Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 113: Industrial lathe


It is already difficult for bullets to penetrate active-infused metals and other non-metallic materials. When he and Wang Gen were shooting at each other for a long time, the Humvee and King Kong were still safe, and even the tires were not blown out.

What is really powerful now is the bone metal weapon.

Shen Cong can foresee that in the future, in addition to high-explosive, laser, nuclear weapons and other types of thermal weapons, other ordinary bullets and artillery shells will be withdrawn from the battle order.

The battle in the future will be about active consumption, penetration, and collapse.

Activity Only activity can be easily destroyed.

However, the world is still in the lv0 era of evolution, and firearms and bullets are still very lethal to ordinary evolved beasts. Even Shen Cong would not dare to block bullets without wearing super-explosive armor.

Flesh and blood has unlimited evolutionary potential, but it is also undoubtedly fragile.

Therefore, Shen Cong still wants to buy the batch of bullets obtained by the camp. This will be a strong guarantee for him to break through the wilderness area and drive to Hefei.

If the qjy88 general-purpose machine gun had enough ammunition that day, Shen Cong would only have to hold it and sweep it away, and he would be able to clear out the thieving crows in a matter of seconds.

Evolved animals and plants that have not entered level 1 cannot withstand the sweep of thermal weapons.

After confirming the bullet deal, the next step should be a back-and-forth negotiation. For now, negotiations are strong for Shen Cong because he is strong enough. Shen Cong single-handedly promoted the district mayor, and Zhang Youhai and Wang Yingying, two managers with small powers in the district government, also moved towards Shen Cong.

If Shen Cong wanted to rob someone, it would be difficult to stop him with a pistol or a grenade.

So from the beginning, this negotiation was an act by the provisional government to test Shen Cong's psychological bottom line. They must strive for the greatest benefit within the scope that Shen Cong can approve.

After arguing with each other several times.

Shen Cong became impatient. He hated this kind of endless ink stains.

"One bullet for one rivet, ten bullets for one steel bar, special-shaped welded plates, exchange them with grenades. That's the transaction price, no need to talk any more, it's a waste of time."

With Shen Cong's lack of tricks, the transaction price was determined.

Zhu Haifeng and others quickly delivered two boxes of 3,000 rounds of 92 pistol bullets, a box of 1,100 rounds of 95a rifle bullets, a box of 600 rounds of 87 machine gun bullets, and a hundred wooden handle grenades.

When the payment arrived, Shen Cong didn't delay and started producing rivets and steel bars directly.

If Shen Cong needed to use the King Kong to produce these metal products before he obtained the failed metal life form, then now he has completely liberated the King Kong and can directly guide the failed metal life form.

As long as activity is injected into the failed metal life form, the alloy can be guided and expanded.

As for where the activity comes from, it is very simple, from the fire truck. The fire truck was dead, with about 0.3 hours of activity left. Shen Cong originally planned to use the King Kong to devour the activity of the fire truck, and then turn it over to alloy the entire fire truck, leaving only the original metal that could not be alloyed.

But now, Shen Cong decided to only alloy the outer shell of the fire truck and not alloy the inside.

All the excess activity is used to catalyze the production of rivets and steel bars by the failed metal lifeforms.

He has two purposes for doing this. One is naturally that the failed metal lifeforms are easy to guide and the production efficiency is faster than that of the King Kong. Another is that the King Kong has absorbed a certain amount of activity, and will inevitably exchange part of the activity with him for Shen Cong's physical strengthening.

But once the activity level of King Kong is full, it will be siphoned if it absorbs too much activity. Now Shen Cong keeps the King Kong constantly absorbing and exchanging activity for the strengthening of his body, and the amount of activity absorbed is all used for production. In this way, energy is continuously absorbed and strengthened.

Soon Shen Cong's body will be able to catch up with the King Kong's level.

There is no need to worry about the siphon phenomenon anymore, upgrade simultaneously, and enter the lv1 era together.




A rough rivet is produced, cut out, and thrown aside.

Continue to guide, alloy, and extend.

The failed metal life form is like a simple lathe, constantly producing rivets one after another. These rivets are used to fix steel and do not require too high precision. Shen Cong's current accuracy in controlling the extension is just enough.

It was a bit awkward at first, and only a hundred rivets could be produced in one hour. Once he became proficient in this process, Shen Cong could guide the failed metal life form to extend two rivets at once, and the output increased to two rivets per hour. By night, five rivets can be extended at one time, and the output increases to 500 rivets per hour.

There were 4,700 bullets corresponding to 2,700 rivets and 200 steel bars. It took Shen Cong 13 hours to get all the rivets.

A total of 0.1h of fire truck activity was consumed.

At the same time, the King Kong exchanged activity several times again, strengthening Shen Cong's body and increasing his body activity from 1.184h to 1.193h.

Rest one night and continue the next day to start extending the steel bars.

Steel bars are more time-consuming, because the length and thickness of rivets are much longer than a finger. Producing a steel bar takes twenty times as long as a rivet. The price of ten rounds of bullets for one steel bar was a bit of a loss, but since Shen Cong agreed, he didn't raise the price again.

From day to night, two hundred steel bars were finally produced, as well as one hundred metal plates corresponding to one hundred grenades.

The fire truck's activity level was completely exhausted, and the original metal parts were exposed, including the engine and surrounding metal parts. The fire truck's talent is only 1.084h, which is much worse than the King Kong, and even worse than the Humvee. However, Shen Cong was still full of desire to devour these primitive metals.

Now he has to suppress this desire at all times. The raw metal of the Humvee, the raw metal of the fire truck, and the failed metal life form are all tempting him to devour them.

But Shen Cong still hasn't found a way to devour it.

After completing this batch of projects, Shen Cong's level has successfully reached lv0.765, activity level 1.211h, and talent level 1.584h, quickly catching up with King Kong's current level level of lv0.838, activity level 1.328h, and talent level 1.584h.

1. With 211 hours of activity, Shen Cong felt that he had reached the power of eight cows.

Faster, stronger, harder!

The King Kong has already alloyed all the external shells of the fire truck. The next step is to continue to absorb free activity and continue to upgrade. Inside the fire truck, Liu Changming has also designed a monitoring system. Now he is sorting out the waste according to Shen Cong's requirements. Heap of cameras.

The more cameras you have, the more fully you can capture the surrounding scenes.

Don't miss a blind spot.

"This batch of rivets, steel bars, and plates has been completed. If you want to continue trading, the transaction price must be changed. Twenty rounds of bullets can be exchanged for one steel bar. In addition, I only plan to spare one day for production and think about it as soon as possible. I won’t wait for anything in exchange.”

The time for handing over the goods is already September 12th.

From the encounter with the fire brigade at the end of August to now for two weeks, the delay far exceeded Shen Cong's expectation.

"I must speed up my work and go to Hefei early. Evolved beasts are evolving every day. The evolution speed of the rich zone is much faster than that of the barren zone. If I wait for one more day, my evolution may fall one step behind, even if I am in the nesting area. To stand out from the crowd, you still have to be cautious.”

The sense of urgency caused Shen Cong to speed up his work.

The Juchao District Provisional Government immediately decided to use another batch of 3,000 rounds of rifle bullets to replace a batch of rivets and steel bars. Stone walls fixed with steel bars and rivets greatly increase their defense.

Shen Cong observed that the stone wall they built was three meters high and one and a half meters thick, almost equivalent to an ancient city wall: "I'm afraid even if the crocodile comes, it will be difficult to break through this stone wall easily."

As for the Yin grape grove, this group of people even built an iron cage with steel bars to cover all the Yin grape trees.

However, Shen Cong frowned a little at this.

He said to Zhu Haifeng who came to trade: "Have you considered the corrosion of metal?"

"After considering it, the next step is to use the animal oil extracted from the evolved beast, apply it on the steel bars, brush it again with machine oil, soak the steel bars, and spray the outside with anti-rust spray paint."

"Do you have spray paint?"

"Yes, I have."

"Deal, I need it!"

The spray paint at the camp was collected by Liu Zheng, and the paint on his fire truck was sprayed by himself later. Maybe he fell in love with the red and white paint of the fire truck, so he restored the original colors.

However, these spray paints are just ordinary anti-rust spray paints, not special material spray paints.

Some special materials are spray-painted with very powerful properties, such as line-x anti-spray paint. Even a shotgun cannot penetrate it when sprayed on. Of course, even if this kind of spray paint is found in the ruins, there is no way to spray it. The spraying equipment required is too harsh.

Soon, Shen Cong exchanged a bunch of spray paint from the camp.

I chose black matte spray paint and started spray painting the King Kong.