clan relatives." Feng Yang turned his head and looked at the two... It's my cousin, I couldn't help but smile.

Seeing Feng Yang smiling at them, the two girls quickly waved to him, and walked closer quickly. At this time, the group had almost arrived at Yanming Garden.

Yanming Garden is the largest garden in Panlong Mountain. At this moment, the garden is full of flowers and colorful butterflies are flying, and there are bursts of simple and heavy piano sounds from the Yanming Pavilion in the garden. Some sad, some sad, such as weeping like the sound of the piano.

The people who were chatting stopped at the same time, glanced at the woman playing the piano in the pavilion, and then looked at Ban Yu at the same time.

A trace of displeasure flashed across Ban Yu's eyes, and he asked Ling Duo, "Why is she here?"

Ling Duo said: "Isn't the news that you found the person you like spread throughout the clan, and then she came. But before that, she locked herself in the house. Who knows how she came here now. "

Feng Yang asked with his eyes: Who is it

Ban Yu held Feng Yang's hand tightly: "An insignificant person, I'll tell you later."

Feng Yang felt that it wasn't what Ban Yu said, but Ban Yu didn't want to say it now, so he didn't follow up to ask. When he saw the Dragon King, he sent someone to say something to the woman. After a while, the woman got up and looked towards them faintly. Although they were still quite far away, Feng Yang was sure at a glance that she was looking at Ban Yu.

Displeasure could be seen on Ban Yu's face, and the woman looked at it for a while, then left with Qin in her arms.

Feng Yang suddenly realized that, yes, Ban Yu is a mortal, but Immortal Mo Ting is the eldest prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. This eldest prince was born with powerful spiritual power. Also looks heroic and stalwart. Such a person has lived for more than 300 years, how could there be no peach blossoms in these 300 years

Ban Yu pretended to see Feng Yang's thoughts, and quickly flicked him on the forehead: "Don't think wildly!"

Feng Yang smiled: "What am I thinking? You know again?"

Ban Yu said: "Anyway, it's not what you think. Let's go, let's take you to meet my family first, and then take you to see Baiyutan. The elder sister and elder brother-in-law should be there right now."