Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 181: Eighteenth birthday 3


The birthday party is held in the evening.

Gu Nianzhi felt a little uneasy. She took out her mobile phone and dialed Senior Brother Huang's number.

"Nianzhi?" Senior Brother Huang's voice came cheerfully from the mobile phone, "Little birthday boy, have you arrived at the cruise ship?"

Gu Nianzhi felt relieved and said with a smile, "We just arrived. Where are you? Where are you?"

"Many of us, on the plane, have to go to Barbados first, where we will transfer to a speedboat to board the ship."

Senior Brother Huang's words were the same as Wen Shouyi's, and Gu Nianzhi let go of his thoughts.

She remembered that He Zhichu called her before leaving and assured her that he would be back in time to celebrate her birthday.

She politely said at the time that if Professor He's family had an emergency, the family members should come first, but she also knew that He Zhichu would never break his promise.

He has an air of speaking his mind, which to a certain extent is similar to Huo Shaoheng's.

Gu Nianzhi had known him for so long, so she felt that she should still trust him.

"Well, I'll wait for you then." Gu Nianzhi smiled and hung up the phone.

"Okay, let's go back to the room to clean up and prepare for the grand birthday dinner tonight." Wen Shouyi winked at Gu Nianzhi.

Gu Nianzhi reluctantly smiled at her.

She had to pretend to be nonchalant to someone she didn't like in her heart. Gu Nianzhi asked herself that she was not as well-educated as Wen Shouyi and could not cover up her true thoughts smoothly.

She and Zhao Liangze returned to the third floor of the cruise ship and found a suite in the middle to stay.

"Nianzhi, let's stop being pretentious. Can you live with me?" Zhao Liangze opened his suitcase and took out his electronic devices and equipment while talking to her.

Gu Nianzhi nodded, even if Zhao Liangze didn't say anything, she would take the initiative to bring it up.

In this vast sea, she only felt safe with people she knew well.

"Brother Ozawa, where are Uncle Huo and the others now? Do they know this place?" Gu Nianzhi was a little uneasy.

"Don't worry, I've already sent the coordinate address." Zhao Liangze couldn't help but laugh when he thought of Huo Shaoheng coming out this time.

He looked up and saw Gu Nianzhi's concerned eyes, and threw his IPAD over, "Master Huo always travels with great fanfare. See for yourself." After saying that, he made a face at her.

Gu Nianzhi took the iPad suspiciously and slid it open to see that the home page was the famous American news website CXX.

It says "Breaking-News" in big red letters!

Under the headline is a clear photo taken by satellite.

The waves were rolling on the blue sea, and a long black giant hull emerged from the water. On the hull, a bright red flag fluttered in the wind.

The resolution of this satellite photo was so high that Gu Nianzhi could even see the five red stars on the flag!

Below the photo is clearly written: "The Chinese Empire's Qin-class nuclear submarine suddenly appeared in Guam, what is its intention?! Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a serious note to the Chinese Empire, and was treated unreasonably by the Chinese Empire's bureaucrats..."

Gu Nianzhi's heart skipped a beat.

When I looked at the news again, it was actually six days ago? !

Guam is a U.S. territory and the most important U.S. super military base in the Western Pacific.

In order to deal with the Chinese Empire, the United States built Guam into an "unsinkable aircraft carrier" and spent US$12.6 billion to build the most advanced nuclear-powered aircraft carrier dock, the most sensitive missile defense system, and the most powerful actual combat training ground in Guam. .

But even for such a huge and advanced military base, the nuclear submarine of the Chinese Empire unknowingly touched it under its nose and turned around, and finally surfaced to say hello.

"Brother Ozawa, is this..." She looked at Zhao Liangze with shining eyes, her heart pounding!

Could it be that Uncle Huo came out on a nuclear submarine this time? !

Zhao Liangze nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Master Huo happened to be here for something, so I dropped by. As you know, that thing can't run very fast."

The speed of a nuclear submarine is not its advantage. Its advantage is that the missile it carries can reach the opponent's coast and launch a direct attack. It is an important strategic weapon to ensure that it can carry out a second nuclear strike.

Huo Shaoheng and the others set out a few days ago.

Two days were reserved to celebrate Gu Nianzhi's birthday in the Caribbean.

At this moment six days ago, Huo Shaoheng looked at the US military base in Guam, which was just around the corner, and gave the order with a half-smile: "... Since you are here, let's say hello."

Then, the nuclear submarine slowly rose from the bottom of the water, flying the flag of the Chinese Empire, and showed a small face in the waters near Guam.

When the personnel on duty at the US military base in Guam spotted this behemoth appearing on the radar screen, they hurriedly took off their glasses and wiped them again, fearing that they had seen it wrong.

As a result, his companion knocked on his shoulder, pointed to the sea outside the window, and said expressionlessly: "Why are you wiping? Look outside and you have already reached the door. Do you think you saw it wrong?"

Not long after, a piercing siren sounded from the US military base in Guam.

The radar rotated rapidly, and fighter jets took off from the airport one by one, closely monitoring the nuclear submarine that quietly came under their noses.

The U.S. military's highest-resolution satellite quickly took countless photos and transmitted them to the Defense Building in Washington, DC.

Military experts from the US military quickly discovered that this was the Qin-class nuclear submarine that the Chinese Empire had just successfully developed!

It has actually been quietly underground and cruising with bombs!

However, amidst the various shouts, protests and jumps of the Americans, the Chinese Empire's Qin-class nuclear submarine sank silently to the bottom of the water and soon left the US military's Guam base.

Gu Nianzhi was wearing a white three-point bikini and a navy blue Maxi skirt. She was lying on a lounge chair by the swimming pool on the fourth floor of the cruise ship, basking in the sun and flipping over her iPad to read the news.

Judging from the news timeline, the next time this nuclear submarine appears will be near the Hawaiian Islands in the United States.

Looking at the Qin-class nuclear submarine of the Chinese Empire that had occupied the major news section of the CXX website for six days, Gu Nianzhi felt a sense of pride that was beyond recognition.

She hugged the iPad and kissed the screen.

Zhao Liangze was wearing a pair of large floral mid-length swimming trunks and sunglasses. He was lying on the lounge chair next to Gu Nianzhi, also basking in the sun.

Wen Shouyi was still wearing her bright red and black Maxi dress, lying on the lounge chair opposite Gu Nianzhi and Zhao Liangze.

They are separated by a swimming pool so clear it turns blue.

Gu Nianzhi's fingers gently stroked the photo of the nuclear submarine on the IPAD. Thinking of Huo Shaoheng's hopelessly handsome face and his silent companionship and protection, his heart felt warm.

He was on his way here, and Gu Nianzhi felt infinite courage rising in his heart.

As long as he was by her side, she was not afraid of anyone, so who was Wen Shouyi

Gu Nianzhi picked up his own red wine, raised it towards Wen Shouyi across from him with a smile, and toasted her.

Wen Shouyi was obviously frightened by her actions and was stunned for a moment before raising his own glass of wine in return.

The waiters on the cruise ship brought them tropical-style food, fried egg drops, fresh and sweet oysters, steamed prawns, cheese crab soup, lobster dip, and the inevitable fried potato chips and vegetable salad. A colorful cocktail with a miniature bamboo umbrella stuck sideways on the glass.

Gu Nianzhi never treats his stomach badly.

She and Zhao Liangze feasted together.

Time passed by, the sun gradually set in the west, and the cruise ship moved forward slowly.

The sunlight changed from the hot and transparent light during the day to a dark golden color, a bit like ripe ivory awns, yellow and clear, no longer hot, but with a warm and sweet fragrance.

Gu Nianzhi took off his sunglasses and looked at the setting sun on the sea. The afterglow danced in the water like broken gold.

Wherever he looked, a speedboat was approaching at high speed.

Gu Nianzhi stood up, "Are they Senior Brother Huang and the others here?"

Wen Shouyi stood up and looked at it for a while, smiled and nodded, "It should be them."

The Qin-class nuclear submarine that Huo Shaoheng and Yin Shixiong accompanied on a visit to Cuba was launched from Huludao in the Empire's Province L six or seven days ago.

Sneaking all the way, first showing up in Guam, then Hawaii, and finally diving into the water, sailing at full speed, going around Cape Horn at the southernmost tip of South America, sneaking northward along the entire South American continent, and finally on Gu Nian's birthday The sky came to the waters of Cuba and emerged from the bottom of the water again.

This time, he came with a senior naval general from the Chinese Empire who was visiting Cuba.

Of course, he won't show up in Cuba.

It takes less than an hour by speedboat to get from Cuba to the waters where the cruise ship is located in the Caribbean.

He and Yin Shixiong came out of the submarine and went ashore like ordinary submarine soldiers.

At this time, on the island of Bermuda not far from them, Bai Shuang was sitting on the balcony of a luxurious villa, sending a text message to his cousin Bai Yueran who was far away in the Chinese Empire.

"Sister, I found my dad."

At four or five o'clock in the morning, Bai Yueran couldn't sleep.

Ever since Huo Shaoheng insisted on going his own way and visited Cuba with the top brass of the nuclear submarine force, her eyelids were twitching and she had been uneasy.

I stood up and checked the time and found a text message from an unknown number on my phone.

When I opened my phone and looked at it, my heart suddenly skipped a beat and my eyes were a little dazed.

She sat quietly for five minutes before making up her mind.

Bai Shuang's father is Bai Yusheng, the deputy director of the Chinese Empire's Secret Service who recently defected to the United States.

Although the Bai family is powerful and has deep connections with major aristocratic families through marriage, Bai Yusheng's defection had a huge impact on the Chinese Empire's intelligence system in North America and caused countless losses. Therefore, even with the power of the Bai family, it is somewhat unable to hold on. .

The members of the Bai family were censored one by one, dismissed from office, and transferred to other posts.

Bai Yusheng's daughter Bai Shuang fell directly from the position of spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so that she had to resign and no longer hold public office.

After she left the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she began to work in the Bai family's own family business, but after a while, she also left.

It is uncomfortable to be looked down upon by outsiders, and it is even more uncomfortable to be looked down upon by one's own family members.

She also wanted to find her father and ask him personally, why

After all, it was her biological father who had loved her since childhood. Her search finally paid off.

Her father, Bai Yusheng, was very happy to see her coming. He asked her to ask questions, but he still ignored her questions.

He did defect, but he was just pursuing the values he recognized and living a better life. Was he committing a heinous crime

Bai Yueran looked at the text message and dialed the number.

Bai Shuang was sitting alone on the balcony bored when he suddenly heard his cell phone ringing. When he opened it, he saw that it was his cousin Bai Yueran's call!

She answered hurriedly and said with a trembling voice: "Sister!"

"Ah Shuang, listen to me, where are you?" Bai Yueran's voice was calm. While calling to stabilize Bai Shuang, he started satellite positioning to determine Bai Shuang's specific location.

Five minutes later, the satellite positioning was completed, showing that Bai Shuang was on the island of Bermuda on the other side of Blue Star.

Bai Yueran looked at the mark displayed on the computer, her heart moved, and she continued to ask: "Ah Shuang, have you found your second uncle?"

Bai Shuang's father, Bai Yusheng, is the younger brother of Bai Yueran's father.

"Found it. Thank God, he is still alive and well." Bai Shuang patted her chest. She was afraid that her father would disappear without a trace.

Bai Yueran smiled, "Where's the second uncle? Can he come and answer the phone?"

"I'm afraid not now. He went to sea with others and said he wouldn't come back until night." Bai Shuang looked at his watch, "It's still early."

"Then how do you contact the second uncle? Why don't you give me your phone number, and I will ask my father to call the second uncle and persuade him? We are all one family. With the power of our Bai family, his matter cannot be settled. "." Bai Yueran calmly stalled for time while passing the news that Bai Yusheng had been found to General Ji, the top commander of the Chinese Empire's military. At the same time, she also received the news from the Minister of Secret Service and Speaker Long of the Upper House of Parliament. and Major General Huo, commander of the Sixth Military Region.

Bai Shuang was so excited that she gave Bai Yusheng's current mobile phone number to Bai Yueran. She also wanted to ask her uncle to intercede for her father, so that he could return home without losing his life.

Bai Yueran immediately informed the professionals in the Sixth Military Region and asked them to activate the Nandou satellite navigation and positioning system and start locating Bai Yusheng's current mobile phone.

Fifteen minutes later, Bai Yusheng's current location was also locked.

"Admiral Ji, Speaker Long, I think this opportunity cannot be missed. It just so happens that Major General Huo is near that area. Major General Huo should be authorized to take action immediately." Bai Yueran said calmly, "As far as we know, Bai Yusheng has not yet Tell all the information he knows. Not because he has any sense of shame, but purely because he wants to maximize the benefits of the information in his hand. Because once he tells it all, his use value will be gone. United States People are best at being ruthless and professional at selling their underlings.”

Admiral Ji, Speaker Long and the Minister of Secret Service unanimously agreed to take action against Bai Yusheng immediately.

This person cannot be kept.

Staying for one more minute will cause more damage to the national interests of the Chinese Empire.

The top-secret authorization from Admiral Ji and Speaker Long was transmitted to the Chinese Empire Qin-class nuclear submarine anchored in the waters near Cuba five minutes later.

Huo Shaoheng and Yin Shixiong, who had just walked ashore and found a speedboat to go out to sea, were quickly called back.

"Major General Huo, secret message from the military department."

Huo Shaoheng lowered his head and looked over word by word, without speaking for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Yin Shixiong asked worriedly, "Something happened? Isn't it Nianzhi?"

Huo Shaoheng shook his head. He raised his head and looked at the vast sea between sea and sky.

Gu Nianzhi's cruise ship was in that direction.

He breathed a sigh of relief and finally made up his mind, "...there is a mission, let's carry it out first."

If he acted quickly, he should be able to get to the cruise ship in the middle of the Caribbean high seas before the banquet started.


This is the second update of two updates in one, including an additional update with a monthly pass of 4700.

Dear friends, forget about monthly tickets and recommendation tickets! mwah!

O(∩_∩)O~. (To be continued.)