Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?

Chapter 18


Tao Zhiyue looked at the strange man in front of him with a dazed expression.

He had never met anyone with such outstanding looks in his life, and his looks were not inferior to many idol stars.

It was not until the man said hello again with some embarrassment that Tao Zhiyue was sure that the other person was really talking to him.

"Don't we have to queue?" he asked uncertainly.

"No need to queue, this is a special trial site, and audiences are randomly invited to participate."

The man's tone was sincere.

Tao Zhiyue had a subtle feeling as if he had won the lottery jackpot, and his expression was a little dazed.

As a result, he tilted his head slightly to look at the staff member behind the man, and the other person's expression was exactly the same as his.

Seeing Tao Zhiyue's confused look, the staff seemed to have found a comrade-in-arms. They nodded at him hurriedly and even waved.

Tao Zhiyue: …

Why does it feel like something is wrong

“Are you a staff member?”

Tao Zhiyue thought about it and asked this stupid question whose answer was obvious.

The man was half a head taller than him. He lowered his eyes and looked at him with a shy smile.

"No, I am the first lucky audience member to be drawn."

Tao Zhiyue felt as if he was dazzled by the other person's smile.

He tried to keep a calm expression, but still couldn't help secretly looking at the other person.

With his tall and slender figure, you can vaguely see his powerful muscles through the thin white T-shirt.

Her facial contours are clear, her jawline is superior, and her facial features are three-dimensional and deep, which almost perfectly suits his aesthetic taste.

… No, if I keep looking at it my face will become cooked.

Tao Zhiyue turned his face away in embarrassment, and just at this moment a staff member came over to him.

"Gentlemen, the venue is ready. The other two lucky audience members have been led there by other staff. Please follow me."

Following behind the staff, Tao Zhiyue breathed a sigh of relief.

He reflected in his heart, wondering if it was because of the opposite sex he had been in contact with during this period... No, there were too few people of the same sex, otherwise how could he have lost his composure like this.

I don’t know if it was Tao Zhiyue’s illusion, but the handsome guy in the white T-shirt seemed to be secretly glancing at him.

"Are you hot? Do you want to take off your mask? I see your ears are red from the heat."

The handsome guy in white T-shirt showed a sincere and concerned expression, but said something that made him laugh and cry, which made Tao Zhiyue instantly think of another person.

Dr. Tao, are you drinking tea

"..." Tao Zhiyue was extremely glad that he hadn't taken off his mask yet, "Thank you, I'm not hot, it's just that my skin gets red easily."

"Oh, that's sensitive skin." The handsome guy in white T-shirt thought for a moment, "My sister is the same."

Let’s not talk about muscles, just be civilized to you and me.

For a moment, Tao Zhiyue's mind was filled with messy thoughts and he couldn't control them at all.

Although he felt a little embarrassed, Tao Zhiyue had never seen himself so excited inside, it was quite novel.

Is this the power of a top handsome guy

The two walked side by side, with Tao Zhiyue lagging slightly behind, so he could admire the other person with his peripheral vision.

Tao Zhiyue began to feel a little uneasy.

Looking at the handsome guy in the white T-shirt from this side angle, why does he look a little familiar

Vaguely, he remembered Huo Ran, whom he had only seen once in the morning.

The venue was very close, only a few dozen meters away, and we arrived there quickly.

Before Tao Zhiyue had time to think about it, he was immediately attracted by the distinctive style of the cottage in front of him.

The production company of War of the Roses prepared a trial experience room built in the style of the game, which is filled with fantasy and romantic elements inside and out. It also spent a lot of money to fill it with pink bouquets, which is very girly.

Originally, the company planned to use this scene as a gimmick, combined with the game's rising popularity at the exhibition, and then carry out another wave of promotion on social platforms.

As a result, there was a lack of communication during the layout of the venue, and the materials used were only designed to look good and fancy, while ignoring safety. The venue could hardly withstand the influx of a large number of visitors, so the organizers asked for rectification after inspection.

But the exhibition had already begun and there were so many people coming and going during the day that it was impossible to carry out construction, so we had to wait until the exhibition closed at night to do the renovation.

As a result, the trial experience room will not be available until the second day of the exhibition at the earliest.

It's just sitting there anyway, so why not take this opportunity to shoot a promotional video and try to recover some of the losses.

Of course, there is no need to shoot promotional videos now.

Facing the curious eyes of the other three real ordinary audience members, the staff explained in unison: "The company cares a lot about the players' thoughts and opinions, so we specially selected lucky audience members on site to have an in-depth experience. After the experience, they will fill out a questionnaire and receive a small gift as a souvenir."

It sounds very official and routine.

The other two lucky audience members were both girls with very good looks. The two strangers looked at each other, then looked at Tao Zhiyue and the handsome guy in white T-shirt, and seemed to understand something.

One of the girls with big wavy hair asked directly: "Are you going to shoot a video? If so, please let me know in advance. You can't shoot without permission."

The staff seemed very confident about this question, "Please rest assured, we will not film it casually, we are simply inviting players to experience the game so that we can improve and optimize it."

Suddenly he remembered something, looked at a certain ordinary audience carefully, and added: "But we can indeed provide video recording services, recording your personal game process and leaving it for you as a souvenir. This is entirely up to your personal wishes."

The two girls were about to nod, but then they heard him say that the game footage could not be exposed on the Internet, so they needed to sign a confidentiality agreement just in case. After thinking about it, they decided to give up.

Tao Zhiyue didn't care. It was a pleasant surprise after all. It was worth the trip to be able to experience this highly anticipated popular game in advance.

As a result, this unexpected surprise far exceeded his imagination.

Generally, the characters and scenes of new game trials are set in advance, and players can only use a specific character in the specified scene, such as completing a copy or a battle. The experience time is about ten to twenty minutes, so it is usually multiple players entering the game at the same time, exploring as a team or fighting against each other.

However, this time, Tao Zhiyue finally understood what true "deep experience" meant.

The public beta version of the game is completely open to them, just like playing the game normally. When entering the game, they can freely choose their characters and even create IDs by pinching their faces.

I have to say that the game modeling of The War of the Roses is quite outstanding. The characters of different races have different styles, some are cute and some are elegant. What they have in common is that the character modeling is delicate and lively, with a strong sense of reality. The long hair hanging in front of the chest is soft and flowing, and the watery eyes blink curiously, as if looking at someone outside the screen.

In the face of the irresistible girl's heart, all human beings are born equal.

The four of them all stayed on the face-shaping interface for a long time. Every race was good-looking, so they wanted to try to shape every character.

The staff waiting on the side had a sour look in their eyes. They also wanted to play the public beta version...

Four computers were arranged in two groups back to back. Tao Zhiyue and the handsome guy in white T-shirt sat on the same side. He chose for a long time and finally decided to make a little elf loli.

Tao Zhiyue was immersed in the joy of pinching the face. Time passed quickly. Looking at the cute pink-haired little Lolita in front of him, he thought for a moment and gave her a very descriptive name: [A Peach].

After finishing face-pinching and waiting for the game to load, Tao Zhiyue couldn't help his curiosity. He moved his headphones and secretly glanced at the handsome guy in a white T-shirt next to him.

The handsome guy in white T-shirt sculpted a sunny and lively adult human female, and a staff member pointed a camera at his screen.

"Does this face look like mine?" The handsome guy in a white T-shirt turned his head and asked the staff member excitedly.

The staff nodded repeatedly, "Yes, you pinched it very well."

Although I don't understand why the female character would be created based on my own appearance, but whatever the sponsor says is right.

Hearing this, the handsome guy in white T-shirt deliberately smiled brightly towards the camera lens, then turned around and entered the character ID: [A Fool].

Tao Zhiyue: …

He turned around and looked at the little Lolita [a peach] jumping around on his computer, and felt like he had been shot by an arrow for no apparent reason.

Four people entered the novice guidance phase one after another. Unlike other online games of the same type that have tedious and lengthy forced guidance, War of the Roses played a beautifully made CG animation, bringing players into the romantic and magnificent game atmosphere, and then quickly guided the basic operations, allowing players to explore freely along the main line.

Soon, three older sisters and a little loli met in the Novice Village. Except for the absence of other players, other functions in the game could be used normally.


[atqwhst: Wow, we can actually chat, can you guys see it?]

A text bubble appeared above the head of the sexy wavy-haired lady, and Tao Zhiyue guessed that it might be the curly-haired girl who had just spoken.

[Want to buy lottery tickets today: I can see it! ]

[Want to buy lottery tickets today: This trial is very conscientious. ]

[Want to buy lottery tickets today: cg is very orange, good review! ]

[atqwhst: Hahahaha, buy it, I’m going to buy it too.]

[atqwhst: Indeed, I am very lucky today.]

[A fool: Is the CG color very orange? I think it’s okay.]

Tao Zhiyue suddenly had a strange sense of déjà vu. His brain was still empty, but his hands had already begun to type explanations automatically.

[A peach: not the orange that represents color...]

[A peach: It is a gay way of expressing it among girls.]

[A fool: Oh, so that's how it is.]

[Want to buy lottery tickets today?! I bumped into it.]

[atqwhst: Hahahaha, your two names, so you two are from the same family?]

Looking at the nicknames that the two girls had obviously typed out casually, and then looking at the very coincidental names of Peach and Idiot, Tao Zhiyue felt so ashamed.

It would seem even stranger if we explained at this time that they didn't actually know each other.

After a few seconds of shame, Tao Zhiyue calmly made a common expression to deal with it.

At the same time, the handsome guy in white T-shirt also responded.

[A peach: ^-^]

[A fool: ^-^]