Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 160: I beg you


After walking out of the Secret Service Building, Huo Shaoheng looked up at the night sky and slowly exhaled.

He hurriedly hurriedly but still let Bai Yusheng escape.

Yin Shixiong came over and handed him a cigarette.

The two stood under a big tree not far from the Secret Service building, lit a cigarette, and started smoking.

For them, smoking is the quickest way to relieve tension.

Before finishing a cigarette, Yin Shixiong received calls from the upper house of parliament and the office of the head of government.

"Master Huo, I'm looking for you. They asked you to go to the lobby of the Upper House of Parliament." After answering the phone, Yin Shixiong told Huo Shaoheng.

Huo Shaoheng threw the cigarette butt into the trash can under the big tree, put away the M16 submachine gun and threw it to Yin Shixiong, "Let's go."

At three o'clock in the morning, Huo Shaoheng was already standing on the podium in the lobby of the Upper House of Parliament, reporting this operation to the Speaker of the Upper House of Parliament, the Foreign Affairs and Intelligence Committee, and the heads of government agencies.

The top commander of the military, General Ji, had a gloomy face and sat in the last row with his guards and life secretary. He looked angry, but he was actually here to support Huo Shaoheng.

Bai Yusheng, deputy director of the Secret Service Department, is very high-ranking, and his Bai family is even more intricately connected and powerful in the upper echelons of the Chinese Empire.

Huo Shaoheng directly confronted the Bai family without saying hello. If he didn't have a strong reason, it might be difficult to deal with it.

Huo Shaoheng was a reserve echelon carefully cultivated by Admiral Ji. He was intended to take over the position of the supreme commander of the Imperial Army, and there was no room for any mistakes.

At this moment, Admiral Ji even decided that even if he fought against the entire Bai family, he would still protect Huo Shaoheng...

Huo Shaoheng didn't know what Admiral Ji was thinking, or he knew it, but didn't want to pay attention to it.

For him, not being able to kill Bai Yusheng with his own hands and letting him escape from the Chinese Empire was already his biggest failure since joining the army.

Huo Shaoheng looked at the information in his hand, including the customs clearance list of the Chinese Empire Customs for the past month that Yin Shixiong had just sent him, and a sneer appeared on his lips: "President Long, hello, chiefs. Here I am I want to inform you of a high-level defection from the Secret Service."


"Major General Huo, please don't spit on anyone!"

"My Bai family has served the empire for generations, and we have sacrificed countless lives. How dare you slander our Bai family?!"

"Major General Huo, you are so wanton in dealing with our Bai family because your father is the director of the political department of the military and your grandfather is the former deputy commander of the military?!"

There are too many people from the Bai family who hold high-level official positions in the empire.

There were only sixteen or seventeen people present at today's impromptu high-level meeting, among which there were actually five people named Bai...

Huo Shaoheng led people to raid the office of Bai Yusheng, deputy director of the Secret Service Department, in the middle of the night, arrested all his subordinates, and notified the Military Police Division to take over the Secret Service Department, which had completely paralyzed the Secret Service Department of the imperial intelligence agency.

In the eyes of these people, Huo Shaoheng's actions had the meaning of overstepping his authority.

Huo Shaoheng stood on the stage with his hands behind his back, his expression calm and calm, and he said nothing.

After the people below finished shouting, he said slowly: "Commanders surnamed Bai, based on the Empire's confidentiality clause, the following content cannot be known to you. Please get out."

"What?! Why do you let us out?!"

"President Long, we protest! There is a shady story! There is definitely a shady story!"

"Shut up!" The veins on Huo Shaoheng's forehead twitched and he slammed the table, "If you keep making trouble, the people from the Secret Service who died in North America will come to you to protest!"

The hall of the House of Lords fell silent.

The white-haired Speaker Long stood up and said to the Bai family: "You believe me, I will not let an innocent person be wronged, but I will not let those who betrayed our country escape punishment."

The Bai family discussed it and said to Speaker Long: "Okay, Speaker Long, we believe you and give you a face. As for him..." They pointed at Huo Shaoheng standing on the stage, "If he doesn't give us a conclusive explanation. , we are not done with him!"

The Bai family left the table angrily and came to the corridor outside.

Huo Shaoheng's guards, led by Yin Shixiong, immediately detained these people separately.

In order to prevent them from reporting the news, they were handcuffed and their mouths were blocked.

The Bai family was furious and had no idea what was going on. They thought someone was deliberately trying to eradicate dissidents.

In the parliament hall, Huo Shaoheng took out the evidence and demonstrated it to the people present on the computer.

"... That's it. Xin Xinggao, who betrayed the Nandou system's civilian code, had private dealings with Zeng Quan, deputy director of the Nandou system's R&D department, when he was participating in the Nandou system. Both Xin Xinggao and Zeng Quan tried to conceal this, and It was also missed in our first interrogation. Until recently, we received definite information that the US government is still closely monitoring Xin Xinggao and wants to get more things from her." Huo Shaoheng turned around, His expression was very serious.

"After Xin Xinggao went abroad, he helped Zeng Quan open the door to the United States, but Zeng Quan only gave her the code of the civilian code series, but not the code of the encrypted channel. Zeng Quan planned to use the code of the encrypted channel as a bargaining chip to let her She created a bridge. This matter was known to people in our country’s Secret Service Department in North America, and the information was passed back to the hands of Bai Yusheng, the deputy director of the Secret Service Department in charge of North America.”

Huo Shaoheng pointed at the relationship tree on the display screen with the laser pointer in his hand, peeling off the skin layer by layer.

"After Bai Yusheng learned the news, he did not notify us. Instead, he made one-way contact with Zeng Quan and asked him to contact the CIA through Xin Xinggao in an attempt to defect."

Speaker Long and Admiral Ji suddenly opened their eyes, with very stiff expressions on their faces.

If what Huo Shaoheng said is true, then because of Bai Yusheng's defection, the achievements of the Imperial Secret Service Department in North America for thirty years will be destroyed in one day!

"Where is Bai Yusheng?! Issue the most wanted warrant quickly! Hunt down Bai Yusheng!" Speaker Long stood up first, "We can't let him succeed!"

"It was too late." Huo Shaoheng shook his head, "As soon as I got the news, I rushed to his office and found that he had removed the directional beacon chip and put it under the potted plant in his office. He disappeared at least four days ago. ." As he said that, he took out the list of customs personnel and said, "This is the customs list. You can read it yourself."

Chairman Long suddenly slumped down in his chair, his lips trembling, unable to speak a word.

"After Zeng Quan and Bai Yusheng got in touch, he was also afraid that Bai Yusheng was fishing, so he secretly recorded every meeting with Bai Yusheng. If Bai Yusheng was really fishing, he would not have quietly absconded in fear of crime. . Bai Yusheng should have arrived in the United States by now, but I don’t know if he is connected to the CIA."

"The people of the Secret Service in North America must withdraw immediately!" The supreme leader of the government slammed the table, "We cannot let this traitor harm our people!"

"I have informed the North American Secret Service that they will not accept any information from Bai Yusheng, and informed them that Bai Yusheng is treason, and the rest of them should evacuate as soon as possible."

Admiral Ji wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He had fought many battles in his life, but this time, he felt extremely aggrieved.

The relationship with the Bai family has been forged.

The Bai family is numerous and powerful. Although there is Bai Yusheng, a treasonous traitor, they are not willing to sit together now, so Bai Yusheng's fault cannot implicate other members of the Bai family.

Moreover, with the complicated in-law relationships of the Bai family, it is impossible to completely eradicate the Bai family.

Huo Shaoheng also understood that the power of the Bai family could not be completely eliminated, but he proposed: "For all Bai family members who serve as officials at department level or above, I recommend a comprehensive review, and those who have no mistakes or omissions can be reinstated."

If there is any involvement, it is best to convict and go to jail.

Chairman Long and the head of the government looked at each other and said slowly: "We must investigate. Give us the evidence and we will take over the matter. Regarding the Secret Service Department matter, you send someone to follow up. - Adjourn the meeting!"

Huo Shaoheng walked out of the parliament building alone, and the morning light was already emerging outside.

The sun was jumping under the clouds, revealing its golden outline.

"Master Huo." Yin Shixiong came up to him with a very serious expression, "Oze has confirmed that Bai Yusheng is on line with the CIA. Do you want Nianzhi to come back?"

Huo Shaoheng squinted his eyes and looked towards the rising sun.

The sunlight shines on the green leaves, like tiny bits of gold, dazzlingly bright.

"No need. No one knows her identity, not even the Secret Service. As for Bai Yueran who knows her identity, although she is from the Bai family, she has been following General Ji. Let's believe her." Huo Shaoheng pondered for a long time, but still refused "Besides, Nianzhi is still in a lawsuit with Xin Xinggao."

"But are you really not worried?" Yin Shixiong was almost dying of anxiety. In his heart, Gu Nianzhi was still a child who had not grown up.

"Worried, why am I not worried?" Huo Shaoheng said casually, walking to his car, "But if you are worried, do you have to hide her? Nobita, if you care, you will be in chaos."

"If I care, it will lead to chaos?!" Yin Shixiong felt so miserable that he couldn't express his feelings. He felt that Mr. Huo was just insulting him, making it sound like he didn't care!

Being blocked by Huo Shaoheng and speechless, Yin Shixiong followed him into the car in a depressed manner.

Serviceman Fan Jian started the car and took Yin Shixiong and Huo Shaoheng to the airport.

When they came to the imperial capital, they took a helicopter, and when they returned to City C, they took a special plane.

At this time, at the international airport in City C, Mei Xiawen's flight was announced to be delayed for two hours because a special plane was coming from the imperial capital, and all flights had to make way for military planes.

Mei Xiawen had no choice but to text Gu Nianzhi: "The flight is delayed. We may arrive two hours late."

Gu Nianzhi actually regretted it by the end of the night. He should not have agreed to Mei Xiawen impulsively.

Now when she saw Mei Xiawen's text message, she hurriedly replied: "Don't worry, it doesn't matter after half a year, I can wait."

Mei Xiawen smiled at the phone, as if it was Gu Nianzhi's eager face.

He was about to lower his head and type when a slender hand stretched out and took the phone from his hand, preventing him from sending text messages.

"...Xia Wen, do you really want to leave? Do you really want to leave me?" Jiang Hongcha's face filled with tears appeared in front of Mei Xiawen.

Mei Xiawen was really shocked, "You, you, you...how do you know I'm here?!"

"Nothing is difficult in the world, only those who are willing to do so." Jiang Hongcha turned off his mobile phone, "Xia Wen, don't leave. I have never begged you. This time, I beg you!"

She bit her lip and looked at Mei Xiawen, the expression on Ji Xin's face was gentle and touching.

Stretching out her hand, she hugged Mei Xiawen's waist and looked up at him, "Xia Wen, give us another chance. I don't want more, just these six months. In these six months, if you are with me, if you feel that Okay, after half a year, you can be with her, okay?"

Mei Xiawen closed her eyes.

Jiang Hongcha used to be such a arrogant person, but now she can endure such humiliation for him, what more could he ask for

Mei Xiawen hugged Jiang Hongcha and buried her head on her shoulder, "Okay, I won't go to the United States. Let's try for half a year. You have to promise me that you can't tell anyone about our time together, including Ai Weinan.”

Jiang Hongcha breathed a sigh of relief, with a gentle smile on his face, "Okay, I promise you."

In fact, this is best.

If two people try for half a year and it's still not a good fit, then they break up after half a year without knowing it, which is good for both of them.

At this time, someone from the exit not far away came to clear the area and said that the special plane of a senior military official had arrived.

Mei Xiawen put her arm around Jiang Hongcha's shoulders and said, "Let's go home."

"You're not going to the United States?" Jiang Hongcha pointed to Mei Xiawen's mobile phone, "You have to tell them. Maybe they are still waiting for you."

Mei Xiawen smiled, picked up her phone, and sent a text message to Gu Nianzhi: "I have something to do at home, so I can't go to the United States for the time being. I'll wait for your return in half a year."

Gu Nianzhi was restless while eating dinner. He hesitated to speak several times, but did not say anything to Zhao Liangze.

Zhao Liangze was helping Huo Shaoheng deal with the evacuation of the North American branch of the Special Service Department, and he had no time to take care of Gu Nianzhi's emotions.

He finished his meal in a hurry, told Gu Nianzhi to put the dishes in the dishwasher, and then went back to his room to continue working.

At this time, Gu Nianzhi received a text message from Mei Xiawen, saying that he had family matters and could not come to the United States for the time being. According to their agreement, he would return to China to meet in half a year.

Gu Nianzhi took a long breath, feeling no longer nervous. He frowned and put the dishes in the dishwasher one by one, added special dishwasher liquid, turned on the washing and drying process, and then went back to his room to take a shower. .

She was not in a good mood and planned to take a bubble bath to relieve her depression.

Put water in the bathtub, add bubble bath liquid, and finally add a few drops of rose essential oil, and a fragrant bubble bath is ready.

She took off her clothes, put her hair on her head, put on a waterproof shower cap, stepped into the bathtub, and lay down comfortably.

Huo Shaoheng got off the special plane at C City International Airport, left through the VIP channel, and soon returned to the station in the Special Operations Department's special car.

After running around outside all night and not sleeping for several nights before, he also felt a little tired.

After eating something casually, he planned to go to the bathroom to take a shower and then go to bed.

Before going, he remembered his special number, and he was now used to checking it every day.

He took his phone and looked at it, only to find countless missed calls from Gu Nianzhi...


This is the second update of 4,000 words, two updates in one, including a monthly pass of 3,700 for additional updates.

Please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes.


(To be continued.)