Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?

Chapter 20


Long after the boy in the mask left, Huo Ran sat there in a daze.

He felt as if he was thinking about a lot of things, but also as if he was thinking about nothing.

My head became a tangled mess of wool, dysfunctional and illogical, with only a few images flashing through my mind over and over again.

There were crowds of strangers around, chaotic words and voices buzzing in his ears, but Huo Ran saw that pair of clear and bright eyes at a glance, and there was only silence besides.

When I saw the boy again, he was holding a thick notebook, carefully recording what he saw and felt. Occasionally, he looked up at the producer who was speaking passionately at the booth, with a burning light flashing in his eyes.

They made the same expression in the game at the same time, and then looked up at each other at the same time. Then the other person suddenly opened his beautiful eyes, and the headphones slipped off, revealing his red ears.

He filled out the questionnaire very attentively, frowning slightly as he thought, and writing beautifully. Huo Ran sat beside him, as if enveloped by a peaceful force, and silently read for a long time.

Finally, he took the medicine box that was handed to him and said thank you and goodbye with a dull expression.

After Huo Ran watched him leave, he remained in the same posture, motionless, until now.

Huo Ran had never seen himself like this before.

He reached out and touched his hot cheek, forcing himself to regain some rationality and trying to judge the current situation.

After thinking for a while, Huo Ran called out to the staff who were standing by and dared not make any movement.

His tone was firm: "Is the air conditioning temperature in this venue too high? It's a bit hot."

The staff member who felt that he had not enough clothes to wear after dark:…

"Is that so?" The staff member tried to smile affirmatively, "Now that you mention it, I think I feel a little hot, too."

Huo Ran breathed a sigh of relief. "Then turn it down a bit. It's too stuffy. I feel a little suffocated."

"Okay, I'll adjust it right away." The experienced staff member maintained a very professional smile. "Should we send you the video we recorded for you directly, or do you need us to do any post-processing?"

"Just give me the memory card." Huo Ran stood up and prepared to leave. "Thank you for your hard work today."

He took the memory card in a small box and left the exhibition center. Jiang Nansheng had already prepared a car and was waiting for him at the door.

After getting into the spacious luxury car, Huo Ran rolled down the window. The gentle breeze blew in, finally awakening him to some senses.

He remained silent for a long time. The car was unusually quiet. Jiang Nansheng, who was blushing habitually in the passenger seat, did not dare to speak rashly. He only occasionally glanced at Huo Ran's reflection in the rearview mirror.

Huo Ran noticed his gaze, but this time he was not bothered by the other person's blushing habit as usual.

He was thinking about another question.

Will the boy’s face under the mask turn as red as his ears

Although he didn't see his face, Huo Ran seemed to be able to imagine the other person's nervous and confused expression.

… No, why did he think of that boy again

Huo Ran was a little annoyed. He felt like he couldn't control his mind today.

An unread message from Huo Sihan was quietly displayed on the phone.

[Darunfa Killing Fish for Ten Years: Did My Dear Brother Play the War of the Roses?]

[RT-Mart Kills Fish for Ten Years: Sending Love.jpg]

[Darunfa Killing Fish for Ten Years: Did any new girls approach you in the afternoon? Are there any beautiful girls who left a deep impression on you!]

Speaking of being impressed...

Forget it. Huo Ran, feeling a little guilty, forced himself to stop thinking.

He decided to change his perspective and think calmly about why his condition had become so strange.

When Huo Ran first saw the strange boy in the mask, his first reaction was actually to think of Dr. Tao. Later, when he saw him taking notes seriously, he was so similar to the Dr. Tao in his imagination.

Even when he unexpectedly saw the other person carrying a bag and wandering alone near the Rose War booth, Huo Ran seemed to feel a slight sense of loneliness.

Just like Dr. Tao that night.

So Huo Ran reflexively told the staff that he wanted to randomly select a live audience member.

Then he walked towards the man without thinking.

Huo Ran immediately discovered the crux of the problem. It was all related to Dr. Tao, whom he had never met.

They are so similar.

If Huo Ran didn't know that Dr. Tao was a busy psychiatrist, he might have asked him directly: Do you know an online friend named HR

As for why he cared so much about Dr. Tao, Huo Ran, who had little emotional experience, quickly gave an answer that sounded quite convincing.

This was his first time making friends online, so it had a special meaning in his heart.

It was almost the same when Huo Sihan was twelve or thirteen years old and met a bunch of girls online. In their daily chats, they would talk about their gay friends and often grinned foolishly at their phones.

Yes, that makes sense.

Huo Ran's mood became cheerful again. His tense expression gradually relaxed and he showed a little smile.

For some reason, he suddenly wanted to share this with Dr. Tao.

After a moment of hesitation, Huo Ran decisively opened the app and clicked on the dialog box with Dr. Tao.

His fingers typed rapidly.

[hr: Dr. Tao, I met a very special person today.]

[hr: My mood has become very strange, I can’t describe it in words.]

Having written this, Huo Ran couldn't help but feel a little curious.

Has Dr. Tao ever had such a moment

[hr: If it’s not too presumptuous, I would like to ask Dr. Tao a question.]

Huo Ran's fingers that were tapping the screen stopped clicking and he was stuck. He didn't know how to simply describe his feelings for the strange boy.

He thought for a while, and his mind was filled with a somewhat childish word.

Apart from this, Huo Ran could not find any other adjectives.

So this time, he typed the question slowly—

[hr: Under what circumstances do you think someone is cute?]

Message sent.

Huo Ran stared at the screen nervously and breathed softly involuntarily.

Dr. Tao is typing.

Dr. Tao sent a new message.

[Tao: What do you think is cute about her?]

Huo Ran did not notice the word "she" and carefully recalled everything that happened today.

[hr: I can’t really put it into words, there doesn’t seem to be anything particularly cute…]

[hr: But my head is a mess, there is no word to describe the feeling, I can only think of cute. ]

This time, Dr. Tao typed for a full five minutes before sending a brief reply.

[Tao: I think you fell in love with her at first sight^-^]