Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 57: Arena air combat


Evolution, or mutation.

For Shen Cong, it is an unknown system, a brand new scientific system that surpasses the current scientific knowledge. Like everyone else, he started from the same starting line to explore everything brought by activity. There was no system to refer to and no previous experience. Everything was crossing the river by feeling the stones.

It went smoothly in the past, and it strengthened all the way to the strength of four oxen, and now it has exceeded the strength of five oxen.

There were also setbacks, and I almost died several times.

But Shen Cong was not discouraged. The adventure and excitement in the new world were much more exciting than the previous life of living alone. He also has the goal of growing up as a human being, which makes his life seem to be radiant. Frustrations and difficulties are nothing in the face of ambitious goals.

In order to restrain the siphon phenomenon, he must continue to strengthen his body and reach the same level as King Kong.

At the same time, he also plans to test the limits of the King Kong to see how far the alloy can reach and whether the alloy can be infinitely made.

From the bottom of his heart, Shen Cong did not think that the alloy of King Kong was unlimited. Just like a person, the weight could be fifty kilograms, ninety kilograms, one hundred fifty kilograms, three hundred fifty kilograms, or even six hundred and fifty kilograms. Jin, but it will never grow to 1,000 kilograms. A meat ball weighing one ton cannot be loaded by human organs.

Whether King Kong's activity also has such a load limit needs to be verified.

But this involves very dangerous reabsorption. The King Kong is currently considered level 1. Shen Cong must carefully mobilize the activity to complete the alloy. Otherwise, if something goes wrong and a siphon occurs, the activity will be out of control.

Now that the injury is not healed, he has not tried it for the time being. He just rests his body and reads knowledge on the computer.

The dried sashimi was enough for him to eat for a while.

One day, two days, three days.

Time quietly came to August 16, which is the hottest day of the year. The outdoor temperature reached 45.6 degrees Celsius, comparable to a steamer. While Shen Cong was recovering from his injuries, he watched helplessly as the water in the creek fell to the bottom, and now only a shallow puddle remained.

When he fetched water, he had no way to get clean water. He had to take back the muddy water, purify it with activated carbon, and boil it.

Deep cracks have appeared on the ground buried in gravel and yellow sand. The cracks are as wide as a fist and can almost sink your feet.

This drought is coming fiercely.

He didn't know how long it would last, but Shen Cong no longer had any good illusions about the weather in the apocalypse. First there were storms that could last for a month, then there were torrential rains five to six meters deep, and then there was a fist-sized drought. Except for those few cloudy days, there was almost no normal weather.

Staying in the King Kong, Shen Cong would play games or polish bone metal weapons when he got tired of studying.

He now has many bone metal weapons, the main ones being long-range are javelins and arrows. The upper jaws of the stubby ant colony are a good material for making arrowheads. Although they are not as powerful as fang arrows, they are much stronger than ordinary alloy arrowheads. Shen Cong replaced most of his arrowheads with polished upper jaw arrowheads.

There were 50 arrows in total, 10 of which were made from the mandibles of short fierce soldier ants, which he named soldier-jaw arrows, and the rest were naturally called worker-jaw arrows.

The highest quality among the arrows is the fang arrows made by Yalang Tusk, with a total of 8, followed by the only fang arrow made from the tip of Tairitian fang, which is almost as good as Yalang’s fang arrow. Arrow, not much worse.

The same is true for the fang javelins, 8 fang langs and 1 Tairitian.

In addition, long-range bone metal weapons include blowguns and projectiles. The blowgun is collected by Shen Cong and is not very powerful. There is only one blowgun. Being idle was also boring. Shen Cong polished the seven stinging active cores of the useless short fierce ant colony into blowgun arrows, which were very accurate at shooting small targets at close range.

The projectiles are ground with the active core of the tentacles of the short fierce ant colony. The tentacles are segmented one by one. Each segment can be ground into a projectile, injected with activity, and shot out with a slingshot. The power is not weak. One tentacle can grind out three projectiles from the three front sections. Shen Cong ground all the tentacles, grinding out a total of 141 projectiles.

35 soldier ant tentacles made of soldier horn projectiles, and 1o6 worker ant tentacles made of worker horn projectiles.

After being ground into bone metal weapons, a bunch of active core leftovers were left, which were of no use. Shen Cong couldn't bear to throw it away. The last thing he thought about was that ant larvae eat metal, and the active core is similar to metal. He didn't know if the ant larvae would eat it, but they poured it into the plastic box anyway.

Unexpectedly, the ant larvae immediately skimmed the metal waste and began to eat the active core waste with relish.

"The active core can feed ant larvae..." Shen Cong felt that this was not just waste utilization, but perhaps ant larvae could also get something from it.

Bone metal weapons, long-range weapons, that's all, there are fewer short-range weapons. There are one more tusk daggers made from the fangs of the wolf, for a total of two; there are two rat picks made from the incisors of the big-toothed rat; there are two digging sickles made from the sickle-shaped chelicerae of the digger.

Shen Cong simply sharpened the full-moon scimitar left by Tumor Pig, embedded a handle in it, put a scabbard on it, and hung it in the cab as a decoration.

In this way, the only active core in Shen Cong's hand was the mandibles, antennae and bony wings of a bunch of stubby ant colonies.

Three days are enough for the Avengers to eat the carrion of the Bull Demon King and grow to the size of two fists.

The No. 1 variant that swallowed several second-generation blowflies also slowly broke through to the size of a fist and a half.

The two mutant flies had basically reached the limit of evolution, so Shen Cong chose to hold a revenge-themed battle in the evening.

To this end, he specially welded an iron cage with steel wire as a gladiatorial arena.

As soon as the duel was imminent, Shen Cong, who was almost ready, sat on the iron box, gnawing sashimi, and became a silent spectator.

The fight was very cruel. As soon as the two mutant flies were put into the iron cage, there was basically no need to wait. The two mutant flies started to pinch each other.

The iron cage is very large, allowing the mutant flies to perform as much as they want.

The wings of variant No. 1 have long since grown back, their resilience is very strong, and their character is far more ferocious than that of the Avengers. They all take the initiative to attack. The Avengers seemed to be a little afraid of the No. 1 variant at first, always flying in circles to avoid each other. But after several rounds of back and forth, the Avengers became familiar with the air combat skills, and the counterattack began.

A bloody aerial battle in the world of flies, accompanied by buzzing wings and various flipping movements in the air, were all displayed in front of Shen Cong's eyes and on the camera of his mobile phone.

Scenes like this are not to be missed.


After all, the Avenger was not an experienced player. He was stabbed in the abdomen by the active core beak of the No. 1 variant, and some gray-white blood suddenly spilled out - this was fly blood, not red.

But the Avenger was strong and strong, and being stabbed and bleeding not only did not make him timid, but instead angered his temper. Directly hitting the No. 1 variant with the body, in terms of speed and strength, it is stronger than the No. 1 variant, which is only about one and a half punches in size. Now, with one effort, the situation was reversed.

The scene is tense. The No. 1 variant has rich experience and is skilled in air combat. The Avenger is powerful and making rapid progress. The two mutant flies are fighting fiercely.

Shen Cong was so excited.

Putting aside the use of thermal weapons and bone metal weapons, the fighting instinct of animals is actually far more perfect than that of humans. Just like these two mutant flies, every time they flicker or move, they are full of primitive fighting beauty.

Five minutes seemed like only one second had passed.

The fierce battle decided the winner. The No. 1 variant, which had the upper hand at the beginning, became more and more exhausted in the later stages, and its flight speed dropped. In the end, the Avenger, who had better endurance, stabbed him in the head with a beak, and the red pigment in his compound eyes was revealed. It collapsed, like blood splattering.

He died on the spot and fell to the ground.

The Avenger landed on the body of variant No. 1, flapped his wings fiercely, and held his chest high, as if to declare that he had succeeded in revenge and ended the murderer of his brothers and sisters!


A blow dart flew over and hit the Avenger's body, piercing it with Variant No. 1.

Shen Cong put down the black blowgun and settled the situation with satisfaction. He had obtained the experimental results he wanted - the second-generation mutation had more potential than the first-generation mutation and was superior in all aspects.

He originally planned to use the fly carcasses to fish, but now that the creek is dry and there are no fish to catch, Shen Cong doesn't care about the four taels of fly meat and just throws it out and puts it in a hunting trap far away, maybe it can attract the evolved beasts.

"Report on the experimental results comparing the strength of the second generation blowfly and the No. 1 variant... "