Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 161: You can't lie to me


Why did you make so many phone calls

Did something happen

Huo Shaoheng's eyes moved to the time display on his phone.

It's about nine o'clock in the morning here now, and it should be nine o'clock in the evening in the United States.

Looking at those missed calls, they were probably called seven or eight hours ago.

Nianzhi shouldn't be asleep now, right

Huo Shaoheng slid his finger and dialed back.

As an "internet child", Gu Nianzhi never leaves his cell phone while taking a shower.

Besides, she had to take a bubble bath, so she had time to lie in the bathtub and play with her phone.

Her mobile phone was placed on the small table next to the bathtub. She was lying in the bathtub, smearing all the bubbles in the bathtub on her body, and she wanted to blow the big bubbles in the bathtub like soap bubbles.

In the quiet bathroom, the sudden ringing of her cell phone scared her.

Her eyes moved to the phone blankly, and she stayed there for a moment before she realized that it was the ringtone she had specially set for Uncle Huo's call!

Gu Nianzhi's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly reached out from the bathtub to fish out her cell phone. When she saw that the name "Uncle Huo" was beating, she stood up from the bathtub, not caring that her body was covered with snow-white blood. Bubbles.

"...Uncle Huo?!" She was so excited that her voice trembled slightly.

"Well, it's me." Huo Shaoheng held the phone and asked, "I saw you made many calls. Is there anything wrong?"

Gu Nianzhi thought of how sad and frustrated he was when no one answered the phone for more than two hours, and couldn't help but feel aggrieved, "Uncle Huo, you said I would be able to find you if I called this number, but you..."

She sniffed and continued: "I can understand that you are busy and can't answer my call. But you can't lie to me. Just tell me if you don't want to answer my call. I won't disturb you."

Huo Shaoheng shook his head helplessly, "... Nianzhi, I was on a mission when you called me, so I can't bring my personal mobile phone with me."

"Ah?" Gu Nianzhi immediately felt guilty and complained in a low voice: "Really? I know you can't answer the phone when you are on a mission, but I asked Brother Ozawa and he said that you just took his call, and I If I call you, you won’t answer..."

"Impossible." Huo Shaoheng categorically denied, "Ozawa must not have made it clear. Besides, even if I called him, it was for official business. How could I deliberately not answer your call?"

"Really not?" Gu Nianzhi held the phone and smiled quietly. Her emotions were too easily affected by Huo Shaoheng. He could make her go to heaven with just one word, and he could make her fall to the ground with just one word.

She was wandering between heaven and hell, feeling pain and happiness.

"Of course not." Huo Shaoheng changed his hand to hold the phone, and started to unbutton his military uniform with his free hand, preparing to take a shower, "Tell me, what's the matter with you? Is it urgent to make so many calls?" "

"It was very urgent at that time, but not so urgent now." Gu Nianzhi said cautiously, "I just want to ask you if you have discovered anything?"

She stood naked in a bathtub filled with snow-white bubbles. Opposite her was a whole wall of mirrors. There was water vapor on the mirror, making her shadow blurry. Only the outline of her body could be seen.

Gu Nianzhi stretched out his hand, wiped the moisture off the mirror, and saw his own face in the mirror.

With crimson cheeks and big, misty, wet eyes, he looked at himself in the mirror hesitantly, and his seaweed-like long hair hung down his back.

She wiped the bubbles that were about to disappear on her body with her hands, bent down and poured some more water on herself.

Huo Shaoheng opened the bathroom closet, took out a brand new earth-colored bath towel and hung it on his shoulder. He said, "It's okay. I've taken care of everything here. Xiaoze will tell you about the specific situation. If you have any situation, you can tell me in time." Notification.”

Gu Nianzhi hurriedly agreed. She heard Huo Shaoheng's tone, as if he was about to hang up the phone, and felt very reluctant. She held the phone and took two steps in the bathtub, racking her brains to find something to talk about.

She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she suddenly slipped and her phone fell into the bathtub with a splash, causing a splash of water.

"Oops..." Gu Nianzhi screamed and almost slipped. She hurriedly held on to the handrail on the wall, bent down and touched the bathtub several times, and picked up the mobile phone that had fallen into the bathtub.

Fortunately, the phone was fine, but the call was disconnected. Her phone's waterproof performance was still good.

Gu Nianzhi hurriedly called back.

"Read it? Read it?" Huo Shaoheng only heard a popping sound from the phone, and then it was disconnected.

He looked at his phone, his expression gradually becoming serious. He was about to call Zhao Liangze to ask what was going on when his phone started vibrating. It was Gu Nianzhi calling.

He opened the phone with his fingers and answered the call.

"Why was it broken? What happened?" Huo Shaoheng asked seriously, his voice was extremely low.

Gu Nianzhi put the wet mobile phone to his ear, and then heard Huo Shaoheng speak, blushing: "It's okay, it's okay! I just dropped the phone in the bathtub..."

Huo Shaoheng: "...Why did you fall into the bathtub? Where are you? What are you doing?"

"When you called me, I happened to be taking a bath, taking a bubble bath." Gu Nianzhi explained hurriedly, "... so the inside of the bathtub is slippery."

"Slip? Are you taking a shower?" Huo Shaoheng frowned, remembering the time in the United States, it was indeed night, and it was time to take a shower, so he just scolded her: "Why are you answering the phone while you are taking a shower? What's wrong? - The phone fell off Can it still be used in water?”

Gu Nianzhi nodded nervously and shook his head: "It works, it works! I was very careful! When I answered the phone, I stood up from the bathtub to make sure that the phone was not stained with water. Really, if I hadn't been careless just now, I wouldn't have I slipped and dropped my phone."

Huo Shaoheng closed his eyes and was silent for a while, then asked her in a hoarse voice: "... Did you feel pain from the fall?"

"No, I was holding on to the armrest. I didn't really fall." Gu Nianzhi looked at his phone, "It's just that it's wet. I'll get a hair dryer to dry it after I finish washing and put on my clothes."

"Then you can continue washing." Huo Shaoheng couldn't talk anymore. He slid his fingers, pressed down the phone, and threw it into the small bath basket on the bathroom table.

He walked to the shower room, turned on the hot water valve, and let the hot water rush to his body.

Water droplets wet his hair, rolled down his broad shoulders, and flowed down his clear back muscles.

The shower room surrounded by frosted glass was suddenly filled with steaming heat.

He raised his arms high and leaned against the wall with his head buried. His tall figure remained motionless and allowed the hot water to wash over his body.

Still rising...

He sighed finally, turned off the hot water and turned on the cold water.

The cool water in the station is groundwater, which is much cooler than ordinary room temperature water.

I washed my whole body with ice-cold water twice before I was done.

Huo Shaoheng wiped his head with a towel, wrapped the earth-colored bath towel around his lower body, grabbed the mobile phone from the bath basket expressionlessly, and left the bathroom.

Returning to the bedroom and looking at the big bed, he felt a little dazzling.

He changed into casual clothes, lay on the sofa and squinted his eyes for a while, until a knock on the door woke him up.

"Master Huo? Master Huo? Are you inside? I'm Chen Zhan. Nobita said you were looking for me?" Zhan Chen's voice rumbled from outside the door.

Huo Shaoheng opened his eyes, stood up, walked to the outhouse, opened the door, and saw that it was already dark outside.

He just took a nap, why was it dark

Huo Shaoheng looked at his watch and found that it was already after eight o'clock in the evening.

His sleep from day to night was really high quality.

Huo Shaoheng sunk slightly in his heart and turned sideways to let Zhan Zhan come in.

"Master Huo, what do you want from me?" Chen Sheng carried his briefcase, "I just had two surgeries today and I'm going crazy with hunger. I asked the canteen here to send me some food."

Huo Shaoheng raised his hand to his orderly, "Go and order some food to be delivered."

Soon the food was delivered. While Zhan was eating, he listened to Huo Shaoheng saying to him: "... I want you to come forward for Nian Zhi's case in the United States."


This is the first update.

The second update should be two updates in one, including a monthly pass of 3800 for an additional update, around 1:00 noon.

Remind everyone of monthly tickets and recommended tickets.

O(∩_∩)O~. (To be continued.)