Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 119: Big Spade Brand Eggs


The big black beetle's lair was not far away. The King Kong turned around and soon returned to the roadside of the ruins where the big black beetle swarmed out.

He was furious when he turned around, but now he has calmed down. He cautiously chose to use the drone to take off to survey the environment within a ten-mile radius.

No abnormalities have been found yet.

After arranging his weapons, Shen Cong got out of the car and headed towards the ruins, and soon came to the place where the big black beetles were swarming out. This is a huge cave, buried between a pile of stones. Through the echolocation of the shock locator, it can be inferred that the cave is not deep, but only a superficial layer.

But some are big, almost the size of half a playground, which means that everything under this ground is empty.

Shen Cong, who had the strength of seven oxen, did not hesitate. He directly picked up the big rocks around the entrance of the cave and threw them far away. In just a few minutes, he cleared the entrance of the cave. With the light shining into the cave, he could see with his eyesight. It was easy to see that there was a large black beetle in the cave.

"It's not easy to get in."

Shen Cong frowned and decided to use smoke. He connected the exhaust pipe of the King Kong to the fire hose, and then pointed one end of the hose at the hole.

Block half of the air intake hole, and then hold the accelerator to allow the King Kong's engine to burn incompletely and emit a large amount of thick black smoke.

Shen Cong fanned at the entrance of the cave, and all the smoke came out into the entrance.

A few dozen seconds later, large black beetles emerged from the hole one after another. Shen Cong wielded the dog-crocodile war hammer and smashed them accurately.

At the end, a beetle that moved slowly but was several times the size of other large black beetles crawled out of the hole. This big beetle is very strange. There is half a gap in the head, as if it has been blown off. Shen Cong could feel that the active radiation in its body was very unstable.

As if seriously injured.

"Severely injured. Could it be that this big beetle was injured by the provincial military region troops? It has not fully healed yet?"

It is possible, but it has nothing to do with Shen Cong. He came here to destroy the entire black beetle clan. Now that the suspected leader of the beetle has come out, he can put an end to it.


The dog-crocodile war hammer hit it, and a big hole was opened in the head of the big black beetle. It was already seriously injured, but after being hit like this again, it was completely dead.

After dragging the body of the big black beetle into the car, Shen Cong looked at the sky and saw that it was already evening. The front section is a road that was destroyed by bombs and is not smooth. It will be impossible to pass tonight.

Camped here for the time being.

It's quite safe here. After all, the big black beetles have been cleared away. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be any other colonies or powerful individuals within the range of the big black beetles.

After setting up camp, the first thing Shen Cong had to do was organize his equipment.

When dealing with the big black beetle, a lot of long-range bone metal weapons were lost, especially the slingshot projectiles. After being fired, they might be directly driven into the soil, or thrown into the beetle's body and could not be retrieved.

The seven fang arrows were also completely scrapped.

The loss is a bit big.

Fortunately, he still has a lot of thief crow active cores, and with the active cores of these big black beetles, he can still polish a batch of arrows and projectiles.

Moreover, Shen Cong also has eight mutant canine teeth, which are good materials for making arrowheads.

After spending most of the night, Shen Cong successfully polished a batch of arrows and projectiles.

Among them, 4 canine arrows were made from Dahaizi’s canine tooth grinder with 0.508h activity, and 4 were made from Wu Wenjun’s canine tooth grinder with 0.397h activity. 88 thief claw projectiles made from the bones and joints of a thief crow's claw with an activity level of about 0.16 hours.

All that's left are the arrows made from the sharp tips of the large black beetle's mounds that are still being made.

This big black beetle looks very much like a Chinese stag beetle, so Shen Cong named it: "Let's call it the big stag beetle."

The giant stag beetle is a mutated crustacean insect that is an evolutionary beast and is similar in shape to the Chinese giant spade. The carapace and two pairs of humps that wrap the head are its active core. It has low IQ, but the shell has strong defense and can block machine gun bullets. Living in groups and caves.

The level is generally around lv0.638, activity level 0.154h, and talent level 0.243h.

After dissecting the huge stag beetle among them, Shen Cong found that it was a female with some yellow-brown eggs on its abdomen. There were also many broken metal pieces inside the body, like bomb fragments, which confirmed Shen Cong's previous guess that the female insect was indeed injured by the provincial military region troops.

Because too much shrapnel remains, it has been unable to heal itself, or even because it is difficult to recover from serious injuries, and the production capacity has dropped. There are only a few big stag beetles in the nest, and it is difficult to repeat the situation that the provincial military region troops encountered at that time.

Otherwise, with the heavy firepower of the provincial military region and the large number of evolutionaries taken away, they would not be afraid of such a small group of beetles in coordinated operations.

"This is a crippled swarm."

During the peak period, there may be a sea of insects, and there may be more than one female insect. Beetles have no concept of "queen" and do not rely on just one female to lay eggs.

He was abolished by the provincial military region troops and uprooted by Shen Cong.

"The female giant stag beetle, the female giant stag beetle, is more than three times larger than the male. Because the samples collected were injured female worms, there is a lack of information... The level data is lv0.561, activity level 0.169h, talent 0.301h, lower level than the male giant stag beetle, but more talented.”

The mounds of the giant stag beetle are shaped like two horns, and the front ends of the horns are bifurcated. That is to say, the horn of a giant stag beetle has four tips, all of which can be ground into arrowheads. There are more than 100 stag beetles on the road, plus more than 30 in the cave, for a total of 216 large stag beetles, which can grind 964 arrowheads.

In other words, Shen Cong can make 964 large active spade arrows. The power of these arrows is only slightly lower than the 0.159h fang arrows and only slightly lower than the thief's claw projectiles. Can be used as an ordinary arrow against small evolved beasts.

Losses are made up instantly.

As for the two tips of the single mound of the larger female stag beetle, Shen Cong used them to make javelins, two large stag javelins with an activity level of 0.169h.

Finally, there is the head carapace of the giant stag beetle, and the back carapace.

Under normal circumstances, the defensive power of the head carapace is similar to that of the back carapace, and both can defend against firearm bullets. However, since the head carapace is an active core, after being injected with activity, it can defend against ordinary bone metal weapons, but the back carapace obviously cannot.

"Then, collect the head carapace and embed it piece by piece in front of the front of the car. Install the back carapace to the outer armor area of the car to add an extra layer of defense to the King Kong."

After finishing all this, it was already one o'clock in the night.

Shen Cong decided to have some midnight snack.

The late-night snack this time was the eggs of the giant stag beetle.

The eggs may be immature and inactivated when taken out. The insect eggs sounded a bit disgusting, but Shen Cong threw one to the black head, and saw that the black head ate it deliciously, and kept saying "want it".

So, Shen Cong suppressed a little nausea and boiled a large stagworm egg.

In fact, when this kind of bug is enlarged, it won't make people feel so disgusting. The same is true for these eggs, which are not much different from oversized eggs.

When cooked, peel off the shell like an egg, revealing tender yellow egg flesh inside.

After taking a bite, it tasted almost like an egg, a little lighter. Shen Cong took out a bottle of Lao Gan Ma from the kitchen and dipped it in. It tasted very refreshing.

"Yeah, good stuff." While eating, Shen Cong threw two more pills into the pot and cooked them. The remaining few pills were placed in the car's small refrigerator.

This is as good a thing as an egg, so don’t let it be wasted by blackheads. (To be continued.)