Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 95: College Students


After observing with a drone, Shen Cong put on the super-explosive armor himself, preparing to observe the survivors at close range.

Many joints of the super-explosive armor were patched by Shen Cong with crocodile skin. The crocodile skin has better toughness and resistance than chain mail, and is more flexible than chain mail, but the weight is much lighter.

He also sewed a pair of leather gloves out of crocodile skin. The gloves were a little out of shape and had to be pulled and pulled several times before they were sewn to fit. This really equips the whole body.

Unfortunately, the carcass of the dog crocodile was badly eaten, and the crocodile skin was in tatters, and no intact part could be found.

Otherwise, Shen Cong really wants to change the active armor into lightweight leather armor. Now it can only be regarded as heavy leather armor. The leg guards, arm guards, ribs, etc. are still steel plate armor. One disadvantage is that the alloy of crocodile skin is not as fast as the alloy of steel plate, which affects the continuous combat performance.

Fortunately, Shen Cong doesn't need to fight alone continuously.

The super-explosive armor just adds a layer of protection when he goes out to collect materials.

He likes to hide in the King Kong car and use long-range weapons to deal with danger. He doesn't like to run over and fight with danger by himself. The sword has no eyes, and it will be bad if he gets stabbed.

Hiding in the car and letting the King Kong fight is the perfect solution.

"When are you going to decorate the King Kong? There are four dog-crocodile skeletons in the flatbed trailer. Let's put a dog-crocodile head on top of the car. I don't need to say anything, and others will know that I'm not easy to mess with!"

After chewing up a warm sand pear and throwing the pear core to the two ants, Shen Cong left the King Kong.

Soon we found the ruins of Chaohu College. We could see a few male survivors carrying stones to build houses on the playground three hundred meters away, while a few female survivors were transporting stones on simple stretchers.

Shen Cong mainly observed whether there were any evolvers.

Observation results show that there is no such thing. This group of people all have the appearance of ordinary humans, and their movements and behaviors do not exceed the standards of ordinary people at all.

Shen Cong then made a circle and went to a nearby pond to observe another group of survivors. This group of survivors also had no evolvers.

It seems that this group of survivors is indeed composed of ordinary people.

To be on the safe side, Shen Cong waited for a while. At this time, the survivors caught an evolved fish as big as a basin from the pond. A group of people beat it alive with sticks for a minute before the evolved fish died.

"Gao Qianshan, please send this fish back, and we will continue fishing." The leading survivor, a young man, said to another young man.

Gao Qianshan nodded, put the bloody evolved fish on his shoulders, and walked towards the playground of Chaohu College.

Shen Cong waited for him to reach the ruins of a building, touched it directly from behind, then quickly covered Gao Qianshan's mouth and swept him to the corner of the wall.

"Hmm..." Gao Qianshan's mouth was covered and he suddenly panicked.

Shen Cong glanced around and said in a cold voice: "If you want to die, shake your head. If you want to live, just nod." Threatening one's life is always a good opening.

Gao Qianshan immediately nodded vigorously.

"Very good. Next, I will ask you an answer. If I am satisfied with the answer, let you go free. If you try to deceive me, I will beat you like this fish."

"Hmm..." Gao Qianshan nodded again.

Seeing that the communication was almost complete, Shen Cong released his covering hand and prepared to get information from the other party: "Who are you?"

Although Gao Qianshan was let go by Shen Cong, he still did not dare to turn around. His back was turned to Shen Cong, and his body was trembling: "We are... students of Chaohu College."


"Um, are you referring to a natural disaster? Yes, we are survivors. We were the ones who survived the school."

"How did you escape the heavy rain?"

"We went to Tangshan over there. When it rained heavily, we hid on the mountain."

"How many of you are there?"

"There are twenty-three of us."

"Are they all students?"

"Two of them are teachers."

"What do you do to survive?"

"We were looking for something to eat everywhere. There was some food in the school supermarket and cafeteria. After eating, we went hunting. There was a big lake in front of us, and there were many strange fish in it. We all ate this to survive."

Gao Qianshan answered questions very cooperatively.

Shen Cong thought for a moment and asked, "Have you ever seen the fire brigade?"

"This... uncle, are you also from the fire brigade?" Gao Qianshan asked cautiously.


Shen Cong was a little speechless. He was only twenty-two years old. He frowned and said, "Have you ever seen the fire brigade? Please explain the specific details clearly."

"Okay, okay." Gao Qianshan immediately detailed their encounter with the fire brigade.

On the day of the doomsday storm, Gao Qianshan and others were eating in the cafeteria, and then a ruthless disaster struck. Fortunately, the cafeteria was still strong and had a lot of food in reserve, allowing them to persevere until the storm was over.

What followed was a period of self-rescue, and two leaders were elected, one was the school's female teacher Wang Yingying, and the other was the sports minister of the student union Zhou Yajun. They tried to go to the city to find a government rescue team, and then encountered a group of survivors, including a man with a green face and a fang who was blind in one eye.

This group of people claimed to be firefighters and belonged to the regular government rescue force.

The students naively thought they were finally saved, but that night, the female teacher Wang Yingying and two good-looking female students were gang-raped.

The students were unable to defeat the one-eyed dragon with a green face and fangs, and two of them were killed.

Later, Zhou Yajun became more courageous and encouraged everyone to go hunting while the one-eyed dragon with green face and fangs escaped together. They did not dare to stay in the city any longer, so they ran back to Chaohu College and settled here, hoping to wait for the government's rescue.

The first rainstorm came suddenly, killing several more students, and finally only twenty-three remained.

They set up a camp at Chaohu College. They didn't dare to move around, so they hunted and fished around and finally survived with a sigh of relief.

As a result, the government did not wait, and a second heavy rain suddenly came and destroyed the camp. They are now rebuilding the camp.

"One-eyed dragon with green face and fangs?" Shen Cong frowned and thought for a moment. Zhu Haifeng told him that most of the evolvers in the nest area had followed the military, and not many remained. Zhu Haifeng had already told him their appearance and characteristics. After Shen Cong, no one among them had a green face, fangs and was blind in one eye.

Unable to find a match, Shen Cong asked, "Apart from that group of survivors, have you met no other survivors?"

"We met another group of people when we went out to look through the ruins, but we saw they had guns in their hands and didn't dare to go look for them."

Five minutes later, Shen Cong basically figured out the situation of these survivors.

Twenty-one students from Chaohu College and two teachers. Female teacher Wang Yingying and student Zhou Yajun are the leaders. They have always stayed near Chaohu College. They are still ignorant about the apocalypse after the disaster. They only know mutation but not evolution.

"Okay, you can turn around now."

After some questions and answers, Gao Qianshan's tension eased. After hearing this, he turned around and saw Shen Cong's extremely cool super-explosive modified armor. His mouth suddenly grew as big as an egg.

The joints of the shoulders, chest, elbows, and knees are all made of gray-black unknown animal skin, wrapped in bone structures with dark silver metallic luster. The legs, arms, waist, and head are made of bright Gray steel armor, with two huge fangs embedded on both sides of the helmet.

On the top, there are actually two gray-black feathers fifty centimeters long, fluttering in the wind.

These are the feathers of a sharp eagle. Shen Cong likes them very much. He always feels that inserting a feather is particularly powerful, just like the pheasant feathers on the head of an ancient general, or the two pheasant feathers on the head of Sun Wukong. However, Shen Cong didn't have the feathers from the pheasant's tail to insert, so he had to use the tail feathers of the sharp eagle instead.

Shen Cong, who is 1.77 meters tall, puts on the ultra-explosive armor and is 1.85 meters tall, plus two 50-centimeter sharp eagle tail feathers.

Gao Qianshan instantly felt like he was two meters tall.

"Uncle, you are..."

"It doesn't matter who I am." Shen Cong's voice was cold, "I'm just here to make a deal with you. I need some people to help me search for scrap metal devices in this area. I can provide you with some food and medicine that you need. Exchange. You can contact Zhou Yajun or Wang Yingying now and come over to discuss the transaction with me."

"You have medicine... Oh! Okay! I'll call them over right away!" Gao Qianshan replied excitedly.

Shen Congming understood the reason for his excitement. During his observation, he found that some of the people were sick and injured: "You can go to the highway to find me, my car is parked there."

After explaining, Shen Cong walked straight back without staying any longer.