Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 157: There are other uses as well


In the elevator, Zhao Liangze glanced at her sideways, shook his head, and said nothing.

When the elevator arrived downstairs, the two walked out of the apartment and saw a yellow Hummer parked in the open space at the door.

He Zhichu sent a special car to take them to the court.

Gu Nianzhi held Zhao Liangze's hand and got into the car.

Zhao Liangze squinted his eyes and looked at the car, then smiled and raised his eyebrows at Gu Nianzhi, "This car is not simple."

Gu Nianzhi touched the car body and the window, laughed softly, and mouthed to Zhao Liangze: "Bulletproof..."

It seemed that the last time their car was rear-ended made He Zhichu a little wary.

But the people who followed them that time didn't want their lives, they just wanted to find out their whereabouts.

It was Yin Shixiong who really took action to kill...

Gu Nianzhi really felt that He Zhichu was thinking too much.

The group arrived at the door of the juvenile court, where He Zhichu was already waiting.

Today he was wearing a three-piece light gray thin woolen suit, a silver-gray tie, and a pinstriped moon white no-iron shirt that was tailored to fit him, as if he had been tailor-made.

Gu Nianzhi walked towards him and said, "Professor He."

"Here we come." He Zhichu nodded to her, "Go in."

He stretched out his hand, supported Gu Nianzhi's waist, waved his other arm forward, and led Gu Nianzhi into the courtroom.

The crowd of onlookers was in an uproar.

It is really rare for He to be able to take good care of his clients like those fledgling lawyers with his initial status in the American legal profession, and it immediately makes people look at Gu Nianzhi with admiration.

After Gu Nianzhi entered, he sat in the dock with He Zhichu.

Xin Xingzong was still sitting blankly at the plaintiff's table, with a nurse taking care of him, a lawyer, and a government prosecutor.

After the time was up, Judge Judy announced the opening of the court and closed the door. No one was allowed to take photos or videos, and mobile phones were not allowed into the court.

Gu Nianzhi stood up and put his hand on the Bible and swore that everything he said was true and there were no lies.

After she swore the oath, she glanced at Xin Xinggao and secretly thought to herself that the plaintiff should also make this kind of oath...

Of course, as a "fool", Xin Xinggao couldn't even speak. It was the attorney and prosecutor who spoke.

The bailiff took away the Bible. Judge Judy looked at Gu Nianzhi with disgust and said with a straight face: "Gu, do you admit your guilt?"

Gu Nianzhi lowered his eyes and ignored her.

At this time, it's time for her attorney to speak.

As expected, He Zhichu stood up, nodded to Judge Judy and said, "Your Majesty, my client pleads not guilty. I want to defend my client's innocence."

Judge Judy's eyes moved to He Zhichu, and she relaxed obviously. Her voice became much softer: "Lawyer He, have you thought about it? I don't think there is any possibility of denial in this case with solid evidence. ."

"Deny?" He Zhichu's peach-blossom eyes flashed, and his cool lips almost formed a straight line, "I never deny false evidence that is made out of nothing, I only refute it."

Judge Judy's face suddenly became frosty, "Refutation? Which piece of evidence can you refute? I'm all ears."

"First, please ask the prosecutor to read out their 'conclusive' evidence." He Zhichu glanced coldly at the prosecution table and sat down.

Judge Judy realized that she had just made a procedural error, and immediately coughed and urged the plaintiff's prosecutor: "What does the plaintiff have to say?"

The prosecutor at the plaintiff's table stood up, took the indictment he had prepared and read: "...Defendant Gu Nianzhi beat the plaintiff Xin Xinggao with a bat during a softball game at 10 o'clock in the morning on July 16. Serious injuries, including a fracture of his right wrist and a heavy blow to the head causing a concussion, which later turned into irreversible damage. The plaintiff's IQ dropped to three years old and he became an idiot, which is a serious injury."

After the prosecutor finished reading, he said to Judge Judy: "Gu Nianzhi's behavior was particularly bad. He beat his classmates without any reason and seriously injured him. Although he is a minor, the crime is still unforgivable."

Judge Judy nodded: "It's really bad."

She looked at He Zhichu and said, "Lawyer He, are you sure you still want to plead not guilty?"

"Of course." He Zhichu stood up, shook his head at the people on the plaintiff's bench, and sighed: "You took the money from the government and the military, but you didn't do things properly, and you created such a job full of mistakes. The indictment is really embarrassing.”

"You are not allowed to attack someone!" The prosecutor on the plaintiff's bench was almost furious and jumped up. "Where are the mistakes and omissions? Is it not a fact that your client beat someone? Is it not a fact that my client was seriously injured?"

"The two points you said are indeed true." He Zhichu spread his hands.


"Ha! Your Honor, look, he admitted it, so what's the point of trying? They pleaded guilty!" The prosecutor was so excited that he was so excited to be able to pull He Zhichu, who had never been defeated, from his horse. !

He Zhichu sneered, "Your Excellency, prosecutor, I haven't finished speaking yet, why are you talking to yourself?"

"... Not finished yet? What else do you have to say?" Judge Judy frowned, "Since you admit it is the truth... "

"Your Honor, what I admit is that it is a fact that my client hit someone because there is an injury report as evidence. It is also a fact that the plaintiff is called a fool because there is a certificate issued by a doctor as evidence." He Zhichu paused and looked at He glanced at the courtroom and said, "However, please prove that your client's mental decline and stupidity are the direct result of my client's beating, please prove that your client's prosecutor."


"Can't you understand legal terminology? I really don't know how you graduated from law school and obtained a law license." He Zhichu said sarcastically, "Then I will translate it. Please prove that the direct consequences of Gu Nianzhi's beating led to Xin Xinggao became stupid."

"Direct consequence? Didn't she become stupid because of the beating? She even suffered a concussion... "

"Your Excellency, prosecutor, after this lawsuit is over, I will complain to the Legal Committee about your qualifications. You have absolutely no legal professionalism." He Zhichu's voice cooled down and he turned to look at Judge Judy. : "Your Honor, there was a fight on the court. During the school investigation, I had already said that fights on the court are exempt from prosecution as long as they do not result in serious injuries."

"But then he became seriously injured..." Judge Judy looked at He Zhichu with bright eyes, feeling that He Zhichu was going to fall into her hands this time.

He Zhichu had an unbearable expression on his face and sneered: "I kicked you today, and then twenty years later, you died. Can you say that I kicked you to death as the reason for your death?"

"Of course not." Judge Judy subconsciously retorted, "Twenty years later, a lot of things may have happened in the meantime, and the logical chain has been broken."

"That's right." He Zhichu turned around and pointed at the person on the other side of the plaintiff's bench, "The fight took place on July 16th. On August 15th, almost a month later, Xin Xinggao's injuries suddenly worsened. , her IQ declined sharply. Let me ask you, there was a gap of one month. Could it be that something else happened that caused her IQ to be damaged? "

"... It's only one month, which cannot be compared with the example you gave." Judge Judy immediately retorted.

"No? Is there an essential difference between one month and twenty years? Okay, even if you say there is an essential difference, after Xin Xinggao was hospitalized, many people came in and out of her ward. With so many people, everyone might be interested in her. Start and injure her twice, seriously." He Zhichu threw out a list, "I request that the people on this list be summoned and questioned about what they did in the Xinxinggao ward."

"No need to go to such trouble." Judge Judy waved her hand, "Can't we just adjust the surveillance video of the ward? See if anyone hurt her twice."

He Zhichu frowned.

There is actually surveillance in Xin Xinggao's ward

It seems that the other party really values Xin Xinggao...

But what’s so important about a small character like Xin Xinggao

He Zhichu really didn't understand.

Lieutenant Colonel Peter sat in the back row of the courtroom and smiled proudly.

The real-time monitoring of this ward is his trump card.

The reason for installing surveillance cameras before was because I was uneasy about Xin Xinggao and worried that she would come into contact with others and back-sell their transactions. Secondly, I also wanted to protect her safety. Everyone entering and leaving her ward would be subject to interrogation.

The court fell silent.

Judge Judy ordered the bailiff to obtain the surveillance video of Xin Xinggao's ward.

For the sake of fairness, He Zhichu also sent people to follow him, and the other party was not allowed to do anything.

It took a total of twenty-eight days from the time Xin Xinggao was admitted to the ward to the time he was diagnosed with mental decline.

These twenty-eight surveillance videos are enough to fill a box.

The judge temporarily adjourned the case until the judge and the defendant's lawyer watched all the surveillance videos before making a decision.

These videos were made in triplicate, one was kept in court, one was viewed by the judge and prosecutor, and one was given to the defendant's attorney to take away.

He Zhichu's subordinates walked out of the court holding the box containing the video tape.

Gu Nianzhi said nothing and walked silently behind He Zhichu.

He Zhichu stopped, turned around and touched her head, "Don't worry, we will find a way."

"...Professor He didn't think of this before, right?" Gu Nianzhi asked softly.

Although He Zhichu didn't show it and no one else in the court noticed the change in He Zhichu's expression, Gu Nianzhi felt that his mood suddenly became gloomy.

He Zhichu looked at her in surprise, neither admitting nor denying, but simply said lightly: "...I can't think of any other use value in Xin Xinggao that deserves their strict guarding."

"That means she has other uses, but we don't know about it." Gu Nianzhi was suddenly worried. Is there anything else in Xin Xinggao's hands that could harm the national interests of the Chinese Empire

Last time, Xin Xinggao's betrayal led to the failure of the Sixth Military Region's Special Operations Department's operations in Europe, and almost killed Huo Shaoheng and the others...


This is the second update, the monthly ticket is 3600 for additional updates.

Third update around 7pm.

Monday and recommendation tickets, especially recommendation tickets.
