Hello, Mr. Major General

Chapter 190: End it with him


Jiang Hongcha turned around and frowned, "Why are you asking me for my phone number?"

"Verify your identity." Gu Nianzhi said with a half-smile, "You said you are Jiang Hongcha, but I don't know Jiang Hongcha, so I have to prove it? Do you understand?"

"Do you think I'm pretending?" Jiang Hongcha looked at the sky speechlessly and read out a series of numbers.

Gu Nianzhi entered it into his mobile phone.

Almost instantly, Jiang Hongcha's cell phone rang.

Gu Nianzhi smiled with crooked eyebrows, "It's really Miss Jiang's call."

Jiang Hongcha felt that her smile was really dazzling, and couldn't help but take out the VCA cross-flower necklace that had been prepared in the Hermès platinum bag, "This is the birthday gift Xia Wen prepared for you. It's your eighteenth birthday, and I happened to be sick. Xia Wen wants to accompany me to the hospital, so he can't come. I hope you can forgive us."

Gu Nianzhi no longer cared, but now she felt her face was burning. She pushed Jiang Hongcha's hand away, "No need. You don't need to stimulate me anymore, it's useless."

"It's really useless?" Jiang Hongcha saw that Gu Nianzhi's expression finally changed and she felt very happy. She smiled and opened the box, "Look, is it the same model as the five-flower necklace you had last time? By the way, I picked out that necklace and roses for you. Of course, Xia Wen paid for them."

Gu Nianzhi nodded expressionlessly, "I understand, is there anything else?"

At first, she was doubtful about Jiang Hongcha's words, but now that she saw the VCA ten-flower necklace Jiang Hongcha took out, she was at least seven points convinced.

But she didn't want Jiang Hongcha to be proud, so she didn't say anything special.

Jiang Hongcha shook her head regretfully, "Of course there are other things..." She put her hand on her belly, lowered her eyes and looked up, then raised her head and smiled sweetly, "But now I don't think it's necessary to say it. Since If you don’t love him, then stop hanging on to him.”

"Am I hanging on him?" Gu Nianzhi asked in surprise, "When did I hang on to him? You have already said that I am not his girlfriend. He has the right to pursue others and sleep with others. You are already with him. Now he accuses me of hanging him up, shouldn’t the double standards be too serious, right?”

Jiang Hongcha was so choked by Gu Nianzhi that her face turned red. She kept saying over and over, "You don't love him and you still want him to wait for you. Aren't you hanging him?"

Gu Nianzhi's brows furrowed into sharp points, "It's so funny. Both of you said that I don't love him. You're not me, so how do you know that I don't love him?"

She was touched by Mei Xiawen. Mei Xiawen took care of her in school, pursued her after graduation, and when she came to the United States and was injured in a fight with Xin Xinggao, but she was still attracted by He When she first ran out of the big house in Boston and her soles were blistered all the way, it was Mei Xiawen who appeared in front of her and carried her back to the apartment.

So many emotions came together to make her agree to the half-year appointment.

She tried very hard to see if she could develop a relationship with Mei Xiawen.

But first Ai Weinan and then Jiang Hongcha said that she didn't love Mei Xiawen at all.

What is love

Gu Nianzhi was deeply confused.

"You love him? If you love him, you will know that he is sleeping with someone else and still remain calm and indifferent?" Jiang Hongcha sneered, his eyebrows almost rising into a line, "Ask yourself, have you ever been worried about him? You can't see it Will he miss him so much that he can't sleep? You haven't contacted him for almost two months, and you still say you love him?! - I really don't know what's so good about you!"

Ginger Black Tea was also anxious.

Mei Xiawen just refused to let go and break off the relationship with Gu Nianzhi, and still thought about the half-year appointment.

Seeing that the six-month appointment was coming, and Gu Nianzhi was about to return to China, Jiang Hongcha couldn't sit still.

She had to admit that she probably overestimated her own charm and underestimated Gu Nianzhi's attraction to Mei Xiawen.

Mei Xiawen went to bed with her, but never entered into any formal relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, let alone getting engaged and married.

And after looking around, she found that Mei Xiawen was the best. He was the most suitable person for her in every aspect, and he was also her first love. She didn't want to let him go anymore.

Gu Nianzhi was stunned and suddenly speechless.

"I don't have anything good." After a while, she lowered her eyes and said coldly: "If you want to play tricks, look for Mei Xiawen, not me. I don't have time to play games with you. - Farewell."

Gu Nianzhi called the waiter to pay the bill and left first.

When she stood in the elevator, she stared blankly at the rising elevator floor, thinking about what Jiang Hongcha just said.

When Ai Weinan pestered Mei Xiawen before, Mei Xiawen did a good job, and Gu Nianzhi was very relieved about Mei Xiawen's performance in this regard.

But now this ginger black tea, because of the preconceived impression of the "Black Tea Sky" on Weibo, Gu Nianzhi always feels that ginger black tea is different from Aiweinan.

She's not sure now either.

As for what Jiang Hongcha said about whether she loved him or not, she sounded even more frightened and even felt a little guilty.

Yes, she did not have those feelings for Mei Xiawen.

But there was one person she felt those feelings about…

When she saw him smiling at others, she felt like the sky was falling. She was so angry that she wanted to take revenge on society.

When she couldn't see him, she was not only worried but also thoughtless about food and drinks.

When walking on the road, if you see a similar figure, you will stare at it silently for a long time.

If she found out he was sleeping with someone else...

Orz... Gu Nianzhi was shaky, took a deep breath, and held on to the railing in the elevator. Not only was it difficult to breathe, but his heart was about to stop beating.

No, she couldn't think about it anymore.

Stop it, stop it, she will commit a crime if she continues to think about it...

Back in the apartment, Gu Nianzhi had been listless, and he didn't chatter like usual while eating.

Zhao Liangze was a little uncomfortable and glanced at her several times, "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

The little girl Gu Nianzhi is the most well-behaved only when she is sick and in front of Mr. Huo. They have known this for a long time.

Gu Nianzhi shook his head, "No. I feel very comfortable."

Zhao Liangze: "..."

He pulled up a chair and sat next to Gu Nianzhi. He propped his head and looked at her, "Quick, tell Brother Ozawa, what happened?"

"Is it so obvious?" Gu Nianzhi put down the bowl and chopsticks and wiped his face.

"You're about to have the words 'I'm annoyed' written on your face." Zhao Liangze tweaked her ears, "Is there anything you can't solve?"

"That's right." Gu Nianzhi thought for a while, told her about her encounter with Jiang Hongcha today, and then gave Jiang Hongcha's mobile phone number to Zhao Liangze, "Brother Ozawa, check it for me to see if she Was that recording really deleted?"

Zhao Liangze was furious and slapped the table, "This is so unreasonable! How dare you record secretly! Who does she think she is? The CIA of the United States?!"

He returned to his room, opened his own software to connect to the Internet, and quickly found Jiang Hongcha's mobile phone, and went in to look around.

The recording was indeed deleted, as was the cloud backup.

However, Zhao Liangze saw some eye-catching photos in Jiang Hongcha’s cloud backup account...

"Damn it! Mei Xiawen, you are so good!" Zhao Liangze browsed the photos one by one and became extremely angry, "How dare you secretly cheat on Nianzhi?!"

He walked out of his bedroom angrily, came to Gu Nianzhi's room, and asked her, "What is your relationship with Mei Xiawen?"

"Classmate relationship." Gu Nianzhi was arranging his clothes in front of the closet, "Friend relationship, nothing more."

"Isn't he your boyfriend?"

"Of course not." Gu Nianzhi smiled bitterly, picked up a dress and shook it. Now she understood why she hesitated in front of Mei Xiawen.

It turns out that she doesn't love him, it turns out that there really is someone in her heart, and before she even understood it, her feelings for that person had already deteriorated.

But in front of Zhao Liangze, she couldn't say anything.

Zhao Liangze stroked his chin with one hand and frowned at Gu Nianzhi for a long time, "Is he really not your boyfriend? Nianzhi, don't be afraid. If that guy Mei Xiawen is sorry for you, I will help you vent your anger! There are also Nobita and Huo few!"

Gu Nianzhi's hand loosened and the dress almost fell to the ground.

She hugged the dress with her hands in a panic, and said without looking back: "He is really not my boyfriend. And now that I know about him and Jiang Hongcha, I won't have any ideas."

"Then do you like him?" Zhao Liangze walked up to her, pulled her shoulders and turned her around, "Tell me honestly whether you like him or not. If you like him, I will break his legs. I have to drag him back to you too!"

Gu Nianzhi couldn't help but chuckle, "Brother Ozawa, you've never been in love, how do you know these things?"

"Tch! I've never seen a pig walk or eaten pork! How come these things are so hard for me, the hacker king?!" Zhao Liangze's handsome face showed a proud look, which was very charming.

Gu Nianzhi looked at him, but she only felt warm and cozy like a big brother, which was completely different from the feeling of warmth on his face and heartbeat when she thought of Huo Shaoheng.

She closed her eyes, leaned against the closet door, and whispered: "I really don't like him, it's time to break up with him."

"Didn't you give him half a year? If he doesn't change his mind within half a year, will you stay with him?" Zhao Liangze remembered clearly, "What if he changes his mind within half a year?"

"He has changed his mind, so of course this matter doesn't count. I didn't promise to be with him." Gu Nianzhi shook his head, "Besides, I don't love him either, so why force ourselves to be together?"

In Gu Nianzhi's opinion, this matter couldn't be simpler.

Both of them have no heart, so they naturally break up immediately.

Gu Nianzhi couldn't sleep at night, tossing and turning in bed thinking about something.

Finally understanding her feelings, she was not overjoyed, but terrified and in pain.

Does Mr. Huo already have a girlfriend

Can she still like him secretly

If Mr. Huo knew her little thoughts, would he teach her a lesson

Suddenly I remembered that he had been so alienated from her in the past six months. Could it be that... he had penetrated into her ulterior and dark psychology? !

Gu Nianzhi suddenly covered his head with the quilt and let out a low cry. —If it’s true, she doesn’t want to live anymore…

She has no shame to see him again, so let her lead the dog quietly...

Gu Nianzhi didn't sleep that night, and when he woke up the next morning, his eyes were blue and purple.

Zhao Liangze looked at her face and said, "What's wrong? Did you go out to steal chickens last night?"

"You just went out to steal chickens." Gu Nianzhi quarreled with him, "I studied all night, can't I?"

"Okay, our genius girl also has to study all night, how can you let others live?" Zhao Liangze chuckled, peeled a hard-boiled egg for her and put it in a bowl, "Christmas is coming soon, are we going back? "

"Yeah." Gu Nianzhi lowered his head to drink his porridge, "There is a holiday here on Christmas Eve, so we can leave the United States one day early."

That is to say, if you leave the United States on December 23, you can return to the Chinese Empire on December 24.

Her internship for the past six months is over.

He Zhichu has returned to University B in the capital of the Chinese Empire to prepare for the start of the next semester. He has bought plane tickets for her and Senior Brother Huang to return home.

Gu Nianzhi's ticket was to go back to City C, while Senior Brother Huang was going back to the Imperial Capital, which was not the same way.

"Great, I'm finally going back. The food here has made my appetite worse." Zhao Liangze shook his head, hummed, and happily cleared away the dishes.

Gu Nianzhi hesitated for a while and then asked: "Brother Ozawa, has Mr. Huo returned from the mission?"

"Not yet." Zhao Liangze shook his head as he wiped the dishes. "Neither Daxiong nor I have contacted him. But I heard that it will be soon. In two months, he should go back around the 17th or 18th."

Gu Nianzhi breathed a sigh of relief, but then another breath filled his chest.

Silently carrying her backpack, she left her apartment and walked toward Parliament Hill.

On the way, she called Mei Xiawen.

"Nianzhi?! It's really you?! How are you doing lately?" Mei Xiawen was so happy that Gu Nianzhi finally couldn't help it anymore... The pride in his heart almost overflowed.

Gu Nianzhi smiled bitterly and whispered: "Monitor, I'm fine, how about you?"

"Monitor? Why do you still call me monitor?" Mei Xiawen didn't want to, "What did I say? In ten days, you will be my girlfriend!"

Gu Nianzhi: "..."

She took a deep breath, switched the phone from her right hand to her left hand, coughed, and said: "Monitor, I think it's better for us to be friends. We are not suitable to be lovers."

"What did you say?!" Mei Xiawen was stunned for a moment. He couldn't believe his ears. He couldn't help but look at his phone and was sure it was Nianzhi's number. "Are you really Nianzhi?"

"Yes." Gu Nianzhi stopped, stood at the steps of the Capitol Building, turned sideways, and continued: "I said before, give us half a year. If you still want to be with me within this half year, We can give it a try.”

"I really want to be with you! Do you want to break your promise?" Mei Xiawen's heart was pounding, and she couldn't describe her feelings.

He didn't have the unforgettable love for Gu Nianzhi that he had with Jiang Hongcha, but he always knew that Gu Nianzhi was more suitable to be his wife than Jiang Hongcha.


This is the second and third update of two updates in one, including additional updates with a monthly pass of 5200.

It's the end of the month. Please vote for the Major General with your monthly votes and recommendation votes!

O(∩_∩)O~. (To be continued.)