Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 93: Mild sand pear


There are about seventeen or eighteen trees in this area, all of which are pear trees bearing pears. Shen Cong immediately walked towards the pear forest, while carefully observing the surrounding environment to prevent possible dangers, especially in the trees.

There are many scenes in the novel where treasures must be guarded by evil creatures.

After a few minutes of observation, Shen Cong found no sign of the murderer and arrived at the pear forest smoothly. There are eighteen pear trees in total, with an average height of about five or six meters. There are not many pears on the tree. There are only about forty or fifty pears per tree, and each one is only about the size of a fist.

Compared with the original active peach, it is much smaller.

But it also exudes strong active radiation. Now Shen Cong's perception of active radiation has reached a very sensitive level. He can almost feel it with his hands, feel it and calculate silently for a while, and he can already feel the level data of the pear tree - lv0. 492, pk0.203, gs0.413.

At the beginning, the killer peach tree had pk0.201. The pear tree had slightly more activity than the killer peach tree.

"The bark has a metallic gradient and there are no filamentous roots in the root system. It is inferred that it is not a scavenger tree like the murderous peach tree." Shen Cong dug up the roots of a pear tree and made a judgment.

Immediately, picking pears began.

One tree contains nearly forty or fifty pears, and the pears from five trees can fill a military forward transport bag. Shen Cong did not expect there to be so many. I had to pack a bag first and run back to the King Kong with it. He poured all the pears into the car, picked out the smallest one, cut off a small half, and threw it to Black Head and Ant Power God.

Taking three more forward bags, he hurried back to the pear forest and swept all the remaining pears into the bags.

Then he returned to the King Kong with a fully loaded forward transport bag in his left and right hands, and half of the bag still hanging around his neck. He harvested all the pears in the pear forest. Anyway, it was almost impossible for survivors to appear in this area. It would be cheaper to keep the evolved beasts or birds, so it was better for Shen Cong to take them away himself.

If you can’t finish eating, you can feed the ants.

When he returned to the car, Shen Cong found that Black Tou and Yanli Shen had eaten up half of the pear, not even the dregs were left. But he didn't fall asleep like when Shen Cong ate the active peach. He just crawled around in the utility room, looking very excited.

When he saw Shen Cong coming back, he immediately crawled towards Shen Cong, feeling like "I want to eat more".

Shen Cong wanted to know his reaction after eating the pear, so he threw the remaining half of the pear to the two ants.

Blackhead and Antli God immediately ate the pears crazily. At this time, Blackhead did not have the style to let Antli God eat first. He only ate for himself and ate most of it quickly. Antli God was slower and ate it. A little less than half.

After eating, the two ants conveyed their "still want to eat" mood to Shen Cong.

Shen Cong thought for a while and threw another pear to them.

Then I picked up my laptop and observed the reaction of ants after eating pears while sorting out the relevant information I collected about pear trees.

A pear was quickly eaten by two ants, still not satisfied.

Shen Cong waited for a while and found that the two ants did not have any adverse reactions such as poisoning or lethargy, so he threw one to them again. After repeatedly throwing six pears, the two ants finally stopped conveying the emotion of "still wanting to eat". Squeezed into the corner of the plastic box, they both fell asleep.

Seeing that the ant was really fine, Shen Cong was ready to try the taste of pears himself.

Wash it well and take a bite.

Crisp and sweet.


After the pear was eaten, a touch of vitality continued to spread from the stomach, strengthening Shen Cong's physique bit by bit. This is a completely different feeling from eating active peach. Active peach releases explosive activity and beats the body, while pear gently disperses and moisturizes the body.

After eating all the pear, Shen Cong felt warm all over his limbs and his spirit was slightly excited.

I feel like my whole person is full of energy.

"Yes, yes, the activity contained in pears is very mild. Why not call it Wensha pear, and the pear tree will be called Wensha pear tree." Shen Cong began to create a file for Wensha pear tree in his notebook.

The Wensha pear tree is a mutated pear plant that belongs to the evolutionary tree. The bark has signs of metallic gradients, is hard and tough, and bears the fruit of the Wensha pear. It is rich in mild activity, sweet and delicious, and has no filamentous roots at the root. Scavenging.

Then, he added another line: "The evolutionary tree that bears fruit can be called an evolutionary fruit tree, and the fruit it bears is called an active fruit."

Marking the location of the Wensha pear forest on the map, Shen Cong immediately set off and drove along County Road 022 to the Hechaowu Expressway in the north.

The goal of his trip was to find evolved fruit trees, and now he had harvested more than 800 active fruits, enough for him to eat until the fruits rot. There was no point in staying in the suburbs any longer. It is better to return to Juchao District along the Hechaowu Expressway. Hechao-Wu Expressway can drive directly to the northeast of the city, which is the direction of Chaohu College.

Shen Cong planned to go there to see if he could meet anyone, preferably an ordinary survivor. At a small cost, he would ask the survivors to help him search for metal materials and use them to arm the flatbed trailer towed behind the car. King Kong's spare alloy material.

Prevent yourself from eating too much Wensha pear. While strengthening your physical fitness, it also helps King Kong to increase its activity level.

At that time, he was eating active peach, but he exchanged a lot of active energy for King Kong.

"It's probably because my body couldn't bear the impact of so much activity, so it was diverted to the King Kong... This time, the activity of Wenshali was very mild. As long as it didn't exceed the body's endurance limit, it should only be strengthened for my body without being exchanged. King Kong.”

While driving, Shen Cong was chewing Wen Shali and thinking.

He always takes into account the advantages and disadvantages of all aspects, so that the risk of making mistakes can be reduced as much as possible.

Evolution is about crossing the river by feeling the stones.

You may fall into the water if you are not careful, so be careful.

In the evening, the King Kong boarded the Hechaowu Expressway from County Road 022. Not far from this intersection was the former Fushan Service Area, a place for resting and refueling on the expressway.

Shen Cong drove directly over. The Fushan service area had been completely destroyed and turned into rubble. It was difficult to tell where it was a gas station and where it was a convenience store. But surprisingly, there was a bus wreckage buried in the ruins. Now every metal object was valuable to Shen Cong.

The flatbed trailer behind his car is specially used to collect scrap metal.

When the bus was dug out, it had been severely corroded, and the engine at the front of the bus was corroded and perforated. I don’t know if it is corrosion caused by reactivity. In more than three months, the exposed metal has become as rusty as if it had been weathered for decades.

This has kept Shen Cong from thinking about the reason why activity corrodes metal.

In his view, activity should be the key to activating metals, allowing animal bones to transform into metals and plant barks to transform into metals, which should not corrode metals.

This answer is yet another unsolved mystery for him.


After dragging the wreckage of the bus to the middle of the road, Shen Cong clapped his hands and said, "That's all for tonight. Let's go back and watch a movie and eat a few pears. We'll continue tomorrow."