Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 939: Final words


"Heavy Trucks in the End of the World" has a total of 2.12 million words, which is not a lot among online articles, but as a novel with almost no emotional lines and no plot interaction, it is not easy to write this number of words.

There may be another 100,000 words in the plan.

It mainly writes about Phantom Wing's hometown of Misty Star, the supernova explosion, Shen Cong in the new stage, and how Shen Cong transcended the constraints of the universe and became an indescribable immortal life.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

Same as Shen Xiyi and Wong Tai Sin.

Readers are tired, I am tired, we are all tired.

When I wrote about Shen Xiyi and designed an ending for Shen Xiyi to die of old age, I suddenly burst into tears. Ordinary life is not about eternal life as a lifelong pursuit. Holding your son's hand and growing old together is the happy ending of ordinary people's lives. Shen Cong would not be so tacky, nor would he understand ordinary life.

He is different, his goal is eternal life, transcendence, the end of the world.

There are thousands of protagonists in Qidian, but I can proudly say that Shen Cong is still a very unique one. "Heavy Truck" is based on such a protagonist, and it can be regarded as a novel story. I dare not say the connotation, but at least it is a novel with its own unique ideas.

I don't know how many people like it.

I don’t know how many people chased me all the way.

The journey has been filled with passion and fatigue, happiness and exhaustion, but now we have arrived. Thousands of words are accumulated in my heart, but I can't say them out.

Then let’s not talk about it.

I think you will understand how Lao Bai feels now.



The new book has just been submitted to the editor, and the tentative title is "Shifting God of War".

Have you heard of gear shifting

A variable speed gear is installed, and if you cut him once, he will cut dozens of times and ask how to hit him!

"How fast my thoughts are, how fast my hands are!" God of War Zhou Yan said calmly after severely injuring his opponent with his self-created sixty-four times variable speed hand knife.

This is a legend that takes place in the future, where you get a golden finger, bang bang bang all the way, and cheat the God of War.

Maybe it will look good, maybe it will look ugly.

Lao Bai, I can't guarantee it... because I don't even know if it can be published.


See you with our new book!

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