Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 156: too young too simple


The judge of the Federal District Court in Boston is almost sixty years old and has long been bald.

Under the lights of the courtroom, his bald head shone brightly, and he seemed to be sweating, or perhaps oily from the heat.

He stared at He Chuchu, his hands trembling for a long time, and then he knocked on the table with his gavel and announced loudly: "Quiet! Since the defendant is a minor, this court has no jurisdiction over minors. The complaint is withdrawn and the defendant is not guilty. - Retreat from court.”

The judge left in a hurry.

He made a big mistake this time, and He Zhichu would not let him go. He wanted to discuss with the big guys in the military to see if they could intercede.

He is about to retire, and he cannot afford to lose his pension because of this matter.

Lieutenant Colonel Peter did not expect that this battle would be lost before it was even fought. He angrily spit out the gum he was chewing and stuck it on the wall next to him.

He stood up and left quietly. When he reached the door, he turned around and winked at the nurse who was pushing Xin Xinggao to appear in court.

The nurse understood, pushed Xin Xinggao and turned around to leave.

The crowd in the courtroom made way for them and watched them leave in silence.

He Zhichu looked at their backs with a cold expression. When Lieutenant Colonel Peter looked over, he looked back with a smile and put his hands in his trouser pockets without flinching.

Lieutenant Colonel Peter also grinned, turned and left.

He Zhichu understood that this matter was not over yet.

Sure enough, within two days, another summons was delivered to Gu Nianzhi's apartment, this time for her guardian to sign for because she was underage.

The court that prosecuted her was changed to the Juvenile Court of the Boston Federal District Court. This court specializes in handling serious criminal cases of minors between the ages of ten and eighteen. However, it does not hear the case in public and does not use a jury. It relies entirely on the judge's decision. The judge must have conclusive evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to convict.

It is much more difficult to try than adult criminal cases.

He Zhichu prepared the defense for the juvenile court, but he wanted to see how far the U.S. military would go for Xin Xinggao.

Gu Nianzhi was also ready to go to court.

Because it is a strictly confidential juvenile court, she does not have to worry about whether her identity will be exposed, let alone whether she will become the center of attention.

"Nianzhi, you go to bed early and I'll wake you up tomorrow morning." Zhao Liangze knocked on her door.

Two weeks later, the person taking care of her has been changed from Yin Shixiong to Zhao Liangze.

Yin Shixiong was transferred back to China a week ago, and his replacement was Zhao Liangze.

Gu Nianzhi reluctantly exited the forum, turned off the computer, rubbed his eyes, and said with a smile: "...Xin Xinggao must be so cruel to me. A fool is posting blackmails against me everywhere. It's really hard for her... "

Zhao Liangze is an extremely talented computer expert. He was the top boss of the Blue Star Hacker Alliance when he was less than 18 years old. He was later recruited by Huo Shaoheng and then joined the army to become his assistant.

When he arrived, the first thing he did was to monitor Xin Xinggao's computer and mobile phone.

I have to say that compared to Yin Shixiong, Zhao Liangze is still more suitable for the American environment.

Everything is done online, which can reduce a lot of tracking troubles.

Zhao Liangze smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. The more she does, the easier it will be to expose her. Don't worry, I have taken screenshots of each record. The first thing when the court opens tomorrow is to ask the court to seize Xin Xinggao's computer and mobile phone."

"Actually, as a fool, she can easily shirk this matter, for example, someone else used her computer or hacked her computer." Gu Nianzhi turned off the computer and stood up, "But the reason we did this is just to warn She, her every move is under our control, let her stop doing these things that are harmful to others and not beneficial to herself. Otherwise, when the skin is finally revealed, I am afraid that she will not be able to survive in this circle without changing her name or even having plastic surgery. ”

"What you said makes sense. Tomorrow I will hand over all the evidence to Lawyer He and see how he handles it." Zhao Liangze turned off the light for her, closed the door and left.

The next day was court day.

Gu Nianzhi put on a white round-neck top with silk butterfly sleeves, a navy blue A-line skirt that just reached her knees, a pair of flat white sneakers on her feet, and a backpack on her back. Her hair was spread down her back with only a hairband on top of her head. The hair is flowing, the face is fair and delicate, and a pair of big eyes with self-contained contact lenses are clear in black and white, and they are extremely well-behaved.

If there is a jury, she will immediately win the favor of the jury members as soon as she appears in court.

It's a pity that there is no jury this time, and the judge this time is Judy, a spinster in her forties, who has a physical dislike for delicate little girls like Gu Nianzhi.

After learning that the judge was Judy, Gu Nianzhi was ready.

If the other party intended to make things difficult, she would have no choice but to anger her.

When the other person is angry, they tend to make mistakes.

"Let's go." Zhao Liangze walked out of his room, looked at her, and handed the phone in his hand to Gu Nianzhi, "It's Mr. Huo."

"Ah?!" Gu Nianzhi's eyes were as bright as the lanterns that suddenly lighted up on Christmas Eve.

Zhao Liangze looked away, opened the door and went out.

Gu Nianzhi followed him out, holding the phone quickly and saying: "Uncle Huo!"

"Well, you are going to appear in court today, are you ready?" Huo Shaoheng's voice was unhurried, with an air of grace that he had everything under control.

Gu Nianzhi nodded heavily and stepped into the elevator: "Get ready. Uncle Huo is just waiting to hear my good news!"

Huo Shaoheng curled his lips and said, "Remember to thank Professor He and ask him how much he charges when you're done. I won't let him do free work for us."

Gu Nianzhi was stunned for a moment. To be honest, she never thought that He Zhichu would have to pay for helping her with the lawsuit =_=.

When Huo Shaoheng brought it up, she suddenly realized that she was really a fool.

No matter how nice He Zhichu was to her, in business negotiations, he still had to charge legal fees.

I won’t mention it now, I’ll probably let her assistant talk to her after the lawsuit is over.

Thinking of He Zhichu's assistant Wen Shouyi, Gu Nianzhi felt even more uncomfortable. He wanted to throw money at her face with a silver plate hidden in her smile.

However, as a top barrister, He Zhichu appeared in court to defend her in person, so the money must be quite a lot, maybe an astronomical sum...

Where did she get so much money

Gu Nianzhi felt worried, bit his lower lip and murmured: "... Do you want me to ask Professor He if he can let me pay in installments?"

Seeing that Gu Nianzhi was worried about money, Huo Shaoheng finally couldn't help but smile: "You don't have to worry about it, just be good."

But Gu Nianzhi felt even more uncomfortable asking Huo Shaoheng to pay her legal fees.

Although Uncle Huo has a lot of money, he can't be allowed to spend so much money on her again.

If Uncle Huo's girlfriend knew about it and didn't say anything, she would definitely be resentful of her.

Gu Nianzhi entered the elevator and suddenly remembered that Huo Shaoheng had given her the apartment in Fengya Community before...

By the way, if the apartment is sold, the legal fees should be enough.

She immediately beamed and said to Huo Shaoheng on the phone: "I will be very good and won't cause trouble again. I will discuss the lawyer's fees with Professor He, don't worry, Uncle Huo."

"Let's talk about it after the lawsuit is over. Don't affect Lawyer He's mood now." Huo Shaoheng said leisurely, flicking the cigarette with his finger a few times, and a few ash fell down.

"Well, that's for sure." Gu Nianzhi hung up the phone, his sweet smile almost overflowing the entire elevator.


This is the first update. Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes on Monday. Especially recommendation votes.

The second update is for a monthly ticket of 3,600 for an extra update, around 1:00 noon.

Third update around 7pm.

O(∩_∩)O~. (To be continued.)