Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 185: eighteenth birthday7


The huge waves caused by the hurricane at sea affected their area of the sea. It can only be said that they were lucky that they were not in the center of the storm, but only on the edge, but it was already very scary.

Such a large cruise ship is bumping in the wind and waves, just like a toy in the hands of nature, unable to control its own destiny.

Gu Nianzhi looked through the window at the dark water getting closer and closer to them, and hurriedly said to Zhao Liangze: "The ship may be sinking, what should we do?"

"Let's go to the fourth floor." Zhao Liangze looked at his watch, "They should be arriving soon."

There is only one minute left before the "15 minutes of support" mentioned by Huo Shaoheng.

This is indeed the maximum they can support.

Now the cruise ship is surrounded by pirates' white speedboats from all sides. These people are well-equipped with weapons, even shoulder-mounted rocket launchers. They really didn't jump ship with the chefs and sailors from the beginning.

Gu Nianzhi smiled bitterly and followed Zhao Liangze to the fourth floor.

As soon as they reached the fourth floor, the third floor was flooded.

The hull of the ship gradually sank, and the pirates still stared at them with weapons in hand.

Someone set up a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher again and aimed it in the direction of the fourth floor!

Zhao Liangze carried Wen Shouyi on his back and held Gu Nianzhi in his arms, "Are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid." Gu Nianzhi picked up the sniper rifle in his hand and said coldly: "They are going to die anyway, let's kill a few first."

She aimed at the guy carrying the rocket launcher and pulled the trigger without mercy!

Sniper rifles are still faster than rocket launchers.

The man's eyebrows were shot, and he froze for a moment, then with a plop, he fell into the sea carrying his own rocket launcher.

When the pirates on the speedboat saw it, they jumped up in anger, pointed at Gu Nianzhi and the others, yelled at them, and shot them at the same time.

Zhao Liangze pulled Gu Nianzhi and hurriedly lay down on the deck.

At this moment, a fighter jet came out of the center of the hurricane not far away and flew towards the sea like lightning!

Their speed is as fast as lightning, like a gray kite, they can fly almost close to the sea.

The plane turned over in mid-air, turned 90 degrees, and flew rapidly around Gu Nianzhi's cruise ship.

There was a rattling sound of bullets fired from the fighter jet onto the speedboat.

Cannonballs were thrown from the fighter jets onto the speedboats.

The latest MiG-35 fighter jets caused a crushing massacre against an unknown passenger speedboat.

It just so happened that the pirates on the speedboat were carrying quite a few rockets. They were bombarded by the cannonballs dropped from the fighter jets, and then they all exploded. At this time, they were all attacked by the pirates.

The speedboats exploded one after another, sending up fire, smoke and huge waves.

The pirates who were not blown up, burned or shot to death jumped into the sea one after another.

The fighter jet didn't intend to let them go.

Huo Shaoheng raised the control lever to increase their viewing area.

Yin Shixiong controlled the machine gun in the fighter jet and expressionlessly chased the pirates who were trying to escape and swim in the sea.

As long as someone shows up, a string of bullets will immediately follow them.

This change happened so quickly. In less than ten minutes, all eight of the arrogant white speedboats were lost in the sea. .

Gu Nianzhi raised his head and stared closely at the fighter jet flying from the center of the hurricane. He watched it spin and turn over in mid-air, and watched the bursts of flames emitting from the gun holes of the fighter jet. His mood was filled with excitement.

She knew that this must be the fighter jet that Uncle Huo drove over!

He is the best fighter pilot in the Chinese Empire!

She had seen him train before and she wouldn't admit it!

Gu Nianzhi broke free from Zhao Liangze's arm, stood up from the deck, jumped and screamed towards the sky, his soft voice became high-pitched, but was blown away by the strong wind.

Huo Shaoheng saw the slender figure jumping on the deck, with a slight smile on his lips. He was about to tell Yin Shixiong to put down the rope ladder, when he suddenly saw a number of small red dots appearing on the aircraft's radar scanning screen. That was the aircraft. Tips for approaching from the north!

Huo Shaoheng quickly raised the plane, flew backwards, and took a fighting stance.

The planes flying from the north did not make any attack on them. They flew around the cruise ship and then flew away.

It turned out to be just two drones.

Huo Shaoheng raised his eyes and saw traces of a large ship appearing in the northern waters. If he looked carefully, he saw that it was not an ordinary ship, but a warship!

There were cruisers, destroyers, and even a few well-equipped speedboats, all flying the American Stars and Stripes, speeding towards Gu Nianzhi's cruise ship.

The person standing on the fastest speedboat was surprisingly Gu Nianzhi's professor, He Zhichu!

Yin Shixiong also saw it and asked eagerly: "Master Huo? What should we do?!"

While he was talking, the radar on the warship had discovered the fighter jet driven by Huo Shaoheng, and immediately responded with a missile lock.

Huo Shaoheng made a quick decision, pulled the steering column sharply, quickly turned the plane 180 degrees, flew back, and flew straight into the center of the hurricane!

As soon as they entered the center of the hurricane filled with thick fog and rolling fog, the US warship's missile lock failed because the thick clouds and heavy rainfall completely paralyzed the opponent's radar.

"Master Huo! Those people..." Yin Shixiong was so anxious that he forgot to feel dizzy.

The plane was jolted in the center of the hurricane like a wobbly patient, and the fuselage was dented in several places.

Huo Shaoheng said calmly: "He Zhichu should have come to save them."

He cannot let the U.S. military target him, let alone let them think that the Cuban military intends to provoke.

Yin Shixiong stopped talking, listened to the navigation attentively, and flew the fighter jet out of the center of the hurricane with Huo Shaoheng.

The men were stunned when they appeared on Cuban Air Force radar.

Did he really come back alive? !


A group of people rushed out, shouting and jumping, and lined up to welcome the MiG-35 fighter jets that were slowly landing.

Although the fuselage was riddled with holes, it finally came back from the center of the hurricane intact!

Gu Nianzhi watched helplessly as the plane flew back into the hurricane clouds.

She stood alone on the bow of the ship, staring only at the direction in which the plane disappeared. She didn't even notice that the cruise ship they were on was gradually sinking to the fourth floor.

The sea water covered her feet, and she felt nothing until someone came to her and picked her up, "... Nianzhi, are you okay?"

She was shocked and looked away, seeing that it was He Zhichu's pair of twinkling peach blossom eyes looking at her with concern.

Gu Nianzhi blinked, not yet recovering from the shock of seeing the plane.

"Nianzhi?" He Zhichu called out again, wiped the rain from her face, kissed her forehead, pressed her against his chest, patted her back, and murmured: "It's okay, don't be afraid, I'm here..."

Gu Nianzhi's mental state of being extremely nervous and disappointed finally broke like a bow string that was pulled too tightly.

Her body went limp and she fainted in He Zhichu's arms.

Zhao Liangze stood up with Wen Shouyi on his back and looked at He Zhichu, "Professor He, let's leave quickly. This ship is going to sink."

He Zhichu nodded, picked up Gu Nianzhi and turned around to get on the speedboat.

Because the cruise ship has basically sunk below the water, the small speedboat is basically level with the top of the cruise ship.

The speedboat carried them quickly towards the U.S. Navy warship.

Zhao Liangze squinted his eyes and asked, "Professor He, did you find the US Navy?"

He Zhichu's face was livid, he looked at Gu Nianzhi intently, and said without raising his head: "The matter is urgent, I have to ask them for a favor."

Zhao Liangze didn't expect him to be able to tell the truth in just one sentence, but he silently added to his evaluation of He Zhichu.

He pointed at Wen Shouyi, who was still fainting: "She helped Nian Zhi block a shot. We just bandaged her briefly. I'm afraid she will have to go to the operating room immediately for surgery when we get back."

He Zhichu then turned his attention to Wen Shouyi, glanced at it, then turned back and wiped the rainwater from Gu Nianzhi's hair.

There are ready-made operating rooms on U.S. Navy warships, as well as highly skilled military doctors.

The bullet in Wen Shouyi's left chest near his shoulder was quickly removed, and then put on a helicopter and flew to Washington, DC.

The unconscious Gu Nianzhi was carried onto the helicopter by Zhao Liangze, and they followed him back to Washington, DC.

He Zhichu did not approach her again and sat alone at the window indifferently.

Back in Washington, D.C., a helicopter flew them directly back to Ho's estate near the Pontimac River.

Zhao Liangze originally wanted to take Gu Nianzhi back to the apartment directly, but He Zhichu dissuaded him, "I already have a doctor on standby. You and Nianzhi should stay at my place for one night first, and make sure she is fine tomorrow before going back." "

Zhao Liangze was also worried that something was wrong with Gu Nianzhi. He was going to the hospital for a check-up anyway, so he nodded in agreement.

Wen Shouyi and Gu Nianzhi were placed in a room so that the doctor could place various testing equipment.

Zhao Liangze was worried and slept on the floor in front of Gu Nianzhi's hospital bed all night.

Early the next morning, he woke up and checked various instruments. He was relieved when he saw that Gu Nianzhi's instruments were all normal, with no fever or injury.

The maid of the He family came over and invited him to have breakfast.

Zhao Liangze went to the bathroom to wash up before following him out.

Not long after he left, He Zhichu came to this room.

After checking Gu Nianzhi's condition first, he breathed a sigh of relief when he found that she was fine.

He sat beside Gu Nianzhi's bed, silently watching her sleeping in trance.

He was still frightened when he thought about yesterday's scene.

Six or seven days ago, his father, Mr. He, suddenly fell seriously ill and sent a message asking him to go back.

He had no choice but to go and come back quickly. It would be no problem to come back before Gu Nianzhi's birthday.

Unexpectedly, after returning home, he found that his father's condition was more serious than he thought.

He was delayed for two more days.

Fortunately, Aunt Qin took care of his father, so he could return safely.

Thinking of Aunt Qin, he let out a long breath, looked down at Gu Nianzhi, and tucked her into bed.

As soon as he returned from his hometown, he rushed to the Caribbean. When he found that all communications on the Princess cruise ship were interrupted, he knew that something must have happened.

Now he no longer wanted to recall the mood he felt after receiving the news, that feeling of confusion, anxiety, regret and helplessness. Unexpectedly, six years later, he would experience it again.

Driven by this extreme emotion, He Zhichu used his highest-level connections to ask the U.S. Navy to borrow a warship to go to sea for rescue.

Fortunately, he arrived in time and did not cause greater disaster.

If he had come a minute late...

He Zhichu's face turned pale again when he thought of the corpses floating on the sea and the fighter jet that had sunk into the center of the hurricane.

"Professor He?" Wen Shouyi's voice sounded from the other side of the room.

He Zhichu looked back, stood up and walked over.

"Are you awake?" He put his hands in his trouser pockets and stood condescendingly in front of Wen Shouyi's bed, "How is your injury?"

His tone was so gentle and his greeting was so caring, Wen Shouyi was so excited that his whole body trembled.

She struggled to get up from her bed, "I'm much better, thank you Professor He, Mr. He..."


He Zhichu suddenly took action and slapped Wen Shouyi hard on the face.

The force of this slap was so great that Wen Shouyi rolled off his chest and fell to the ground. His head was knocked sideways and he was unable to right himself.

"You've become more successful!" He Zhichu squeezed out a sentence through his teeth, suddenly took out a pistol and pointed it at Wen Shouyi's temple, "You have forgotten what I said? I don't think you want to live. Got it!"

Gu Nianzhi's eyes widened and he was so surprised that Professor He, who had always been noble and elegant, showed a violent side.

She woke up when He Zhichu came in, but didn't want to open her eyes, so she kept pretending to be asleep.

It wasn't until she heard the slap that she opened her eyes, only to find that He Zhichu was pointing a gun at Wen Shouyi!

No matter what, Gu Nianzhi had to admit that Wen Shouyi had indeed saved her this time.

Although she was wearing a body armor, who knew where the pirate would hit

What if I hit her on the head

She didn't have a bulletproof helmet on her head.

Wen Shouyi stood in front of her and took the shot on her behalf.

She didn't know why He Zhichu wanted to beat and kill Wen Shouyi, but she knew she couldn't just sit idly by.

"Professor He..." Gu Nianzhi called out weakly, "What are you doing?"

He Zhichu raised his head and looked at her with his gleaming peach blossom eyes, which immediately softened.

"Professor He, Assistant Professor Wen saved my life, and I haven't thanked her properly yet." Gu Nianzhi slowly sat up.

He Zhichu retracted his pistol, walked over to the girl who was sitting next to Gu Nianzhi, held her shoulders, and said with concern: "Happy birthday. Nianzhi, I owe you a grand birthday."

Gu Nianzhi smiled and shook his head, "Professor He, you don't owe me. - I will never forget this birthday."

He Zhichu twitched his lips and continued to ask her: "How do you feel? Where do you feel uncomfortable? Are you hungry? Do you want to see a doctor for another check-up?"

His emotions were relaxed, and Gu Nianzhi shrank into the bed with some discomfort, "I'm fine, I don't feel uncomfortable anywhere, I'm just a little hungry." After saying that, he glanced at Wen Shouyi who was lying on the ground and felt that she was a little pitiful. , bit his lip, and said again: "Professor He, where are Senior Brother Huang and the others?"

He Zhichu had already known from Zhao Liangze that Gu Nianzhi was interceding for Wen Shouyi.

He touched her head and sighed, "Xiao Huang and the others have been found, nothing happened. You go and wash up, I'll have someone prepare food and send it over."

Gu Nianzhi smiled, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Wen Shouyi got up from the ground with difficulty, and He Zhichu walked past her calmly without looking at her.


This is the second update of 4,000 words, including additional updates with a monthly pass of 4,900.

Dear friends, forget about monthly tickets and recommendation tickets! mwah!

PS: Congratulations to the Chinese women's volleyball team for regaining the Olympic gold medal after 12 years! ! !

O(∩_∩)O~. (To be continued.)