Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 174: most important


"Is there a problem with the procedure?" Gu Nianzhi was even more confused, "What problem could there be?"

"I heard that there was a problem with the background check when I applied for a credit card. Although the credit company found out about your case twice, although there was a near miss later, the credit card company required the applicant to provide a notarized certificate, so it has not been done for the time being. Come down." Senior Brother Huang was very enthusiastic in helping Wen Shouyi explain. He carefully advised Gu Nianzhi: "Nianzhi, let's not get into trouble with the professors. Assistant Professor Wen is a teacher in the school no matter what, why do you keep targeting her? I believe she didn’t mean anything about the credit card. Come on, listen to your senior brother and go buy some food. I’ll give you my senior brother’s card.”

Senior Brother Huang put his credit card into Gu Nianzhi's hand without any further explanation.

Anyway, he doesn't have to pay off the credit card debt, so he is happy and generous.

Gu Nianzhi didn't want it that day and quickly declined, "No need, I'm losing weight and don't want to eat so much."

She casually found an excuse and didn't want to talk about this issue anymore, so she asked about Senior Brother Huang's work and how he was doing in the Committee for Free Passage of the Sea. Finally, she slowly turned the topic around to the navy that had just withdrawn from the Gulf of Aden. On the warship.

Just when Senior Brother Huang was trying to arouse Gu Nianzhi's interest with various topics, he immediately came over mysteriously and whispered: "Nianzhi, this matter is very interesting. I heard that there are so many warships going there Not only did it deal a heavy blow to Somali pirates, but more importantly, it also protected a scientific research vessel."

"Scientific research ship?" Gu Nianzhi frowned and looked uninterested, "It's a navy and a scientific research ship. Why don't they go to heaven?"

"Haha, I think it's strange too. With so much effort and so much money, I don't know what scientific projects this research ship is going to investigate." Senior Brother Huang shook his head disapprovingly and concentrated on eating his lunch.

Gu Nianzhi's heart moved and he already had an idea.

After finishing lunch with Senior Brother Huang, she quickly returned to the small office of the Appropriations Committee and began to look at the naval expenditures for sending warships to the Gulf of Aden two months ago.

Judging from the source and direction of cash, it is indeed interesting.

Gu Nianzhi easily found the name of the scientific research ship from the system supplier list. It turned out that it participated in the navy's operations as a collaborator. This scientific research ship was affiliated to physicsa1-or1d Co., Ltd. .

Gu Nianzhi's eyes lingered on the name of the physics1-or1d company for a moment, and he secretly memorized it.

After returning home in the evening, Gu Nianzhi came to Zhao Liangze's room, relayed Senior Brother Huang's words to him, and then mentioned the company to which the scientific research ship he investigated belonged.

Zhao Liangze was very satisfied, patted her shoulder and praised her: "Well done, Nianzhi, I saw you right." After saying that, he asked Gu Nianzhi to follow him to continue learning computer network knowledge, "There are many skills that are not overwhelming. No matter how much debt you have, you don’t have to worry about anyone. It just so happens that I’m here to take care of you in the past six months, so why don’t you continue to learn computer networking from me?”

Gu Nianzhi couldn't ask for more. She was really busy every day. If she could learn some practical network (hei) knowledge from Zhao Liangze, she would not waste her precious time in the past six months.

Seeing that Gu Nianzhi readily agreed, Zhao Liangze handed her a hei) encyclopedia he had written, "You can only read it at home, and you cannot bring it into the Capitol."

"Of course not. I am an intern in the Capitol Building and I am paid. How can I do private work?" Gu Nianzhi sniffed at Zhao Liangze and went back to his room with a smile.

Zhao Liangze began to search for information about the company physicsa1-or1d on the Internet.

The strange thing is that no matter how he searches, he can't find any information about this company.

In today's online world, where even company registrations can be checked online, a company with a name and surname, and official contacts with the U.S. Congress and the Navy, is completely missing from the Internet. What is the reason

Zhao Liangze looked at the search interface and laughed.

This shows the rabbit's tail.

Americans probably don't understand an idiom called "It's hard to hide something that's obvious".

Nothing can be found, which in itself indicates a huge problem.

He sent the news to Huo Shaoheng via encrypted email.

When Huo Shaoheng saw this email, he knew that it was Gu Nianzhi who had found the news again. He was silent for a while and then forwarded the news to the Archives Office of the Special Operations Department for them to archive.

At the same time, the Special Operations Division has its own dedicated ground department responsible for finding this information.

Simply having a network is not enough.

Gu Nianzhi also learned the news from Zhao Liangze before going to the Capitol the next day.

"You really can't find anything online?" Gu Nianzhi was also surprised. "I'll search the system to see if I can see the specific address, phone number, etc."

She came to her small office in the Capitol Building and quickly found the supplier list. However, no matter how she searched this time, the person named physinetdor had completely disappeared from the system.

Gu Nianzhi's heart skipped a beat and couldn't help but continue to investigate.

After struggling for a long time, I finally discovered that someone had added security rights to the navy's supplier list.

Gu Nianzhi is an intern, and her account has no security permissions at all, so she can no longer check the secret suppliers with security permissions.

A scientific research ship entered the Gulf of Aden with the help of the U.S. Navy, but ended up becoming a supplier. In other words, the U.S. Navy not only confiscated its money, but also paid it...

Is the U.S. government really a charlatan

Gu Nianzhi stroked his chin and pondered.

Dong Dong…

Someone knocked on her computer desk.

Gu Nianzhi looked up and saw Wen Shouyi's face as bright as a silver plate appearing in front of her.

"Assistant Professor Wen." Gu Nianzhi stood up and asked with a smile, "What do you want?"

Wen Shouyi put a credit card on her computer desk, "This is your card. Sorry, it's a few days later than Xiao Huang's card. Because of the background check, I need to find a notary to certify your two lawsuits." It’s all reconciled.”

"Assistant Professor Wen, the first time was when someone sued me, and then the other party withdrew the lawsuit. The second time was when I sued the other party for false accusation, and the other party pleaded guilty and paid a huge sum of money." Gu Nianzhi shook his finger at Wen Shouyi, "It doesn't count. Make no mistake about reconciliation.”

Wen Shouyi smiled and nodded, "I know that none of it is your fault. You have been wronged by my absence for the past two months. If I were here, there would be no trouble in court. Professor He is busy with official duties, and sometimes Please don’t mind if I neglect you a little. In Professor He’s heart, what he values most is his students.”

Although Gu Nianzhi didn't like what she heard, he couldn't argue with her and insist that Professor He treated her differently.

Even if it is really different, she can't say it directly herself, it would be too pricey...

So Gu Nianzhi just took out the credit card that He Zhichu gave her, and waved it to Wen Shouyi with a sweet smile, "Assistant Professor Wen, Professor He is indeed very good to us. When he found out that I didn't have a credit card, he resolutely He resolutely gave me his credit card. What kind of spirit is this? This is the spirit of internationalism that does not benefit oneself but only benefits others. Assistant Professor Wen, can you understand Professor He's painstaking efforts?"


This is the first update. Thank you all for your monthly votes and recommendation votes yesterday.

The second update should be two updates in one, including a monthly pass of 44oo plus an additional update, at around 1:00 noon.

ps: Thanks to dinanet for the reward of He's Bi yesterday. Thanks to Mrs. Qiu Shui for the reward yesterday. mwah!

o(n_n)o~. (To be continued.)