Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?

Chapter 3


Staying up late is fun, but getting up early is a funeral procession.

The consequence of breaking the fixed biological clock is that you will feel drowsy and your mind will be a mess when you go to work the next day.

Tao Zhiyue got up from bed with difficulty, brushed his teeth and ate like a sleepwalker, then floated into the company like a ghost, not knowing what he was doing the whole morning.

Fortunately, a game version update was just completed yesterday, so I can take a break for the next few days. The planners have not submitted any requirements for the time being, so Tao Zhiyue can slack off with a clear conscience.

Tao Zhiyue had already forgotten what he talked about with the HR guy last night. It was basically about each other giving each other the "nice guy" card. Anyway, they had a simple understanding of each other, which would facilitate subsequent communication. Tao Zhiyue comforted himself in this way.

After lunch, Tao Zhiyue took a nap on the table and became a little more conscious.

He took out his cell phone, opened pp, and scrolled up the chat history from last night. He found that he disappeared while he was talking, leaving only HR brother talking to himself.

Tao Zhiyue felt a little embarrassed, so he took the initiative to send a message.

[Tao: Good afternoon. I accidentally fell asleep yesterday. I didn’t mean to not reply.]

[Tao: I get off work at six o'clock every day, have dinner at eight o'clock, and go to bed at ten thirty. If it is convenient for you, we can communicate between eight and ten o'clock in the evening.]

Tao Zhiyue waited for a while, but there was no reply from the other party, probably he was busy.

He ignored it and opened the Little Green Bird IT Technology Exchange Community to see what hot topics there were recently.

He was so focused on the screen that he didn't notice a figure flashed past behind him.

Tao Zhiyue's nickname in the Little Green Bird community is also Tao. He occasionally posts some technical discussions and occasionally responds to other people's help posts.

Because every time he replied, the content of his reply was to the point, the solutions he gave were concise and practical, and he did not have the airs of a great god and was very patient in answering a variety of questions, he gradually gained a lot of fans in the community.

Now every time he posts, there will be a group of people taking photos and checking in, so unless there are technical problems that bother him, he rarely speaks up and just quietly becomes a lurker.

But the list of online members will be displayed at the bottom of the community. Most people may not pay attention to it, but some people who want to get him to work on a project together have been paying attention to him persistently.

One of the best among them even wrote a small program, which would display a screen full of red text on all his electronic devices as soon as he went online.

A minute later, Tao Zhiyue indeed received a new private message.

[gua: Ah!! Taotao, you are here!! You have not been online for seven days, eight hours and three minutes!!]

[Tao: … ]

[Tao: Hello, quack.]

[gua: You haven't been online for so long. Are you too busy with work? Are you being exploited by your black-hearted boss?]

[gua: Why not quit your job and come work for me! Afternoon tea at Sunshine Villa, the boss is handsome and obedient, and you will get free shares when you join the company/Rose/Rose/Rose]

Tao Zhiyue was amused by him. Gua was a programmer he met when he posted before. The two of them had a lot in common when discussing technical issues. Tao Zhiyue happened to have done some research in the direction that Gua was interested in in his previous life. As a result, Gua regarded him as a close friend and always wanted to drag him to work on projects together.

The company he's working for now is really a waste of talent for Tao Zhiyue. The games they make are relatively simple. They are mostly reskinned games with established systems and are not challenging at all.

But this is also the result of Tao Zhiyue's careful selection. He learned from the lesson of his previous company being favored by the Huo family, so he chose this small company whose future development direction has absolutely no characteristics and innovations.

[Tao: Although I am touched by your persistence, you know my answer.]

[gua: No!! I just got rejected when I confessed to a girl yesterday, just take it as comforting me, don’t reject this poor guagua againqaq]

[Tao: …My condolences.]

[Tao: Then, I still have to ask, can the company not raise funds within two years? As a veteran, can I not have contact with anyone other than the company's employees? Or, can I always work remotely and not show up in my real identity?]

Tao Zhiyue is a very responsible person. When the company where he makes a living is noticed by the Huo family, he can resign without any burden.

But if the company he co-founded has a great opportunity to cooperate with the Huo family, he cannot block it because of his own selfishness. This is unfair to those who fight side by side with him, even if this opportunity may have come because of him.

[gua: Ahhh why are you so against money! ]

[gua: Why!! Why is there such a weird request! Even if it’s social phobia, it’s too exaggerated!!!]

[gua: To be honest, you hate the rich, and you can't control your evil hands when you see the capital father! ]

[Tao: No... I'm just vengeful.]

[gua:? Hatred? Is this a name for a superstitious activity?]

[Tao: You won’t understand.]

[Tao: I am under pressure that shouldn’t be felt at this age.jpg]

Huo Ran, who had just woken up, suddenly sneezed.

He rubbed his nose, stretched comfortably, and then nestled motionless in the soft quilt, recalling last night's beautiful dream.

Ever since being pursued crazily by a group of male friends, Huo Ran hasn't had such a good sleep for a long time.

During this month, whenever he arrived at the company, he would always see someone holding flowers waiting for him in the reception room, and when he went into the office, he would see the assistant's blushing face.

He skipped work yesterday and stayed at home all day, but someone came to his house in the middle of the night and wanted to throw himself into his arms. Huo Ran, who had never seen such a scene, was almost scared to death.

And it wasn't just like this when he was awake. Every night he lay in bed, tossing and turning in worry, unable to fall asleep. When he finally fell asleep, he would dream of a man he didn't know being very affectionate with him. He was so startled that he woke up with a somersault.

Huo Ran, whose body and mind were devastated, became increasingly haggard, so he confided his tragic experience to his best childhood friend, hoping to find a solution.

After a long silence, my childhood friend asked quietly, "Will you be with one of them?"

Huo Ran: "Of course not! I don't like men!!"

Childhood friend: "So you won't consider me either, right?"

Huo Ran:

Huo Ran: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Therefore, Huo Ran never dared to mention these things to his acquaintances again, for fear of accidentally revealing some long-buried secret.

After much thought, Huo Ran decided to seek help from the mysterious world of the Internet. He opened the search engine and solemnly typed in "What to do if being pursued by someone of the same sex".

Then he met Director Tao of the Seventh Mental Hospital of Jinbei City, a kind and considerate doctor.

Huo Ran originally wanted to tell Dr. Tao his name, occupation and living environment in detail. Although he had never searched for a doctor online, a psychiatrist in real life should need to understand the patient's true situation.

However, Dr. Tao was kind enough to tell him that he should not reveal his real identity information online. Huo Ran thought about it and deleted the self-introduction he had already written.

He should respect what Dr. Tao said. Perhaps this is the special feature of online medical treatment.

Huo Ran was very unfamiliar with the online world, so he was cautious and respectful.

He talked with Dr. Tao until very late last night, complaining about his fearful life and praising Dr. Tao madly for his selfless dedication, but Dr. Tao did not respond later.

… I don’t know if Dr. Tao is annoyed with him.

Huo Ran was a little worried, so he quickly got up, put on his clothes, ran to the study, turned on the computer, and logged into the pp.

Although his antique keypad phone could also download pp, the screen was very small and the operation was inconvenient, so it was not possible to chat normally. Huo Ran had never used it.

In his eyes, mobile phones are used to make calls and send text messages.

There are unread messages from Dr. Tao on pp.

[Tao: Good afternoon. I accidentally fell asleep yesterday. I didn’t mean to not reply.]

[Tao: I get off work at six o'clock every day, have dinner at eight o'clock, and go to bed at ten thirty. If it is convenient for you, we can communicate between eight and ten o'clock in the evening.]