Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 54: Activity out of control


The activity of King Kong has been distributed to 99.9% of the whole, leaving only a few tiny circuit joints, and the activity has not yet completed the alloy.

Shen Cong has repaired all the electronic systems of the vehicle that can be repaired at present. The rest is either lack of repair materials or Shen Cong doesn't know how to repair them. This includes the automatic driving system, which means that Shen Cong will have to drive the King Kong autonomously for a period of time.

There are no conditions at the moment, but if there are conditions, Shen Cong plans to refit the King Kong to make it more suitable for the current apocalyptic situation.

If possible, add some heavy weapons, military electronic equipment, etc. that were not available before the apocalypse.

Let the King Kong truly become a doomsday chariot capable of rampaging through the apocalypse.

At present, Shen Cong's level has reached lv0.836 due to the continuous exchange activity enhancement of the King Kong, and his physical fitness has exceeded the power of the Four Bulls.

The abundant strength made Shen Cong a little uncomfortable, and he always had the illusion that he could kill the dog crocodile with one punch.

Now, the activity level of King Kong is about to reach 100% complete, breaking through the lv1 level. Shen Cong sat in the cab, suppressing his excitement and barely concentrating. His willpower was swimming in the King Kong through activity, feeling the activity filling the last minute parts bit by bit.


When the last tiny circuit interface is filled with activity, the material completes the alloy.

The activity of the King Kong reached 100% complete, breaking through to the lv1 level... However, the mysterious change predicted by Shen Cong did not come.

The King Kong is still the same, continuing to absorb the free activity in the strong field storm. Then, the excess activity begins to accumulate in the body of the King Kong, strengthening every part.

"this… "

Shen Cong was surprised, his excitement was immediately suppressed, and he began to concentrate highly, sensing everything about the King Kong. He soon discovered the twists and turns. After the activity of the King Kong filled the entire vehicle, the activity was fixed. The activity after fixation makes the bonding with the metal closer.

There is a theory that Shen Cong had inferred before, which can explain all this very well.

When he was studying the resonance of the active core before, he concluded that the activity of King Kong was like a **, and the activity of the active core was like a solid.

It's the right number now.

The activity free in the air can be described as a gaseous state, so mutated animals and plants have converted the gaseous activity into solid-state activity and stored it in the body, especially in the active core. The solid state is difficult to consume, so even if the mutated animals and plants die, their activity will remain for a long time.

The King Kong converts gaseous activity into liquid activity, so it keeps improving and consuming, with ups and downs.

It is also the different properties of liquid and solid that lead to the continuity of activity of King Kong. It will drop levels as the total amount of activity decreases, but mutated animals and plants will not.

But now, King Kong's activity has begun to accumulate steadily, as if it is completing the transition from liquid to solid.

"Could it be that mutations like evolved beasts and mutants are real mutations, and my type of mutation is not actually the most perfect mutation?"

Shen Cong immediately thought of this. If his active "gas-liquid-solid" theory is correct, then solid evolved beasts and mutants are perfect forms, while liquid iron men and iron beasts are not perfect.

It needs to go through one more process of transition from liquid to solid state.

"Am I not the most successful evolutionary path..." Shen Cong frowned, but if he had to choose between mutants and Iron Man, he would still choose Iron Man.

Because the Iron Man Wang Gen in the south of the city was stronger than Zhang Tianshen and the Anbu Captain, and he was even stronger.

With a living metal mechanical vehicle as the backing, and without changing the human appearance, this kind of mutation is much better than mutants.

Although it seems now that King Kong is showing signs of becoming the solid-state activity of an evolved beast, and has taken an extra detour, it is after all more powerful than ordinary evolved beasts and mutants.

In the last days, only those who are strong can survive, and only those who are alive can truly complete their transformation.

Moreover, all this is just Shen Cong's imagination, without any scientific evidence to support it.

It is difficult to say what kind of mutation is a successful mutation.

Shaking his head, Shen Cong stopped thinking about which state was more perfect, Iron Man or Mutant. He began to carefully understand how the activity of the King Kong changed from liquid to solid.

Once the solid state transformation is completed, can the alloy ability be maintained? If the alloy ability is lost, the bone metal weapons can continue to be used, but the explosive armor will definitely be invalid. Without King Kong to make alloys, his activity cannot be directly injected into the metal. Without active metal, the defense is not outstanding.

I haven’t had time to think about this issue yet.

Just when Shen Cong was about to sense how the King Kong converted the liquid state into a solid state, after reaching lv1, the King Kong absorbed a full level of lv0.01 activity and deposited it in various parts.

However, before the precipitation was completely stable, these activities began to rebound.

Then in an instant, Shen Cong felt that the King Kong had given him all the activity of level 0.01 through exchange.

This surge of activity is even more intense than eating an active peach.

Usually the activity of King Kong's exchange is to strengthen the body with a steady flow of water, but this time it is a violent output.

In an instant, Shen Cong felt the heat that could burn all his organs gushing out from his limbs, and his brain buzzed loudly. He had no time to think or react, and fell headlong into the driver's seat.

There was bright red blood flowing out of his mouth, eyes, nose, and ears.

Subcutaneous blood oozing from different parts of the arms, neck, and face also appeared, gradually turning black and purple.

I don’t know how long.

"Uh... ah..."

Shen Cong woke up from moaning. Severe pain spread all over his body. Almost every part of his body was in pain, with a stinging pain like needles. Especially the head, which felt dizzy and felt as if someone had forced a ball of cotton wool into it. The swelling was unbearable. If you move your fingers lightly, it will cause excruciating pain.

Sweat had soaked his whole body.

He endured the severe pain and opened his eyelids, which weighed as much as a thousand pounds. His eyes were blood red and blurry.

"What's wrong with me… "

Shen Cong wanted to think about what he had become now, but as soon as he used his brain, he immediately felt pain like a headshot, making him gasp for air, and then caused tearing pain all over his body.

There was no stopping the sweat, and it was dripping in big drops as big as soybean grains.

"Well… "

"ah… "

"Well… "

I don't know how long I moaned, but the pain subsided a little, and my brain regained a little clarity. Enduring the pain all over his body, Shen Cong finally recalled what happened to him.

After the King Kong was upgraded to lv1, the activity it absorbed should have condensed into a solid form from the gunpowder, but a projectile appeared.

All this activity was exchanged by the King Kong to Shen Cong, which was very rough. He was knocked unconscious in an instant. The pain all over his body was obviously the result of the raging activity. He could feel that the current activity intensity in his body was far greater than before, but this intensity was on the verge of losing control.

Why is this happening