Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 78: Don't play by the rules


"Build a plank road to cross Chencang secretly."

Shen Cong had never seen Thirty-six Strategies, but he still knew this move. A group of people here were yelling to coax him, and people on the other side touched it directly, probably to plant explosives. If it was really released, it would be stuffed into the chassis of the King Kong and explode, and Shen Cong would definitely not be happy with it.

However, the importance of eye insertion is reflected here.

Modern war is an information war. Whoever has the initiative in information can play his cards calmly.

"If I had known this, why bother in the first place? Wang Gen, Tao Daqian, I can let you go this time, but I must fill up the diesel! And the food and drink must satisfy me!" After hesitating for a while, Yes, Shen Congcai pretended to have accepted the fact that the other party had given up, and replied.

"Okay!" Wang Gen responded happily.

"I'll open the car door right now, and you ask your men to bring the diesel." Shen Cong said, opening the back door of the car, pretending to be cautious, and holding up the crossbow to guard against Wang Gen and others' reaction. water.

Wang Gen had a tacit understanding and would not do anything that might offend Shen Cong.

However, what he didn't expect was that after opening the door, Shen Cong did not accept his resignation as he said. Instead, he asked him "Is Dahaizi dead?" which caused him to turn his head and look in the direction of the tow truck. Just by turning his head, a crossbow arrow came straight towards him.

More than twenty meters away.

The speed of the crossbow arrow was no longer something that could be easily avoided. It was directly inserted into Wang Gen's unprotected eye.

"Ah..." Wang Gen screamed and fell to the ground, wailing heart-breakingly.

One arrow knocked down Wang Gen.

Almost as soon as Shen Cong put down the crossbow, he quickly took out his pistol and fired several shots at Tao Daqian. This distance, this sudden change, calculated mentally or not, Tao Daqian couldn't avoid it no matter how clever he was. He was shot to death on the spot by Shen Cong without even a chance to say a single word.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Gen and Tao Daqian, the leaders of Wang Gen's group, the three evolvers, besides Da Daizi, who was still alive and dead, were also seriously injured.

The boss was dead and injured, and all his subordinates were stunned.

It's a pity that their weapons were thrown on the ground in order to confuse Shen Cong.

"Don't move, anyone who moves will die!" Shen Cong shouted loudly, and with his murderous aura, he instantly shocked this group of ordinary people.

Then Shen Cong quickly jumped off the King Kong and came to Wang Gen's side, aiming the crossbow again.

Wang Gen covered his eyes with the arrows and wailed in pain: "Save me, don't kill me, I don't want to die, please save me, save me."

What responded to him was a muffled sound.

Then there was a loud sound.

One after another, Shen Cong shot six more arrows at him and Tao Daqian.

The white moonlight at night shone on Shen Cong's explosive armor, reflecting a strange light that made the ordinary people around him feel chilling.

Wang Gen and Tao Daqian's strategy is actually not bad, but it is unwise to use such a dangerous strategy when they do not have enough self-protection.

If it were an ordinary person, perhaps Wang Gen's resignation would really make the other party relax and not notice the little moves behind his back. It's really possible that they could succeed in blowing up the King Kong and beating the owner to death.

Unfortunately, Shen Cong is not a person suitable for playing tricks, or he and other people's tricks are two different things.

When Wang Gen began to design to harm him, Shen Cong had already announced Wang Gen's death sentence, including Tao Daqian and Dahaizi. There is no appeasement, no mercy, no terms to negotiate.


Under Shen Cong's strong suppression, Wang Gen's men dragged the unconscious Dahaizi out of the tow truck. Shen Cong personally cut the opponent's throat with a fang dagger.

Then, let one of Wang Gen's men retrieve the people carrying the explosive bags.

"Tell them to bring me the complete explosive package, otherwise, I will find them personally and feed them to the evolved beasts one by one!"

"You two, go to Sanhe Village and find the former ANBU captain Zhu Haifeng and ask him to bring someone over."

Shen Cong said this after learning about Wang Gen's plan.

Everything went as he expected. Wang Gen felt that he could not throw the explosive package into the chassis of the King Kong and detonate it under Shen Cong's supervision. He was already a little frightened after seeing Shen Cong's slingshot skills and the power of the crossbow. When a person can play crossbows and slingshots to such an accurate level, they are no longer able to face the enemy head-on.

So he personally designed a routine to paralyze Shen Cong with coercion. Of course, what he meant was that if Shen Cong didn't ask for a high price, the matter would go away. If Shen Cong opened his mouth, then he would send a secret signal to let Shen Cong Someone secretly stuffed the explosive package into the bottom of the King Kong car.

There were two explosive bags, one on the bodies of the people leaving.

The other one is kept in the base camp. Wang Gen's backup plan is that if Shen Cong's inspection is not strict at night, he can stuff the explosive package into the supplies, send it to the King Kong vehicle, and then detonate it.

They thought about both advance and retreat, but they never expected that Shen Cong didn't give them a chance to show off their acting skills.

Such quick and accurate actions cost him and Tao Daqian their lives.

These two explosive packets fell into Shen Cong's hands, and the two explosive packets lurking under the Mudan Road Bridge also fell into Shen Cong's hands. These explosive packets are wrapped with detonators and equipped with remote control devices, so they can be detonated directly at close range. I don’t know where Wang Gen collected so many detonators.

As for these Wang Gen's men, Shen Cong's idea was to hand them over to Zhu Haifeng to recruit them. No matter how cold-blooded he is, he can't kill all these ordinary people who don't pose a threat to him one by one. Simply help Zhu Haifeng and integrate the area south of the city as soon as possible.

It can be regarded as a bit of humanity that he, as a human being, has shown towards his fellow humans.

"Boss Huang, you are so awesome, Wang Gen has served you another pot." Zhu Haifeng thought he was familiar with Shen Cong and joked.

However, Shen Cong had no intention of joking with him: "You have recruited Wang Gen's men. I will take away all of his inventory resources and leave the rest to the rescue team."

Active cores, bone metal weapons, firearms, diesel, tobacco and alcohol, auto parts, Hummers, these are all things Shen Cong wants to take away.

Wang Gen was a car mechanic by trade and was an iron man himself. His base camp had a lot of auto repair tools and parts that Shen Cong needed.

As for the Hummer, as Wang Gen died, its activity began to slowly drain away.

Shen Cong planned to see if he could use the King Kong to engulf the Humvee and then merge into one to keep the Humvee alive. Being able to do some research, he was full of desire for the secret of Iron Man's mutation.

Twelve o'clock at night.

Shen Cong resolutely refused the invitation of Zhu Haifeng and others to drink together, and drove the fully loaded King Kong to cross the river via the Yuxi Bridge on Provincial Highway 208.

In the early morning of August 19th, Shen Cong finally left the south of the city and came to the main urban area of Juchao District.