Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 154: Everyone here is a hot chick


He Zhichu's fingers were long and warm, holding Gu Nianzhi's little hand in his palm.

His expression was cold and thin, but his gleaming peach blossom eyes looked at Gu Nianzhi with great concern.

Gu Nianzhi looked at Yin Shixiong and tried to free his hand from He Zhichu's palm, but was held tightly by him as if by conditioned reflex.

"Are you the car owner? Our police chief has something to ask you." Just then a policeman came over and wanted to call Yin Shixiong over for questioning.

Yin Shixiong put an arm around Gu Nianzhi's shoulders and turned his head to look at He Zhichu, "Professor He, I'll leave the nianzhi to you. When I finish handling the matter here, I'll pick her up at the law school building."

"Okay, no problem. I have a few assistants over there who are going to discuss her case. You can come over later and listen together." He Zhichu nodded and held Gu Nianzhi's hand tighter.

Yin Shixiong let go of Gu Nianzhi and said, "Go ahead, I'll find you later."

Gu Nianzhi glanced at him again, then followed He Zhichu's force and turned around, walking to his car.

He Zhichu opened the car door and helped her in.

Gu Nianzhi's face had always been pale, his eyes were big and lifeless, and his reactions were slower than before.

He Zhichu didn't speak anymore. After getting in the car, he started the car and drove to his office.

When he came to He Zhichu's office at the law school, he took matters into his own hands and made her a cappuccino with double milk and sugar.

"Here, have a drink." He Zhichu placed a coffee cup with only blue and white colors in front of Gu Nianzhi.

Gu Nianzhi didn't take it, she just looked up at him with timid eyes. There was wind and rain brewing deep in her pupils, but they were covered by the fog. Her mind was sometimes clear and sometimes confused. She always felt that some memories were ready to come out. But when I really tried to think about it, I found that it was completely empty, with no sign of anything at all.

Could it be that I am a person without a past

Somehow, this idea suddenly popped into Gu Nianzhi's mind.

He Zhichu was holding the coffee cup. He didn't see Gu Nianzhi responding to him for a long time. Then he looked at Gu Nianzhi's eyes carefully. His heart moved. He took her and sat down on the double sofa, let her sit in his arms, and called her in a low voice: " Read it? Read it?"

Gu Nianzhi's pupils followed his voice and looked at him doubtfully.

"Want a cappuccino? Didn't you say you like this the best?" He picked up the coffee cup and brought it to Gu Nianzhi's mouth.

The cappuccino with double sugar and milk exudes a strong milk fragrance, which lingers in Gu Nian's nose and is the most soothing to her mind.

She slowly opened her mouth.

He Zhichu pursed his lips, letting her lean into his arms as if feeding a baby, holding her head, and brought the coffee cup to her mouth, "Drink."

Gu Nianzhi closed his eyes and began to take He Zhichu's hand and sip the coffee in small sips.

From He Zhichu's angle, you can see that her long eyelashes are like two rows of small fans, covering her dark pupils with the effect of contact lenses.

Under the tall and delicate bridge of his nose, his rhombus-like lips pressed tightly against the rim of the coffee cup, sipping a warm cappuccino.

Coffee, sugar and milk, each can soothe nervous and anxious emotions, but the combined effect is even better.

Gu Nianzhi's heartbeat and pulse gradually returned to normal.

Seeing Gu Nianzhi like this, He Zhichu's expression changed unpredictably in an instant, ranging from anger, anxiety and unwillingness to distress, pity and doting, and even a hint of emotion that he didn't want to think about deeply.

After drinking a whole cup of cappuccino, Gu Nianzhi raised her head and moved her lips away from the rim of the cup. She pushed the coffee cup with her hand to indicate that she was done drinking.

He Zhichu put the coffee cup on the small coffee table next to the double sofa, but did not leave. He still held Gu Nianzhi in his arms, put his big hand on the back of her heart, looked down at her, and said in a clear voice Almost close to Gu Nianzhi's ear: "...What happened? Are you scared?"

Gu Nianzhi blinked and finally woke up from the "sequelae of the car accident".

At first sight of He Zhichu's handsome face with an enigmatic temperament so close, she subconsciously stretched out her hand, pushed He Zhichu's face away, and stood up, "Professor He, you sit down, I'll stand. That’s it.”

He Zhichu was pushed back by Gu Nianzhi, and when he looked back, she had already jumped away from the position in front of him.

The tall girl stood in front of him, frowning and looking at him with an unhappy look on her face.

"Aren't you afraid?" He Zhichu simply occupied the entire double sofa by himself, crossed his legs, and put one hand on the back of the sofa. "What are you standing for? Sit over there." He pointed to the single person opposite. sofa.

Gu Nianzhi had been in a daze ever since he saw the fire in the car accident.

He Zhichu brought her back, made her coffee and fed her a series of actions. She felt it, but did not enter her mind.

Now that she was awake, she said unhappily: "Professor He, don't treat me like a child. I am already an adult." She thought for a while and continued, "In two months, I will be eighteen years old. ”

When He Zhichu fed her coffee before, he treated her like a child, and he only had to burp her after feeding her...

Besides, he is a professor, once a teacher and always a father. Is it really okay to have her sitting so close

Gu Nianzhi just wanted to stay away from him, so she took a few steps back and sat on the single sofa opposite.

He Zhichu dialed the intercom number nonchalantly and called a few people over, "Nianzhi is here, come to my office for a meeting."

Originally, he was going to take Gu Nianzhi to the conference room for a meeting.

But seeing that she had just been frightened, He Zhichu still planned to let her stay in a familiar environment, which could soothe her frightened mood.

Soon, four or five men in suits and ties, carrying laptops and briefcases, appeared at the door of He Zhichu's office.

"Go over there." He Zhichu stood up and walked to the small conference area in his office.

His office is very large. In addition to the outer office, there are also small suites, small conference rooms and reception rooms.

Gu Nianzhi walked in and sat down.

He Zhichu sat next to her, tapping the table with his slender white fingers, "What do you think of this case?"

He Zhichu's subordinates are all elite lawyers from the largest law firm in the United States.

Whether Gu Nianzhi's case is big or small depends on the attitude of the military.

But the military's attitude is currently ambiguous, so they also find it a bit tricky.

None of the plans mentioned are painful, and at first glance I don’t know which way to go in the right direction.

Gu Nianzhi supported his head with his hands and listened silently, his eyes falling on the sunlight leaking in from the blinds.

There was dust dancing in the beam of light, and she listened distractedly.

"Read it? Read it?" He Zhichu called her twice before she came back to her senses, "Professor He? What's the matter?"

"What do you think of this case?"

"...I am the defendant, does Professor He want me to defend myself?" Gu Nianzhi looked sideways, with a fearless calmness.

"Of course I won't let you defend yourself. Just assume that this is someone else's case. How are you prepared to deal with it?" He Zhichu leaned towards her, "This is also an excellent training opportunity."

Gu Nianzhi smiled and glanced over the faces of these uncomfortable elite lawyers one by one. He sat up straight, folded his hands and put them on the table, "Then let me tell you straight. These things you have prepared are all Rubbish."


This is the first update.

The second update should be a big chapter with two updates in one, including a monthly pass of 3500 for additional updates.

In early August, please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes.

ps: Yesterday’s group activity was really lively. o(n_n)o~. The winning group members received prizes of 10,000 starting coins, 8,000 starting coins and 5,000 starting coins sponsored by the leader of oquanquanyu0o respectively. All group members who participated in the group received prizes, and later on, there was a huge red envelope sent by the group members. Well, everyone was scrolling so fast that I couldn’t even see it. There are hundreds of records if you haven't looked at them for a few minutes. This group activity was more lively than the last time. I believe that the next group activity will be more successful than this one!

Thank you oquanquanyu0o for organizing this event, and thank you to all the group friends who participated. I hope you all can enjoy it.


(To be continued.)