Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?

Chapter 63: Xuecheng exclusively publishes Jinjiang articles


Please support the genuine version throughout the process, as only the genuine version has the red envelope lottery drama~ Huo Ran, who originally wanted to skip work to catch up on sleep, had to accept his fate and got up and went to the company obediently.

Yesterday he visited Dr. Tao's island in the game and found that Dr. Tao had not been online for a long time. The island was deserted. Looking at the small hedgehog holding a hoe, Huo Ran immediately volunteered to help.

The two animals, one big and one small, worked hard until twelve o'clock and finally restored the island to its former vitality.

Huo Ran had only been playing this game for a short time and was immersed in the joy of single-player infrastructure construction. He even added only Huo Sihan as his friend.

This was the first time for him to build an island with others. The big brown bear was swinging an axe to chop trees, and his stamina was almost running out. He was about to put down the axe to find something to eat, but the little hedgehog brought him some fruit to increase his stamina in time.

It was a strange feeling, and Huo Ran suddenly understood why the group mode of this game attracted players.

So after Dr. Tao went offline and went to sleep, Huo Ran, who was still interested, dug out the Weibo post that made Animal Island popular a while ago. Huo Sihan had sent him the link when she was trying to get him into the game.

There are tens of thousands of comments on Weibo, and many of the top-rated comments are about things that happened to the users when they were playing Animal Island. Some are humorous, but more are full of warmth.

Huo Ran was fascinated by the story and followed the recommendations in the comments to visit the creative section of the Animal Island official forum, which contained various forms of derivative works, which were wonderful. Huo Ran stared at the screen intently and clicked on new web pages one after another.

When he came to his senses, he looked at the time in the upper right corner of his computer and it was already four in the morning.

Huo Ran, who seldom stayed up late, quickly turned off his computer and went to bed. In a daze, he was still thinking about the forum post that he had not finished reading.

The next day, he entered the company with dark circles under his eyes, calmly ignored the roses that were delivered on time, calmly accepted the enthusiastic care of his assistant Xiao Jiang, then followed behind Huo Zhendong and chatted and laughed with several uncles, humbly listening to the sighs of the young people.

After only three hours of sleep, Huo Ran felt like a warrior of life.

After the tour, Huo Zhendong took his old friend to continue his next trip, and Huo Ran finally relaxed.

Since we are here, we might as well hold a few more meetings.

After reading many gamer's feedback in one go in the middle of the night, Huo Ran realized how great the charm of the virtual game world is. He didn't know much about it before and thought playing games was just a pastime when he was bored.

But from Dr. Tao to many other players, they are fully immersed in the game, will establish many new interpersonal relationships, and will learn knowledge and skills that seem useless in reality. Some people have made friends, lovers, and even life partners because of it, while others have developed new interests and gained unexpected opportunities.

Those who are addicted to a certain game should not be simply classified as Internet addicts. Many times, they are looking for a second life in another world.

At a certain time, they will bid farewell to this virtual world for various reasons, but they will never forget the traces they left here, which may change their real lives.

If one-way flowing movies are the art of dreaming, then Huo Ran feels that games with interaction as the core should be the art of entering dreams.

So Huo Ran called the newly formed game development department in the group, hoping to catch up on some lessons and listen to professionals talk about games before leaving for northern Shanxi.

Previously, Huo Zhendong asked people to invest in emerging game companies everywhere in order to quickly enter this blue ocean industry which has great potential in the future as technology develops.

When they walked into the conference room, many people saw this parachuted vice president for the first time. Before they had time to observe the second generation of a wealthy family who was said to be born with a silver spoon in his mouth, their thoughts were quickly taken away by Huo Ran's rapid-fire questions.

When the meeting, which lasted a whole afternoon, was over, the group of people seemed to be drained dry. They could no longer remember the subtle envy and contempt they had at the beginning. There was only one thought left in their minds: He is worthy of being Huo Zhendong's son.

On the way to the airport, Huo Ran's brain was excited as he took in many unfamiliar concepts all at once. He was still not sleepy at all while sitting in the stretched limousine specially arranged by his assistant.

A lot of exciting ideas and plans floated in his mind, and as they floated, he began to lose focus.

…Is the lop-eared rabbit poster in that post last night actually together with her neighbor the titmouse

I didn't finish reading the post, I'm so anxious.

Huo Ran struggled for a while, took out an antique keypad phone from his pocket that was out of tune with everything around him, and tried to log into the official forum of Animal Island.

The system of this keypad machine is really outdated. The product has been out of production for many years, and even the original manufacturer has gone bankrupt. The system has not been updated for a long time, so the built-in browser does not support many of the commonly used web page formats now.

The forum could not be refreshed at all, and the jump page was blank, which made Huo Ran even more curious, and he felt like a hundred cat paws were scratching his heart.

Jiang Nansheng, who was sitting opposite him and secretly glancing at him, immediately handed over his phone, "Boss Huo, do you need to use mine?"

Huo Ran glanced at his face, which was still of normal color, and cautiously refused: "No, I'll just take a look."

Jiang Nansheng felt a little regretful, but still tried to fight for it: "Mr. Huo, don't you want to change your phone? Your phone is too old and very inconvenient. If you need a new model, I will have someone send it to the airport right away."

Huo Ran was silent for a moment and did not answer him directly: "I'll close my eyes and rest for a while. Call me when you get there."

He is not mentally prepared yet.

Although to others, it might seem strange that he was hesitating and entangled in such an ordinary matter.

But for him, this is not just a change of mobile phone. It is a habit he has maintained for ten years and his most persistent resistance to his father Huo Zhendong, who was busy with his career and neglected his family.

Later, Huo Zhendong did change. He would take time to communicate with his two children and no longer control and preach to them in a simple and rough manner.

Those tough and rigid words may sound like concern, but in fact they are the most perfunctory actions that require little thought, and are often accompanied by chronic harm.

At that time, Huo Ran and Huo Sihan were still young and thought that their father was careless and strict. However, his wife, who spent more time with Huo Zhendong, could no longer tolerate it. The love between the couple was exhausted, and they divorced as soon as Huo Ran became an adult.

That’s why Huo Ran hasn’t changed his mobile phone yet. This outdated old phone is like a symbol of the past years, and he can’t find an opportunity to erase it.

The plane landed at eight o'clock in the evening.

Huo Ran took a nap on the plane and felt much better, with the dark circles under his eyes gone.

He rolled down the window and looked at the night scene in northern Shanxi. The lights were bright, the streets were full of bustling food stalls, the atmosphere was rich in the hustle and bustle of the city, and the aroma of barbecue fried rice flowed domineeringly into the wind.

Huo Ran has been to many cities at home and abroad, but this is his first time in northern Shanxi.

This time, Jiang Nansheng was sitting in the passenger seat, looking down at his phone, when he suddenly turned his head in surprise.

"Boss Huo, Boss Huo actually posted an update!" Jiang Nansheng handed over the phone and exclaimed, "I thought Boss Huo only used this to send messages."

Huo Ran took the phone very carefully, being very careful not to touch his hand, so as to avoid giving the other party any opportunity to blush.

[Dynamic] Contentment brings happiness: Friends come from afar! [Picture][Picture]

The pictures showed a sumptuous dinner, as well as a group photo of Huo Zhendong and several uncles standing in a row with their arms around each other's shoulders. All of them were drunk with red faces, and Huo Zhendong, with half-white hair, smiled so hard that wrinkles appeared at the corners of his eyes.

Most pp users are young people, while middle-aged and elderly people usually use another instant messaging software with simpler functions.

Jiang Nansheng continued, "No wonder Mr. Huo is so successful. He always cares about the lives of young people and keeps in touch with new things. My parents refuse to use PP. They don't even try and say it's too difficult and they don't know how to use it."

Probably no one could guess that the reason why Huo Zhendong used pp was that he actually wanted his son to change his mobile phone.

Looking at Jiang Nansheng's admiring expression, Huo Ran thought silently in his heart.

After arriving at the hotel, Huo Ran turned on his computer as soon as he entered the room. He had been thinking about the posts about lop-eared rabbits and tits for a long time, and he didn't have time to chat with Dr. Tao all day today. He wondered if his mood had improved.

He logged into the pp and sent a message to Dr. Tao while waiting for the browser to jump.

[hr: Doctor Tao, I have arrived in northern Shanxi. I just entered the hotel room. The climate here is really comfortable.]

The moment the message was sent, new message from Dr. Tao popped up.

[Tao: I brought snacks that I made to my colleagues today. Tomorrow I will take a new step at work. It takes courage to step out of your comfort zone. I also doubt whether it is right to do so. But after stepping out, I feel that I have become happier. I think this is right.]

[Tao: Thank you for what you said to me yesterday^-^]

After a brief chat, Dr. Tao went to bed quickly, but Huo Ran stared at the conversation for a long time without taking his eyes off it.

Although he didn't know what Dr. Tao looked like or what kind of life he led, Huo Ran always felt that Dr. Tao was a brave and decisive person since the day he met him.

Sure enough, even Dr. Tao would feel confused and distressed, but as long as he received a little bit of strength from the outside world, he would cheer up and try the things he had been avoiding.

Huo Ran's eyes flickered as he looked at the color-screen keypad phone that had accompanied him for ten years. It was lying quietly on the table, and the paint color had long since faded.

This is the most stubborn label in his life, but not only he, but also Huo Zhendong, can't forget it for a long time.

Huo Ran took a deep breath, without hesitation, he called the hotel concierge.

Twenty minutes later, he inserted the SIM card into the new phone, turned it on, and downloaded the app.

While waiting for the app to download, Huo Ran successfully opened the Animal Island Forum on his mobile phone.

In the latest post, the lop-eared rabbit posted a photo of the new tree house she and the titmouse had built. She didn't add any text, but everyone saw the two small nests made of hay in the tree house. One small nest was filled with carrots, and the other was supported by thick branches.

Huo Ran scrolled down the screen and looked at the responses, all of which were howling, and he couldn't help but smile.

Dr. Tao was right. Huo Ran felt that he seemed to have become happier.

After opening the pp, Huo Ran entered the space dynamic page and gave a like to Zhizuchangle's dynamic.

Huo Zhendong was actually not asleep and sent a message a few minutes later.

[Be contented and happy: Have we arrived at the hotel?]

[hr: It'll be a while.]

[hr: You are still awake so late after drinking.]

[Be contented: If you drink too much, take a walk and get some fresh air!]

[hr: Guess what I'm using to chat with you?]

Huo Ran saw that Huo Zhendong had been typing for a long time, probably deleting and revising it several times, and finally sent a lonely emoticon.

[Be contented: /Like]

This is very similar to Huo Zhendong's style of not being able to speak, so Huo Ran followed suit.


[Be contented and happy:/Hold fist]

Looking at the screen full of silly default expressions, Huo Ran suddenly had an idea.

[hr: Dad, I have set an example myself, shouldn’t you also keep up with the trend of the times?]

[Be contented: What's the trend?]

[hr: Nowadays young people like to use emoticons. If you use them, you will appear fashionable and friendly.]

[hr: You can long press on the picture to add it to the emoticon, then click the heart icon, and then you can select the emoticon package to send.]

[hr: Give you flowers.jpg]

[hr: You see, if you praise me with such a cute expression, it looks much more sincere than that thumbs-up, and I will be happier.]

[Contentment is the key: Oh, the fancy stuff!]