Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 3: The Living King Kong


The sky was still a little gloomy and the sun couldn't be seen.

After a month, Shen Cong stepped on the ground again. However, the once vibrant earth had been replaced by yellow sand, gravel, and dust. There was not a trace of green anywhere he could see.

It seems that we have arrived at an endless desert.

"Home...Wuwei County...Provincial capital Hefei is probably gone too..."

Shen Cong frowned and looked around, trying to find any sign of survival. This huge disaster storm wiped out all traces of life. The only thing that can still prove that this is the earth and not another world is the few steel columns that are the load-bearing columns of the warehouse not far away.

One of them is bent at ninety degrees.

Shen Cong suppressed his pessimism, walked step by step to the location of the warehouse, looked at it for a moment, and then used his hands to remove the yellow sand and stones on the ground. He found that it was too difficult. He ran back to the King Kong, took out an engineering shovel, and returned to his previous position to continue shoveling the yellow sand.

At this time, Shen Cong's body was stronger than an ox. He picked up the engineering shovel and shoveled the sand very quickly.

After a while, a big hole was dug.

"Activity can indeed strengthen my body. I used to be out of breath when digging such a big hole, but now I don't feel tired at all."

Activity, this is a magical ability named by Shen Cong himself. This ability is the reason why he can have an inexplicable connection with the King Kong.

Shen Cong, who woke up from a coma a month ago, found that he had a perceptual connection with the King Kong. He spent the next month exploring this kind of perception. After many explorations, experiments, and inferences, we have roughly understood the origin and function of this ability.

In that world-destroying meteor shower, one of them hit the warehouse. However, with the power of the meteor, the shock wave generated was enough to destroy everything around it, but it didn't. In addition to destroying the warehouse, it didn't even leave a big crater. Down. Shen Cong didn't know what the meteor was made of.

But now it seems that it definitely contains mysterious energy.

Because it gives the metal of the King Kong a "living" change, Shen Cong doesn't know if the King Kong is really alive, but it does have a spirituality that is slowly repairing its own damage - Shen Cong Cong gave this kind of living spirituality the name activity.

At first, most of the King Kong's armor was melted down, and many of its internal circuits were burned.

But when Shen Cong calmed down and communicated with the King Kong, he was able to guide this activity, absorb the free activity from the outside world at a slow speed, repair himself, and make some morphological changes according to Shen Cong's will.

Out of boredom, Shen Cong named this active ability - extension.

At the same time, activity has two other abilities, one is the ability of assimilation - alloy. Originally, the King Kong was just a metal frame made active by meteors, but under Shen Cong's guidance, it was able to swallow various components on the frame, give these components life, and form a whole.

On the contrary, if a certain element is peeled off from the diamond, the element will lose its activity after a while.

Another ability is the feedback-exchange of activity to the leader Shen Cong.

When Shen Cong guided the activity of the King Kong, he strengthened his willpower bit by bit on various parts of the King Kong. In this way, Shen Cong could rely on his own brain waves to complete the driving of the King Kong. Then the activity of King Kong will also be fed back to Shen Cong, strengthening his body.

Active metal has three properties: extension, alloy, and exchange.

This is the result of Shen Cong's research for a month.

Of course, there may still be abilities that have not yet been developed, and there are many unknown reasons that remain unknown. For example, Shen Cong didn't know what his relationship was with the King Kong. It stands to reason that King Kong has been given activity and can either evolve into a Transformer or become a large slug.

He never expected that he would form an inexplicable connection with Shen Cong, as if he had become one. The King Kong is part of Shen Cong's body.

"But that's okay. With the more powerful King Kong, I have a greater chance of survival in this apocalyptic world."

The pit has bottomed out, and there is a steel plate at the bottom.

This is the secret door in the basement of the original warehouse. Shen Cong is a patient with persecution paranoia. He always feels that it is not safe enough without strict protection. Therefore, most of the important items are placed in the basement, using steel plates as entrance barriers. Now this steel plate has protected his basement very well.

The shelves and maintenance benches in the basement were staggered here and there, and the entire 150-square-meter space was in a mess. It was obviously affected by the shock wave of the meteor falling to the ground. Fortunately, most of the things were still usable.

In the next three days, Shen Cong ran back and forth between the King Kong and the basement, not in a hurry to leave.

The King Kong was severely damaged. Although it took a month to absorb free active repairs, this repair was slow after all, and it was not possible to drastically change matter at will. If some components are damaged, you can only replace them with new ones, and then rely on the alloy ability to complete the assimilation.

In the past three days, Shen Cong also repaired the radio station on the King Kong in his spare time and tried to communicate with the outside world.

However, each frequency band always responds with meaningless noise.

Occasionally, Shen Cong would climb onto the roof of the King Kong and look out into the distance, where the yellow sand stretched across the sky with no end in sight. The whole world was silent, he was the only one in the vast sky, and he couldn't even hear the barking of dogs or the chirping of insects.

Another week has passed.

Shen Cong has completely repaired the King Kong, and all the equipment has been alloyed and become part of the King Kong.

The King Kong still runs on fuel, but part of the power supply relies on batteries. Shen Cong also placed two solar power panels in the car to support the operation of the King Kong when the fuel is insufficient.

Once the fuel is exhausted, the power of the King Kong is seriously insufficient. The voltage of the battery is a little lower, and it can barely maintain the low-speed rotation of one motor, allowing the King Kong to move forward at a speed slightly faster than running. Every two hours it goes forward, it needs to be charged using a solar panel.

No way, the fuel takes up too much space and I can't carry more.

"The King Kong has been repaired and it's time to leave here."

The mechanical watch indicated that on June 28, Shen Cong lowered the steel plate in the basement and filled it back with yellow sand. He only placed a long-wave transmitter in the basement. The frequency of this transmitter was only known to Shen Cong. When he wants to come back, he can come back as long as he finds this frequency.

Now there is a piece of yellow sand and gravel, which can only be located in this way.

This is Shen Cong's roots, and he doesn't want to lose his roots.

Pick up the welder.

On the remaining steel pillar, Shen Cong used electric welding to weld a line of words: "FM 90.8, survivor Shen Cong, I left."

Do it all.

After taking one last look at these steel pillars, Shen Cong jumped onto the King Kong.

Turn off the armor, raise the radar, and light the fuel throttle.

The engine roared loudly, and a puff of light smoke came out of the exhaust pipe protruding from the top of the front of the car. This steel chariot, which was actively transformed under Shen Cong's guidance into streamlined steel-spiked armor, had a raised chassis and widened special tires, leaving a deep tire mark on the yellow sand and gravel as it headed north.

That direction is the direction of Wuwei County.

A moment.

A gust of wind blew, and yellow sand rose all over the sky. When the wind stopped, there were no traces of wheels.

If it weren't for the few load-bearing pillars that still stand, this place would look like a desert that has existed since ancient times.