Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?

Chapter 45: Jiang Jinbiao made his fortune by studying literature in Ducheng


Huo Ran stared at the movie title "A Night at the Cabin in the Woods" displayed above the player. For a moment, he didn't know which world was more terrifying, the world inside or outside the screen.

Facing Tao Zhiyue's rather calm question, Huo Ran's voice was very vague.

"I... let me think about who sent it."

Just now I really thought it was Huo Sihan who came. I was about to praise her for not sneaking in this time, but when I opened the door, I saw a large bunch of bright red roses.

The florist poked his head out from the back, handed over the form and a pen, and politely asked me to sign for it.

Because today is the first day of their relationship, it is very memorable. Huo Ran was overwhelmed by the joy he had never experienced before, and naturally thought that this must be a gift from Tao Zhiyue to him.

She signed her name, hugged the flowers full, and walked back while counting the number of flowers.

Then Huo Ran returned to the computer and excitedly reported to Tao Zhiyue.

What did you say

The roses were very beautiful, even more beautiful than the ones I ordered that day for Tao Zhiyue.

I even counted them carefully, there were ninety-nine in total…

Huo Ran suddenly felt dizzy and dark.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he spoke anxiously: "If I say that I was hallucinating just now, will it be too late?"

"I was wrong. This flower doesn't look good at all. The petals are all wilted and it doesn't smell good. It's definitely not as good as the one I chose for you. It was specially airlifted in that morning..."

As he spoke, Huo Ran put the rose in his arms onto the floor without any mercy.

Tao Zhiyue on the other end of the phone said, "Okay, it's an illusion, so who sent it?"

As Huo burned the flowers, an exquisite card fell out of the bouquet.

Huo Ran picked it up and looked at it. There was a line of flamboyant handwriting on it.

[Didn’t you say you are a straight man? Jin]

Huo Ran felt his scalp tingling.

Why are you here again

"Do you remember the guy who sent flowers to my company every day? It's him again."

"His name is Jin Shaoyuan. His family is considered a semi-partner of my father's. We often have financial dealings. He sends people to send flowers to the company all day long and no one can stop him. I told him to stop, but he insisted that he just likes to send flowers to others."

"I didn't have much contact with him. We couldn't talk at all because he was a second-generation rich man who loved to play... He wasn't the kind who liked to go out and travel. I don't associate with people like that. We were just nodding acquaintances at best. I don't know why he noticed me."

Huo Ran explained everything in detail with a very correct attitude.

Tao Zhiyue pondered for a while and asked, "I remember that day at the hot pot restaurant, you told me that there was a person who sent flowers to the company every day, but he suddenly stopped sending them for two days, right?"

"Yes, it's him." Huo Ran said immediately, "Until yesterday, he really didn't deliver it again. I don't know why he started delivering it again today, and he changed it to delivering it to my house."

"Originally, when I returned to Yanping last week, I should have gone to talk to him about it, but during those few days... my mind was full of other things, so I completely forgot about it."

At the moment, she was suffering from the possibility of a failed online love relationship, and of course she was in no mood to think about Jin Shaoyuan.

Tao Zhiyue seemed a little confused, "That's not right, I shouldn't bother you anymore."

Huo Ran said sadly: "It really shouldn't be done."

She had promised to deal with the relationship issues and pursue Tao Zhiyue before, but now that they have officially confirmed the relationship, she has not completely cut off ties with these people.

It's really wrong.

After hearing what he said, Tao Zhiyue's voice was filled with a hint of meaning, "Do you know what I'm talking about?"

"I know." Huo Ran said, "I will go find him tomorrow and tell him seriously that I already have a partner."

Thinking of Jin Shaoyuan's strange message, Huo Ran added solemnly: "When I thought I was a straight man before, I had no feelings for him. Even though I'm not straight now, I still have no interest in him. I swear!"

"Okay, I believe you." Tao Zhiyue said, "If I say anything to you tomorrow, remember to tell me."

There was a hidden caution in his voice.

"I want to know why you suddenly start to bother you again. This is very important to me."

Huo Ran failed to grasp the deeper meaning and nodded quickly, even though Tao Zhiyue couldn't see it.

"I will give you a satisfactory answer tomorrow!"

"..." Tao Zhiyue asked in a strange tone, "Where did you learn this?"

"Ah, it seems my dad always says that, and it just came out accidentally."

Tao Zhiyue commented pertinently: "There is a picture."

Huo Ran finally breathed a sigh of relief and asked tentatively: "Then can we continue to scare people?"

"Shocked?" Tao Zhiyue reacted, "Okay, keep watching."

When Tao Zhiyue called out three, two, one for the first time, Huo Ran pressed the play button very accurately.

This ancient way of watching movies in a different place gives people a very real feeling of being together in the same place.

Because after each pause, you have to carefully adjust the time, and the following three, two, and one always bring a wonderful warmth.

The film's title sequence slowly plays on screen, and the camera moves through the dense jungle, fixing on a group of backpackers who are completely unaware of the impending danger.

Standard start.

Huo Ran often watches movies. He has diverse tastes and is very courageous. He is a pure materialist and is not afraid of any movie.

Logically speaking, it would be most appropriate for two people to sit side by side and watch a horror movie.

I wonder if Tao Zhiyue, who took the initiative to ask to watch a horror movie, will be afraid.

In order to avoid the noise from the public broadcast affecting the viewing experience, Huo Ran and Tao Zhiyue both wore headphones.

At this moment, in addition to the nagging dialogue of the movie protagonist, the other party's gentle breathing sound could be heard in the headphones.

Huo Ran couldn't help wanting to talk to Tao Zhiyue, but was afraid of disturbing him while watching the movie.

After hesitating for a while, Huo Ran whispered, "I think the killer will suddenly appear and take away the first person soon. Are you afraid?"

Tao Zhiyue paused for a moment while breathing slowly, "Don't be afraid."

"That's good." Huo Ran felt relieved, yet also a little regretful.

Five minutes later, the masked killer finally appeared.

Just as he raised his axe, Tao Zhiyue's voice rang out.

"Is your name Jin Shaoyuan? What are the two characters in your name?"

Huo Ran couldn't help shaking when watching the bloody scene. "Very far away."

"oh… "

In the long tail sound, vague screams were heard from behind the mask, and the killer dragged the first corpse away violently.

The dense grass was knocked down in large tracts, leaving fresh bloodstains.

"You said he was a second-generation rich man who loved to play." Tao Zhiyue said slowly, "I remember in novels, people like this were always called something."

"But his name is Jin Shaoyuan. If I call him Jin Shao, it's like only calling half of his name. Wouldn't he be unhappy?"

This question is very tricky.

Huo Ran couldn't find a suitable answer for a moment.

"Probably... maybe?"

The silly backpackers had not yet noticed that their companion who went to the toilet alone had left them forever.

The murderer hid his loot and hid among the shadowy trees, watching greedily.

Outside the cabin in the woods, there was a heavy and hidden breathing sound.

Tao Zhiyue asked again: "Have you ever heard of others calling him Mr. Jin?"

Huo Ran began to feel dazed.

Why does this horror movie chosen by Tao Zhiyue feel really scary when watching it

"Should I...have heard of it?"

"I don't know." Tao Zhiyue asked doubtfully, "I'm asking you."

Huo Ran said decisively: "I haven't heard of it!"

Tao Zhiyue responded softly: "Oh."

The silence between them lasted for a while, and the murderer finally found an opportunity to strike. The dark shadow enveloped the next lone prey.

He raised the scarlet axe in his hand, and at this moment, Tao Zhiyue spoke suddenly.

"Does your story still make you blush?"

Hearing his extremely calm voice, Huo Ran suddenly felt the terror from the bottom of his heart.

He said timidly, "No, I applied for an internal transfer myself. Now that you are no longer my assistant, we will not have any interactions under normal circumstances."

"So it's the assistant." Tao Zhiyue thought thoughtfully.

"Not now!" Huo Ran tried his best to reiterate.

Before today, Huo Ran would never have thought that at his old age, he would actually sweat profusely after watching a horror movie.

The backpackers finally noticed something was wrong, and amid their growing panic, a couple hugged each other, looked at each other affectionately, and talked about their wedding which would be held next week.

The tense atmosphere of the movie finally brought a touch of warmth.

At this time, Tao Zhiyue concluded his speech and sighed slightly: "I seem to be jealous."

Huo Ran's expression froze and his pupils trembled.

So this night, I spent in complicated contemplation.

It’s a good thing to know that it wasn’t the horror movie that scared me. I can still call myself Huo Dadan.

But the person he had just established a relationship with was jealous, which was a difficult problem that Huo Ran had never encountered before.

And the jealousy was true. There was indeed someone who pursued her unilaterally. At the beginning, she even told Tao Zhiyue, who was not her boyfriend at that time, all the details and asked her for help on what to do...

Huo Ran hugged the quilt and turned over in pain.

How could this happen

At times like this, words are the most pale, and it is impossible to reassure Tao Zhiyue with just a few words of explanation.

Because Huo Ran understood that he was not doubting himself, he just couldn't help being jealous.

Put yourself in his shoes. If he knew that someone sent roses to Tao Zhiyue, blushed in front of him, and pestered him from time to time, Huo Ran would definitely be jealous even if he rejected them all.

This is an uncontrollable mood in love, because in this kind of relationship, there is only room for two people.

Although a thrilling movie was playing in front of him, he had no intention of watching it. The person Huo Ran mentioned was circling in his mind. He was still worried about it and asked one funny question after another.

After talking for a long time, Tao Zhiyue slowly realized his true feelings and told them frankly.

While feeling at a loss, Huo Ran couldn't help but find her cute.

If only I were by Tao Zhiyue's side at this moment.

A timely hug is the most convincing comfort.

Unable to sleep all night, Huo Ran looked at the ceiling in confusion. The big round ceiling light looked like a bowl, staring at him silently.

I couldn’t help but think of the cold noodles I ordered for takeout at noon. The noodles were a bit lumpy and didn’t taste as good as I expected.

It is nothing like the bowl in Tao Zhiyue’s photo. The noodles are smooth and distinct, the side dishes are carefully arranged, and the amber soup looks refreshing…

It would be nice to have cold noodles with Tao Zhiyue.

Eat cold noodles together.

Huo Ran's eyes lit up and a vague idea flashed through his mind.

The next morning, Huo Ran, who was extremely energetic, couldn't wait to send a message to ‌.

[hr: Good morning! I got up early today! ]

[hr: Any ideas for dinner?]

[hr: bear stickers.gif]

More than ten minutes later, Tao Zhiyue replied.

[Tao: Good morning, you got up very early today.]

[Tao: I haven’t thought about it yet.]

[Tao: What happened?]

Huo Ran, who was already in the car on his way to the company, lowered his head and typed quickly.

[hr: Let’s cook together tonight! ]

[hr: We can cook the same dish remotely, which means we can have dinner together! ]

[hr: But I don’t cook often, so if the recipe doesn’t mention it, you’ll have to teach me/cute]

It can not only help us stick together, but also enhance our understanding of each other and improve our cooking skills.

Huo Ran felt that he was simply a genius.

Tao Zhiyue on the other end of the dialog box typed for a while.

[Tao: Cat giggles.jpg]

[Tao: Okay.]

Looking at the silly cat on the screen, Tao Zhiyue's mood seemed to brighten up.

Huo Ran finally relaxed.

‌Put aside your worries for a short while and devote yourself to the fast-paced work.

As soon as he arrived at the company, the new assistant reported the latest instructions from Mr. Huo, who required them to gather in the conference room in 20 minutes.

In addition to entering the gaming market, Huo Zhendong has also been holding meetings to discuss another major investment that may change the future development direction of the group.

Build the second TOD complex in Yanping City.

TOD is a real estate development model oriented towards public transportation. The most common one is to create a miniature city within a certain radius centered on a subway or light rail station.

Different from the popular model of shopping malls above subway stations, TOD complexes more comprehensively encompass all aspects of urban life, from food, clothing, housing and transportation to education, medical care, business offices and other business formats. It has already had mature implementation cases in many countries and will be a new direction for future urban development, which can effectively curb the increasingly common problem of traffic congestion.

Huo Zhendong certainly would not miss this opportunity.

Unfortunately, there is a company specializing in real estate development with a keener sense of smell. It took the lead in negotiating the first TOD project in Yanping City and has now started construction.

The first TOD complex completed in the capital is likely to have a world-class impact.

But the difficulty of successfully building and completing it is obviously world-class.

Huo Zhendong was unwilling to fall behind, so he brought in a group of experts and evaluators from relevant professions to conduct in-depth discussions on various aspects including site selection, cost, cycle, obstacles, etc.

Huo Ran brought a notebook with him, carefully recording the valuable speeches.

The atmosphere of the discussion was very lively. At noon, no one was willing to leave their seats. They finished the lunch that was delivered to them and continued the discussion.

Time flies and most of the day has passed.

When the meeting was finally over, Huo Zhendong specifically called Huo Ran.

After listening to a day of heated debate, Huo Zhendong was inevitably a little dizzy. He rubbed his temple and asked him, "What do you think?"

"I think we shouldn't put all our eggs in one basket." Huo Ran thought for a moment, "Building the first one in Yanping is very important, but it's not the only option."

Huo Zhendong was stunned for a moment, "You say."

"This type of project takes too long. It takes several years to achieve success. For a project like Yanping, the more complex the environment, the slower it progresses. It would be too slow to finish one before moving on to the next one."

"Although our plate is not big enough in real estate development, it is still easy to start a few projects at the same time."

"Now several big cities have people eyeing this pie one after another, while some well-known and unique small and medium-sized cities have no idea about it. I think this is a place to start."

Huo Ran suggested: "The more successful projects of this type now have distinct regional characteristics. Perhaps we can find some cities with less development difficulty and greater support, and at the same time promote the construction of characteristic tod complexes to differentiate them from other planned projects of this type. The same is true for Yanping."

"In this way, if one of them succeeds, it will also create a chain brand effect."

Huo Zhendong fell into deep thought. "You are right. We can discuss this topic tomorrow."

Seeing him frowning and entering the sculpture state, Huo Ran knew his habit well and couldn't help but want to go out.

"I'm leaving get off work early today. See you tomorrow, Dad."

Huo Zhendong couldn't help but ask, "Why do you look more excited than yesterday? Your hair is almost standing up."

Huo Ran said solemnly: "I am very excited when I think that such a grand idea can become a reality in the future."

Huo Zhendong was skeptical: "...Oh. Go ahead."

Although Huo Ran really wanted to tell Huo Zhendong that he was in a relationship, he was not sure how his old and stubborn father would react, nor did he know whether it would have any unexpected impact on Tao Zhiyue's life.

Before telling my father, I would like to ask Tao Zhiyue for his opinion first.

When Huo Ran left the company, Uncle Zhang, wearing white gloves, was already waiting by his side. He smiled and opened the car door for him.

Before the anticipated night, there is still one important thing to do.

Go find Jin Shaoyuan.

Jin Shaoyuan's company is completely different from Huo's calm and elegant decoration style.

If I were to describe it in one word, it would be that it is eye-catching, with gold everywhere.

Fortunately, the front desk said that Mr. Jin was still in the office.

In his old age, Huo Ran didn't want to come a second time.

As he pushed open the door of the president's office, there was only one thought in his mind.

My eyes hurt.

Amidst a sea of ostentatious and gorgeous decorations, the luxurious leather chair slowly turned around, and Jin Shaoyuan, who was sitting on it, showed an expected expression to the audience.

"Did you receive flowers?" His tone was frivolous.

Huo Ran stared at his clasped hands, surprised, "Are you just sitting here waiting for me?"

Jin Shaoyuan said firmly: "I know you are coming."

"…How did you know that?" Huo Ran asked in confusion, "Why don't you leave work if you have nothing to do?"

Jin Shaoyuan paused and decided to change the subject: "You said before that you were a straight man, why are you playing with men now?"

"You hired someone to investigate me again?" Huo Ran was slightly angry. "Don't use such disgusting words. I am different from you."

"This is just concern, don't take it so seriously."

Jin Shaoyuan said unscrupulously: "I thought it was boring... but then I found out that you quietly found a man, and suddenly it became fun again."

Huo Ran understood what he meant, "So you are... rebelling?"

‌Immediately put Jin Shaoyuan and that green tea star in the same category in my mind.

If it's not sincere, it's easier to solve.

Huo Ran relaxed a little and said seriously, "Before we get down to business, I want to ask you a personal question."

Jin Shaoyuan raised his eyelids and looked at her, with a playful look in his eyes, "It's rare that you are interested in my personal problems, tell me."

Huo Ran's expression seemed to be posing an academic question: "If someone calls you Mr. Jin, would you be unhappy?"

"?" Jin Shaoyuan was immersed in strange delusions and was a little slow to react. "What are you talking about?"

"It means exactly what it says." Huo Ran explained patiently, "Your name is Jin Shaoyuan. If someone calls you Jin Shao respectfully, would you feel uncomfortable?"

Jin Shaoyuan was choked by this question from a strange angle for a while, and said uncertainly: "It should be... No way?"

"Oh, I think so too." Huo Ran nodded, "It seems that no one has ever called you that."

Jin Shaoyuan suddenly found a strange logical train of thought from his confusion, and said in a very evil tone, "Do you want to be the first one?"

"Why, you are finally moved by me? Is this a euphemism for acceptance?"

Huo Ran felt a chill, "Can you please stop saying things like that to me with that expression? I'm straight... No, I have a partner."


Jin Shaoyuan sneered.

He leaned lazily on the large leather chair, speaking in a casual tone.

"When did you get to know your junior? I saw that you left after studying for more than a year, and it seems that you didn't have any interactions in school."

"What junior fellow?" Huo Ran looked puzzled.

"That's the junior who went on a one-day trip with you to Yanping that day. He's quite good-looking."

Jin Shaoyuan's expression seemed to be aftertaste, then he turned to sneer: "You don't know? You are from the same university."

"Or... do you have more things you don't know about this little brother who suddenly got together with you?"

From his words with ulterior motives, Huo Ran slowly realized that he was talking about Tao Zhiyue.

‌’s expression immediately became serious.

"Jin Shaoyuan! It's illegal for you to invade other people's privacy like this."

"Oh? What law did you break?" Jin Shaoyuan asked nonchalantly.

Huo Ran said in a resounding voice: "Article 1032 of the Civil Code stipulates that natural persons enjoy the right to privacy."

Jin Shaoyuan: …

Huo Ran: …

Jin Shaoyuan was silent for a long time. The atmosphere he had worked so hard to create was finally gone. The corner of his mouth twitched, "Why do you recite this?"

"I looked at it before I came to see you." Huo Ran emphasized, "You found the address of my private residence and sent flowers to my door, which seriously violated my personal privacy."

"So I advise you to stop these illegal activities, keep your distance from my life and my boyfriend's life, and don't make up outrageous rumors, otherwise I will hold you accountable for the legal consequences."

Jin Shaoyuan seemed to have seen an alien. "Isn't it just a random person checking? Everyone does the same thing."

"Don't say anything casually about everyone. I never do these messed up things. Don't make subjective assumptions."

Huo Ran asked: "Have you watched too many TV dramas?"

"What TV series?" Jin Shaoyuan was gradually led away.

"It's one of those cliché TV dramas where you immediately find out all the information about someone you like, and lock them up if you can't win their heart."

"For your father's sake, I advise you to sober up and stop being a pervert." Huo Ran said earnestly, "This is the real world. If you break the law, you will pay the price."

Jin Shaoyuan's expression visibly cracked.

After organizing his words for a long time, he tried to regain control of his facial muscles and said in confusion: "You are really the strangest one among us."

Huo Ran had a blank expression on his face: "I'm not in the same circle with you guys, and compared to you, I'm the normal person."

Jin Shaoyuan tried to refute, but seemed unable to find any suitable words.

Seeing that he was speechless, Huo Ran raised his hand to look at his watch, and was surprised to find that it was almost six o'clock.

"I'm leaving now. I'll reiterate to you one last time, don't come and disturb my boyfriend and I, otherwise it won't just be a matter between the two of us."

Noticing that he was leaving, Jin Shaoyuan subconsciously asked, "What are you going to do?"

Huo Ran stopped and said, "Originally I shouldn't have answered your question."

Then he turned his head, his expression slightly boastful, "I'm going to the supermarket to buy groceries. I'm going to make the same dinner as you today."

Jin Shaoyuan: …

This sudden show of affection.

Just as Huo Ran was about to step out of the door, Jin Shaoyuan's voice, which seemed a little melancholy, came from behind him.

"You seemed very happy that day, and you still seem very happy now."

“Is it really fun to be in love?”

Huo Ran left without looking back.

“It’s not about being in love that makes you happy, but being sincere to someone will make you happy.”