Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 184: Eighteenth birthday 6


"Pirates? How many people are there? What equipment?" Huo Shaoheng's voice was calm and composed, with a unique low magnetism. Even a hurricane could not shake him in the slightest.

Zhao Liangze looked at the speedboats coming from all directions, his eyes suddenly serious. He put on night vision goggles, took a picture of the scene in front of him, and transmitted it back to the station through the special coded channel of the Nandou satellite. He said at the same time: "There were 16 pirates on board just now. The cruise ship said that someone offered 10 million US dollars to buy our lives, and Nian Zhi and I killed it together. Now there is something more powerful, a total of eight speedboats, which are about to come. If I read correctly, the speedboats are on There’s… a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher!”

Huo Shaoheng's brows knitted into a knot, and he immediately understood the pirate's intentions.

He walked a few steps on the beach and looked into the distance. The sea was covered with thick clouds, the wind was howling, and the waves rolled up were pressing toward the shore like mountains.

"Go back! Go back quickly! The hurricane is coming! You must hide quickly! There can be no one at the beach!" The Cuban seaside guard who spoke English rushed over and waved Huo Shaoheng and Yin Shixiong to leave.

"Be careful, find a place to hide first, support for fifteen minutes, I will be there soon." Huo Shaoheng made up his mind and turned back to the nuclear submarine parked at the naval port on the shore.

Yin Shixiong looked at the weather worriedly, "Master Huo, I'm worried too, but look over there, it's a hurricane! What can we do?"

Huo Shaoheng ignored him, strode into the command cabin of the nuclear submarine, and ordered to the information officer there: "Get me General Ji, the supreme commander of the military, and give me a channel. I want to connect to the Sixth Military Region."

The information officer hurriedly made room for him.

Huo Shaoheng sat down, contacted the station staff of the Sixth Military Region, and saw the video that Zhao Liangze had just sent back to the station.

The waves on the dark sea were turbulent, and the eight white speedboats were particularly eye-catching. They were cutting through the waves. Someone on the speedboat was carrying a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher and pointed it in the direction of the camera!

"Fuck!" Huo Shaoheng punched the console, tightened his jaw, snatched the informant's earphone, and said in a deep voice to General Ji, the top commander of the military who had just connected: "General Ji, I demand The military authorized me to borrow their latest MiG-35 fighter jets from the Cuban military."

"...You actually know about the best fighter jets in Cuba!" Admiral Ji was angry and funny, "But don't give me the trick of 'if you are outside, your life will be compromised'! You'd better give me A legitimate reason!"

Although Huo Shaoheng was anxious, he did not lose his composure. He said word by word: "Our people are trapped in the high seas of the Caribbean, and I am going to rescue them. There is a hurricane passing from Cuba, and ships cannot pass. I need the best fighter jets to cross. Hurricane Center.”

"Are you crazy?!" Admiral Ji was furious. He looked at the news from his secretary and the weather report in the Caribbean. He held the phone with his hands on his hips and scolded Huo Shaoheng: "You still want to fly when there is a hurricane?! Do you know The record for a fighter jet flying through a hurricane was set by the U.S. Air Force wind hunting team?! The maximum wind speed of that hurricane was only Category 3! But the hurricane in the Caribbean is now Category 4! Maybe it will rise to Category 5! Are you looking for death?!"

The highest hurricane level is Category 5.

"Admiral Ji, to me, Americans' records are meant to be broken, not to look up to." Huo Shaoheng said lightly, tapping his fingers lightly on the console, "If Admiral Ji agrees to me, this time , we can not only obtain precious flight data through the eye of the hurricane, but also test the feasibility of pilots flying completely relying on the Nandou satellite navigation system when visibility is zero."

Admiral Ji didn't particularly care about rescuing people. Although Gu Nianzhi's origin was unknown, it was not that important in his heart.

Compared with Huo Shaoheng, his promising successor, the lives of Gu Nianzhi and Zhao Liangze are not at the same level. Therefore, just to save these two people, Admiral Ji is absolutely unwilling to let Huo Shaoheng risk his life by flying over the center of the hurricane.

However, Huo Shaoheng said that he could use this to test the navigation mode of the Nandou satellite navigation system and provide data on fighter jets flying over hurricanes under all-round invisible conditions. Admiral Ji found that he could not refuse.

"Admiral Ji, time is running out, please make a decision immediately." Huo Shaoheng saw the time passing by. The pirates in the Caribbean were actually equipped with shoulder-mounted rocket launchers. If he continued to delay...

Huo Shaoheng suddenly didn't dare to think about the possible consequences.

"Okay." General Ji finally made up his mind. Huo Shaoheng hung up the phone without saying a word and went straight to the supreme commander of the Cuban Revolutionary Army to borrow a plane. He didn't even hear what General Ji said next: "... you You are too courageous. Once this matter is over, I will imprison you for two months!"

With the support of the top commander of the Chinese Empire's military and the mediation of the ambassador of the Empire's Embassy in Cuba, the borrowing of fighter jets went very smoothly.

Ten minutes later, Huo Shaoheng and Yin Shixiong boarded the MiG-35, the best fighter jet Cuba had just imported from Russia.

The Cuban air force officers stood at the airport and saluted Huo Shaoheng and Yin Shixiong, as if they were heroes who were about to die. They watched with admiration as Huo Shaoheng and Yin Shixiong took off in their fighter jets and flew to the crowded area not far away. Low clouds with violent storms.

No one expected their return voyage to be successful.

In the center of a Category 4 hurricane, even the best American fighter jets and the most powerful American pilots cannot challenge it, let alone pilots from the Chinese Empire who have never had any achievements

However, although they will lose this MiG fighter, the Chinese Empire will give them a lot of compensation, and they will not suffer.

Above the waters of Cuba, Huo Shaoheng held the control stick tightly and continued to raise the height of the fighter jet.

Strong winds mixed with heavy raindrops pounded against the fighter jet.

The vision in front of me is getting blurry. The fighter jet flying into the hurricane clouds is like plunging into a thick pile of thick paste. There are gray and black clouds in front, back, left, right, top and bottom. The visibility is zero. The compass on the fighter jet showing the direction is dripping. The ground spun, the fuselage tilted and rolled in the strong wind, and Yin Shixiong felt like he was going to vomit out his dinner.

Huo Shaoheng then connected to the Nandou Satellite Navigation System and connected all data to the Nandou Satellite Command Center of the Chinese Empire.

By this time, he relied entirely on NanDou satellite navigation to fly the fighter jet, and his eyes had no function at all.

Gu Nianzhi watched Zhao Liangze hang up the phone and asked nervously, "Will they come to rescue us?"

Because Wen Shouyi was by their side, Gu Nianzhi and Zhao Liangze kept silent about Huo Shaoheng's name. Gu Nianzhi didn't even say "Uncle Huo", as long as they knew who the other was talking about.

"Yes, but let us hold on for 15 minutes." Zhao Liangze looked anxiously at the increasing waves on the sea and the approaching speedboats. "Hide quickly, they have shoulder-mounted rocket launchers!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud whooshing sound on the sea, and a rocket cut through the rain curtain and hit the bottom power cabin of the cruise ship with a bang!

The seawater gurgled in, and the cruise ship began to tilt and sink as it swayed from side to side.

Gu Nianzhi held Zhao Liangze's arm and his voice was hoarse: "Oh no! They are going to sink the ship!"

It turned out that the pirates no longer wanted to board the cruise ship and fight them face to face.

They chose to sink the cruise ship!

"Let's go!" Zhao Liangze picked up the unconscious Wen Shouyi with his hands on his back, left the outdoor playground on the fourth floor, and ran to the third floor.

At this time, more rockets hit the Princess cruise ship, and more and more seawater poured in.

Soon the second floor was submerged, and the sea water gradually reached the third floor.


This is the first update.

The second update should be two updates in one, including a monthly pass of 4900 for an additional update, around 1:00 noon.

Dear friends, forget about monthly tickets and recommendation tickets! mwah!


(To be continued.)