Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 26: Dry fried ant legs


In the next few minutes, Shen Cong enjoyed a wonderful "postscript" of the mutant ant colony that had lost its queen. The mutant ants first circled around the queen's corpse, as if they wanted to wake her up. After a while, the queen did not respond. A few bold mutant ants began to eat the queen's corpse, and then more and more mutated ants Ants join in the nibbling procession.

This move was blocked by another mutant ant. The two sides had a big fight, and finally the corpses were left on the ground. About half of the mutant ants were left. Each of them dug out a few white ants that looked like ants from the queen's corpse. The egg things immediately divided into several small groups and left one by one.

After the mutated ants left, Shen Cong immediately drove to the corpse of the queen ant. After finding a way to deal with the mutated ants, Shen Cong's sense of security returned.

He quickly put on the Optimus Prime 1.0 active armor, got out of the car and dragged the corpse of the queen ant into the bulldozer, and then picked up the corpses of hundreds of mutated ants and returned.

Then I drove north and left this car wreckage square.

But we didn't go far, about two or three kilometers. It was getting dark and the road was difficult to walk at night, so it was better to stop where we were.

Close the armor and turn on the lights in the compartment.

Shen Cong stretched his aching body and prepared to do some research before dinner - studying plastic rabbits and mutant ants. The body of the queen ant was placed in the bulldozer. The bulldozer was already raised above the front of the car. It would not be too late to study it tomorrow. .

First the plastic rabbit was dissected.

Bones, internal organs, muscles, and fur were all sorted by Shen Cong, but the result was disappointing. There was no active core. This proved Shen Cong's previous speculation that between a plastic rabbit and a motorcycle, one of them must be an active core, or core to each other.

"Considering that all the will of the King Kong is centered on me, let's temporarily assume that I am the active core." Shen Cong typed out the anatomy record on his laptop.

I took a photo at the same time. There are already many photos in the album about illustrations and research materials, most of which are photos of dead mutant monsters.

It is not convenient for Shen Cong to take photos of living mutated monsters. If there is a chance in the future, he will add more photos of living creatures.

The dissection result was disappointing. The plastic rabbit lost its final research value and was thrown aside by Shen Cong. It was cooked in a pot later. This was tonight's dinner.

Next, Shen Cong began to study mutant ants.

He first retrieved the "Encyclopedia of Insects" from the USB flash drive and found the content about ants, and compared it with the information to study it.

There are two types of mutant ants, one is the mutant ant the size of a mineral water bottle, and the other is the mutant ant the size of a large bottle of Coca-Cola. The whole body is dark and shiny, except for the claws, which are slightly yellowish in color.

Shen Cong carefully compared the photos on the computer and came to an uncertain conclusion—it was probably a mutation of the yellow-legged short-legged ant.

"The mutant is confirmed." Shen Cong picked up a small mutated ant corpse and noticed the function of the active core in the ant's upper jaw.

In fact, without probing, you can guess that this is the active core just by looking at the abnormally huge upper jaw.

However, not every mutant ant has an abnormally large upper jaw. The upper jaws of a small number of mutant ants fall within the normal range of mutation and are not prominent.

But these ants are also mutant ants, because several of them have abnormally huge antennae and belong to the active core; several have abnormally huge nodules in the middle of the thorax and abdomen, which belong to the active core; and one has an abnormal sting on its tail. Huge, belonging to the active core.

"The active core is not fixed. All bone parts have a chance of mutating into an active core."

After finding the active core, Shen Cong immediately dissected a mutant ant. Its overall structure was not much different from that of ordinary ants, and its muscle strength and shell hardness were very high. A crop was found on the tail and abdomen. The crop contained unknown semen. Shen Cong accidentally pinched the crop and the semen immediately spilled on his hands.

Suddenly, a tingling pain came from my fingertips.

Shen Cong's heart skipped a beat. He felt that the activity in his fingers was corroded and eliminated by this body.

"Is this the formic acid-like substance that consumed King Kong's activity before?" Shen Cong said to himself, ants can secrete formic acid, and formic acid is poisonous, but now this ** is probably not formic acid anymore, a simple ant Acids cannot corrode active materials.

Shen Cong casually gave it a new name: "Let's call it strong formic acid."

Then I thought about the use of strong formic acid—if we collect more strong formic acid, could it be used as a means to eliminate activity

In the foreseeable future, activity will be widely used by people or mutant monsters as a means of offense and defense.

Destroying active defenses will inevitably become the first problem faced. Collect more now and reserve it, which may come in handy in the future.

"In that case, I have to go back tomorrow to harvest the corpses of the mutated ants and collect them all."

People die for wealth and birds die for food, and Shen Cong is not exempt from this. Knowing the magical effects of strong formic acid, he temporarily put aside his sense of crisis in the square of car wrecks.

The queen ant is dead, and a large number of mutated ants have split and left. The King Kong's disguise will not be seen through, and it should not be in too much danger.

After checking the corpses of ordinary mutant ants, they then checked the corpses of larger mutant ants. There were fewer corpses of larger mutant ants, only about thirty in total.

Most of them have the upper jaw as the active core, but one is a nodule on the thorax and abdomen, and another is an antennae on the head. Crops were also found in the abdomen, which contained more corrosive formic acid—named super strong formic acid by Shen Cong.

At this point, the research comes to an end.

Shen Cong entered the picture book information into his laptop.

"The short-legged worker ant is a mutated ant-like insect. It is suspected to be a mutation of the yellow-legged short-legged worker ant. Its combat effectiveness is negligible. It obeys the command of the mutated queen. The abdominal crop stores strong formic acid, which can corrode activity. It is temporarily classified as short-legged worker ant. The ferocious ant colony species are mutant ants.”

"The soldier ant is a mutated ant-like insect. It is of the same species as the worker ant. It is suspected to be a soldier ant mutation. Its combat power is negligible. The crop in its abdomen stores super strong formic acid, and its corrosive activity is better than that of strong formic acid. "

The results of the research are recorded.

Shen Cong began to sort out the corpses of the mutated ants, collecting the active cores and formic acid in the crops, and leaving a portion of the ant meat behind. Half an hour later, the sorting was completed.

Shen Cong didn't want the remaining ant corpses. He still had a lot of minced meat from Tai Ritian and Tumor Pig in his car. The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the meat cannot be stored for a long time. Even if Shen Cong seals the meat and stuffs it in water to keep it fresh at low temperature, it will not be able to keep it for too long.

You can only eat what you hunt.

Throw away whatever you can't eat.

Tonight, Shen Cong cooked two dishes, one braised plastic rabbit and one fried ant legs. With the addition of seasonings such as oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar, it is a regular stir-fry.

Shen Cong has stocked up on condiments, but he is usually too lazy to cook. He is not very interested in food, so frying or grilling is enough if it is not unpalatable.

This time, in order to celebrate his victory over the mutated ant colony, Shen Cong didn't mind the trouble and rewarded himself by offering sacrifices to the five internal organs temple.

The plastic rabbit tastes great, with the aroma of rabbit meat and the chewy texture of beef. After adding condiments, the quality of the dish really rises. I want to eat even the bones. Another dish is dry-fried ant legs, which are even crispier, like fried chicken nuggets. Pick one up and bite into it, it's crunchy.

"Well, this tastes good, I should fry it more and eat it as a snack!"

While chewing on the ant legs, Shen Cong also took out a bottle of Wuliangye wine used for trading, poured himself two taels, and took a few sips. The roasted seeds and nuts I bought from Carrefour supermarket still had some peanuts left. I took a bite of the ant legs, drank a sip of wine, and ate two peanuts. The taste was so refreshing.

As the saying goes, peanuts go with wine, and the more you drink, the better.

This feeling of petty bourgeoisie, combined with the atmosphere of survival after disaster, is completely comfortable, sweeping away the anxiety and depression accumulated in the heart, and relieving the pressure in the heart in this desolate and dangerous apocalypse.

After dinner, Shen Cong's stomach felt bloated.

The activity from the mutated flesh also began to escape throughout the body, making Shen Cong feel hot all over. Climbing up to the roof of the car, I carefully blew the natural wind for a while.

The heat has only dissipated slightly, but most of the heat is still accumulated.

Let Shen Cong find his girlfriend again at night... He has dozens of girlfriends who can accompany him through countless long lonely nights.