Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 164: Windfall


He Zhichu raised his head speechlessly and glared at Gu Nianzhi: How could she throw money at him while continuing to boss him around without changing her expression...

This kind of shamelessness is truly unparalleled.

He Zhichu sneered and stood up. His handsome face was covered with frost. He glanced coldly around the court and raised his chin arrogantly: "She is right. On behalf of my client, I want to counterclaim." Xin Xinggao fabricated evidence to falsely accuse my client, and at the same time sued the U.S. military and CIA for fabricating evidence and obstructing justice."

Gu Nianzhi stood beside He Zhichu, raising his slender arms in a pretentious manner and waving twice: "You heard me! He is Lawyer He! Lawyer He, who is famous and has never failed! I ask you whether you accept it or not!"

Lieutenant Colonel Peter twisted his nose in anger and yelled: "I don't accept it!"

"If you don't accept it, you will be hanged!" Gu Nianzhi crossed his arms and looked at him, his arrogant expression was exactly the same as that of He Zhichu, "Who cares whether you accept it or not!"

"WTF!" Lieutenant Colonel Peter was so irritated by Gu Nianzhi's expression and words that he couldn't control himself. He rushed towards her and wanted to carry her over and beat her out.

There was chaos in the courtroom.

Gu Nianzhi turned around lightly and stood on the other side of He Zhichu.

Before Lieutenant Colonel Peter's arm was stretched out, it was already held by He Zhichu's hand and held in the air. "Lieutenant Colonel Peter attacked my client in court. The crime will be increased. I will name Lieutenant Colonel Peter." Listed among the defendants."

In the midst of this chaos, Chen Chen secretly activated the camera hidden in his glasses and recorded the scene quietly, intending to take it home to show Huo Shaoheng.

He snapped a photo in the direction of Gu Nianzhi, specifically choosing the angle where Gu Nianzhi and He Zhichu were standing together.

The man was tall and handsome, as cold as ice, but he was very protective of Gu Nianzhi in his words and deeds.

The woman is delicate, tall, smart and lively. Taking advantage of He Zhichu's power, she is constantly provocative and has a fearless look. She is very popular at first glance.

As he watched, Zhan Zhan thought about Huo Shaoheng's face after seeing these pictures. His round face looked serious, but in fact, he was laughing so hard that his intestines turned green.

"Silence! Silence!" Judge Judy quickly picked up the gavel and knocked it hard.

The bailiffs rushed in and separated everyone.

People from the US military and CIA rushed in quickly and pushed Xin Xinggao's wheelchair out.

Lieutenant Colonel Peter was dragged away from He Zhichu by the bailiff. He turned around unwillingly, raised his middle finger to the diplomats of the Chinese Empire, and said viciously: "Xin will soon be us Americans! You have no right to care about her!"

"Haha, it's amazing that she's an American? Do you think we don't dare to sue her because she's an American? We could still bankrupt her and put her in jail in a matter of minutes!" Gu Nianzhi was afraid of chaos in the world, so he hid behind He Zhichu and poked his head out. , constantly irritating Lieutenant Colonel Peter.

He Zhichu turned around and looked at Gu Nianzhi coldly: "... How can you do it? Let others go to jail every minute?"

"Professor He is so powerful!" Gu Nianzhi clasped his hands without restraint, his big eyes almost made stars appear, and he flattered He Zhichu: "Professor He will put her in jail in a minute!"

He Zhichu was originally angry today because Gu Nianzhi had to pay the lawyer's fees, but now that he saw her acting coquettishly and cutely, he couldn't get angry at all. He touched her head and said, "You are self-aware."

Xin Xinggao became a U.S. citizen within a day, so extradition was naturally impossible. However, at the same time, her case against Gu Nianzhi for beating her seriously was also dropped.

However, He Zhichu would not let them easily escape punishment for such an obvious false accusation.

Soon, Gu Nianzhi countersued Xin Xinggao for making false accusations, the U.S. military and CIA, and Lieutenant Colonel Peter fabricating evidence and obstructing justice. The case was sent to the Federal District Court in Boston.

Gu Nianzhi is still a minor, and because the last time Judge Judy blatantly engaged in malpractice for personal gain, He Zhichu reported her to the U.S. Department of Justice and the Bar Association at the same time, putting her qualifications as a judge and lawyer under review.

The situation is extremely pessimistic, and Judy is likely to lose her qualifications as a judge and her lawyer's license at the same time.

After this incident came out, many judges were unwilling to take over Gu Nianzhi's counterclaim case. The judge who finally took over the case was He Zhichu's former professor at the law school.

With this neutral judge, Gu Nianzhi's lawsuit went very smoothly.

Xin Xinggao was naturalized, which made it easier for Gu Nianzhi to tell her.

A week later, the U.S. military and CIA could no longer resist, and sent people to beg He Zhichu for mercy, asking for reconciliation, and offering a compensation of 10 million US dollars, on the condition that they were not allowed to overturn the case and seal the files about Xin Xinggao forever.

Looking at the settlement amount, Gu Nianzhi took a breath and asked He Zhichu: "Professor He, is this money enough to pay your lawyer's fees?"

"We only know about legal fees, why are you so short-sighted?" He Zhichu patted her head, "Are you satisfied with ten million dollars?"

"... Then Professor He, how much is appropriate?" Gu Nianzhi made a cup of coffee for He Zhichu with a smile and put it in front of him, "I will pay all of Professor He's legal fees."

He Zhichu sneered: "You are generous. No, you don't have to give me all the legal fees. I will just take 10% of the settlement amount."

"Okay." Gu Nianzhi spread his hands indifferently, "It's an unexpected fortune anyway, so it's best if it's all gone."

He Zhichu finally proposed a compensation amount of 100 million US dollars to the military and CIA. If they did not agree, they would continue to fight, even if it went to the Supreme Court, they would accompany him.

The U.S. military and CIA were worried that the more interrogations they carried out, the more their secrets would be exposed. After repeated discussions and some lobbying by He Zhichu within the U.S. government, they finally had no choice but to accept He Zhichu's conditions and compensate Gu Nianyi. billion dollars.

Gu Nianzhi paid 10%, or 10 million US dollars, to He Zhichu's legal fees. The remaining 90 million US dollars became her private money, and she planned to find an opportunity to remit it to China for storage.

Chen Zhen waited until the conclusion of Gu Nianzhi's countersuit before returning to China.

Before returning to China, he took advantage of the banquet hosted by the Consulate General to entertain the Chinese students from Harvard University and secretly met with Gu Nianzhi.

In front of outsiders, they did not show that they knew each other.

But when they arrived at the consulate room where Zhan Chen was staying, Gu Nianzhi stopped pretending and went up to give Zhen Zhan a big hug: "Brother Chen! You miss me so much!"

Zhan Zhi was also very excited and patted Gu Nianzhi on the back, "Nianzhi, we miss you too. How are you here? I think you are like a fish in water. Is that Professor He very good to you?"

Gu Nianzhi nodded, took Display's hand and sat on the sofa, "Professor He is indeed very kind to me, I am very grateful to him."

"Is it just gratitude?" Chen Chen's round eyes were shining behind his lenses, "I don't think he treats you as just a teacher to a student, right?"

Although the doting in the depths of his eyes was tried hard to hide, it was still evident in the perceptive display eyes.

Gu Nianzhi frowned: "...Brother Chen, why didn't I know you were such a gossip before? Where's Sister Zitan? Have you dealt with her?"

"It's no use changing the subject. Although I didn't get her..." Chen Zhe glared at Gu Nianzhi, "The little guy can point here and there, and you haven't answered my question yet!"

Gu Nianzhi blinked his big watery eyes and said weakly: "Brother Chen, I have promised Mei Xiawen that I will return to China in half a year. If he still likes me, we will be together..."

"Ah? Oh..." Display tilted his head, lying on the sofa, counting on his fingers: "Mei Xiawen, it has been booked for half a year. Professor He is very close... Tsk tsk... I wonder if someone can still Sit still."

"Someone? Who?" Gu Nianzhihu asked, "Brother Chen, did something happen that I don't know about?"

"No, no, how can there be..." Chen Zhe laughed and brought a bottle of thick yogurt to Gu Nianzhi, "Drink it, it was your favorite drink when you were a child."

The yogurt at the Consulate General of the Chinese Empire in Boston is homemade by chefs brought from China. It tastes great and is what Gu Nianzhi liked to eat when he was a child.

She inserted the straw and slurped the yogurt while thinking about how to ask Zhan Chen about Huo Shaoheng.

When she thought of the woman Huo Shaoheng smiled at that day through Zhao Liangze's cell phone video, her heart felt like a cat clawing at her. She wanted to grab the display's collar and shake it desperately, asking him who that woman was...

Chen Chen looked at Gu Nianzhi.

After not seeing her for two months, she had grown taller and her figure became more curvy.

The feeling of a little girl gradually faded away, and the aura of a girl became more and more obvious. She was really a big girl.

Display took a sip of Coke with emotion.

Gu Nianzhi drank up a bottle of yogurt before asking hesitantly: "Brother Chen, has Uncle Huo got a girlfriend recently?"

"Eh? Where did you know that?" Chen Zhen squinted his eyes and calmly turned on the camera in his glasses to take a picture of Gu Nianzhi.

Gu Nianzhi thought that if she didn't come up with some useful information, Zhan Chen would probably treat her like a child like Yin Shixiong and Zhao Liangze...

After a fierce struggle in his mind, Gu Nianzhi gritted his teeth and said, "Uncle Huo once attended the cocktail reception at the World Outstanding Women Awards Conference, right?"

"Yes." Chen Zhe suddenly remembered the time when General Ji, the military general, forced Huo Shaoheng to attend the reception. He couldn't help but patted his thigh and said with a smile, "Oh! It's true that good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. Unexpectedly, Huo Shaoheng was forced to attend. Even you know about the accompanying wine, hahahaha... "

When Gu Nianzhi heard what Chen said, he was so surprised that his jaw almost dropped to the floor.

She almost got on display, grabbed his arm and shook him desperately: "What kind of accompaniment? What kind of accompaniment?! Brother Chen, you must tell me clearly! Otherwise, I will never be done with you!"

"Eh? You knew he went to the reception, but didn't you know he was forced to go?" Zhe laughed so hard that tears came out. He touched his chin and said sincerely, "That's it. Didn't Mr. Huo once go abroad to take on a mission? ? Well, you are the one who helped them deal with the Nandou satellite."

Gu Nianzhi nodded, "I know that, but what does this have to do with Uncle Huo going to the cocktail party?"

"It's very relevant." Chen Zhe stood up and went to get another bottle of Coke, "That mission was for Gu Yanran, a rich woman in Barbados. Mr. Huo went to the cocktail party to accompany him because the rich woman wanted to thank her personally. He also promised to donate a large amount of money to the military department as a pension charity fund to help soldiers who died or retired."

"Gu Yanran?" Gu Nianzhi frowned, "Who is this person? Why have I never heard of him?"

"We didn't know before that this rich man suddenly appeared in the past two years." Chen Zhen said with a smile, "My surname is Gu, and yours is also Gu, but he is much more stable and generous than you."

"Tch! There are so many people surnamed Gu, and even cats and dogs can compare with me." Gu Nianzhi rolled his eyes at Zhan Chen with disdain, "Is it this woman who wants Uncle Huo to go to a wine to meet her? If Uncle Huo is willing to go, she will pay for it. Does the military set up a pension charity fund?”

"That's right!" Zhe Chen patted Gu Nianzhi's head, "My family's idea is to be smart, to draw inferences from one instance to other cases, to understand everything, that's what it means. In short, you, Uncle Huo, are so frustrated. This woman has a lot of money, so she was forced to go there. The one thing he hates the most is drinking with someone.”

Gu Nianzhi thought of Huo Shaoheng's sideways smile that day and murmured: "... Was he really forced? But I saw him smiling... "

Display: "How did you see it? What's wrong with your smile? Now that you've gone, you have to do a whole show! But I know he just showed his face and left. Later, Ozawa was there to replace him. Hey, Ozawa is now Isn't it here with you? Why don't you just ask him? "

Gu Nianzhi didn't dare to ask Zhao Liangze, for fear that he would tell the result that she didn't want to hear.

But now I heard from Chen Chen that there was really a problem with Huo Shaoheng going to that reception...

But why is he smiling like that

Gu Nianzhi had to admit that he did have some sour thoughts that he shouldn't have.

Uncle Huo was already breathtakingly handsome, and the way he smiled was even more irresistible.

Gu Nianzhi bit her lower lip and said in a low voice: "That Gu Yanran is so shameless. She wants to help the soldiers, why should she use Uncle Huo as a raft? Does it have anything to do with whether Uncle Huo goes to the cocktail party or not and whether she donates money? "

"That's right, she has bad intentions." Chen Zhi followed Gu Nianzhi and scolded Gu Yanran. To be honest, Zhe Chen didn't have a good impression of Gu Yanran.

A few bad guys were so powerful that they actually blackmailed the military department and asked Huo Shaoheng to go see her.

Chen Zhen would rather Huo Shaoheng fall into Gu Nianzhi's hands than let Gu Yanran take advantage.

"Let me tell you, that Gu Yanran is really good-looking. There is nothing special about her at first glance, but as long as you take a second look, you can't take your eyes away." Chen Zhe said with emotion, "It's Fu Ke again. It’s an enemy country, and she’s moving her property to our country. You’ll definitely see her when you go back in the future.”

Gu Nianzhi folded his arms and leaned on the sofa, saying angrily: "You can't do this even if you are as rich as the enemy! It's none of my business who Uncle Huo finds as his girlfriend. However, I can't let him be blackmailed by others."

"What can you do?" Zhan Zhan smiled and teased Gu Nianzhi: "Spit on Gu Yanran?"

"Bah!" Gu Nianzhi glared at him, "Of course I can do something about it."

Display left Boston the next day and returned to China.

As soon as he returned home, he knew what Gu Nianzhi could do.

It turned out that before he returned to the station, Gu Nianzhi had remitted the newly received compensation of 90 million US dollars to General Ji of the Chinese Empire Military Department, requesting that a pension charity fund be set up in the name of Huo Shaoheng for retired or deceased soldiers.


This is the second update of 4,000 words, including additional updates with a monthly pass of 3,900.

Remind everyone of monthly tickets and recommended tickets.

O(∩_∩)O~. (To be continued.)