Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 5: Explosive fang wolf


The steel chariot was racing in the yellow sand, but the driver Shen Cong felt increasingly hot all over his body.

It's not that the temperature has increased. There is a thermometer in the car, which shows that the current temperature in the car is 26 degrees Celsius. Instead, the naturally occurring heat in Shen Cong's body began to spread from his stomach. It seemed to have chemically reacted with the activity fed back to him by the King Kong, and was increasing this activity and strengthening Shen Cong's body.

The heat came and went quickly. Within five minutes, the heat disappeared.

Shen Cong could feel that his strength seemed to be a little stronger.

"Is this caused by digger flesh?"

Apparently, yes.

This was a major discovery for Shen Cong. The meat of the Digger could actually increase his own activity. It was truly a treasure. So in the next journey, Shen Cong very much hoped that there would be another blind digger to attack him.

But no, the journey went smoothly to the ruins of Wuwei County.

The reason why we know this is the ruins of the county town is because there is a collapsed iron tower in front of it. This is a landmark building built by the county government the year before last and is known as the No. 1 Tower in Anhui. Today, the No. 1 Tower in Anhui is lying quietly on the ground. The broken tower body silently tells the story of the disaster.

Not far from the Iron Tower, there are several dilapidated ruins of buildings, recalling the once prosperous county town here.

The King Kong slowed down and drove slowly between the ruins. The battlefield detection radar on the top kept rotating, scanning its surroundings. This scan really caused a few flickering bright spots to occasionally appear on the radar map.

There are living creatures approaching the King Kong very quickly.

Looking at the speed displayed on the radar map, it is obviously faster than the King Kong, and it is impossible to avoid it.

"Then there's no need to hide." Shen Cong had the King Kong to rely on, so he wasn't too worried about what could harm him. He was even more looking forward to a few more digging insects.

After pressing a few buttons, eight telescopic outriggers stretched out from the side of the King Kong's chassis and inserted into the yellow sand and gravel, firmly fixing the body. With these eight legs, it will be difficult for creatures similar to the digging insects to rock the King Kong.

Ten seconds later, the living creature approached.

Shen Cong thought it was a digger, but it wasn't.

How many wolves are there!

In other words, the mutated dog is larger than a Tibetan mastiff and makes a whining roar. It seems that it has mutated from a docile dog into a ferocious wolf.

Especially the teeth, which were even more exaggerated than those of saber-toothed tigers, shining with the same dark silver luster as the digging insects.

"You have such big teeth, let's call you fangs." Shen Cong looked at the several mutated dogs roaring around the King Kong through the camera, and silently named them.

It seems that the disaster caused by the meteor shower not only gave Shen Cong extraordinary abilities, but also these animals.

But no matter how vicious they are, in Shen Cong's eyes, they are just piles of meat products. After tasting the sweetness of digger meat, Shen Cong naturally became interested in wolf meat.

The hunt begins.

The skylight at the rear of the container opened, and Shen Cong continued to use the whistle to attract monsters. When a fang rushed over and bit the skylight, Shen Cong directly aimed the hand crossbow at the mouth of the fang.


The hand crossbow at close range is so powerful that it can directly hit the head.

A fang wolf didn't even have time to struggle. He fell to the ground and never moved again. The death of this toothed wolf did not attract the attention of the other wolves. It seemed that after the mutation, they were completely dominated by their animal nature and had forgotten their intelligence.


Another arrow to the head.


The arrow was shot crookedly and hit Yalang's neck. Yalang struggled for a while before he finally breathed his last.

After shooting four wolves in a row, the remaining three wolves finally felt the threat of death and stopped approaching the skylight. But Yalang obviously doesn't know that there is something called range.


Shen Cong's hand crossbow accuracy is no worse than that of professional crossbow players, especially at close range, with hundreds of hits. A fang was hit by an arrow in the eye, and his brains flowed out of the eye, and he died suddenly.


Another arrow was shot, and another fang was shot in the eye and died suddenly.

No matter how little IQ the last fang wolf lacked, it knew it was going to retreat, but it seemed unwilling to give in. It took two steps back, then turned back and roared at Shen Cong twice.

When he turned around, he was greeted by crossbow arrows.


Pour it accurately into the left eye and insert it directly into the brain.

The last tooth wolf was also shot.

It felt stress-free to kill seven ferocious-looking wolves by myself. All that was left was to pick up the corpses, but Shen Cong was afraid of digging insects and did not dare to get out of the car. He just chose to use a bulldozer to scoop up the seven wolves and continue driving through the ruins of the county town.

The ruins of the county town, blocked by broken walls, are getting bigger and bigger. There is even a half-collapsed building that is still standing. The ground is not so thick with gravel and yellow sand. Occasionally, cement streets can be seen.

This is a place where diggers obviously can't burrow into the ground.

Shen Cong stayed on the street for a while, and then carefully got out of the car after confirming that there was no danger. Ever since he encountered the digging bug, he no longer believed in the yellow sand under his feet.

Unfortunately, radar cannot scan movements coming from underground, greatly reducing safety.

After quickly carrying the corpse of a wolf, Shen Cong hurried back to the car, where he felt the most secure. Just like analyzing the ground worms, Shen Cong began to study the tooth wolves again.

Finally a conclusion was reached.

The fang wolf is a mutated canine with low IQ, fast movements, weak combat power, and ferocious personality.

Similarly, Shen Cong cut off another piece of wolf meat and fried it in more oil. After taking a bite, within a few minutes, the whole body began to feel hot, and the activity in the body increased again, with a momentum that was greater than the energy contained in the meat of the digging worm.

Therefore, Shen Cong added a note in Yalang's record: the meat is edible and contains a little activity.

After thinking about it, I added one more thing: It tastes a little worse than dog meat, but better than digger meat.

After eating some wolf meat, I guided the King Kong to exercise for a while.

It was evening, the sun began to set in the west, and the sunset filled half of the sky, sweeping away the gloominess of the previous period. Shen Cong climbed onto the roof of the King Kong, blowing in the wind and enjoying the beautiful scenery for a moment.

When the sunset disappeared over the horizon, Shen Cong suddenly realized that he was really in the apocalypse after the disaster.

There are harsh natural conditions, ferocious mutant monsters, and ruins of former civilizations.

Maybe there will be survivors like Shen Cong.

Without the King Kong, how would they struggle to survive in this world

Shen Cong didn't know.

In his heart, he longs to see survivors to prove that humankind is not extinct, but he doesn't want to see survivors. Perhaps wandering alone in the apocalypse is the life he really wants.

Six years of preparation is just for this day.

The last fire cloud in the sky extinguished and the sky turned completely dark. Shen Cong had returned to the King Kong and was squatting on the ground grinding the fangs of the wolf.

The fang wolf's teeth are very exaggerated, ranging from the length of the wrist to the elbow, one on each side. Dark silver and lustrous, it is a kind of metal-like bone, similar to the chelicerae of a digger, but much stronger. Shen Cong tried the alloy knife, but he could only make a few marks on the fangs.

It seems that whether it is a toothed wolf or a burrowing insect, this part of the bone has been actively strengthened and is much harder than other parts of the body.

"Like metal?"

"King Kong is also metal."

"Metals are the most reactive?"

Shen Cong seemed to want to find out the connection, but didn't have much clue. Unable to figure it out, he continued to polish his fangs. Shen Cong liked these fangs very much and planned to make them into daggers to wear with him.

In ancient times, tribal chiefs used the teeth and bones of prey as ornaments to show off their strength. Now Shen Cong has begun to do the same.

Use a file to grind a circle along the root of the fang, and then weld a circle of iron sheet to cover the broken area of the fang. Soon, a fang dagger is ready.

As for the other fang, Shen Cong kept it as a backup. He also had six fangs and twelve fangs outside.

After playing for a while, seeing that it was getting late, Shen Cong was lying on the small bed, holding his laptop, ready to play games before going to sleep.

Survival is also life.

Shen Cong, who has adapted to life in the age of electricity and technology, does not want to live like a primitive person. He prepared several mobile phones and laptops, but unfortunately, they could not connect to the Internet.

No signal can be found.

Even Shen Cong tried to search for satellite signals in the sky using radio, but still found nothing.

Shen Cong speculated that not only Wuwei, not just Anhui, not just China, but the whole world may have been annihilated by the disaster storm caused by the meteor shower.

Otherwise, so many days have passed, and it is impossible that the radio station on the King Kong has not been able to search for a meaningful signal.

The entire earth has become completely quiet.

As silent as the starry sky in the universe.