Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 51: Beast and dog fight


Shen Cong checked the Bull Demon King Totem. After a whole night of work, the Bull Demon King Totem still performed stably and showed no signs of exploding.

The King Kong was also upgraded to lv0.618 in a strong storm, which was like riding a rocket.

Thanks to the live exchange of the King Kong, Shen Cong has also been upgraded to lv0.761, and his physical fitness has improved slightly. If we want to define it, he has reached the strength of 3.4 oxen now, almost three and a half oxen.

But severe storms are not fixed.

After last night's extraction, the activity concentration near the strong storm dropped significantly, making extraction difficult. This directly caused the intensity of the strong storm to drop by a level. It originally took ten minutes to absorb lv0.001 activity, but now it takes fifteen minutes to absorb lv0.001 activity.

"We need to find another place to camp." Shen Cong collected some more willow leaves and then drove away from the small lake.

He switched to the Yuxi River branch one kilometer away and camped at a small river bend.

The swimming activity in this place is still very rich. Shen Cong has also fished here several times in the past few days. The water in the creek is shallow and the river channel is narrow. Monsters such as large evolved fish cannot swim in, so safety is still very guaranteed.

But there is no evolutionary tree here, it is bare, only some rocks and yellow sand.

The terrain is quite open, making it easy to observe the surrounding dangers.

Come to a new place.

The strong storm set off by the Bull Demon King Totem has abundant free activity that can be extracted, and it has returned to the level where the King Kong can absorb lv0.001 activity in ten minutes.


Using the Bull Demon King's carrion as bait, Shen Cong put the steel fishing rod into the creek and waited for the evolved fish to take the bait.

Then he put on his explosive armor and began his daily observation work in Silver Screen Town.

He and the scavengers had teamed up to almost turn over the ruins, and there was nothing good left. While Shen Cong was observing the movements of the survivors, he mainly disassembled some car wrecks and took them back to weld them into hunting clips. Prepare to place some around the King Kong for defense and hunting.

The Bull Demon King Totem made such a big movement, Shen Cong believed that if there were evolved beasts around, they would definitely be attracted by the strong storm.

It was okay during the day. Shen Cong used bone metal weapons to solve the problem in minutes.

At night, I mainly rely on hunting traps to show my power. If I can catch live ones, I can keep them for feeding.

Bang, bang, bang.

The bumper of a car was torn off by Shen Cong.

3.4 The power of cows is not just a joke, it is really the power of several cows.

Tear off and pack.

Shen Cong straightened up and looked around with his binoculars.

The scavenger team hasn't come yet today, so they may have given up on contacting Shen Cong again.

Just when Shen Cong was about to put down the telescope, a burst of smoke suddenly rose in the distance. Shen Cong immediately hid behind a broken wall and pointed his telescope in the direction of the smoke.

Covered in smoke and dust.

One person and one dog, fighting among the rocks!

Shen Cong unconsciously squinted his eyes and observed the fight carefully. The fight between a man and a dog was very fierce, almost constantly rolling in circles. It was obvious that the dog had huge fangs and was an evolved beast. Judging from the physical characteristics, this is probably the same species as the tooth wolf, which is a variation of the local dog.

For the time being, it can be called a wolf.

One of the wolf's fangs was broken, and the broken half was stuck in the man's arm.

Shen Cong didn't look down on this person's appearance, but he could barely tell that he was a man. From his hair as messy as a chicken coop, his clothes in shreds, and his ability to fight head-on with evolved beasts, he could basically tell that this was a man. Orcs.

It is difficult for ordinary people to deal with evolved beasts with bare hands. As long as evolved beasts are not deformed, their physical qualities are far superior to ordinary animals in all aspects.

The fighting was fierce and blood splattered.

Shen Cong had no intention of helping. The orcs had been eliminated from the human race by the survivors.

He was just observing.

The head-on hand-to-hand combat between half-orcs and evolved beasts is an excellent opportunity to judge their strength. In all Shen Cong's battles, he uses equipment to win. He urgently needs basic combat data to review the strength of himself and the evolver - such as judging how much advance the arrow needs to shoot before it can hit the evolver.

Fighting against the evolved ones, Shen Cong believed that something would happen sooner or later - there were countless people in this world who wanted to harm him!

Only by fully understanding evolvers can you improve your chances of survival.

The battle between the orc and the fang wolf lasted for two and a half minutes, and finally ended with the orc grabbing the fang wolf's neck with both hands and pressing him down hard.

Everything quieted down and the smoke and dust dispersed with the wind.

Shen Cong saw the orc's appearance clearly. His face was ferocious. His active core was like a pair of fingernails on his hands, each like a knife, inserted deeply into Yalang's neck.

Then he buried his head in the neck of the tooth wolf and began to suck the blood of the tooth wolf.

After a few minutes, the orcs drank enough of the blood of the wolf, so they dragged the body of the wolf away from the distance. At the same time, they pulled out the fangs inserted in their arms and put them on the tip of their noses to smell them. , and threw it into his mouth.

Chewing loudly.

Shen Cong just watched all this without any intention of snatching prey or shooting the orcs.

Orcs may no longer be called humans, but the female survivor he met that night still retained a trace of human sanity and had not completely turned into a beast. Therefore, the orcs did not cause trouble for him, and Shen Cong did not intend to hunt the orcs. .

After the orcs disappeared at the end of the hot land, Shen Cong also stood up and returned with a pile of scrap metal.

During this trip to the ruins, Shen Cong was still very satisfied with what he had gained.

From the fight between the orcs and the fangs, he basically analyzed the level of evolution reached. The physical fitness of the orcs has indeed improved a lot. Before the end of the world, they may be stronger than the special elite soldiers. Agility, speed, strength, and physique are all incomparable to humans.

However, there is still a long way to go before Shen Cong's level.

Putting himself in his shoes, Shen Cong predicted that he could kill Yalang with his bare hands within three moves. If evolvers were generally at this level, Shen Cong would indeed stand out from the crowd. It took six years to build the King Kong, explore and research all the way, strengthen the active peach, and equip the armor with explosive modifications.

This is the reason why he can look down on other evolved people.

Of course, Shen Cong did not feel safe because of this. He had some opportunities, so how could he know that others did not have some opportunities.

He doesn't have much contact with mutants, let alone Iron Man. He can establish a life-integrated connection with the King Kong. What about the car drivers, tank drivers, airplane pilots, and even the crew of the aircraft carrier when the meteor shower occurs

He can boldly imagine that those who drive cars, planes, yachts, excavators, and submarines, like King Kong, have come to life.

So in a doomsday storm, those who have no food reserves are likely to starve to death; those whose vehicle shells are weak are likely to be directly smashed to death; those who run in the water and fail to reach the shore in time are likely to drown; and some have failed to evolve. Burp directly. In this way, most of them are eliminated, and the remaining ones are the evolvers who can survive.

For tank drivers who stayed at the military base, if the warship did not sink, the submarine mission could last for several months. The chance of survival of these evolvers was no lower than that of Shen Cong. Their vehicle is said to be more powerful than Shen Cong's King Kong, and it has a military foundation.

Wang Gen, who was in the south of the city, was said to be driving a Humvee to hunt orcs and evolved beasts. Obviously his vehicle was a Humvee.

Even Wang Gen, whose vehicle is an off-road vehicle, can survive. How many other iron men should there be, and how many surviving iron men should there be in the military. Extended to more, if the vehicle can be a computer, a razor, or even an iron pillar, then how many iron men should there be

Moreover, iron men are not exclusive to humans. There are also "iron men" among animals, or it is more appropriate to call them iron beasts. The plastic rabbit is an iron beast.

Thinking about it this way, Shen Cong didn't feel that he had anything to be proud of now.

He can stay in this remote area in the south of the city and feel that there is no danger. Once he leaves here, he can go to Juchao District, Hefei, or Nanjing.

How to deal with it.


"Evolve, become stronger!" Shen Cong felt the level of the King Kong, rising bit by bit in the strong storm, with extremely firm eyes.

He has always had doubts about the activity, but even if the activity is just poison, he will take it now. Only by being strong can we survive in the end of the world. Only by surviving can we correctly understand what activity is.