Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 16: Follow the clues 4


I've been in coma for the second day.

"Has the fever gone?" Huo Shaoheng stood at the door for a while without coming in. He took out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket, smoked one, put it in his mouth, lit the fire, took a puff silently, and blew out a smoke ring, " Can you wake up tomorrow?"

"Are you anxious? Are you feeling distressed?" Chen Zhe teased Huo Shaoheng and waved his hand in an attempt to dispel the smell of smoke in front of him.

Huo Shaoheng said nothing. He put one hand in his trouser pocket and held a cigarette in the other. He squinted at the dark night outside the window, his tall back motionless.

Display actually saw a hint of murderous intent in his back...

He trembled and said hurriedly: "Don't worry, don't worry, you can have a cigarette after dinner."

"...I'm not in a hurry." Huo Shaoheng dusted off the cigarette ashes, "If Nianzhi's fever still doesn't go away, should I be sent to the hospital?"

"Hospital? You still want to send me to the hospital when I'm here?" Zhang Zhan just puffed his nostrils into the sky, "Wherever I am, the best hospital is there!"

"Then why is she still having a fever? She hasn't woken up yet?"

Major General Huo made a fatal move.

Dr. Chen, died.

At this time, the Feng family in Dexin Villa District in City C was in chaos.

Feng Yixi's father, Feng Guodong, was so angry that he almost had a heart attack after watching the overwhelming news on the Internet. He yelled at his wife Hu Qiaozhen: "Look at the good things your nephew has done! My daughter has always been well-behaved and smart, how could she smoke that kind of stuff?" ?!”

Hu Qiaozhen cried until her eyes were swollen. She was worried about her daughter who had the accident and her nephew who was the culprit. She said loudly: "My nephew was also framed! He and Yixi are both victims!"

"He is a victim?!" Feng Guodong pointed in the direction of the door, his face flushed, "He has been sucking that thing for a day or two! I saw it with my own eyes a while ago! You told me today that it was a frame-up? ! He framed my daughter! The whole family framed my daughter!"

"Feng Guodong, do you have a conscience! How did my brother's family frame Yixi? My uncle and aunt treat Yixi better than their own daughter, so you look down on my family?!" Hu Qiaozhen was very protective of her shortcomings. When her husband accused her family, , jumped up immediately.

Feng Yi's frown on the side became deeper and deeper. He really couldn't listen anymore and interrupted his parents' quarrel: "Mom, Dad, now is not the time to blame each other. Please quickly find Lawyer Yan to get his sister and cousin out, so as not to The nights are long and the dreams are many.”

Feng Guodong and Hu Qiaozhen stopped, but they still glared at each other unwilling to be outdone. Then they turned to look at Feng Yi'a and said, "Yi'a, go find Lawyer Yan quickly and take him to the police station to arrest your sister and her husband." Cousin gets it out."

Feng Yi shook his head angrily, "Mom, take your aunt and follow Lawyer Yan to the police station. I still have something to discuss with dad."

"What's more important than your sister and cousin's affairs?" Hu Qiaozhen was extremely dissatisfied, pointed at Feng Yi and yelled: "Do you know what happened?!"

Feng Yi closed his eyes in anger, handed over the mobile phone he had been holding, and said in a deep voice: "Of course there are more important things, here, you can see for yourselves."

Feng Guodong and Hu Qiaozhen walked over and looked at the phone screen with Feng Yinan's hand.

I saw a very hot skinning post on one of the largest forums in the empire. The title was "Tell me about my classmate - Feng Yixi, a senior girl from the Law Department of C University". Not only did her name and identity be written clearly, but also Her family background was also written clearly, and even the news that their Feng family's Fengting Home Decoration Company would soon be listed on the market was revealed!

As soon as the news came out, more and more people came forward to reveal the news. Even their company's competitors took notice of the news, bribed various trolls, spared no effort to beat up the losers, and turned a criminal case into something related to the listing. stock market events.

And someone has immediately started a shady post about the inside story of Fengting Home Decoration Company’s listing...

Hu Qiaozhen's face turned pale. She snatched the mobile phone from Feng Yi's hand and cursed tremblingly: "What nonsense! What nonsense! It's fun to spread rumors. The whole family will be cremated!"

Feng Guodong was so anxious that he asked, "What can we do? What can we do?!"

If it affects the listing of their Fengting Home Decoration Company, it will be a huge loss!

"Dad, you stay with me. I know a few friends who are connected with the navy company. Let's pay some money and hire a navy company to clean up their names immediately. Also, give Qiandu some money and bring him a clean slate." All searches related to this matter should be suppressed and not displayed."

Feng Yinan has quite a lot of research on the Internet. She is also a law student at C University and a master's degree student in law who will just graduate this year, so she knows some people who are dedicated to making a living on the Internet.

There was a problem with the family's company, but it was more important than Feng Yixi's personal reputation.

The family stopped arguing at this time and quickly discussed the matter.

Hu Qiaozhen took Lawyer Yan and her siblings to the police station to pick them up.

Feng Guodong and Feng Yinan contacted various Internet trolls at home, and at the same time contacted Qiandu’s planning department to suppress the search keywords.

However, Feng Guodong and Feng Yinan made a round of calls and found that no navy company was willing to take their job. Although Qiandu search engine agreed to make a fuss about search keywords, it charged a very high price.

"Fifty million?! Why don't you die!" Feng Guodong threw away his phone and sat on the sofa with his head in his arms, almost crying.

That night, many people in City C were awake.

Huo Shaoheng didn't sleep all night again.

At dawn, he opened the curtains in the study and found that the sky outside was cloudy and it was raining lightly.

Spring rain is as precious as oil.

The late spring and early summer in City C have always been the most beautiful seasons, but he had no intention of enjoying such scenery.

It's already the third day.

"Zhen Chen, are Nian Zhi awake?" Huo Shaoheng asked as he took a shower from the bathroom in the guest bedroom and wiped the water from his hair.

Chen Chen came out of the bedroom carrying the medicine box and shook his head helplessly, "She still has a high fever. I have called Dr. Ye to come over and give her an infusion."

Huo Shaoheng said nothing more, but his brows showed more determination and composure.

He has always been like this. The more difficult things happen to him, the more calm he becomes.

Many people say that he has the demeanor of a general, so most people are sincerely convinced that he was promoted to major general at such a young age.

Because his military rank was earned with real blood and life.

After sitting down and finishing breakfast carefully, Huo Shaoheng called Zhao Liangze again: "Advance the original plan one day."

An hour later, Huo Shaoheng was already sitting in a silver Chrysler RV wearing sunglasses.

This car is not expensive, but it is not cheap either. Stopping near the Fengting Home Decoration Company of the Feng family is the least noticeable, because there are all such cars there.

Huo Shaoheng also sat in the back seat of the car, quietly looking at the thirty-story building opposite.

Fengting Home Decoration Company occupies the first to fifth floors of this building. It is indeed not small in scale, but the pretentiousness of the home decoration company is also very large.

Zhao Liangze introduced to Huo Shaoheng in the front row what he had found about Fengting Home Improvement Company: "This company has been established for more than thirty years, but its scale has always been small. In the past two years, in order to make money from going public, it has borrowed money from banks on a large scale. Keep up the facade…”

Before he finished speaking, a van stopped in front of the building opposite. Several men in white police uniforms and security uniforms got out of the van and entered the building.

Huo Shaoheng's expression remained as usual, he was leaning in the back seat of the car, looking at the situation opposite him quietly with deep eyes.


Asking for recommendation votes on Monday. O(∩_∩)O~.

Regarding the issue of updating new books and joining groups, I will explain it in a single chapter related to the work. Dear friends, please express your concern.

